*K***a*JBHi • BtmiSn n * • If JWJI ■ -J r r ■ - v't Texas, Texas Quittian, Aggies -r Battalion May Drop Dallas Top Southwest Grid Statistics As Annual Site Texas and T«x*» Ckristian dWid- PORT tca» honon in the Southweit For TT-OU Game Ccnferanc* .UtUtic rakesed by the loop’* paaaer* in percentage of Jenuo Stewart, Executiea Secre­ coir,, letioi> conntcting so IS of Pig* I hh 18 tome* for a pt-nomenal .711 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15,1947 DALLAS, Tax, Oct. II <AP)- tary of tbe league'*, showed t.xiay, Th* average. Texas' Bobby Layne led diacusaion over whether at but player* from Texa* AAM hoK- in number of completion* mid was not Texas scored a legal touch­ ged much of the iodividaal glory. ■•cond la percentages with 26 * VW:E TICKETS FOB WINNER ... down in that wild aacoad period The longhorn, led the loop in against Oklahoma here Saturday total ajhift. tasking op 1 ballaeyws on B heaves far 481 irda and a Ail average. Stan 7 waa oeanhadownd today hy a mow* h» four ■ana. while the Christian* 5oltmif, who win shoulder much Contest for Arm-Chair Quarterbacks launched at the University of Okla- their opponent* to Ml of the Aggie* peaauw load smee jhoma to take the annual game contest* to lead in the departure of.Guhioi.. waa away from Dallas. •eeond to Laytts in number of The eontestant who comes close*t to calling the exact Dr. Georg* L Cross, president Aggie gridden led in percentage completion* and total yards gained scores Hated below will be awarded two reserve seats to of Oklahoma University, said he of pass completion*, punting, punt hitting 21 time* but of 48 chunk* the Texas AAM-Baylor football game on October 25 at favored playing the game on a home-an-nom* baais, a similar l|tum* and were fourth in ground for t77 yard*. \ , College Station. ffining. Jim Cashion, who bowed statement to one he made before Arkanaaa’ Ken Holland, current­ This contest will be run woekiy in the Battalion dur­ Iftst week's j ly *uieUned with injuries, lead* the Expected to boo week* game, topped ing football season in cooperation with the Quarterback ■University of Texas off Mila, league'* ball carrier* with a net la Batarday'i fame [however, had declared they oppoe- of 263 yards gained on 29 came* Club. The winner will receive his tickets at the regular i* Bar! Baty. Aggie 1 meeting of the Quarterback Club on Thursday night. led such a move and Athletic Direc­ quarterback who bai tor D. X. Bible said Texas would The Largest Electrical to the aeem play some team in Dallas, whether •core ( aahioa sol wl Appliance Stare la it be Oklahoma or another top ra. TCU . | college. Bryan— * conference. Ed Dueek of AAM is Ml don't see how wo can go third in yard* per carry with an bae^U^ Dallas now," Dr. Cross s w " aak .* •tjf A.»» ^ ^ - i average of 7J on WVmifB, \\. aripi m ipg,lvs. ArkansM Come in and am as for large t 2 SWC Came*, One ■rafernng to bottle.throwl "I f •« —Iff P—ly Citowkn G—ilw Uollmtg tent the conference 1vs. HMD___ Ing, fighting aim other disorder* punter* who have kiekad five er during Ml "Rasuse it, please--hut 1*11 •eeseftytaa sat lime more times gitfi a 45.1 average on 1 An Oklahoma student peUtloti] •upbedy efers me Dentyae Ckewies Gum I Kile Rob (inode of the vs. Ttx. Ttch Interoectioi 14 hick*, wh to Uk# the gome out of Danas had I Tlat slesa-Usting, leag-lastiae Saver is eut *1 Aggie* leade the circuit in punt leat mm ---- ----------------- sum* iijUOO names and th*H tlgMeerid, sad Deatyna sure help* keep teeth return* with an average of tt.t Be Aired Saturday association will taka an ■ fwthl Oaokera, Ooffag on four returns. Jonn .^Hoom » P.O. Box stand on the matter at a meetiwl Dentyae Gem—Made Oaly hy Adame Doah Walker of EMI' kada In An ths Southwest Confsr- Nov, 1. Vaken ., * 4 scoring with 44 oolnU with (HUnry The Toxae-Oklakomn gam* al of Tcxa* •eeond al Id and Goode •ncs rscs builds up full xtsAm, way* has boon ono nf the best marl many uaefula ami Clay of Teas* tied for third Humble ON A Refhidry Com­ key-makers in tho southwest, For] with 10 imintd adfe! , Aggies' Jim Winkler Comments pany this Ssturdny] brings Instance, this year's gome pa<| vmm m radio liatenor* thiwe till* between ltl.4(>4 07 to each at the echooli Jkrfa'ufo APPLIANCES. Inc. conference contendere pin* the aln 11* intersection*! match, The three prinrlpnl reltgitone of On Frog-Cadet Clash Saturday KVANI . DMills FIGHT 88th A Waahtagtoa Mta. the PhiltpytsMa re R omaa Al 2:18 p.m. the AAM-TO! AUBTIN, OeL 16-(API Beni Phene f-itss CaibolkUm, Proteetantlsm and JIM WINK LIB broadcast *111 he heard from Frans and Johnny Dabh* of Age- Sidhammedani*m. Rd. Net*'. Plenty ghod at mah- Ti l Btodtsm. with Charlie Jor­ tin