Bnt»r.'it' ft* «ecDnd clMi W»tl«r MtfCB FIVHL< at the Pott Offlee, Wooi»>rl<l«e,,N, J. Publishes Every tlmtiday WOODBRIDGE, N. J., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1945 XXXVU.-No. 34 at 18 Green 8$., Woodbrldge, N. J. In Heroic Army Operations Plaht Asks Decorated, Enrontt Home $1,057 Leetness To Amend 'At AND Zoning Law Light Strong Box To Locate On Route; Pinch Bar.; Lot*! 35, Employ TOO,ilRi- Bus Service for Parochial ered By ltuuraaci;. sitting around the striction Is Lifted with 'my slide- WOODBBIDGg---*? ' Ef-Sn revealed ycatetd nt( calculating WpODURIDGE—The first afcep Pupils Continu „,. IUHI a copy of the to permit a plastics-mdulding plant thieves who. crack«d the office of tho ,;.lti(1,i table trying to locate, here was taken by the Department of Health and will bo Transportation To Be Company, on Main~8 concluded next week. ', ' .. i,-,'. out how much the Township Committee Monday day night ot early Ttf Provided Pending De- 4,.request-.from the Colonia usvuu in the wringer when an ordinance .was introduced ing', got aW»y wwi't| .Library for. permission -to act |rl 'by maintaining a to change the proposed site on cision By High Court cash and a portable up a brunch litrrary at. Colonia ;,f hirelings who cer- Tha loss was iSOVBrei"" West Pond Road and Route ,'15 Ichool during noon hour on school , , more useful WOODBRIDGE—The. Board of he said. in 1U) from u business to a light indus- iaya for tho cqnvcni<mce of Itl .v an: ornamental. Education will continue to trans- " The loot represented 1( trial xone. Hearing on the measure tudemts living too far from tho lil niiiybi! you might port children to parochial schools pany'a receipts on within the Township 'until a de- liain library, was opptovfed, write'to your.Con- is set for October 1. Sgt. Louis Varyu Monday, nono of. The pruposed plant, which will cision is handed down by the Court r AVENEL — Sgt. Varyu, .on executives were at work i occupy !!0,0"00 square feet and of Errors and Appeals, this de- of Mr. and Mr». Loujs Varyu, observance of the employ 101) persons, it is under- cision was reached at a mooting of Lauded By Admiral Janscn Avenue, hai bectl award- Day, Yom Kippur, stood, will not manufacture plas- the Board Monday. Recently the like toTepeit my- ed the Bronie Star for "mexi- were at work in the bn tics but will mould articles from Supreme Court held trjat trans- I1(K(> little eomposi- torioiii servica" In the European the premises during the the finished product. It al.su is portation of private school children ,1 I am sure you Theatre of Operation!. He Joseph Klein, own«X stated that the. process is odorless. in buses paid for by the Boaftls of served overseas for three yean firmj discovered the robl ,,,| if lt«ll you agaijri An application to the State Education was illegal. in Africa, Sicily, Italy, France he came to work early' ,,. oPA is now paying, Highway Department for $10,2(10 ..County S u p. e r 1 n t ondent of anl Germntiy with the Second morning. The Joty WM ' ill(>ill.v plans to c?n- to construct a road, drainage ilr|d Schools Millard M. Lowery in- m Army, 78lb A.F.A. Headquarters well-planriod atid, grading for Hunn's Lane, was ap- formed the board, that whatever (1 |i;iv, for wflrk which Battery. Sgt. Varyu, who >• now Capt, Egait, was not the proved by the committee. ISitnn's transportation is provided for in,ly'was clone credit- believed to Jhe en route home, an amateur. Evidently a Lane, now an unimproved street, pnroahial school children must bo ji,,'| live, by patriotic was nt one time an employe of and flledf-o hammer w«6 connects State Highways \ and undertaken at the expense of the i,,l winners across the THE INDEPENDENT-LEADER. pry open the steel 35. It is estimated that the cost of school district if tbe Court of ' Hi,, nation. There are safe which was re-e; the oritire project will he $18,000. Errors and Appeals upholds the eoncrete. The office 11,,ni;il chores still left The Avenel Improvement Asso- Supreme Court deeision. I volunteers, but an- sacked and papers and b ciation thanked the committee for No further action was take.fi in ing records •thrown aboufc .nf was miule this WITH THE XII CORPS IN REGENSBURG, GERMANY—In Wife Springs n)1 improvements to their section. A the Sewaren controversy althougl Pry Open Scrtan'.:""5 this picture, we ice a proud moment in the life of T/Sfft. John J, letter signed by Kay L. Steward, [tint even these will be a member of the Sewaren delega- It is believed the thieves MacDermott, of Hq. Co. XII Corps, m Major General S. Lcrny secretary, read as follows: "We Jen,M| to the hired