A Panorama COVERING' O f Lo cal TOWNSHIPS OF HOLMDEL, MADISON People And MARLBORO. MATAWAN AMD Even ts MAI AWAN BOROUGH Hrm bmt MnintMr 95th Y EA R — 24th WEEK N«l|w>i Editorial AwKlattaa M ATAW AN, N. J., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1963 N e * Pi c m AtaocUUai Single Copy Ten Centa Takes Typing Course Marlboro: Lanzaro Corporate Planners Study Proposed Bavshorc Coiiiiiiunily Hospital Wins, Council Split Democrat Joseph A. La m u m , BarUageluta defeated Mr. Lanzaro elected mayor lust year under the h y M\ v o le s (720-674). Iownship committee form of gov* Place Two Candidates eminent. emergd the winner in Marlboro Township’s runoff elec­ lu thc five-way ruce for council tion Tuesday for tlie posi ol mayor seats, tho Fusion ticket placed two u n d e r the township's new mayor- of its candidates, Charles I. Me* council (Faulkner Plan E) form of Cue. who was hitfh man on the government. entire ticket, und Alfred L Storer. Mr. l.an/aro, who headed a six- Tht? Citizen* Committee placed member fusion ticket, comprised three men on t h e five-member of Dcmocruts and Republicans, de* council electing Norman Janwich, featcd John Barbagelata who head­ Waller Grubb jr. and Joseph A. ed a slate of Citizens Committee Bro d n iak, candidates hy 47 votes. Local hai- In the order of finish for the lotirig. excluding absentee nr mill- council posts, candidates scored tary ballots, gave Mr. Lan/ato locally us follows: Mr. McCue. !M!l to Ins opponent’s R72. 1013; Mr. Janwich. %\)\ M r. I he m u-off election b e c a’ ni e Storer, M8; Mr. Grubb, 87/>; Mr. necessary following the provision Brodniak. 81*1; Georga H. Creevy. ot the I-aulkner Act adopted in the Hr»7; W . 1.. Lo M o in e jr.. 811; P h ilip township Apr. 2't. because mine of I If. Arnold, H.’W; Waiter S’. Dunn, th e candidates obtained an ab­ Rijn and Aristo Scrobogna, 011. solute majority in t h e general The new officials will take off ic election Nov. f>. At that time, Mr. the first of next year. iMarlhoro Vote By Districts M a rllio ro D is tricts i 2 1 T o ta l f-or M a y o r (Vote hor One) . Joseph A. Laiuarn u s 21! 4.12 9IH John Barbag(du(a • m 21.1 I'll 87-' J-nr Council (V o le l or F iv e ) G eorg e l i . C re e v y ' i n m 37S 8.17 Charles T. McCue Patralmaa Cirm M Messina, MaUwan BorouRh, has been one of Ihe 141 221 « l IUI.1 Allred L Storer 2M m Hft8 participant* ia Iba lypiag c o u n t , given at the Matawan Regional lliftn 221 Walter S. Duna 2(M l!J7 m 8M | ■chaol. He It ilwwa with Ml teacher, M n. Robert Biundage, al lht- W. L. LeMoine jr. 2B.I 3,W concluding clam i f Ihe fall wmeater on Mondav evening. Patrolman 811! Philip 11. Arnold 1SI 1!H 4M k:hi j Mesalna lack llw c m rtf la facilitate making oul reports when he is on Jos. A. Brodniak M l 22* 4.12 Mil j A lly at Pollcfi Headquarter*. Walter Grubb Jr. TM 2 1* 87.1! Norman Janwich n * 231 SIX M>9i Arislo Scrolwena 181 2n:i 4211 811 . • i ' - — _ ' — Does riot include absentee ballots. Owners Flay Taking ______ _....................... James IL Chipps, left, plant manager of the new Mattel Company Hospital, and Mr. Anderson U a committee member. The hospit^ operation In llolmdel, and Jack McCiulllard, Bay Division Manager for; is being planned to alleviate serious overcrowding at nearby hospital* j Jersey Central Power and Light Company, study the rendering of the \ and in anticipation of the rapid growth of the area, Survey Report Strathm ore Dcms j new llayvhorc Community Hospital with Thomas M. Anderson, right, ,1 The corporate planning committee will be responsible for carrying j manager of Cork Stop|k*r Sales ol the Armstrong Cork Company, ' out the solicitation of corporations In the service area of the n?w Over Levitt Roads IM a li l H I j Kevport. Mr. Chipps and McGailiard have heen named co-chairmen! hospital, and for advising the hospital hoard on tho facilities needed To Be Given iH a S I M a y o r Iflill* / corl>or‘de pl;‘n,dng committee for the new Bayshore Community! to adequately serve the needs o i industry io the bayshore area. Persistent demands as U t “ what ip . was thc haste** in the issuance of the developer and what it should 16!i0 occupancy permits to Levitt & have obtained. M r. Schwartz avow­ Strathmore Owners Criticize Support School Canvass On Son for housing in Slrathmore gain­ ed the township committee would