35 FRIDAY, DEC. 18,1925 THE INDIANAPOLIS TIMEb STOCK BOUGHT HOG PRICES REMAIN FULLY STEADY Indianapolis HOUR Business -BY- AFTERFAILURE WALL STREET Only Minor Changes Are RADIO HOUR New York Stocks (All Central Standard Time) Former President Gets 1,000 & Recorded in General (By Thomson McKinnon) News RELIEVED OVER All Quotations New York Time Coppers— Railroad Shares. —Dec. 18— Am Smelt 134 133 132% List. % Anaconda.. 49 % ... 49 % 49 Bu United Press Prev. % % % —Hog Day by Day- 1 Railroads— Inspiration. 25 ... 25 25 Prices CHICAGO. Dec. 18.—II. E. Byrutn, High. Low. 1:00 close. Kenneeott. 64 ... 64 64% Dec. Bulk. Tod. Receipt*. Trade Forecasts and MONEY ACTION Ray Cop.. j2% ... 12% 12% Atchison ..130% 139% 130 129% 12. 10.05®II.So 11.65 4.000 former president and now one of the U S Smelt. 48% 47% 48% 47 14. 10.50 011.25 11.50 . ... ... % Today’s At Coast L .. 256 f.OOo Besl & Oils 15. 10.76 010.25 11.50 9.000 receivers for the Chicago, Milwaukee B. O 93% 93 83% 82% 11.00 011 50 11.60 8.00: Comment on Local WFBM % Cal 31% ... 81% 16. Can Pac ... ... 146 Petrol. 31 & Md Ct Pete 35% ... 35% 35% 17. 11.00011.50 11.60 8.000 Merchants Heat and Light Com- St. Paul Railroad, purchased 1,000 Generally Higher Price Level C. 4 0. ...128% 127% 128% 128% 11.50 Covurioht. 1925. bu United Press C. & N W. 78% 79 79% Houston Oil 70% ... 70% 09% 18. 11.00011.50 8.000 Market Conditions. pany. 79% Irnln Oil.. 32% ... 32% 32% KOA, Denver (22 M), 8 P. M., MST shares of stock In the road after It C„ R. & P. 55% 54% 54% 54% F7% 67% Meters • Hog fully steady D & Hud.. 148% Marland Oil 56% 6d% prices remained 268 Attained by Stocks at % PA Pete ... 75% —Community night. Sterling Cham- wont into receivership, it was dis- & .75% 75% D Lacka 143 ... 143 143 By Winget Friday, Dec. 18. 38% P-A Pete B. 78 ... 77% 78 today with values quoted the Rader Erie ... 38% 38%, 38% at ber of Commerce. here today at tne special In- Pacific Oil. ... 63 44 % 63% 62% holiday gifts In the 6:00—Sports and stock market closed Erie Ist pfd 44% 44% 44% ... 45% “Demand for Opening. Gt No pfd. 82 81 81% 81 Phillips Pet 45% 45% close of the previous session. Me- WAHG, Richmond Hill (316 M), 8 Commerce Commission hear- Vi Gan Pete.. 54% 53% 53% 64% line is increasing steadily reports. terstate Lehigh 88 87 87% 88 % % hardware Val V* Pure Oil ... 29 ... 29 28 weight material M., EST—Organ recital. Courtesy the of the road’s col- & 143 dium was the only Christmas,” P. ing on cause L. N 143% 143% 143% Va D with the approach of 6:30—Childrens’ Hour, Mo Pao pfd ... 89 88% % '■ lapse. 89% Stci ol1 Cal f-6% oo ’56% 66% class changed. This stuff was quot- George Vonnegut, secretary- CNRE, Edmonton (436 M), 8:30 P. Franklin Life Ins. Cos. Average Stock N Y Con.. 130% 130 130 130% Oil NJ 44 43% 43% says Prices N Y 40 Std 43% M., MST—Newsboys Band. Bridge. Informa Byram, on the stand, admitted he .. Vonnegut NH&H 46% 45% 45% Sinclair 20% ... 20% 21 ed steady to 15c higher at treasurer of the Hardware 7:00—’Talk On Pacific. 77% 77 77% 77 % $11.25® stock, No Texas Cos 62 % ... 52 % 63 WEAF, M), 1,200 of 1,000 Nor & Wes 149 Company. companies also re- New York (492 8 P. tory Doubles and Re- owned shares 149% 148% 149, —- 11.40. Other Average nrlce of twenty Industrial Pennslyvan. Industrials M., EST—Billy by acquired after the col- f 05 ... 54% 54% 8,000. in holiday demand. Jones and Ernest sponses Doubler’s of which he stocks or Friday was oil .10. ... Receipts were estimated at port an increase 152.72. 88% 89 Allied Cbm .... 113% Average, price of twenty rails for Fri- Reading ..89 114% 114% lapse. So Railway* ... 118% 94 ... 94 93 gift Hare. Partner. day 111.63, 119% 119% Allis-Chalm. This was the same number offered The wholesale business on ar- was off .85. So Pacific. 102 101% 101% 101% Amer Can 254 251 251% 253% Schenectady (380 M), 8:15 7:3o—Gus Edwards Le Paradis Attorney General Herman Ekern St. Paul... 10% 10% 10% 10% Amor Ice. 136% 136 136% 137% Thursday. Holdovers numbering 672 ticles is falling off. however. Deal- *WGY. Press % flu United ... players. attacked propriety St Paul pfd 20% ... 19% 10% Am Woolen 42 43 43 were fresh re- ers State have a supply of P. M.. EST—WGY Orchestra. Art Gillham. of Wisconsin the St L& S W 05% 08 00 Cen 19% 19 19% 1 added to the total over the Bryam’s purchase. NEW YORK, Dec. 18. Wall 66% Lcath. large enough carry them The Whispering Pianist. of The session StL&BFIOO% 99% 100% 100 Coca Cola. 146% ... 