Notice of meeting and agenda South Central Neighbourhood Partnership 6.00 pm, Monday, 7 December 2015 Business Centre, City Chambers, High Street, Edinburgh This is a public meeting and members of the public are welcome to attend Contact E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 0131 529 7182 1. 1. Order of business 1.1 Including any notices of motion and any other items of business submitted as urgent for consideration at the meeting. 2. Declaration of interests 2.1 Members should declare any financial and non financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest. 3. Deputations 3.1 None 4. Minutes 6.05 – 6.10 pm 4.1 Minutes of the South Central Neighbourhood Partnership of 7 September 2015. Submitted for approval as a correct record. 5. Neighbourhood Partnership Business 5.1 Southside Community Council – Confirmation of representation on SCNP 6.10-6.15 pm 5.2 Procedures for Securing Bins – Report by Acting Head of Environment Circulated (presentation from Waste Services) 6.15-6.35 pm 5.3 Cycling on Meadows Action Plan/Bike Storage Pilot Update from Bryan Mackie, Design Technician Circulated 6.35-6.50 pm 5.4 Localities Working Update on Council’s Transformation Programme 6.50-7.05 pm 5.5 Action Group Progress Report: Report by Neighbourhood Manager 7.05-7.15 pm (Circulated) 5.6 Community Grants Fund Applications: Report by Neighbourhood Manager 7.15-7.45 pm (Circulated) 5.7 Budget Consultation 7.45-7.50 pm 5.8 Public Questions 7.50-8.00 pm 6. Dates of Future Meetings Monday, 14th March 2016 @ 6.00 pm Venue TBC Monday, 13th June 2016 @ 6.00 pm Venue TBC Monday, 5th September 2016 @ 6.00 pm Venue TBC South Central Neighbourhood Partnership Page 2 of 3 2. Monday, 5th December 2016 @ 6.00 pm Venue TBC Carol Campbell Head of Legal and Risk Committee Members Councillor Main (Convener) Inspector Graeme Nesbit, Police Scotland Councillor Orr Jonny Ross-Tatum, Edinburgh University Students’ Assoc Councillor Burgess David White, NHS Lothian Councillor Godzik June Dickson, EVOC Councillor Howat Alastair Philp, Marchmont Sciennes Community Council Councillor McInnes Bridget Stevens, Merchiston Community Council Councillor Perry Ann Wigglesworth, Tollcross Community Council Councillor Rose Steve Gregory, Morningside Community Council Sue Tritton, Grange Prestonfield Community Council Tim Pogson – Southside Community Council Information about the South Central Neighbourhood Partnership The South Central Neighbourhood Partnership consists of eight Councillors representing Council Wards 10 and 15. In addition the Neighbourhood Partnership includes representatives from Police Scotland, Edinburgh University Student Association, NHS Lothian, Edinburgh Voluntary Organisations Council, and representatives from Marchmont Sciennes; Merchiston; Tollcross; Morningside and Grange/Prestonfield Community Councils. In the absence of a Community Council in Southside/Newington the area is currently represented by a member of the Southside Association. The South Central Neighbourhood Partnership usually meets quarterly in the Business Centre, City Chambers on the High Street in Edinburgh. There is a seated public area and the meeting is open to all members of the public. Further information If you have any questions about the agenda or meeting arrangements, please contact Margaret Campbell, Partnership Development Officer, City of Edinburgh Council, 40 Captains Road, Edinburgh, EH17 8QF, Tel 0131 529 7182, e-mail [email protected] A copy of the agenda and papers for this meeting will be available for inspection prior to the meeting at the South Team Office, 40 Captains Road, Edinburgh, EH17 8QF. The agenda, minutes and public reports for this meeting and all the main Council committees including the Neighbourhood Partnership can be viewed online by going to www.edinburgh.gov.uk/cpol. South Central Neighbourhood Partnership Page 3 of 3 3. Minute South Central Neighbourhood Partnership Monday, 07 September 2015 PRESENT Partnership Members Cllr Melanie Main City of Edinburgh Council (Convener) Cllr Cameron Rose City of Edinburgh Council Cllr Ian Perry City of Edinburgh Council Cllr Steve Burgess City of Edinburgh Council Cllr Mark McInnes City of Edinburgh Council Insp Graeme Nisbet Police Scotland Steve Gregory Morningside Community Council Alastair Philp Marchmont/Sciennes Community Council Tony Harris Grange/Prestonfield Community Council Tim Pogson Southside Association Bridget Stevens Merchiston Community Council Ann Wigglesworth Tollcross Community Council Supporting Officers Sarah Burns CEC – Neighbourhood Manager Evelyn Kilmurry CEC SfC Partnership & Information Manager Pamela Brown CEC SfC Partnership Development Officer Margaret Campbell CEC SfC Partnership Development Officer Apologies Cllr Jim Orr City of Edinburgh Council Cllr Paul Godzik City of Edinburgh Council Sue Tritton Grange/Prestonfield Community Council David White NHS Lothian Jonny Ross-Tatam EUSA 4. 1. Order of Business 1.1 There were no notifications of motions of urgent items. 