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Do not assume that just because we believe a book is in the public domain for users in the United States, that the work is also in the public domain for users in other countries. Whether a book is still in copyright varies from country to country, and we can't offer guidance on whether any specific use of any specific book is allowed. Please do not assume that a book's appearance in Google Book Search means it can be used in any manner anywhere in the world. Copyright infringement liability can be quite severe. About Google Book Search Google's mission is to organize the world's information and to make it universally accessible and useful. Google Book Search helps readers discover the world's books while helping authors and publishers reach new audiences. You can search through the full text of this book on the web at http : //books . google . com/ BRITISH STALK-EYED CRUSTACEA. A HISTORY BRITISH STALK-EYED CRUSTACEA. THOMAS BELL, SEC. R.S., F.G.S., F.Z.S., PRESIDENT OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY ; MEMBER OP THK PHILOMATH IC AND NATURAL III STORY SOCIETIES OP PARIS} OP THK IMPERIAL ACADRMY CJRSAR. LSOPOLD. NATURJB CURIOBORUM; OP THK ACADBMY OP SCIENCES OP PHILADELPHIA J OP THK NATURAL HIBTOItY SOCIETY OP NSW YORK} HONORARY MEMBER OP THE ROYAL ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OP DUBLIN, ETC.. ETC. PROPESSOR OP ZOOLOGY IN KINO'S COLLEGE, LONDON. ILLUSTRATED BY 174 WOOD-ENGRAVINGS. 1l / / LONDON: JOHN VAN VOORST, 1. PATERNOSTER ROW. M.DCCC.L1U. /ff a~. /. LO»DO»: WOODFALL AND KINDER, ANQKL COURT, 8KINNBR ITRBRT. TO PROFESSOR RICHARD OWEN, THE FAITHFUL AND UNCHANGED FRIEND OF MANY YEARS, THIS LITTLE WORK IS INSCRIBED BT THB AUTHOR, A8 A HUMBLE TOKEN OF HIS LASTING RESPECT AND AFFECTION. PREFACE. I HAVE little to say in this Preface, beyond the ex­ pression of my sincere regret for the delay which has occurred in the publication of the work. That delay has arisen from causes which it would not interest the public to be informed of, and which I have no wish to put forward for the sake of deprecating the displeasure or disappointment which it may have excited. A much more agreeable task is that of acknowledging, which I do with feelings of sincere gratification and deep thankfulness, the extensive and valuable assistance which I have received from so many of my fellow-labourers in the field of Natural History. Their names are mentioned in connection with their contributions, in various parts of the work; and it would be invidious to particularise them here, lest, through inadvertence, any should be omitted. To one and all I beg to offer the tribute of my grateful thanks. SBLBORNB, HANTS. July, 1853. INTRODUCTION. THE structure of the Crustacea is so little known to the students of Natural History in this country, and there are so few works which give even the most superficial information on the subject, that it appears very desirable and even necessary to introduce the study of the British species, by a brief account of the general organization and physiology of this class of animals. Not only indeed is the subject itself one of great interest, but without some such introductory information it would not be possible to comprehend the descriptions of tho different genera and species; for it will be found that in scarcely any other class of animals, is there a greater variety of form and structure, or more striking apparent anomalies in the modifications of the typical plan of organization, or in some cases greater difficulties in ascertaining the true homologies of the different elements, than in the present. It is not, indeed, a very easy matter even to express, in a clear and definite phrase, the characters which, whilst belonging strictly to all the forms of Crustacea, shall dis­ tinctly exclude those of the approximate ones; for the variations which occur in every organ and function, in the different groups belonging to the crustacean type, are so considerable, as to render it almost impossible to include them all within one common and well-defined expression.
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