were schethiled to slug It out I I* the one big Pet* Stout will wear here in a couple of weeks for the CAFETERIA lag new., uteri la* tackle Jim for the Frogs Saturday. It was dan on play-by-play *ml Jerry Winkler U aleo not a hod hind Dogfett on the color aeelgnmeat. right to meet Texaa welterweight | Stout who carriod tho brunt of champion Bert Llnam. at raportiag it ellheieither. Here's the the FrofL attack when they sloshed The gam* will he heard over ties' meet- •tationa WRK, Dsllaa; KFJZ. Evana, former Oklahoma welter­ WELCOME AGGIES IX’ to their victory against Miami weight tltllst, earned the right to| Batarday la last week. Lindy Berry is another Fort Wartk; KKBC. Abilene; srSrA* meet Dabbs with a 10-round de­ FEATURING DISHES OF CMttto- Fort Worth. op and coming lad for the Frogs KB8T, Big Spring; KCKM, Mid­ who operates from the vital Tail­ land; KGKL, San Angelo; cision over Tony Chaves here last INTERNATIONAL FAME night. With an eye to a brighter future back position on the Meyer version KOSA, Odessa; KIl N, I'ecoe; KROD. El Paso; WAC O Waco; and the best In— CAMPUS SANDWICH SHOP the Texas Aggies travel to Port of the double and tingle wing*. About 80 per cent of U. S. pro-1 Worth Friday to meet the Texas Coach Norton was well pelasod KTEM. Temple; KNOW. Austia; SOUTHERN AMERICAN COOKERY KABC. San Anteaia; KXYZ. ductive forests do not contain Ingredients fresh and seasoned right and clean Christian Homed Frogs Saturday with the showing of his Aggies more than half as many tree* as ] afternoon at 2.30. The Aggies, last week against LSU, but admits Houston; K G V L, Greenville; made—will explain why friends who buy hamburgers KRRV, Sherman; KPLT, Paris; they could support. J here always come back again. thirty five strong, will leave Fri it would have been better if the day mottling ot 9:60 aiul will ar score had remained 13-12. His KCMC, Texarkana; K F RO. *P ' . > ^ rive in time to take the usual boys received a jolt when they Longview; KMHT, Marshal; . BACK OF LEGGETT HALL pre-game loosening-up drill. The learned that the quarterback was KRBA. l.ufkin; WTAW, College Station; KFDM, Beaimont; and j..*.— Geo. B. (Pop) Shaw, Prop. squad is in top form except James out for six weeks with a broken L E T A N . Cashion, out for stx weeks with a ankle, but the Aggies immediately KS8T, Sulphur Springs broken ankle, George Kadera, who set to work preparing for TCU. Texas U. and Arkansas meet in JACK’S PASTRY SHOP is still favoring a bad ankle, and Not as much contact work is on Memphis, with the broadcast sched­ Aggie Student Bobby Goff, out with a bad kindey. tap this week, with the Aggie* uled to go on the sir at 11:60 p.m. , After two straight last half brushing up on pass defense and from Crump Stadium. Ves Box 1 FULL LINE OF *■ t» > p Starting Lighting Ignition sotbarks the Aggies are anxious a defense against T. C. U. spread. will describe the game, with Fred SERVICE YOUR 11 U> get bock in the win column. T. Kincaid handling color. Stations CAR . ^ Specialixed Service on C. U. “has always been an Aggie KRLD, Dallas; KTRH, Houston; .mbiinf block and are picked by ^TAW to Air Game KTSA, San Antonio; KlfBC. Aus­ 1 CAKES . STARTERS' — GENERATORS — MAGNETOS some to turn the trick again this tin; KGNC, Amarillo; aed KGBS, GAS - f | i 1 year. It was in '44 that a mediocre vh BATTERIES — CARBURETORS — TUNE UP Of Fish Frogs Harlingen, will carry' the broad­ OIL T. C. U. team upset the Aggie* on cast 1 I M i ; |j ; 1 ‘ 1 Kyle Field; again in '46 the Frogs Station WTAW received permis­ EXPERT GREASING Kern Tips, play-by-play man, AND ' eked out a one ■point victory aided sion to broadcast the play by play and Alec Chesser, color announcer, WASHING - 1 ^ j Bruner Battery & Electric Co. by several Aggie fumbles *t cru­ description of the AAM Fish ver­ will be heard from Ownbv Stadium WAXING A 1 cial points. Last year AAM won sus the TCU Polywog* game, to­ in Dallas, describing the Rice-SMU POLISHING 14-0. night at 7:60 pjn. from Ft. Warth. - — * 113 East 28th'Street — Bryan . a.. The **ld Dutchman* Leo Meyer, game. .The broadcast* scheduled at Using Parts From Original Equipment Manufacturers Dick Gootlieh and Milt Frenkle 1:60 p.m., will be heard over sta­ • 1 PASTRIES i* a much respected individual in will be on hand to give both a tions WFAA-WBAP (820 kc), Dal- STOP ,AT THE Southwest Football circles and play by play account of the game las-Ft Worth; WOAI, San Antonio; anything ran happen when he sends from Farrington Field and the col­ KPRC, Houston; KRIS, Corpus GULF STATION his Homed Frogs out on a Satur­ or and excitement o fthe content Chrieti; and KVAL Brownsville.
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