
CONGI~ESSIONAL RECOR,D-_ SENA1~ 5977. PoNT]. I am informed that if present tile Senator fr()m Dela- Robinson, Ark. Shortridge Stephens 'Van·en Sackett Simmons Swanson Watson ware would vote as I sball vote. I vote "uay." · Schall Hmith Trammell Weller The roll call was conduded. She(1tJartl Hmoot Tyson WilliamR - . -Mr. ASHURST. I have been requested to announce that the Sblpstead - Stan11cld Walsh Senator from Georgia [Mr. HARRIS] and the Senator from l\fr. ROlliNSON of Arl<an~as. I desire to announce that the Loui~iaua ["ZI'fr. RANSDELL] are detained from the Senate on ·senator from Hhode !:;;land [Mr. GEnuY] and the Senator from account of illness. Missouri [Mr. HEED] are detained from the Senate by illness. Mr, GILLETT (after having voted in the negative). I lutvc The VIUE PHESIDENT. :::jeyenty-nine Senators having an­ a general pair with the senior Senator from Alabama [J\fr. swered to their names, a quorum is present. UN-DERWOOD]. I transfer tllat pair to the Senator from New ORDER OF BUSINESS York [Mr. "r ADSWORTH] anrl let my vote stnnrl. Mr. McKI~;LLAH (after baving voterl in the negative). I 1\lr. ASHURST obtained the floor. have a pair with the ~en ior Senator from Ohio [Mr. 'VILLlS]. Mr. WAHREN. Mr. President, does the Senator rise to Howe•er, I am informed tbat he would -.;-ote as I have yoted, <liscu:;;s the unfinished business or the matter of the appropria­ so I allow my Yote to stand. tion bill, the con::-:irleration of whi<.:Il was interrnvted Hatur­ The result \Ya s announced-yens 15, nays 22, as follows: day night by the lack of n quorum? Mr. ARHUHf;T. I lmow thnt many Senators are RI1enking YEAS-H) because I see their lips moYe, but I do uot know what anyone Sheppartl Ashurst E1lwards Mayfield confn~ion Hleasc Ferris Sldp~tPI-Hl is saying because of the in the Chamber. Hrookbart Heflin ~~~:~)s ~tcpheJJl~ The VICE PRESIDENT rapped with his gan~l. HroUt;::;ard Howell Nyc l\ir. vVARREN. I want to know what the . ituation is. NAYS-22 'l'he VICI•~ PHFJSIDEN'I'. The question is on co1 <:lllTing Ra.vanl l!'CRS McKellar Sackett in the ameudment.<> made as in Committee of the \Vhnle on Hingham Fletcher Moses ~hortrluge pages G, 28, :md 32 of House bill 0241, tile iudependent offices Butlf'r G iJJett Ocl•lie Hmo.ot Camf'ron Goli Phipps Warren appropriation bill. Curtis Goouing­ l'i11e l\lr. ASHUHST. It was my intention on Saturday to niiHct Deneen Keyes Hccu, Pa. the Senate for a few moments with some remarl(R regarding NOT VOTING-G9 the unJinished business, Senate hill 57!), but I will w:thhold Borah George McKinley Him mons that infliction and will secure the floor at a later time in the Bratton Gerry McLean Smith Hruce tllass McMuRter Stanfiel1l <lay. Capper Greene McNary Swanson Mr. 'VARREN. I want to explain to the Senator tbat I Caraway Hale :1\l enns Tnunmell think the matter in the appropriation lJill should he settled Copelnn<l Ilarreld Metcalf 'l'yt;on Couzens llarrls Nori.Jecl< Un<lc.rwootl at once becau:se of its going O\er from Saturday night. Cummins HA ITison Ovl.'rmnn Wadsworth l\fr. ASHURST. I surrender the floor now and will secure Dale .Johnson Pepper Wnlsh recognition later in the day. Dill J olles, N. :\lex. PHtma n Wat~;on clu Pont .Tones, Wa::;b. HnnF;de11 Weller Mr. HARRISON. Mr. Presiuent, I shall not occui>r tile time Edge Kenilricli: Heed, Mo. WbcPJer of the Scnnte very long. ErnRt Kin~-r HohinRon, Ark. \Vii Iiams Fernald La l-'ollette Hoi.Jin son, Ind. wm1s l\ir. W AHREN. I can not hear the Seuator. li'razicr Lenroot Schall l\Ir. HARRISON. If the ~enator will lJide his time for a So the Senate refused to adjourn. few minutes, I ~-=ball conclude very soon. Mr. Nl<JELY. 1\Ir. President, a parliamentary inquiry: May Mr. WARREN. Very well. we ha\e a report rrom the Sergeant at Arms a:;; to the progress CONDUCT OF FOREIG~ AFFAIRS be has 111ade in his endeavor to secure the attendance of absent Senators? We have been waiting more tilan an hour for a l\1r. HARRISON. l\fr. President, last week there hnppene<l quorum, and there is apparently uo prosp€ct of obtaining one. in the city of 'Yashington one of tile most extraordinary in­ The PRESIDING OFFICER The Chair is informeu that stances in all the diplomatic history of tile country. Senators the Sergeant at Arms is at present absent, endeavoring to secure as well as the country and the world are familiar with the -the attendance of ab~ent Senators. visit of Ambast:mdor Houghton ancl l\1iuister Gibson to Wasb­ After a little further delay, Mr. METCALF