V' \, ' THE HILLSIDE TIM e!s, FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1927 double feature bill, Corinne Griffith TRANSIT COMMITTEE Julius C. Ritonnale in “ Lady in Ermine,!’ and H. C. Wit- CVCoLOCy SEZ: HILLSIDE THEATR WILL MAKE SURVEY wer’s comedy, “ Her Father. Said No?” VIOLIN TUTOR HOLLYWOOD A T LONG AVENUE with Marv Brian and A1 Cooke.______I --------7 W hite St. 4GontUuiA<L JCfoni XJmA from the tubest0 Arlington, a route Phan# Humboldt .3045 Saturday— May IT- which passes through fou r communi­ TO ALL HOLDERS OF ties and three counties for a single JACKIE COOG five cent fare. SECOND LIBERTY LOAN BONDS P. S. Raised Fare JOHNNY GET YCVR HAIR CUT” The general opinion o f .the com­ NOTICE OF REDEMPTION Comedy Fables News mittee was that Hillside got along W eek Beginning This Mon. Night Sunday and Monday— May lj> and 16 SPECIAL! 2 D A Y S! quite well while the independents AD outstanding Second Liberty Loan 4 Return Engagement of the per cent bonds of 1927-42 (Second 4*b) Farce Success were operating here, but as soon as and all outstanding Second Liberty Loan CRADLE WALLACE BEERY in the Public Service took over the bus­ Converted 4 ^ per cent bonds of 1927-42 Keep the lawn in trim (Second 4^4's) are called for redemption SNATCHERS es, transportation immediately be­ on November 15, 1927, pursuant to the terms of their iasue. Interest on all With MARY BOLAND anil —it gives the house a “ CASEY A T THE BAT” came more expensive. When the New York Cast Intact SUeond 4’a and Second 4 *4’• will cease on Comedy News Cartoon Public Service was seeking the ap­ said redemption date, November 16, 1927. Bkfg; 5KI5.,.TTetLr-Satr- reputation In the neigh­ proval of the township to the trans­ Holders of - Second 4*a and Second Me to $1.56 4%**1/ will be entitled 4to1m tiav.have |Rthea Rbondsah^a borhood. Our lawn ac­ IT ALL DEPENDS-ON Tuesday—May 17 DOUBLE FEATURE BILL! fer of the buses to the Public Service redeemed and paid at par on November Week May 23— was the time to have made a stren­ 16, 1927. , Suoh holders may, however, “ON A P P R O V A L ’’ - WHAXS-lbrYOUfc TOP Edmund Lowe and Lila Leo »n“ ONE INCREASING PU RPOSE” in advance of November 16, 1927. be cessories give this hard­ uous protest, one member of the offered the privilege of exchanging all or STORY THAT GOVERNS Also committee pointed out, bbt just why part of tneir bonds for other intereat- ware store a standing in X.OUR R\SJzJTOJHEWT0P4 bearing obligations of the Unitad States. Johnny Walker; and “ Silverstreak” in “ THE SNARL OF H A TE ” this was not done was not explained. Holders who desire to avail themselves the community. Lawn Comedy Another question arose as to what of the exchange privilege, if and when Your home should be elec­ announced, should request their bank or QUESTIONS and right the Public Service had to dis­ trait . company to notify than when mowers and garden hose trical from the basement to the Wednesday— May 18 information regarding the exchange offer- — top story. We serve with ex ­ continue the Kearny trolley service, Answers Francis McDonald in “ THE DESERT’S TOLL” inf is recelvivcd, — will you call. perienced sense but charge which is undoubtedly contrary to the Farther information may be obtained Do moths liko rugs? Serial Comedy from any Federal Reserve Bank or branch, moderately. Buy your electric provisions of its franchise, without I’ll Tell the World! aids of electricians who see to or from the Commissioner of the Public Are they -particular about the consent of the Township of Hill­ Debt, Treasury Department* Washington. it that you get satisfaction- Thurs. and Fri.— May 11* and 20 BIG-DOUBLE FEATURE BILL! side. The township, so far as is quality? Nope. They'll chew up A. W. M ELLO N , Corinne Griffith in “ THE LADY IN ERMINE” known, has never received an official a domestic rug or an Oriental Secretary of the Treaaory. rug just as quickly. Also— H. e. Witwer’. Comedy “HER FATHER SAID NO” notice that the Public Service in­ W m . A. Bahret . 1b it too toon to store rugs? With Mary Brian and A1 Cooke tended to discontinue this service, Washington, May 9, 1927. 240 HOLLYWOOD AVENUE Not if the moths would tell the Emerson 2876 no rhas there been any hearing be­ truth! Comedy fore the Board o f Public Utilities Who Stores rugs? Jancovius. Member of Union County Elec­ Commissioners. Clean ’em too? Yes, if you- trical League The upshot of the whole matter is want them to. 