Planners Early Copy | RcHllirCll NlimllCf get a registered letter about this. To Meet Dec. 19 O f Erosion Project e d little In the w a y of a re ve alin g Fdwaru J. Sculliun, secretary Our readers>:iitiirii are'int advised'iilcli-»il thatilinl • •nawer ut the Matawan Township That there Is basis for Mr. of the Matawan Regional Board Residents of Strathmore. the one- Tho Strathmore Democratic Club Thursday, Dec. JS, will bo our Committee meeting M a n d a v. Schwartz's fears was averred by of Fducution, confirmed Tuesday W illi U viit O ff | Sign Pci iI ion today blasted Mayor John Muiy Christmas Issue, so all church Committeeman Henry E, Traphau- (continued on page four) year olil'development built by I.«v- Chv census on school und pros­ fur trying to rum through a co st- , notices In connection with Christ­ •n noted that with “only 170” left [It and Sons, Inc., will learn Dcc. pective school enrollment tu aid ly beach erosion project lhat would! R e p r e s e n ta tiv e Is mas should he in (hli office no ^ For Madison Name to ro, th e re was no hope of bringing In the formulation of building 19 at u meel in# of the Strathmore serve no benefit to the township. | luter than ll a.m. on Tuesday. thc developer to terms on the basis ! plans and Iho choice of school Unable To Attend Change Referendum Civic Association the result* of a The Mayor finally recanted afler The Issues of Dec. 2K and Jan. •f refusing him occupancy per­ Apartm ents For survey o.' utility rules and-service hearing testimony fnwn a iepr«vi under way. Census tak- 2 will lie printed on tiie prcvioui m its. ers will wear Identifying hndge* Mr.-v Dorothy Smith, secretary of j Committeeman Joseph o f relative to their homes. sentative of the State Department Monday and the deadline for JI fe That there was reason for bring* and have credentials, Mr. Scul­ ! the Matawan Township IManning news and photographs will be ch a irm an uf the Com m ittee fop Route 34 Queried Information on tlie structural of Conservation. Ai that time it ing the Levitt firm to terms on the lion stated, so householders will j Board, said lhe scheduled meeting ; t h u Friday preceding at 12 performance of each of Levitt's was mado clear that the proposed Kennedy Township name - rhang* requirements put upon it under lw reassured u Im uH udmliting o'clock noon. Classified adver­ Change From Office five different - styled houses and project would offer no flood pro­ j last n/ght between the bo.trd and ' m .Madison Township, reported tlie planned community ordinance them to their homes. (continued on pane four) tection nor hall tho erosion ot th*? tisem ents m usl bo plac< i |>v I The district has been divided ; representative.! of Levitt ami Sons, 1 M o nd ay petitions of 27till signa-. became patent an one Strathmore Building At Sit* Hit cliff al Cliffwood Beach. p.m. on Friday of the preceding owner after another rose to detail into three units with Mrs. (ieorgt* j Inc., was cancelled when the rep- week, and the deadline lor dis­ lures, or the requited !10 per cen# Following thu defeat ot the pro­ what was wrong on the property Wadington Elected W. Connor )r. headinK the crew j resentutive of the devektpei vf; of the voters casting ballots at iht Introduction of an ordinance to posal by lhe Township Committee, play advertising w ill he 12 he had bought or with the slreel, of canvasser* working In the last general election, have Oee^ make garden apartments a per* By County Firemen tlm Slrathmore Democratic Cluh | Slrathmore could not attend. : o’clock noon on Friday. the guuer, tho sidewalk and the borough; Waller McNulty \n We regret having to wet such filed wuh Mr.s. Mary Bmwn, tovsn* mitted use In ■ highway business president, David A. Wolfe, said .n | The planners, ui a meeting Nov. •torm drain In front of il. charge ot those working in Cliff- an early deadline, but in order ship clerk, asking the question oi • zone on Route 34 ran Into suf­ The Monmouth County Firemen’s a prepared statement, that it wa* ; -0, summoned Levitt represent- wood and Jam es K. Snyder |r. In for our employees to enjoy the name change go on the hallo! as $ There wore declaration* lhal ficient objection from Matawan obvious from the beginning that i alives to the meeting to air com-! Association has elected John P.
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