E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 106 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 145 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1999 No. 69 Senate The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was RECOGNITION OF THE ACTING Hollings amendment No. 328, to called to order by the President pro MAJORITY LEADER amend the Communications Act of 1934 tempore [Mr. THURMOND]. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The to require that the broadcast of violent The PRESIDENT pro tempore. To- able chairman of the Judiciary Com- video programming be limited to hours day’s prayer will be offered by our mittee is recognized. when children are not reasonably like- guest Chaplain, Pastor Lonnie Shull, Mr. HATCH. I thank the Chair. ly to comprise a substantial portion of First Baptist Church, West Columbia, f the audience. SC. SCHEDULE Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- We are very pleased to have you with Mr. HATCH. This morning the Sen- sent to add Senator MCCAIN as a co- us. ate will resume consideration of the ju- sponsor of the Hatch-Leahy amend- venile justice legislation. Pending is ment. the Hatch-Leahy amendment with a The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without PRAYER vote to take place at approximately objection, it is so ordered. 9:40 a.m. Following the disposition of Mr. HATCH. I suggest the absence of The guest Chaplain, Pastor Lonnie a quorum. Shull, First Baptist Church, West Co- the Hatch-Leahy amendment, Senator HOLLINGS will resume debate of his tel- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The lumbia, SC, offered the following pray- clerk will call the roll. er: evision violence amendment with 2 hours of debate remaining on the The legislative assistant proceeded God be merciful to us, and bless us; amendment, with the time for a vote to to call the roll. cause Your face to shine upon us.— be determined. It is hoped that signifi- Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I ask Psalm 67:1. Gracious Father, we praise cant progress can continue to be made unanimous consent that the order for You today. You have blessed America, on this important legislation. There- the quorum call be rescinded. and we are so thankful. You have made fore, Senators can expect votes The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without us the greatest Nation on Earth. Ac- throughout today’s session of the Sen- objection, it is so ordered. cept, O Father, our sincere gratitude. ate. Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I ask May we be a gracious demonstration of I thank my colleagues for their at- unanimous consent to have my full 5 the freedom and opportunity, right- tention. minutes as previously reserved. eousness and justice, You desire for all The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there nations. f objection? Without objection, it is so I pray that You will empower our RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME ordered. Senators with Your wisdom. Give The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, the them, I pray, a divine vision for the CRAPO). Under the previous order, the Hatch-Leahy amendment is a good one. United States of America. May they be leadership time is reserved. I hope everybody will support it. I have given double portions of courage, hon- f talked for years about empowering esty, and humility as Your dedicated users of the Internet to control and VIOLENT AND REPEAT JUVENILE limit access to material they did not servants. Save us, I pray, from the en- OFFENDER ACCOUNTABILITY emies who would destroy us. Deliver us want to see and that could be found on AND REHABILITATION ACT OF line. This could be any type of mate- from internal strife, selfish arrogance, 1999 and moral disintegration. rial. Parents may not want their chil- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- dren buying things. There may be ob- Today, we especially pray for those ate will now resume consideration of S. scene material. It could be types of who serve this Nation in our Armed 254 which the clerk will report. sites parents are against. Forces overseas. Keep them safe in The legislative assistant read as fol- We also know there is a lot of amaz- Your loving care and bring them safely lows: ing and wonderful material on the back to their homeland soon. Help us A bill (S. 254) to reduce violent juvenile Internet. While I oppose efforts in Con- to reach out in love to our fellow citi- crime, promote accountability by rehabilita- gress to regulate content of the Inter- zens whose lives have been devastated tion of juvenile individuals, punish and deter net, I do want to make sure children by violence and by storms. violent gang crimes, and for other purposes. can be protected, that parents have the O God, please bless America and keep Pending: ability to do that, and this gives them her true as You have kept