California State University, San Bernardino CSUSB ScholarWorks Black Voice News Special Collections & University Archives 9-9-1982 Vol.10 n.33 September 9th 1982 CSUSB Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/blackvoice Recommended Citation CSUSB, "Vol.10 n.33 September 9th 1982" (1982). Black Voice News. 100. https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/blackvoice/100 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Collections & University Archives at CSUSB ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Black Voice News by an authorized administrator of CSUSB ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. September is National A Salute To Sickle Cell Sickle Cell Month BAPAC Holds Riverside Mourns ' Mcclanahan- Powell Reports on Sickle Cell Dinner Bradley .. Thornton Reunion Passing of 'IhisWooklnside.. Chisolm Luncheon September 25, 1982 Fund raiser Mrs. ·McKamey . • MEMBER OF THE WEST COAST PVBLISHERS ASSOCIATION An Adjudicated Newspaper of General Circulation by the BULK RATE US POSTAGE Superior court of Riversicle PAID County • case No. 108890 San Bernardino, CA Perm,! No. 1869 v_o_L._1_0_N· _o_. 3_3 _· ---�-P._.o_._no_�_158._ri.,_RWERS_�:m-�_CA_9'2._502_�:---Phone__(71 _ 4J_B2_�__ --:•-T _H_uR_s_o_A_Y_,s_E_PT_ E_M_BE. _R _ 9_ ,_1 _9s___.2I, .:..I� Sawyer Named New Sickle Cell Director Marcia R. Sawyer has been graduate of Peabody High Sawyer has had extensive Bernardino Valley College. named the new executive Dir­ School. She received her B.A. administrative experience work­ ector of the Sickle Cell Organiz­ degree magna cum laude in ing with community • based Sawyer's goal is to have the ation of the Inland Counties. Her History and English from And­ p?ograms in New York and Sickle Cell Organization reach appointment was announced re­ erson College, Anderson, Ind­ Chicago for the past 6 years. Her the same level of visibility and cently by Dr. Horace Stevens, iana and a master's degree in last position was working at the receive the same amount of President of the Board Of American History from Indiana Newberry library coordinating public support enjoyed by other Directors of the Sickle Cell University, Bloomington, Indi­ an inner city educational pro· hearth organizations such as the Organization. ana. She is currently a doctorial gram which was a history American Heart and Lung soc­ candidate in American History program inspired by ''Roots." iety, and American Cancer Soc­ Mrs. Sawyer , born in Pitts­ at Northwestern University, She will this year teach iety in Riverside and in San burg, Pennsylvania she is a Evanston, Illinois. Afro-American History at San Bernardino counties. Sickle Cell Poster Child Named National Poster Child t e e e e e e The Sickle Cell Organization a 9:00 a.m. wh n Mayor Ab Sept mb r as National Sickl Sickl Cell annual dinn r on e e t t e t e e er e t of the Inland Counties is proud Brown pr s n s h organiza ion C ll Month. Sh and h par n s September 25th at March Air t r e e e t t to announce that their local wi h a proclamation ma king will also b sp cial gu s s a the Force Base Officer s' Club. poster child, Lanette Butler , has been selected as National Sickle Cell Poster Child by the Nation­ al Association for Sickle Cell Disease tn Los Angeles. Lanette, 6, the daughter of Rev. & Mrs. De Wayne of Rubidoux, had been chosen as inland counties poster child in May and her name submitted in competition for the national honor in July. Dr. Horace C. Stevens, Sickle Cell Organization board presid· ent, said, 'We are very pleased and honored that our poster child�ould win over a nation­ wide field of competitors. We feel she is truly worthy of the honor." Marcia R. Sawyer Lanette will represent both organizations at official funct­ ions during the next 12 months. The national honor possibly includes a trip to the White House to meet President Ronald Reagan. Lanette will be a special guest at Riverside City Hall on Wednesday, September 8, 1982 ¥0TE LANETTE BUTLER, 6, of Rubidoux has been given Poster Child. Riverside Is proud of Lanette! the honor of being selected for the National Sickle Cell Elihu M. Harris Maxine Waters Assemblyman Assemblywoman Natural Gas Policy Act, passed by Congress in 1978 and te red by the G as C 0: C aII S F r :�:::� Federal Energy Regulatory Com- � , State Officials-S por(s Stars to attend Co D gress10 nal Act10 D In his presentation, Wood asked Congress to urge the FERC to more carefully review proposed rate increases by gas producers and te e • O t em R•I S Ing• G