DILWYN PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Dilwyn Parish Council Meeting held via video conferencing on Tuesday 8th December 2020 at 7.30 p.m. PRESENT: Cllr J Hall (Chair); Cllr S Thomas; Cllr J Stirling Brown; Cllr I Brown; Cllr J Booth; Cllr R Fellows (Vice Chair); Cllr C Fellows and Cllr P Kyles. Also present: Ward Cllr Michael Jones; Interim Parish Clerk: Lesley Hay plus 3 members of the public. Minutes: 1. Apologies for Absence were received from Cllr D Stirling-Brown and Cllr J Lewis. 2. Declarations of Interest: All Councillors declared an interest in the Crown Public House as the Council is the owner of the said Public House. Declarations of Interest: With regard to item 11.1 declarations of interest were received from Cllr Ian Brown and Cllr Julia Hall and a Welfare Declaration of Interest was received from Cllr P Kyles. Written request for dispensation: The Clerk reminded members that written dispensation had been received from all Councillors in respect of the Crown Public House as the Council corporate was the owner. Without the dispensation the number of persons prohibited by section 31(4) from participating in any particular business would be so great a proportion of the body transacting the business as to impede the transaction of business. 3. The Election process for new Parish Councillor (details circulated). The Chairman explained that an election has been called to fill the one vacant seat on the Parish Council. The election will take place on the 6th May 2021 and the Elections Officer at the Town Hall will issue the documentation nearer the date. 4. To approve and sign the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 10th November 2020. It was acknowledged that Cllr Peter Kyles had been missed off the attendance list – with this amendment - it was unanimously agreed that the minutes were a true record and it was agreed they be adopted and signed by the Chairman. 4.1. The Christmas tree lights were put up on Saturday and the Chairman extended a vote of thanks to all concerned. It was agreed to give a bottle of whiskey as a token of appreciate to Graham Dyer – Cllrs J Stirling Brown and Cllr R Fellows to liaise. Cllr J Stirling Brown confirmed that the Christmas video and Christmas gifts were all in hand and that – at this stage – she thought she could fund this with donations. If there is a shortfall, she will come back to the Parish Council in January. Cllr P Kyles thanked Cllr Stirling Brown for arranging this treat for the school. 4.2 Website: Cllr Ian Brown confirmed that he had now been in touch with the website provider and is now able to upload on to the site. Unfortunately, it has been noted that the website is not secure and Vision ICT have quoted £120 + VAT set up fee with an annual fee of £50 + VAT. Cllr C Fellows proposed the Parish Council obtain quotes and defer a decision until the January meeting. It was, however, unanimously agreed that the site must be made secure in the light of increasing cyber-attacks etc. 5. To receive Police Report – no police report available. 6. Ward Councillor’s Report. Please see full report attached to the end of these minutes. 6.1 Open Session for members of the Public: 6.2 As there were no items raised by the members of the public attending – the Chairman closed the open session. 7. Chairman’s Report –The Chairman explained most items were covered under the agenda. The Chairman explained that she had recently received a letter from the bank with regard to signatory authorisation and would liaise with the clerk. At present, there were only two authorisation signatories on the bank accounts and it was agreed a third signatory would be beneficial. Item to be deferred until the January meeting. 8. Highways and Environmental Matters: 8.1 Lengthsman works for November/December. (a) Parish Council discussed a possible entry into Village in Bloom/Best Kept Village Competitions and it as agreed they would be happy to support entering these events in the future. It was hoped that this could become a community project and it was suggested an advert/invitation to be involved be placed in the Dilwynner in the New Year. Item to be deferred until the next meeting The following items were highlighted for attention:- Tyrrells Bridge road that is falling away and causing a deep hole has been reported and visited by Balfour Beatty. The area now has a warning cone in place but as yet no action to rectify the problem. The lengthsman continues to undertake general clearing of the ditches; culverts and grips and has cleared the village centre of leaves and is liaising with the Locality Steward on a regular basis. It was suggested that broken village signs should be reported directly