Columbia College Chicago Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago Alumni Newsletters Alumni Fall 1993 re: Columbia Columbia College Chicago Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.colum.edu/alumnae_news This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. Recommended Citation re: Columbia (Fall/Winter 1993), Alumni Magazine, College Archives & Special Collections, Columbia College Chicago. http://digitalcommons.colum.edu/alumnae_news/43 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Alumni at Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago. It has been accepted for inclusion in Alumni Newsletters by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago. This being the Yea r of the Woman, Columbia awarded hon­ orary degrees to six outstandin g women at commencement cere­ monies May 28. They were cokie roberts, senior news analys t for Na tional Publ ic Radio and special correspondent for ABC news, who also delivered th e commencement address; Ill inois senator carol outstanding moseley-braun; rigoberta men­ chu, 1992 Nobel Peace Prize win­ honorees ner; etta moten barnett, actress and civic leader; cindy pritzker, Inauguration ceremonies were some of commencement's Chicago Public Library benefa c­ also held for Columbia's presi­ honorees: (front row, from left) tor, and jane alexandroff, wife of dent, Dr. John Duff. cindy pritzker, cokie roberts, Colum bia's president emerit us jane alexandroff, carol moseley­ Mike Alexandroff. braun COLUMBIA GOES WEST re: columbia before taste of no. 8/fall-winter 1993 chicago was taking place across Michigan Avenue from Columbia Coliege) arwLher Taste was occurnng more than 2)000 miles away. On June 12 at the Disneyland Hotel in Anaheim) 120 Columbia College graduates ga thered to brush elbows and munch on Chicago-style goodies. Jackson, who was at the event. "Because of the nature of the en­ The new regional chapter is rep­ tertainment industry, networking resentative of the school's growth is an important factor in a suc­ in the 1990s and places Columbia cessful career,· said Rik, who in line wit h other large insti tu ­ added that chapter members will ti ons. meet regularl y for networking parties, social gatheri ngs, guest The West Coast's world famous speakers and screenings of entertainment indu stry makes it a alumni work. natural loca tion for a Columbia alu mni chapter, said Lori Zaitz, Another goa l of the chapter is to '90, wh o chaired the reun ion. establish an internship program "The opportunities out here are for Columbia students interested endless,· said Lori, a transplanted in working on the West Coas t. In Chicagoan wh o works as an assis­ addition, the chapter will be a re­ tant to an executive vi ce presi­ source for Colum bia College grads dent at Disney. who decide to settle in Ca li fo rnia. Nearly 600 of Colu mbia's 15,000 "we want to show them what new west coast chapter The 1993 West Coast Al umni alumni reside on the West Coast, L.A. and the entertainment board members: (top row, Reunion, dubbed a "Taste' of most in the Los Angeles area. world is really like," said Lori. from left) scott friedman, Chicago, was more than just an The launchin g of th e chapter Such efforts will allow West Coast cary noren, rik sandoval, informal get-together. It was also comes after several years of infor­ alumni to give something back to (bottom row, from left) the prelude to the initiation of the mal ga therings of Columbia grads Columbia. "We have a lot of in­ Iori zaitz, sharon elman, Association of Colum bia College on the West Coas t. "This was ac­ terested, committed people here jessica new Alumni (ACCA) West Coast tuall y our third annual West who wa nt to help out if they can," Chapter. board members not Coas t reunion,· said Rik San­ she added. pictured: karen lee The new chapter, Columbia's first doval, president of the new chap­ To commun ica te chapter activities copeland, michael goi, regional group, is leading the way ter. "We've had a core group of to its members, the group will larry kaminsky, karen for new endeavors by Colum bia people out here that have com­ also publish a volunteer-driven mahmalji, susan mahmalji, Coll ege grads, sa id Alumn i As­ municated on a regular basis for newsletter ca lled the "ACCA and hal unterberger sociation president Michael several years." continued, page 3 The new chapter will provide a vehicle for Co lum bia College alum ni to network on the West Coas t. goes west, continued The event fea tured L. A. ve rsions News wire." The newsletter will in­ of Chicago fare such as ri bs and corporate everything from the hot dogs and a deejay that played latest ca lendar events to informa­ Chi cago fla vo red music. "We tried tion on what al umn i are do ing to to incorporate all of Ch icago's a class ified section for job oppor­ neighborhood festiva ls into one tunities, plus an ed itorial page night," said Lori. written by alumni. Attendees also played a network­ Finally, the chapter's presence will ing game which invo lved match­ help bolster the growing image of ing up four corners from an en ter­ Col umbia College on the West tainment industry-related picture. Coast. Remarks were made by Lori, The June reu nion drew alum ni West Coast Chapter boa rd from across Ca lifornia and even member Karen Lee Copeland, Nevada. Although a preponder­ '68, Columbia College President at the west coast reunion: ance of attendees were grad uates John B. Duff, and alumni presi­ (from left) columbia college from the 1980s, there were Col­ dent Michael Jackson. president john b. duff, umbia gradua tes in attenda nce "Everyone work ing on the chapter west coast board member from as far back as th e 1950s. "it has been rea ll y positive about the karen lee copeland, film was a nice, diverse crowd , much formation of the group and we've department co-chair doreen like Columbia College itself," go tten a lot of feedbac k and in­ bartoni, theater/music said Lori. terest," said Rik. "the group has department chair sheldon taken on a life of its own." patinkin, and president of the alumni association ror more information, ca ll (818) michael jackson 993-0886. ~ ALtJMrJS IN ATLANTA Individuality is as much a tradi­ tion at Columbia as football games are at a Big Ten co llege. That's why this yea r's graduating class chose "dress to express" as the name fo r their gra nd finale os angeles isn't the bash in Chicago's trendy Dear­ born Station (right across the only locale where col­ departing from street from the new residence umbia college alumni hall ). the norm are making their pre­ As th e name suggests, students sence known. Down in were encoura ged to express them­ Atlanta) plans are cur­ selves through creative evening attire. The wardrobe ran the rently underway to form ga mut: whi te ties, blac k tai ls, cut­ another alumni chapter. This historic Georgia city is home to about 50 Co lumbia off jeans, elaborate gow ns, se­ College graduates) many working at CNN and other Turner Broadcastin g com­ soon-to-be-graduates at the quins, miniskirts, sneakers and "dress to express" party spikes. panies. Although the new chapter won't a 24-hour news network, as many be establi shed until the fall, At­ of our alumni here do, you tend lanta alumni have been meeting to work around the clock." informa lly for severa l years, said A goa l of the ne\v chapter will be Al exander Mitich, '83, who is to establish a link betwee n Col­ helping to organize the chapter. umb ia College and Atlanta to pro­ In May, an alumni reunion dinner vide "a good network in case was held at Carbo's Cafe in Buck­ grads are interested in pursuing head with about 30 alumns in at­ job opportunities down here," tendance. Also present \vas Co­ he added. lumbia College pres ident John B. In addition to 30 or so Columbia Duff, his wi fe Estelle Shanley, and Co llege alu mni wor king at CNN televi sion department chair Ed and other Turner facil ities, Alex Morris. sa id there are another 20 grads "We would have probably drawn em ployed at Atlanta television more alumni to the Sa turday stations, advertising agencies and ni ght event but I knew of seven or businesses across the city. eight people alone wh o could not attend beca use they we re work­ ing," sa id Alex, an associate direc­ tor at CNN . "When yo u work fo r ALUM TIES THAT BIND ore and more gra­ duates are finding that some of their closest ties with Col­ umbia are forming after they've received their diplomas. The oppor­ tunities for involvemen t don't end just beca use your classes do. Assisting in pro­ jects or events within your department, becoming part of a student mentoring or placement program, or getting ac tive in the Alumni Association can benefit you as well as the college. of Los Angeles-based Crysta l with the bank, he spent seven Pyramid Productions, Inc., but years in Bombay and the Arabian hasn't forgotten her Columbia Cu if. new graduates roo ts. For the last four years, Michael ''Colum bia was-and still is -so has also been president of Colum­ importan t to me," said Karen.
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