'that the township will notify the What’s the logical thing to It Pays To Advartisa Board of Public Utility Commission­ SEE do then? Call up Jancovius to In R ad The T im /^ ?or News send for your rugs for safe stor­ THE HILLSIDE TIMES Times Advertising Pays. ers that its decision in the Ynatter of age in even temperature. the new fare zone on the Newark- 45 Years In Business— Elizabeth line does not meet with the We Must Know* How! approval of the committee and there JACOBI a* will be a request fo r a further hear­ tyour Gledricand Gas Servants TtP©o ing. 1216 No. Broad Street iIANCOYllM F O R Y O U R U 112-120 ARLINGTON ST.ST.112-120 NEW ARK, NaJ. MITCHELL 1335 o Plants and Flowers Otdes t andJjiryest Carpet c9111 the ZHcavy Church Services Cleaning Plant in Aid °s 1 he Kelvinator-chilled Refrigerator Hillside Presbyterian Church, Rev. Antiques Not Robert. I. MacBride, pastor. 9:45 a. m. Bible School lesson, “ Peter at CHAPMAN BROS. Wanted in Kitchen Is a Big Help When Entertaining ^PeUjtecost.” 11 a. m- morning wor­ NOW I^OCATED AT 1390 MUNN AVE., HILLSIDE N. J- Your home may he Dutch ship- 7 p. m. CJlristian Endeavor, Colonial or Spanish mission subject, “ Elements o f Leadership.” DEALERS IN in character, its furnishings 8 p. m. evening worship. Wednes­ may draio their inspiration day 8 p. m- mid-week Devotional from Jacobean England, or Service. Pure Milk, Cream and Strictly Fresh Eggs Italian Renaissance,^ but the kitchen ivithout doubt, will Try our milk from a Tuberculin Tested Herd. Cooled to a Elizabeth Avenue Presbyterian be true to modern kitchen temperature of 40° through oUr modern refrigeration system, and Rev. Arthur North wood', pastor. ideals. 9:30 a. m. graded Sunday School. bottled the night before delivered. Old-time kitchens may be ,10:45 a. m, worship with sermon, picturesque, but the white PURITY CLEANLINESS “ More Than Required.” 7 p. m. In­ SERVICE kitchen of today, with its Range Makes Less termediate and Senior Christian En­ Established 1912 Waverly 6287 enamel gas range with an deavor- 8 p. m. worship concluded oven heat regulator, its elec­ Gas Do More Work by Men’s Bible Class, J. Harry Swann tric refrigerator, its clear, GAS range oven that keeps all presiding and address by the Pastor. shadowless lighting, the hot water that is ready at the A its heat in takes on new signifi- cancc to the home-maker as warm JACKIE COOGAN COMING faucet’s turn from the auto­ matic gas water heater, is a weather approaches. This is only IN P H O TO PLA Y HERE work room to be proud of, an one of the many advantages of AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE cooking with a Glenwood insulated inspiration to make an art of •ELVINATOR, electric refrig- any standard refrigerator, Each home-making. oven gas range. All the oven heat Jackie Coogan will be shown At Be sure your policy gives you adequate protection. K 1eration, is a servant that can unit has two or more trays for the Hillside Theatre, Saturday^May freezing ice cubes, or chilling sal­ is used for cooking - not for heat­ put an end to the' last minute rush 14th, in his latest picture, "Johnny ads and desserts. Cabinet Kelvi- ing theJtitchen. These gas ranges Get Your Hair Cut.” The pxpgram Consult of preparing an elaborate meal. nators may be had in many sizes on spe$ri sale at Public Service stores thV week will interest the tor next week is: Sunday and 'Mon­ When the home-maker plans to en­ and attractive finishes. The Seal- home-maker. day, Wallace Beery in “ Casey at the SMALLEY & RACE, Inc. tertain, she can prepare the food tite mode!, finished in gray enamel In the Glenwood gas rajige may Bat,” with Ford Sterling, Zasu Pitt: the day before and it will be fresh and well insulated with cork-board, “ InaurAncA Advisors" be seethe fine result of superior Tuesday, double feature bill, Ed­ and tempting when she serves it. is priced at $210. , No. Brood St. ToL Wav. 4063 materials combined with expert mund Lowe and Lila Lee in “ On Hillside, N. J. The—most delicate—foods..ripe ---- At Public -Service stores Kelvi- fruits, green vegetables, can be wSfkifiaTislup. The tnsalated over, creasing Purpose," by the autho- nator cabinets and Kelvinatui units stored in the dry cold of Kelvinator for installing in the owner’s re­ with its oven heat regulator con “ If Winter Comes,” and Silverqtreak and served as well-flavoied and frigerator can be purchased at .a stitutes a new form of^cooking ap­ in “ Snarl of Hate.” Wednesday, crisp as when they were pur­ slight increase over cash prices, pliance. This oven is^^so evenly “ The Desert Toll,” with Francis Mc­ chased. small down payment with seven­ heated that foods rise an a brown Donald, the latest addition to west­ There is a Kelvinator unit to fit teen months to pay balance.
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