146% 140% ceipts. Light weight stuff command- material to Street’s over the maintenance Union Pac 149% ... 149% 149% Congoleum. 17% 1.7 % 17% 17% annual buying rush, and B:ls—Little Theatre program. was marked by sharp clashes be- reyef ... ed the top figure of $11.50. The bulk over the Wabash ..44% 43% 44% 43 Cont Can.. 85% Ba% 85% 9:00—Indianapolis Tlsfies pro- tween Ekern and Byram. of the local rediscount rate at 3% Wabash pfd 73% 72% 73% 73% Dupont .. 225 230% 22.> 223 of the sales on matured hogs was have put the soft pedal on orders. Radio Programs Fam Play. 107 ... 107 107% Studio Byram of Rubbers— - at [email protected]. gram from Times refused to answer most Asphalt.. ... made per cent after the fright occasioned G 60% 60% 67% another factor entering 5:30 P. M.—KFAB (2408)'. Lincoln—- brought .... Price is Severln. but Ekern Fisk 22% 21% 21% 64% “ KDK A Hotel Ekem’s questions, Rub.. % % Int Paiier Santa Claus.'' orcheetra. by yesterday's Goodrich R 64 % ... 63 64 Hit 128 128 -'127% this time, accord- 1). Pittsburgh—Dinner con the postponement of % % Hal-v.. 127% Hog Price Scale into the ease at <309 East 11:00—Request Organ program out that among the two largest stock Goodyr pfd 103 % 103 103 103 May Stor. ... ... ... *27., Kelly-Spg... 18 ing a merchant. Dur- cert. WHZ (333.8). Springfield—Little by Byrd board meeting for an hour was 19%, 18% 19, Mont AW. 82% 81% 82 , 81% Trading to local retail •ymohmiy. (461.3). Pittsburgh— Miss Dessa holders of the road were nineteen S 85 83 83% 84% Lead. .. 165% 165 was done over the follow- WCAE Chicago U Rubber Nat 165% ing the past year prices have been Dinner concert WON (370.21 broadcast from Circle New York brokerage houses. mirrored in the generally higher Equipments— Owen Bot.. 62% 02% 63%/ 63% ing scale of values: Heavies brought have re- —Skeezix time organ. WCCO 1416.4) ... 43% 44% rather high and merchants Minneapolis-St. Theater. tried show that bankers & 110 Radoi 44% Paul—Court. Ekern to Am C Fd 110% 100, ... 228 % sll, medium weight material sold at (3191. JKSB price level in active stocks at the 43% Sears-Roe.. 228% 229% stocks in anticipation of Buffalo—Orchestra. WGY Am Stl Fd 44 ... 44 United Drg 155 duced their Schenectady—Sunday brokers forced the road into re- opening ... 155% 153% 152% $11®11.40, lights, light lights and (379.6) school and. today. Arn Loco.. 120 120 120% US In Ah. ... 75 7a a drop year. lesson. WjZ (454.31. New York—New Bald Loco 75% Digs price with the new (508.2), Philadelphia— ceivership. gained % 132% 131% 131% 130% Woolworth 200% .... 200 % 201 all commanded the top York University Course. WNYC (5;-’6L 8:25 P. M.—WOO U. S. Steel common to Gen Elec. 320 316 319 314% slump in price on some lines Orchestra, orgon. — The 69% 60% 69 Utilities of $11.50; smooth packing sows aver- Niw York—French lesson- WOR 13414; Chrysler, 1% to 199%; Hud- Lima Loco 69% definitely established and (405.2) Newark—Children's, stories ... is almost (340.8), N Y Airb.. 37% 37% & ... 8:30 P. M.4-KFAB 1% 101; Truck,. 37% Am T T 143 143 144% aged $9.60@10; rough packing sows WTIC (475 9). Hartford—Young Lincoln— son, to Mack V 2 to Pullman. .. 169 168 168% 167% 94% spurt buy- Violin, piano, orchestra. KOA (322.4), Con Gas.. 94% 94% 94% stags will no doubt cause a of people's half hour Denver—Sunday WFAA .... 83 % 84 cashed [email protected] and were lesson. 231, and Illinois Central, a point to Columbia G 84 at ing will surpass that of the (348.0). Boston—Big school ..... ... that 5:45 P. M.—WEEI (475.9) Dallas—Pianist. marimba- Airb? People’s G 118% .... 118% ... (483.0). Equipment Wes [email protected]. Brother, Grade A Five. VVOC (352.7), 124. issues made fur- ... WJAD Waco. Texas— Elec.. 74% 74% 74% ... ...... up phone. JUDGE FOR Wes Wes Union 60% present year. Dealers will build NEW Davenport—Chimes. Sandman. ther response to the announce- An offering of about 800 head of Dance. WGR (319). Buffalo—Concert. Shipping— their stocks and the wholesaler will 0.00 P. M.—WRAP (475.9). Ft. Worth- VMC (499.7). Memphis—Program. Bethlehem.. 48% 47% 48% 47% % was that ment of additional orders from Am Int Cor .... 43 cattle seen in section of Orchestra.
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