' â - ; S Mrs. Lockett underwent sur^Arv Qf +i, . recent ™bere Mrs. Hall spent several down through Targhee and Teton PERSONALS clinirheart fn SF* 1 ,the ^versity days at the market doing her Passes to the beautiful Jackson WCTU Reports Miss Jennie Cassidy, who was the THE SIDNEY HERALD £ Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Lane and was a nat wneta?ïllSxr Where she b?ying for the Modern Lady Shop. Hole country, and on to Salt Lake first National Flower Mission di­ Thursday, May 26, 1955 3 children Barbara and Tommie, re­ Heart + at the Variety Club Mr. Hall, who has been under City across the Salt Lake desert rector. Miss Cassidy, who was a She feli* ^tal J°T thfee weeks- Gare at the Veteran’s hospital at Fine Institute turned last week from Havre to Pendleton, Ore., down the cripple all her life, did a noble solo by Gene Ann Hillman con­ Montana, where Mrs. Lane’s moth­ remvprv * j she made splendid Fort Snelling for several weeks, scenic Columbia River highway Program work in that field for over 40 cluded the musical part of the er, Mrs. Mearl Hetrick, 75, passed v 1S ffUing along fine- was able to return with his wife to Portland, and from there to years in the city of Chicago. The SiHnPv 5 *?er ,Nl(rbe1’ a former and she tells us he is getting along program. away following a few weeks’ ill­ Bremerton, Wn., where they stop­ The Fairview-Sidney WCTU morning session closed with noon aianey high school teacher, will fine, A very fine temperance sermon ness from coronary thrombosis ped to visit at the home of Mr. Institute was held at Fairview in prayer by Mrs. A. A. Spaur. arrive in Sidney Monday for a by the Rev. Bernard McLain, who Mrs. Hetrick had been ill for Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson French’s parents. They did all of the auditorium of the LDS church During the lunch hour Mrs. three weeks and Mrs. Lane was several days’ visit at the home of and their daughter, Mrs. Dean Saturday, May 21, with Mrs. C. N. Harry Kreis gave a very informa­ chose for this subject, “The Big Mrs. Albert Madsen. Miss Niebel their sightseeing on the way west, with her most of that time Be­ Lund, arrived home Sunday Cottingham presiding. The meet­ tive report of the meeting at Hel­ Lie”, featured the afternoon ses-' has been teaching in the Boze­ eve- and returned from Bremerton with sides her daughter she is sur ning from Phoenix, Ariz., where only the necessary stops. They ing opened with a salute to the ena of the State Advisory Board sion. Rev. McLain brought out man high school the past few vived by her husband and a the Johnsons spent the winter. visited a great many places of in­ American, Christian and Temper­ on Narcotics. how the liquor dealers advertise nephew, Dennis Hetrick, whom years. Mrs. Lund came from Monterey, their wares by showing pictures terest on their itinerary west and ance flags, after which Mrs. Don The institute was reopened at she raised. Funeral services were Mrs. Bonnie Cole and little California, to Phoenix to join her with fine weather and roads re­ Fish, president of the Sidney unit portraying what they term “Gra­ held from the Methodist church daughter Mende of Billings visit­ 1:30 with singing followed by cious Living” but neglect to go on parents and assist in driving their port a most enjoyable vacation. conducted the morning devotions devotions led by Mr, Wilcox. Two Saco Monday afternoon, May at ed over the week end at the home car home. She will leave Friday and depict the results of this high 16 Mrs. Charlie Winters is a pa­ and gave a splendid talk on “Spir­ solos followed which with the Saco pastor, Rev Stev­ w parents’ Mr. and Mrs. (tomorrow )to return to Monterey, tient at the local hospital, where itual Balance”. were great­ life. ens, officiating, and burial Walt Mende. Mrs. Cole, a regis- where her husband, who is an en­ ly enjoyed. Mrs. Emma Bell sang, her condition is reported as slight­ Gene Ann Hillman, with her “Every Moment of Every Day,” Following Rev. McLain’s address made there in a family plot. was rTre2 ™^rse. is supervisor of the sign in the navy, is stationed. The ly improved. mother as her piano accompanist, and Loren Granger, a little