and Mr. DALE en­ ington, and ha\e rea<l in the papers what Mr. Houghton is tered the Chamber aud answered to their names. purported to Ila>e said touching European affairs. I slwll not RECESS burden the Senate by roodin~ all that is printed in the news­ papers touching tllat conference, but I shall ask leave to have Mr. w· AllREN. Mr. President, it is now after 7 o'clock. printed in the RECORD an article written llr l\1r. Carter Field, Some dbmers are yet awaiting Senafors. I think it will be in the New York Herald-Tribune of Thursday, March 18, which more convenient, perhaps, for us to take a recess until Mon­ gives a very glowing account of the inteniew. I may ~ay that uay at 12 o'clock. I ask unanimous consent that the Senate Carter Fielu is one of the most reputable newspaper men in tal<e a recess until12 o'clock Monday. Wasbington, and, of course, the newspaper in which the article Tile PHE~IDING 0Fli'IC11JR. Is there objection? is printed is known as a great Republican sheet. Among otber 'l'Ilere being no objection, the Senate (at 7 o'clock and 10 things Mr. Field said: minutes p. m.) took a recess until Monday, March 22, 1926, at 12 o'clock meriUian. A gloomy view of the European situation, involving the e01ling of the usefulness of the League of Nations, the dl'ifting bacl{ to the oltl pre-war balance of power, and the resumption of competitive arma­ ments until the economic strain forces a more sensible mood than SENATE exists at present, was paintetl to President Coo11ugc and Secretary of State Kellogg to-day by Alanson ll. Houghton, ambassador at London, MoNDAY, March B2, 1926 and Hugh D. Gibson, minister at Geneva. (Lcgislati'l.'e day of Satunlay, March 20, 1926) Little hope is helu out by the rlil•lomatists, summoned home to advise this Government as to the European situation, for any renl Tile Senate reassernlJled nt 12 o'clock meritlian, on tlle expira· results from the proposed armament-limitation confer ence. tion of the recess. The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will call tile roll. Then later on in the article, touching the disarmament con­ Tile legislative clerk called the roll, aud the following Sen­ ference, he said : ators answered to their names: The one uirect reason for immediate action by this Government, on Ashurst Deneen Hale 11TcNary which the returned tliplomats concurretl, was that it woultl be better Bayard Edge II a rr ltl 1\lnyficld for tllc United Stutes to ha>e nothing to do with the preliminary Bingl.am E1Iwnrds Harris 1\feans lllent;c l~rnst Harrison Metcalf conference proposetl to arrange an a genua for another disarmament Borah Fcrnnltl Heflin 1\loses conference Bratton l<'e rris Howell N ly This preliminary conference has been schednletl for May 17, bnt the Brookhart Fcss John!Son Norris Broussartl Ji'letchcr Jones, Wash. Nyc State Department bas now been informed thnt the Council of the Bruce Frazit~ r Kenclrick Otltlle League will postpone tbe call until Ger01any has lleen HUHle a mrmber Cameron Gf'-org-e Keves Ovrrman of the league Capper Oilll'tt I<ing Phipps Copelancl (;Ja~;s La l•'ollette Pine l\fr. President, I ask that the entire article be printed in the Couzens Go IT Len root f'Jttman Curtis Uooding . 1\lcl\:ellar Hn nsdell RECORD, if tilere is no objcetion. Dale Greene 1\lcLeau Hee<l, Pa. The VICE PRESIDENT" Without obje<:tion, it is so ordered. LXVII---377 5978 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 1\LillcH 22 The article is as follows: To the general peace of the world the United States bas always made it its policy of approach that disputes could be settled by the [From the New York Her·ald-Tribune, Thursday, March 18, 1D2G] moral viewpoint of whether they were right or wrong. Because this L EAGUE FACES \\"nECK AS IT DAnS GERMANY NOW-UNITED STATES TO Go-vernment believes this, it also believes in the pressure of public KEEP llAKDS OFF-HOUGHTON ADVISES COOLIDGEl TO IGNORE GENEVA. opinion and not of arms. The position of any European power is A.lCifS PAHLEY-ENVOY TO LONDON JOINS HUGH GIBSON, l\1DIISTF..R practically the reverse. Each nation has an historic past ol' wars TO BER..\'"El, IN TELT.IXO PnESIDEXT EUROPE llA.PIDJ,y llEYETITS !rO with its neighbors. These nations have now no reason to think there Pm~-1\"AR BASIS OF NATIONAL HATREDS will not be other wars. So they are preparing to meet the same old (By Carter Field) matter with the same old means with the same olll result.
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