INTERCOMPARISON PROCEDURES DOSMETRE TH N I F YO HIGH-ENERGY X-RAY AND ELECTRON BEAMS REPOR ADVISORN A F TO Y GROUP MEETING ORGANIZED BY THE INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY AND HELD IN VIENNA 2-6 APRIL 1979 A TECHNICAL DOCUMENT ISSUEE TH Y DB INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, VIENNA, 1981 The IAEA does not maintain stocks of reports in this series. However, microfiche copies of these reports can be obtained from IN IS Microfiche Clearinghouse International Atomic Energy Agency Wagramerstrasse5 0 10 P.Ox Bo . A-1400 Vienna, Austria on prepayment of Austrian Schillings 25.50 or against one IAEA microfiche service coupon to the value of US S2.00. CONTENTS REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE ADVISORY GROUP Repor recommendationd an t Advisore th f so y Group..................7 . APPENDI . I XIAEA/WH O postal dose intercomparison (TLD) for high energy X-ray therapy. Instruction sheet................7 1 . APPENDI . XII IAEA/WH O postal dose intercomparison (TLD) for high energy X-ray therapy. Data sheet........................ 21 EXPERIENCE WITH AND THE NEED FOR DOSE INTERCOMPARISONS The IAEA/WHO thermoluminescent dosimetry intercomparison used for the improvemen clinicaf o t l dosimetry ............................7 2 . N.T. Racoveanu A surve f clinicallo y y applied dosimetry (Summary e reporth n o t IAEA/WHO postal dose intercomparison of cobalt-60 telecurie units with TLD) ........................................................3 3 . Seelenta. W g Dose intercomparison programm Regionae th f o e l Reference Centre of Argentina ...................................................... 45 R. Gonzalez, M.S. de Fernandez Gianotti Experience in intercomparison at an SSDL for orthovoltage and high energy beams ................................................. 51 G. Subrahmanian, I.S. Sundara Rao Bureau of Radiological Health Activities in Dose Delivery Surveys.. 57 R. Morton Status of radiation therapy in Nigeria and problems of accurate dosimetry ......................................................... 59 A.O. Fregene DOSIMETRY WITH FERROUS SULPHATE SOLUTIONS, TLD AND IONIZATION CHAMBERS e ferrouth f o s e sulphatUs e dosimete s transfea r r instrument for calibrating clinical dosimeters ..............................5 6 . J.P. Simoen Chartier. ,M Page. ,L s Measurement assurance studie high-energf o s y electro d photoan n n dosimetr radiation-therapn i y y applications.......................5 7 . Ehrlich. M , G.G. Soares resultA e revieth f wo s obtaine NPL/PTe th y b dB Fricke dosemeter calibration servic German i e n radiological centres ..........................................................9 8 . FeisH t FeSOf o somn e i ,us e e practicaTh l aspect high-energf o s y photon and electron dosimetry ............................................ 95 Wambersie. A Prignot. ,M Dutrei. ,A x Postal dose intercomparison for high-energy X-rays and electrons witD .........................................................TL h l Il . B.E. Bjärngard, B.—I. Rüden, P.J. Biggs, A.L. Boyer, K.A. Johansson, K.R. Kase Absorbed dose determination with ionization chambers in photon and electron beams ................................................9 12 . K.A. Johansson, L.O. Mattsson High energy radiation dosimetry and cavity theory - a re- examination ......................................................7 13 . A.O. Fregene ANNEX Procedure Externaln si " Radiation Therapy Dosimetry with 5 Electro14 d nan Photon Beams with Maximum V EnergieMe 0 5 sd betweean V Me 1 n Recommendations by the Nordic Association of Clinical Physicists Reproduced witkine th hd permissio Actf o n a Radiologica L/is't of participants 169 REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE ADVISORY GROUP 1. Introduction radiotherapf o m Theai achievo t s besye i eth t tumour control with a minimum of radiation-induced complications in critical normal tissues. The implementatio thif no s object depends upon various factorse Th . present report, however, concerns itself specifically with the improve- ment of dosimetry and its uniformity. All present biological and clinical evidence indicates that at a critical absorbed dose level ,differenca absorben ei d dos lesf eo s thaproduc$ 10 n e difference biologican si tumouls a effectr rfa s sa contro normad lan l tissue reaction concernee . sar 2] , d[l A possible procedure for achieving the goal of improving dosimetry is to send an expert to the various radiotherapy centres and have an on-the- spot dose determination. Anotheachievinf o y rwa g this woulo t e db « greatly enlarge educational programme trainine th r medicasfo f g o l physicists and other persons responsibl radiatior efo n dosimetr thein yi centresn row . A third procedure is to make use of a mailed dose meter for the determination of absorbed dose. A postal dose intercomparison programme of absorbed dose for Co y-rays was initiate IAEe continueds 1966n th ha Ai y d b