CQLht Qthurchman J\,bbtrtistt. DECEMBER, 1907. LETTERS FROM CELEBRITIES. HE keynote of happiness, long life, and In this age of nervous waste Sanatogen T successful achievement is the healthy is an ideal tonic remedy for those suffering mind in the healthy body. Sanatogen is from overwrought nerves. Sanatogen is the tonic food which is being prescribed especially useful in all cases where, by the medical profession to-day to bring through overwork or other causes, the about this happy condition. Not only bodily or mental powers show signs of have 5,000 physicians endorsed in writing flagging. the merits of Sanatogen as the ideal re­ Mr. Marshall Hall, the eminent K.C., cuperative and restorative, but the most writes: distinguished men and women of the day "3, TEMPLE GARDENS, have not hesitated in coming forward to "LONDON, E.C. personally testify to the great benefits "I think it only right to say that I they have derived from Sanatogen. have tried Sanatogen, and I believe it to be a most excellent food." Thus Ven. Archdeacon Sinclair writes : " Tl!IE CHAPTER HousE, "ST. PAtJL'S~ATHEDBAL, E.C. A. .. J. "-4 ./I.J1 " Sa.natogen appears to be a.n admir­ ,.; ' able food for invalids a.nd those who Dyspepsia, weakness, nervousness, de­ suff~ from indigestion." pression disappear under a course of this tonic food remedy. /j/~A,.~ Sane.togen is eminently suitable for in­ "tf valids, for, whilst it is a powerful recuper­ Sanatogen is :Qot a secret remedy. Its ative and restorative, it can be borne by composition is known to and approved by the most delicate stomach when other the medical profession. It is a scientific food is rejected. Sanatogen aids digestion combination of pure milk albumen with and strengthens the digestive organs; it. phosphorus, the substance which forms repairs the wear and tear of the system ; the most important constituent of the it enriches the blood and restores the brain and nervous system. Owing to its buoyancy, the elasticity, the vigour of composition, Sanatogen nourishes the sys­ health. tem whilst toning the nerves and giving Sanatogren can be obtained of all healthy stimulus to the brain. In fact, Chemists. ii gives to body, brain, and nerves their The above are a few only of the many essential food in precisely the form in famous personages who have written which they can the most readily appro­ in high praise of Sanatogen. Readers. priate it to their various needs, and so who are interested in autograph collec­ Sanatogen aids in building up the tissues tions-and the characteristics of celebrities. as well as toning them. as displayed in their handwriting make an The Right Rev. Bishop of Bath and always absorbing study-will appreciate Wells writes : the dainty publication issued by the Sana­ "THE PALACE, WELLS, SoM. togen Company. It is entitled "Auto­ "You may like to hear that I am graphs of Celebrities," and contains the informed by my private secretary that facsimile signatures of a large number of a. member of his family has derived distinguished people. A copy will gladly very remarkable benefit from using be sent gratis and post free upon applica­ Sanatogen." tion (a postcard will do) to the Sanatogen Company, 83, Upper Thames Street, f/!!·~.d/~: London, E.C., mentioning the Church­ man. > 2 THE CHURCHMAN ADVERTISER. The Boak 111 common Prauer & Humns A. &M. BOUND WITH THE KING'S PRINTERS' PATENT COVER INDEX. Price 2S. Price 2S. A A Handsome Handsome and and Serviceable Serviceable Volume. Volume. The The Cover Index Cover Index Is ts protected by protected by loyal Letters Royal Lett8l'S Patent. Patent. The King'• PriDterB' Cover Index makell easy and quick reference to the various parts of the Prayer Book poesible to all. In alphabetical order the namu of thll Services in the Prayer Book with the number of the page on which each commeliees are printed in bold type on the inside lining of the cover of the Book. The Index forms the lining and end paper to both top and under covers, so whichever way the Book is handled the position of the contents can be immediately ascertained by reference to the inside of the uppermost cover. The Prayer Book here announced is the favourite S2mo. edition, and is clearly printed in Ruby type. Bound with Hymns A. and M., it measures 4f x 3 xi inches. :Bound in~ with padded sides, round cornen, and red under gold edges. Price 2s. LONDON: EYRE & SPOTTISWOODE (BIBLE WAREHOUS~J), LTD., 33, PATERNOSTER ROW, LONDON, E.C. Retail of all Booksellers. THE CHURCHMAN ADVERTISER. 3 EVANGELICAL ALLIANCE, 7, Adam Street, Strand, London, w.c. · President: THE RT. HoN. LoRD PoLWARTH . OBJECTS .Acting Vice·l'7esid<nt: For whlch the Alliance is labouring ln 100 Countrlel. THE RT. HoN. Lo:aD KINNAIRD. Vice-Pre8ident•: To manifest the Unity of all Believers as Members of the THE RT. HoN. VIscoUNT BANGOR. "One Body," of which Christ is the Head. THE RT. REV. LoRD BISHOP OF DURHAM. F. A. BEVAN, EsQ., D.L., J.P. The Universal Week of Prayer. THE HoN. AND REv. E. V. BLIGH, M.A. The Relief of Persecuted Christians in all lands. THE Rr. HoN. LoRD LANGFORD. Ta• Rr. HoN. LoRD OvBRTOUN. The Maintenance of Religious Liberty. THE VY. REV. THE DEAN OF CANTERBURY. 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PAUL G BOlD AS AS ATE PRISONER. This haa been reproduced from a terra cotta panel hy the POSTAGEfd. celebrated Artist, Hr. GIIIOROE TINWoam. With Dally Text, Leaaons for Sundays, Cycle of Prayer, Postal Information, eto., etc. LONDON: O.M. HOUSE, SALISBURY SQUARE, E.O. Orders should be addressed " Manager, Publ!Bhin£ Dept." Cheques and P.O.'a made payable to Mr. B.. Maoonachie a.y secretary). 4 THE CHURCHMAN ADVERTISER. NO PARISH IS ADEQUATELY EQUIPPED WITHOUT ALOCALIZED MAGAZINE. The Church Quarterly Review says : " Mr. Sherlock seems to us to provide the best available ' inside ' for a Parish Magazine in The Churchman says: "Mr. Sherlock's well­ known publication The Church Monthly." comes of age next year, and we congratulate him on twenty-one years of fine service on behalf of parish literature. 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