1.2 Cllr Perry notified the Chair that he was required to leave the meeting early 1.4 Agenda Item 5.3 – Parking Action Consultation was discussed first but reported in the sequential order of the agenda. 2. Declarations of Interest 2.1 There were no declarations of interest. 3. Deputations 3.1 None 4. Minutes of the Previous Meeting 4.1 Minutes of meeting on 8 June 2015 circulated for information and approval. 4.2 Amend references to Meadows & Bruntsfield Links in section 5.6. Festival Events take place on the Meadows, not Bruntsfield Links. Decision Taking cognisance of the amendment noted at paragraph 3.2, the Minute of the meeting held on 8th June 2015 was approved. 4.3 Progress Updates 4.3.1 Securing Street Wheelie Bins: Sarah Burns reported that the Waste Services report would be presented to the December meeting, by Waste Services. 4.3.2 Festival Events on the Meadows 2016: Sarah Burns advised that she had arranged a meeting on Thursday, 10th September to feedback and discuss the specifics of this year’s events on the Meadows. Noted that Meadows & Bruntsfield Links Advisory Group had been invited but other interested parties would be made welcome. Sarah to re-circulate the meeting date. Page 2 of 8 5. 5. Neighbourhood Partnership Business 5.1 Local Policing Update 5.1.1 Inspector Graeme Nisbet reported that over the last few months, Police Scotland have been involved in a number of events including: Dumbiedykes Fun Day Royal Week World Naked Bike Ride Meadows Festival Lacrosse Under 19’s Ladies World Championships 5.1.2 They have participated in civic receptions at both the Synagogue and the Mosque and arranged a series of information surgeries at the Mosque. 5.1.3 Misuse of New Psychoactive Substances (NPS) still prevalent but being addressed. Day of Action involving Police, Community Safety and private landlords successful. Two warrants secured and a number of arrests made leading to eviction. 5.1.4 Speeding – Officers are addressing specific problems in two areas namely the Braids and Prestonfield. 5.1.5 Edinburgh Festival – had a dedicated team of 18 officers plus mounted police concentrating solely on Festival related issues. Six officers dedicated to the south making high visibility patrols around Pleasance, George Square and the Meadows. 5.1.6 Through the Community Improvement Partnership (CIP) process, applications for additional officers can be made to the Licensing & Violence Reduction Unit (LVRU) or Divisional Violence Reduction Unit (DVRU) to concentrate efforts on specific hot spots throughout the city. Officers have recently been deployed to tackle issues relating to the Southside Corridor. Application for continuance been submitted. Insp Nisbet happy to discuss with SCNP members who recognise a severe problem within their area. 5.1.7 Reported that Schools Closed Streets initiative being piloted at Sciennes Primary (roads around schools closed to traffic for a period at start and end of the school day) 5.1.8 Community Based Team – St Leonards. New community officers are based at St Leonards. There are four officers allocated to South Central who will have a dedicated beat, attend meetings and provide a level of continuity within the community. Each month the officers are required to produce a list of activities undertaken. Cllr Main reported that the Community Councils have very much welcomed the new named officers. Bridget Stevens requested that the new Community Ward Officers brief the local Neighbourhood Watch groups of the new set-up. Page 3 of 8 6. 5.1.9 Future Engagement includes University Coming Up Weekend and Welcome Week (new name for Freshers Week); future days of action; Community Safety engagement sessions in local libraries; preparation for bonfire night. 5.2 Participatory Budgeting(PB) (Report by Neighbourhood Manager circulated) 5.2.1 Sarah Burns reminded the SCNP that at the June 2015 meeting it had been agreed to ring-fence the sum of £12,000 to be disbursed using a PB approach at an event at the end of January 2016. The SCNP also discussed the development of the Neighbourhood Environment Programme (NEP) selection process using PB. Finally, it had been suggested that a joint selection event take place which would reduce the overall work and associated costs. 5.2.2 Sarah reported that the NEP selection had to be undertaken by the end of April/early May in order for the works to be completed within the relevant fiscal year. 5.2.3 In order to achieve the maximum impact the following two options were presented for consideration: • Option 1: to revoke the decision of 8 June 2015 to ring- fence £12,000 from the 2015/16 Community Grants Fund budget and to distribute the funds under the normal process; and to hold a joint NEP and Community event April May 2016 using 2016/17 funding. A sum of £12,000 would be ring-fenced from the 2016/17 budget. • Option 2: to continue with a Community Grants event in early 2016 using 2015/16 funding and hold a separate NEP event in April/May 2016 using 2016/17 funding.
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