her free. We Hatch-Leahy amendment No. 335, re- a chance to do it. ask these things in the name and the lating to the availability of Internet I have always believed the power to authority of the Prince of peace. Amen. filtering and screening software. control what people see belongs to the ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S5193 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 21:56 Nov 01, 2013 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\1999SENATE\S13MY9.REC S13MY9 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S5194 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 13, 1999 users and the parents, not the Govern- Mr. HATCH. Mr. President, I strongly Chafee Hatch Murray ment. The amendment the chairman urge my colleagues to support this Cleland Helms Nickles Cochran Hollings Reed and I offer requires large on-line serv- Hatch-Leahy amendment, which is Collins Hutchinson Reid ice providers to offer their subscribers aimed at limiting the negative impact Conrad Hutchison Robb filtering software and systems to stop violence and indecent material on the Coverdell Inhofe Roberts Craig Inouye objectionable materials from reaching Internet have on children. Rockefeller Crapo Jeffords Roth Daschle Johnson their computer screens. I am sup- As I noted last evening, this amend- Santorum DeWine Kennedy portive of voluntary industry efforts to ment does not regulate the content. In- Sarbanes Dodd Kerrey come together and provide Internet stead, it encourages the larger Internet Domenici Kerry Schumer users with one-click-away information service providers, the ISPs, if you will, Dorgan Kohl Sessions resources on how to protect children to provide, either for free or at a fee Durbin Kyl Shelby Smith (NH) when they go on line. Senator CAMP- not exceeding the cost to the service Edwards Landrieu Enzi Lautenberg Smith (OR) BELL and I joined Vice President Gore providers, filtering technologies that Feingold Leahy Snowe at the White House last week to hear will empower parents to limit or block Feinstein Levin Specter about this one-click-away amendment. the access of minors to unsuitable ma- Fitzgerald Lieberman Stevens Our amendment helps promote the use terials on the Internet. We simply can- Frist Lincoln Thomas Gorton Lott Thompson of filtering technologies. It is better not ignore the fact that the Internet Graham Lugar Thurmond than Government censorship. It is a has the ability to expose children to Gramm Mack Torricelli fall-back provision, if the companies do violent, sexually explicit, and other in- Grams McCain Voinovich Grassley McConnell not do it themselves. appropriate materials with no limits. Warner Gregg Mikulski Wellstone Hagel f A recent Time/CNN poll found that 75 Moynihan Wyden percent of teenagers from 13 to 17 be- Harkin Murkowski NOTE FROM SENATOR SASSER lieve the Internet is partly responsible The amendment (No. 335) was agreed Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I wonder for the crimes that occurred in Little- to. if my distinguished friend from Utah ton, CO, at Columbine High School. Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I move to will indulge me. I ask unanimous con- The amendment respects the first reconsider the vote. sent for 1 minute to read a note that I amendment of the Constitution by not Mr. HATCH. I move to lay that mo- just received from our former col- regulating content but ensures that tion on the table. league, Senator Sasser. parents will have the adequate techno- The motion to lay on the table was The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without logical tools to control access of their agreed to. objection, it is so ordered. children to unsuitable material on the The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, many of Internet. SANTORUM). Under the previous order, us served here with Jim Sasser, the I honestly believe that the Internet the Senator from Nevada, Mr. BRYAN, very distinguished former chairman of service providers that do not already is recognized for up to 12 minutes for a the Budget Committee, now our Am- provide filtering software to their sub- morning business statement. bassador to China at a very difficult scribers will do so voluntarily. They The Senator from Nevada. time. will know it is in their best interests, We have seen the photographs of Am- and I believe the market will demand f bassador Sasser under siege in the Chi- it. nese Embassy. I faxed him a note the A recent survey reported in the New DANGERS OF NUCLEAR WASTE other day, saying how proud I was, and York Times yesterday found that al- TRANSPORTATION I mentioned the comments of many most a third of on-line American Mr. BRYAN. Mr. President, next Senators saying how proud they were, households with children use blocking Sunday and Monday, NBC is scheduled of his grace under fire and the fact that software.
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