to Balfour Beatty. The lengthsman to be asked to make a note of signs in need of repair and liaise with the clerk. (b) Most of the grit bins in the village are now full. However, the four owned by the Parish Council remain empty. There was discussion on the supply of grit bags presently stored at the Crown. It was felt that these would probably not be fit for use. It was eventually agreed that the Parish Council should hire a skip and clear out the garage/storage area at The Crown. Repair the back wall and this would then provide better storage for the tenants and for future deliveries of the grit/salt bags. In the meantime, as there is an offer of one tonne of salt/grit available from Balfour Beatty – Cllr C Fellows offered to find storage in his garage. Cllr Fellows will take photographs of the area and liaise with the Clerk. 8.2 Foot paths Officer Ray Jenkins - no report available. 9. Finance: Accounts sheet/schedule of payment sheet circulated. 9.1 Bank Balances up to the end of November had been circulated. Bank balances as of 8th December 2020 – these totals take into account those invoices to be authorised at this meeting: Current account: £19100.89 Deposit account: £26,379.75 Hub Account: £ 6221.55 Total: £51,702.19 9.2 To agree payment of outstanding invoices - schedule of payments had been circulated and it was proposed, seconded and unanimously agreed that the clerk should pay the outstanding invoices. Lesley Hay November PAYE £129.00 HMRC Glen White Lengthsman £345.00 Julia Hall Voucher for Peter Stilwell £50.00 Steve Thomas Gifts for Gwyneth Owen £20.00 P Stilwell Boiler Service the Crown £102.00 The Crown Electricity for Tree lights £75.00 9.3 Budget 2021-2022 Financial Year To consider for approval of draft Budget for 2021-2022 (circulated). It was proposed, seconded and unanimously agreed to maintain the budget at £25,000 for the 2021-2022 financial year. 9.4 It was unanimously agreed to request a Precept of £25,000 for the forthcoming 2021-2022 financial year. The Clerk will submit the application form before the 31st December 2020. The Clerk explained that the accounts had been submitted for a six-monthly audit to meet the financial risk requirements – a certificated had been issued. 10.The Crown is now open but following tier 2 regulations in line with Government guidelines in that they are serving a substantial meal with drinks. However, take away food and alcohol remain available. 11. Planning matters 11.1 Update-Planning Consultation: P202265 Land adjacent to West of Orchard Close Outline application to erect up to 30 dwellings. The Clerk confirmed that she had written to the Planning Officer who had confirmed that a determination date had now been deferred until the 31st December 2020. The reasoning behind this extension is to allow re-consultation with Historia England and the Councils’ Archaeologist and Building Conservation Officer. The Planning Officer will eventually liaise with the Ward Councillor - who represents the Parish Council and residents – and a decision will be made whether to ask for this Outline Planning Application to be redirected with a view to going to Committee. Cllr P Kyles again explained Neighbourhood Plan is still in abeyance depending on the decision regarding the development of these houses to the west of the village. If a positive decision is made, the Parish Council can then pass a motion that they would like the Neighbourhood Plan to be sent back to the Examiner to be signed off followed by referendum and finalisation. However, if this site is rejected, then the NDP will have to come back to be reassessed. Cllr Kyles explained that it is in the village’s interests to continue with the NDP as the village is legally obliged to develop/provide 46 houses before 2031. With no plan in place, this would allow developers to buy up land and, as these houses have to go somewhere - and provided they obtain planning permission – the village would have no control where these houses are built. Although, it has been agreed that the centre of the village is not to be developed. It was proposed, seconded and unanimously agreed that the Parish Council would now issue a comment in that they have no objection to this outline planning application as it fits in with the Neighbourhood Plan. Planning 2033381 – Townsend Cottage, Dilwyn – details circulated. There was no objection to these proposed tree works – Clerk to inform Planning Officer. Planning 204025 – Orchard Cottage, Dilwyn- proposed two storey rear extension. Details had been circulated. After discussion and reference to the proposed plans – there was no objection raised – Clerk to inform Planning Officer.
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