Phoney 'Plot' tion was present. Sowaren ed onto the roof -of a:c'tU lrwin, Commanding General of the XII Corps present! Kim with wish to express our thanks for dents have objected to the re which wag on a siding the Bronze Star Medal. Sgt. MacDermott is a native of Wood- ,peeding action in correcting the inoval of its upper grades tho building, then re; bridge, N. J. stagnant pool condition behind ToGetMohey School No. 11, Woodbridge, du scre'ea from a storage* ,.s in me to be ii l'air Livingston Avenue by extension Sgt. MacDermott is a member of the tame XII Corps that to the drop in enrollment at th' dow, prying it open. to ask why this is held the right flank of the entire AEF while spearheading the of the storm sewer pipe to provide 1 latter school; Capt. Egan, who w&s know very well, of a suitable outlet. May we also ex- sweep across France; crossed the Moselle when other units were Tells Police Extortion Teachers. Named to the case by Chief G press our appreciation for the road I , that a majority of unable to cross; crashed through the Siegfried Line at Echter- Throe new teachers, already n Keating, said today he repairs •wfhich have been made on Tale Concocted To l>i>ople would be on nach at a point considered impassable; made the first assault work, were officially appointed « Avenel streets." A.O. 2/C Walter Lemiska ing out several leads andSfa|f1 fciyn it' they lost their cruising of the Rhine in history, went farther cut than any ETO' Help Wardrobe follows: Mrs. Evelyn G. Evans, in touch with authorities • flit's! troops; put the first American forces into Czechoslovakia and Reports Walk Broken Iiid if they indignantly Avenel School; Mrs. Florence II. by communities who haV«E f i is so, don't you be- Austria and discovered the Mcrkers gold and other trenures in- Committeeman William Warren AVKNEL—The "extortion plot" Augustine, Fords School No, 7 and similar robberies recently.^Bi';.,, eportcd trucks of the National •igainst an Avenel housewife You haven't seen cluding the 5 billion dollar cache in Regcnsburg. Mrs. Eileen Reinhardt, No. 15 Navy Air Medal theory that they might hita b£w||| Fireptoofing Co, had broken up proved to ha nothing but a figment School, Iselin, done by the same ganp. "-'i'l^ft^^ Ictin'cs lately of whole- the sidewalk on Crows Mill Road, of her imagination, Chief George Supervising Principal Victor C. Several months ago' Mr. I0ij||ife Icsijrnatioiis by OPA near the clay pita. C. II. Davis, E. Keating and Capt. John K. Nicklas announced thai the evalu- Won By Lemiska warehouse was destroyed bjr»fj|ljiM •i.'s, have you? Why ColoniaMan, On Prowl For Nazi Township Engineer, reported Eguir learned yesterday afternoon ation of the High School by the v connive and plot to Township Attorney Leon E. McEl- after questioning the "victim," Commission on Secondary Schools ISELIN — Walter Lemiska, heir jobs and why roy had already written the com- Mis. Margaret Hus'/.ar, oil Hemsen will be held March 2(5, 27 Mid 2 Aviation Ordnanceman sec.ond Itlmy nmned the gov- U-Boats During War, Decorated pany to correct the Condition Avenue. Dr. Seymour Deber reported class, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lemia- PBA Book|J (it into paying them The committee approved the Woodbridge and Perth Amboy that the Army and Navy is re- (Continued on Pane 3) ka of Lincoln Highway has been llnrm w service which Participated In Con- • Edwin, reside at 158 East Inman police were brought into the* case leasing moving projectors and on when the husband, Joseph.Huszar g p awarded the Navy's Air Medal and lear'.y four years was Avenue, is now serving in the Pa- his recommendation it was voted two Gold Stars by Admiral Mits- Variety Att| voy Coverage,Wins Ci- cific where he participated in the reported to Chief Keating that his 1 1 [.so magnificently, ac- wife had .received a threatening to apply to Surplus Commodities chi'i for distinguishing himself in tation By Forrestal bombing of Okinawa and Japanese Civilian Life through the State Commissioner action in the Pucific. WOODBRIDGE — Paiwl Chester Bowles' homeland. letter from an unidentified man de- nf Education, for a- projector Lemiska, at present stationed at William Majoros, chait.ra«n;.^f™L1 \ by the volun- COLONIA—Announcement has A graduate of Woodbridge High manding ijiliOO in cash be paid to for each school. the Naval Air Technical '.training. entertainpnent committee-'^;''iyB§ been made that the Air MedaTrTas School, he has been in service for him outside a Perth Amboy theatre - -Welcomes GPs It was reported that.
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