a S in rstate pip lines. At present, the BAPAC Affair for Bradley T S FERC t • almos automatically allows the increases to take . effe t, des ite repeated calls e Pn ces � � by th gas company for The Riverside Chapter of land and Author of the Martin There will be a poolside buffet P hc heanngs before e �� such in�r ases become e ffective. B.A.P .A.C. will be sponsoring a Luther King Holiday Bill, Ass­ supper with a fashion show and "The rapid and massive increases in natural gas prices Prices are being paid that make no economic sense," _ · Fund-Raiser for Tom Bradley at emblywoman Max,ine Waters entertainment throughout the experienced by distributioncompanies such as Southern Wood satd. • . the home o f Mrs. Rose 01 iver , from Los Angeles, Councilman evening. This is a gala affair that C al·fI omta · G as Co. m· recent mant h s now th reaten th e "I nd us t na· I, uti1 tty and commercial gas us ers are aban, . ' · • . 150 Mast ers Av enue, 81vers1d e, David Cunningham, BA.P.A.C., your don't want to miss. economic· weII · be mg· o f ... our consumers," sai d wi II is B. d onmg· c I ean-b urning, domestic natural gas for less CA from 6:00 to 10:00 p.m., on Souther n Area Representative, Wood, gas companY,senior vice president, in Washing- expensive, more polluting importedoiL and the residen• Saturday, Septembe Brother Eugene Wheeler, Bask- For tickets please contact Dr . ton, D.C. tial gas users of America .. are being forced to bear the r 11, 1982. Wood, testifying before a subcommittee of the House brunt of this exorbitant rate of increase," he said. The celebrities that will be in etball Star , Jamal Wilks of .the L. Benjamin Livingston, 682- Committee on Energy and Commerce, warned the Wood explained that as industrial customers stop attendance will be Mr. Elihu M. Lakers and Bill Walden of the 4005, Louise Haselrig, 682-2855, lawmakers that southern California consumers could burning natural gas, "more and more of the fixed Harris, Assemblyman from Oak- San Diego spurs. Rose Oliver at 684-7765. face additional steep increases in gas costs if Congress transmission and distributioncosts of deliveringnatur al - ----------------------------------­ . does not act soon to modify the federal law governing gas to homes will be shifted to residential customers." natural gas prices. "We do not believe that the natural gas industry can ARE YOU LOOKING e lawmake re e e e e e t t Th rs a xamining th ff cts of curr n gas work ou these problems in time. There are too many FOR CHILD CARE? = = 4.£ G r t e competing e � = - pricing egulations on he nation's conomy. inter sts at stake," he said. "Congress must PROORAMS FOR THE Give to the SouthernCalifornia Gas Co. is the largest distributor of pass legislation which establishes the necessary mech­ ELDERLY? TRANSP­ natural gas in the United States. The firm servessom e 3.8 anisms for the marketplace to determine the commodity ORTATION? THINGS million customers in a service area of 23,000 square value of natural gas." Sickle Cell Organization TO DO? HELPiine CAN miles with a population of more than 12 million. The NGPA has reached its numbe e r on goal, which HELP YOU FIND IT. Wood pointed out that the local utility was granted a was to stimulate gas producers to increase exploration �--------' Call 686-H-E-L P week- Actress Gail Fisher, who rate increase of e e and drilling t e - $805 million in ApriL to d fray pric o av rtgas shortages feared in the mid to late played "Peggy" on the incre e e e e e days for information · Or as s from its pip lin suppli rs. Th gas company 1970s, Wood said. But it has also caused gas prices to go CBS-TV series, Mannix, "O A United Way Agency e 686-HELP any time if will lik ly be forced to seek a similar increase in Sept· up leaps and bounds instead of the smooth, gradual you is one of Hollywood's finest pool players. :G ember. The increases are entirely due to the effects of the ascent planned by the law. have� problem. PAGE 2 VOICE NEWS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1982 and Folsey Street in San · Odessa Bragg is the {_ Religious CommunityNew s Bernardino. chairperson for the event. .. Gertrude Whetzel Day Allen CliapelI Gospel Planned .A.M.E. X-pressions program. The Pastor and memb­ "The public is invited ers of Allen Chapel San Church News� to share this time for a · Bernardino are proud to person who has given so �nnounce that Sunday, Riverside much to our church as· September 12, 1982 has well as the commun'ity," .
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