large,a an n ,o r scale, since 1970 with WHO collaboration. Thermoluminescence dosimetry was used for this study. In 19?6, an Advisory Group to the IAEA recommended to extend the same technique for dose intercomparison to the field of orthovoltage X-rays. présene Th t report deals witextensioe hth postae th f lno absorbed dose intercomparison programm high-energo et y photo electrod nan n beams. The need for accurate dosimetry in this field is well recognized and results from the proliferation of these machines. The increased use of high-energy photo electrod nan n beams means thae earltth y indication oincorrecn fa t absorbed dos acutn shows a ea y enb skin reactios ni eliminated. Moreover reducee ,th d skin reaction allow higher sfo r tumour doses. In this situation the accuracy of the dosimetry is revealed only in late radiation effects with a latent period of at least several •- months. Therefor absorbee eth d dose give high-energy nb y photod nan electron beams mus wele tb l established. 2. Objectives The objective plannee th f so d postal dose intercoraparison programme are simila thoso rt e formulate formea n di r IAEA report (TR 182). SNo . creato T ) greateea (a r awarenes neee correcr th dfo f so t dosimetry in radiation therapy. (b) To compare and improve the accuracy of the clinical delivery of the radiation dose. (c) To improve dosimetric consistency within and among radiation therapy centres. o identifT ) (d ysourcee th som deliver e f erroeo f se th o th n ri f yo target absorbed dose as well as methods by which these may be corrected. 3. Spécifia aims presene th f o t m programmai e exteno t Th postae s ei dth l dose inter- comparison programme initiated by the IAEA and the WHO to high-energy radiation emitted by betatrons, linear accelerators, and other similar equipment, i.e.: - X-ray maximuf so m energV Me 20tf yo 0 5 o - Electrons with nominal energy of 2 to 50 MeV The dosimeters which nowo t ,p ,u hav e been propose used sucr dan dfo h postal intercomparisons are the PeSO, chemical dosimeter and the thermo- luminescence dosimeter. Their respective advantage disadvantaged san e sar discussed here, taking into account tneir general merits as well as practical considerations. r thiFo s intercompariso dosimetrie choice th nth f o e c metno wels da l technicae th f o s la procedures shoul provido t suce db s ha determinatioea n of absorbed dose witr uncertaintn .a lesf yo s. tha5$ n+ As for the other energy ranges already investigated, the planned inter- comparison programme snould help in the assessment of the reasons for signi- ficant discrepancies sucf ,i h discrepancies occur. 4. Methods 4.1. General methodo Tw s that coul usee db specifie meeo t dth t c aimthermoe sar - luminescence and ferrous sulphate dosimetry. 4»2. Thermoluminescence Dosimeters 4«2.1. Lithium Fluoride Powder The ongoing IAEA/WHO postal dose intercomparison programme is based powderP ocharacteristics Li nsyste e it Th .d man s have been described elsewhere [3»4]> The reproducibility of the dosimeters irradiated in beamo C particularn ,i a bees $ ,ha n95 evaluatee 1,5+ th s i $t a d dan confidence level. This figure has been obtained by dividing the LiP powder eacn ,i h dosimeter int equao5 l part takind san averag e gth f eo these readings. Preliminary experiments indicat energy-dependence eth systee th f meo for photons with a maximum energy of 4 to 25 MeV is less than 2$ [5]. Data frosame mth e experimental study indicate thaenerge tth y dependence of the system for high-energy electrons is greater than that for high-energy X-rays (i.e. 10$ in the range from 4 to 20 MeV). 4.2.2. Pressed Lithium Fluoride Thermoluminescence Dosimeters (TLD "chips") Pressed LiP TLD chips have been used without build-up in surveys of dose delivery during clinical radiographie procedures sealen [6,7i d ]dan glass extensivn bulba r sfo e one-time teletherap o surveC f yo y dosimetry [8,9,10]. pressee th n advantage i d th LiD fors PTL mha powdeD eTL ovefasteP f ro rLi r reproducible readou equipmenn ti t lending itself readil partiao yt l automation of dosimeter handling. A disadvantage is the need for either individual dosi- meter calibration between successive mailings or for selection and calibration of dosimeter comparablf so e respons identicao et l irradiation. The relative standard deviation from the mean response of individual cnips varies somewhat from dosimeter to dosimeter. On the average, at the 95$ confidence interval for the mean response of an individual bare dosi- meter chip irradiated 9 times at one given level and read in a hot-nitrogen reader it was about +1,0 percent; that for an individual sealed bulb in whicf, the two enclosed chips are permanently in contact with an electrically r.eatable metal strip was about +_ Of6 percent. When the quantity of dosimeters thousandse handleth n i s becomedi t ,i s cumbersom keeo e t wit p pu h dosimeter identity.
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