rACnSCXtBEN MONDAY, MAY S, 1961 ATeraffllU ly Net Frees Run iUanrl)p0tpr lEttPttfttg HrraUi For tha Wook K U tt The WiBtkir V t; Marah U , ISSl Foreeaat of D. a W amOr • Dr. Jacdb A. Segal, chief, pf MaBchester Aaaembly, Onder of MIM. Rhower* "a«i I eai^iolagy at Manchester Meino- Rainbow for Girls, will hold a •to mu devaioptug, About Town riifl Hospital, has been Hated In the buatneas meeting tonight at 7:SD In Miss Neubeil: 13,317 nlfhL Low la I • lf«Mbw of the Au«t National AaaociaOon fot 19W- edition of, “ American Men of the Masonic Temple to elect of­ dcMtaif Murly WejhAelay, Medicine," a publication started in ficers. Officers tvill wear white. Boraaa of OhMiatlaB rotw ^ d OUkIren'a North Coa> Heads Gmiiell fair. High 804& ference he held May » , 10 1945 imder the title of "Who’s Im- Manchetter— ^A City of Village Charm potrant in Medicine,” This ref­ The Army-Navy Auxiliary will a ^ t l a^t thaNotel Cheridan BQt- erence book contains biographical aponsor ^ public card party to­ Misa Elizabeth Neubert o f the Inora In RrefrWence, R. I. sketches of, physicians and surge­ night at 8 in the clubhouse. Community Baptlat Church \nu HOUSE VOL. LXXX, NO. 186 (TWENTY PAGES) BIANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MAY 9, 1961 (Oluallled AdvertJatiig on Fnge 16) ons whose achievements have re­ elected president of tha Manchba- I>r. Da\'id L. Warren of the Man- ceived professional and public The Frank J.,Mansfield Marine ter Christian Youth Council at its cheater Memorial Hospital medical recognition- ,, Corns League Auxiliary will meet annual meeting yesterday at Sec atair is attending the annnat meet­ at the Army • and Navy Club ond Oongregatiopal Church. ing: this week of the American Col­ Daughters of liberty, No.^123^ Wednesday at 8 n.m. Refresh­ Other new' officers of the Youth Johnson Flies lege of Physicians In Miami, Fla. % State News will meet tomorrow at 8' pan. in ments will be served. Council are Russell Smith of Cove­ 1 H A LE Kennedy May Stall Orange Hall for a memoctal serv­ nant Congregational Chtiroh, vice ice for deceased members of the About 470 people visited laits president; Miss Deborah Weils of Store Hours; 9 :S0 A.M. to 6:30 P.M. To Reassure IV group. Those taking part will 4vear Junior Muesum at open house yes­ Second Congregations! Church, Roundup Rebets in white dresses. Miss Louise Cop­ terday and Saturday. secretary; and Gary Harrison of Monday thru Saturday ping and her committee will .serve South Methodist Church, treaaur. Bills to Win Allies in Asia LECLERC refrwhments. er. Thursday till 9 P.M. , FUNERAL HOME Candidates Take New officers were installed af­ Washington, May 9 (JP)— Govertior Averts Elita ■ Chapman Joy Circle of ter a vrorahlp sefvioe conducted by Vice- President Lyndon B. North Methodist Church will meet the host church. The Youth Coun­ Norwich W alkout FUNERAL Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the Tests Wednesdavs cil will sponsor a rally May 21 at Curb on Filihusters Johnson took o ff for South­ church. Mrs. Walter Schober will Oenttr Congregational Church for east Asia today voicing U.S. SERVICE show toleware and other articles. The nine candidates for the post a lecture by Dr. Frank Laubach, Luxurious concern over "the threat of Norwich, May 9 (40— Gov. Hostesses \vlll be Mrs, Clement world literacy expert and mission­ Waahington, May- 9 (/P)-—| would have to 'g e t suiq;>ort from John N. Dempsey’s llth-hour WALTER N, of assessment aide will take an ary, and a baccalaureate service two-thirds of t h ^ voting — 67 aimed aggression there." Lewis, Mrs. Axel Johnson, ' and The Kennedy administration Johnson carried personal letters intervention has temporarily LECLERC Mrs. William Wilson. examination for the post Wednes­ for graduates on Juns 18. if all 100 Senators are recoded. Director day at 7 p.m. in the Manchester appears ready to postpone ac­ Dirkaen said that while .'aome from President Kennedy pledging averted a strike..by lOi-unitm High School. tion on major civil rights bills Republicans may push for jenaet- U.S. support to Red-preased Alliea Cleaners Circle, South Metho­ Seamless in the Critical area. employes of the public utili­ Call Ml 9-5869 dist Church WSCS. will meet to­ T^e test will be conducted by in ex ch i^ e for a rules revi­ ment of civil rij^ts legial^on in this session, from a piacttcal On hia 2-week, round-the-world ties department. 