Chopped Symbolic Execution David Trabish Andrea Mattavelli Noam Rinetzky Cristian Cadar Tel Aviv University Imperial College London Tel Aviv University Imperial College London Israel United Kingdom Israel United Kingdom [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT the code with symbolic values instead of concrete ones. Symbolic Symbolic execution is a powerful program analysis technique that execution engines thus replace concrete program operations with systematically explores multiple program paths. However, despite ones that manipulate symbols, and add appropriate constraints on important technical advances, symbolic execution often struggles to the symbolic values. In particular, whenever the symbolic executor reach deep parts of the code due to the well-known path explosion reaches a branch condition that depends on the symbolic inputs, it problem and constraint solving limitations. determines the feasibility of both sides of the branch, and creates In this paper, we propose chopped symbolic execution, a novel two new independent symbolic states which are added to a worklist form of symbolic execution that allows users to specify uninter- to follow each feasible side separately. This process, referred to as esting parts of the code to exclude during the analysis, thus only forking, refines the conditions on the symbolic values by adding targeting the exploration to paths of importance. However, the appropriate constraints on each path according to the conditions excluded parts are not summarily ignored, as this may lead to on the branch. Test cases are generated by finding concrete values both false positives and false negatives. Instead, they are executed for the symbolic inputs that satisfy the path conditions. To both lazily, when their effect may be observable by code under anal- determine the feasibility of path conditions and generate concrete ysis. Chopped symbolic execution leverages various on-demand solutions that satisfies them, symbolic execution engines employ static analyses at runtime to automatically exclude code fragments satisfiability-modulo theory (SMT) constraint solvers [19]. while resolving their side effects, thus avoiding expensive manual The Challenge. Symbolic execution has proven to be effective at annotations and imprecision. finding subtle bugs in a variety of software [3, 11, 12, 25, 39], and Our preliminary results show that the approach can effectively has started to see industrial take-up [13, 15, 25]. However, a key improve the effectiveness of symbolic execution in several different remaining challenge is scalability, particularly related to constraint scenarios, including failure reproduction and test suite augmenta- solving cost and path explosion [14]. tion. Symbolic execution engines issue a huge number of queries to the constraint solver that are often large and complex when analyzing CCS CONCEPTS real-world programs. As a result, constraint solving dominates • Software and its engineering → Software testing and de- runtime for the majority of non-trivial programs [30, 33]. Recent bugging; research has tackled the challenge by proposing several constraint solving optimizations that can help reduce constraint solving cost [5, KEYWORDS 12, 21, 27, 33–35, 41, 45]. Symbolic execution, Static analysis, Program slicing Path explosion represents the other big challenge facing sym- ACM Reference Format: bolic execution, and the main focus of this paper. Path explosion David Trabish, Andrea Mattavelli, Noam Rinetzky, and Cristian Cadar. 2018. refers to the challenge of navigating the huge number of paths in Chopped Symbolic Execution. In ICSE ’18: 40th International Conference on real programs, which is usually at least exponential to the number Software Engineering, May 27-June 3, 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden. ACM, New of static branches in the code. The common mechanism employed York, NY, USA, 11 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3180155.3180251 by symbolic executors to deal with this problem is the use of search heuristics to prioritise path exploration. One particularly effec- 1 INTRODUCTION tive heuristic focuses on achieving high coverage by guiding the Symbolic execution lies at the core of many modern techniques exploration towards the path closest to uncovered instructions [10– to software testing, automatic program repair, and reverse engi- 12, 43]. In practice, these heuristics only partially alleviate the path neering [3, 11, 16, 24, 32, 35]. At a high-level, symbolic execution explosion problem, as the following example demonstrates. systematically explores multiple paths in a program by running Motivating Example. The extract_octet() function, shown in Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or Figure 1, is a simplified version of a function from the libtasn1 classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed library which parses ASN.1 encoding rules from an input string.1 for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than the The ASN.1 protocol is used in many networking and cryptographic author(s) must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or applications, such as those handling public key certificates and republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission electronic mail. Versions of libtasn1 before 4.5 are affected by a and/or a fee. Request permissions from [email protected]. ICSE ’18, May 27-June 3, 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden heap-overflow security vulnerability that could be exploited viaa 2 © 2018 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to the crafted certificate. Unfortunately, given a time budget of 24 hours, Association for Computing Machinery. ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-5638-1/18/05...$15.00 1https://www.gnu.org/software/libtasn1 https://doi.org/10.1145/3180155.3180251 2https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2015-3622 ICSE ’18, May 27-June 3, 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden Trabish, Mattavelli, Rinetzky and Cadar 1 int extract_octet(asn_t asn, char *str, int str_len) { functions that construct the corresponding ASN.1 representation, 2 int len3, counter, counter_end, result; such as append_value. Therefore, we could have quickly reached int len2 = get_length(str, str_len, &len3); 3 the bug if we had skipped the irrelevant functions that build the 4 counter = len3+1; 5 counter_end = str_len; AST. 6 while (counter < counter_end) { In this paper, we propose a novel form of symbolic execution 7 // call to get_length() leads to a heap overflow: called chopped symbolic execution that provides the ability to spec- 8 len2 = get_length(str+counter, str_len, &len3); ify parts of the code to exclude during the analysis, thus enabling 9 if (len2 >= 0) { 10 DECR_LEN(str_len, len2+len3); symbolic execution to focus on significant paths only. The skipped 11 append_value(asn, str+counter+len3, len2); code is not trivially excluded from symbolic execution, since this 12 } else { may lead to spurious results. Instead, chopped symbolic execution 13 DECR_LEN(str_len, len3); lazily executes the relevant parts of the excluded code when ex- result = extract_octet(asn, str+counter+len3, str_len); 14 plicitly required. In this way, chopped symbolic execution does not 15 if (result != SUCCESS) 16 return result; sacrifice the soundness guarantees provided by standard symbolic 17 len2 = 0; execution—except for non-termination of the skipped functions, 18 } which may be considered a bug on its own—in that only feasible 19 // str_len should have been decremented at the paths are explored, but effectively discards paths irrelevant to the 20 // beginning of the while block 21 DECR_LEN(str_len, 1); task at hand. 22 counter += len2+len3+1; We developed a prototype implementation of chopped symbolic 23 } execution and report the results of an initial experimental eval- 24 return SUCCESS; uation that demonstrates that this technique can indeed lead to } 25 efficient and effective exploration of the code under analysis. Figure 1: A simplified excerpt from the extract_octet rou- Main Contributions. In summary, in this paper we make the tine in libtasn1. The invocation of get_length() in line 8 following contributions: leads to a heap overflow because str_len has not been decre- chopped symbolic execution mented before the call. (1) We introduce , a novel form of sym- bolic execution that leverages a lightweight specification of the analysis of the extract_octet() function using the state-of- uninteresting code parts to significantly improve the scalability the-art symbolic execution engine KLEE [11] fails to identify the of symbolic execution, without sacrificing soundness. vulnerability due to path explosion. (2) We present Chopper, a prototype implementation of our tech- At each loop iteration (lines 6–23), the function decodes the nique within KLEE [11], and make it publicly available. length of the current data element with get_length (line 8). Func- (3) We report on an experimental evaluation of Chopper in two tion get_length scans through the input string and decodes the different scenarios: failure reproduction and test suite augmen- ASN.1 fields. Then, the execution either recursively iterates over the tation, and show that chopped symbolic execution can improve input string (line 14), or invokes append_value (line 11). Function and respectively complement
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