23 Main Street, Manchester morrow at 7:30 p.ni. in the chapel the State Personnel Department sion in this session making it The walkout was scheduled for May Delay for the town, and will be both WhIrIpNl Waihsts, standpoint he doubts .little wiU be trip, Johiuon will vialt South Viet of the church. ! easier to curb Senate filibus­ Nam, the Philippines, Formosa, midnight last night. written aqd oral. NYLONS done except to extend the life of However, Dempsey conferred by Salary range for the aide is |4,- Diysra ters. the expiring civil rightg commls Thailand, India and Pakistan. He 422 to 29.423. Sonata Democratic Leader Hike Sion. may also make a stop in Greece. telephone with both sides and won Peace Talk a promise from Local 2458 of the PricBS « Lew, BOX of 3 pr. Hanafield of Montana i^ d today Clark said he will aiik for Sen. “ I believe that by timing and by Serviee'Thef's lefttr efforta to revUe the req]iir- ate action on some of h it bills. But Itinerary this'-trip speaks for it­ International Brotherhood of DON'T AUTO I Ing approval of two-thirds of he conceded he lan't/very hopeful self," Johnson said in a departure Blectrical Workers to postpone SttI pienty of wear left hi thoie voting to limit Senate de­ of getting it; statement at Andrews Air Force any walkout for a week. At Geneva OLLIE’S lOOY base. ahoea when brought here for . ATLANTIC bate will preceeid action on an ad' ClEU'k succeeded in getting two Dempsey’s successful interven­ expert repairing. Potterton's (By THE ASSOCIATED FBBM) ★ WELDING FURNACE OIL Llaten to V .50 miniatration package of Civil of hia measures assigned to the "The United States la vitally tion was announced a few minutes Open Mondays All Day ★ AUTOIODYcNid Automatic llellverv ISO Center St.— Cor. of Cbu^h .Katb>’ God­ Rights Introduced yeaterday. Senate Labor COnmilttee, These concerned with the peace, security, before midnight by Philip White, Rebel officials refused 'to ChMed Wednesday frey WINF- , Mansfield made it clear that included a bill r e a rin g ’’first step and independence of the free p'eo- general manager of the Norwich deal with members of the In­ L. T. WOOD CO. even before the rule change ii ples in Asia. W e are disturbed by Public Utilities Department. Afternoon* FENDER REPAIRS Phone .Ml 3-1 m CBS, Man- compliance” In school desegrega­ ternational Control Conlinis- cheater, 10:10 brought up, he hopes to ha^e moat tion and another to set up a Fair the threat of armed aggression The Chief Executive promised ic COMPLEtE CAR there.” sion for Laos at an initial A.M., Monday Luxury aheer of President Kennedy's ‘ general Kmployment practices Commta- to come to Norwich during the SAM YULYES PAINTING leglaiative program out of the meeting at Hin Heup today, a "SHOE REPAISINO thru ^turday. aion (FEPC) Johnson's first atop will be at week to meet with both sides In OP THE BETTER KIND" LACQUER and ENAMEL Notice Contest every plain or micro way. ^ Four other /measures, including Hawaii where he gives a speech hopes of obtaining a settlement. Laotian military authority' TEL. MI P-302S day. “ Otherwise,” he said, “ we might propose (-(matituUonal amend­ late today. White said. 2S OAK STREET mesh seamless said. This further confused Same Side As Watkins have a long, drawn out struggle ments to abm i^ poll taxes and lit­ The Vice President took 'off at There were fears that a strike CHHD'S STEROJZED Up High in the Ttill Cedar Parade SUMMER in the ' Senate that might en­ eracy testa mr voting, went to the 8:09 a.m. EDT aboard a U.S. mili­ would seriously disrupt power the outlook for the 14-nation 281 ADAMS ST. nylons in beau­ It isn’t so tough when you know how. Ken Morgan nonchalant­ DEUVERY HOURS danger the tmflnlahed aspects of Senate Judiciary Committee. tary jet transport plane with new seri'ice in the community of 40,000 conference on Laos doe to HEALTH SAND ly peddles his unicycle and sucks on a lollipop at the same time. tiful new' summer the Prealdent’a program.” . In this latter group, headed by markings designed to emphasize residents. open in Geneva Friday. That’s his dad, Alfred, who was a sapplingin Saturday’s ’Tall <3e- 1 to 2 to 7 pjn. Today, after the weekly break­ At issue is a reclassification "The other aide (the rebola) Said W. H. ENGLAND ,dars parade, and later was Initiated Into Nutmeg Forest. « 'There shades. Measured fast session of Democratic con­ (ConUnued on Page Ten) (Coatlnned on Page Bight) plan agi'ced to by the union and the they ooUld not recognize the IOC," were three other Morgans in the unieycle troupe—A1 Jr., Billy and gressional leaders with Kennedy, Bdard of Utilities commlasioners. said Lt. Col. Udon Sananikone, LUMRER CO. little Mary Jane. They live at 3 Victoria Dr., North Coventr>’. W EST SID E FREE lengths.
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