grade Mrs. Silver Quilling gave a short B- n°or at the Billings Dea­ Johnsons enjoyed the healthful played a flute solo, after which talk and the meeting adjourned Mrs. Elizabeth Roth returned Mr. and Mrs. Lance Fredrick­ school boy, sang, “Open the Gates last Thursday from Minneapolis, coness hospital. climate of Arizona through the son of Billings and their two announcements were made and with all giving the Aronic Bene- winter months but tell us they of the Temple. Another flute diction. where she did some fall buying P®te Tanglen of Crane, months old son, Lance Jr., stop­ committees appointed. Mrs. Ches­ j or the ladies ready-to-wear de­ who has been under medical care are glad to be home again. ped in Sidney Tuesday for a brief ter Hillman was appointed pub­ Word has been received by partment of the Yellowstone Mer­ at the local hospital the past week, visit at the Forrest Charters home, licity department chairman and friends here of the birth of a fe.;i cantile Company store. Mr. Sor­ is getting along nicely and hopes and also called on other old Mrs. Daisy Clark, legislative de­ baby daughter, Jane Elizabeth, to . ?<• enson also took in the market and to return to her home today. friends in the Kincaid apartments. partment chairman. Mrs. James Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sanders of returned Tuesday of this week bv Miss Florence Whited returned They were on their way to Minot Bronson gave her report on the Levelland, Texas. The Sanders f I- way of Rochester. to Billings Sunday after a week’s for a visit with relatives. Mrs. “Flower Mission and Relief” and - & ■ ! vacation visit here at the home family made their home in Sidney Fredrickson was the former Miss also a short sketch of the life of gw 1 Mrs. John Sebring was able to for two years, where Mr. Sanders TREND ?*n,-frjparerds’ Mr. and Mrs. Louie Beverly Gruman. m return home Tuesday from the Whited and with other relatives was employed by an oil com- Mrs. Jack Syverson of Valley George Howell of Lambert local hospital, where she was and friends. pany and later transferred to City, N. Dak., is visiting in Sid- transacted business in Sidney Sat- Qxr Levelland. under care for a week with a foot Mr. and Mrs. Art Frasch and ney at the home of her brother- urday and was accompanied by infection. Her son-in-law and two children of Kennewick, Wn., Mrs. Elmer Tombre of Savage in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. bis daughter, Mrs. Edward Alar- daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James returned home Wednesday after a was a medical patient at the local Forrest Charters. ' con and four-year-old son Steven. Lockett arrived in Sidney the first ten days’ visit with Mrs. Frasch’s hospital several days the past Miss Verna Thiessen, daughter A.larcon ?nd three children of the week from Minneapolis and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Zeller week. of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Thiessen of • Venice, California, are enjoy- will stay for a few weeks before Mrs. Lambert, who has been employ- ing a s*x weeks’ visit at her par­ itin and other relatives. Nettie Olsen and « G going on to their home in Seattle. her ™Ceci.le Nordman of Sheridan, daughter, Mrs. Bob Hokana will ed the past four years as stenog- ?n.tal home- Mr. Alarcon plans to i Wyoming, stopped in Sidney the leave Saturday for Bellevue, Wn., rapher in the office of the Rich- J<?“ tbem here for a few days first of the week on his return where they will visit their daugh­ land county attorney, has re-1?1* *n ^u*y after which they ter and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn signed that position and will leave -wil1 retMrn to Venice, where he from a business trip to Froid and mM&i.» »» Robinson and family. Mrs. Ho­ Monday for St. Paul. Miss Thies- 13 estahlished as a building con- MOTOR-VU was accompanied from here by W-mm. Mf :::: his daughter, Mrs. Marilyn Mar­ kana will return at the end of sen will be employed there as traJ?°r* A1 „ , I tinson and sons Jeffrey and Mi­ a week’s vacation and Mrs. Olsen, secretary in the office of Leslie Mrs- Alma Kooker spent a re- THEATRE chael, on the trip back to Sheri­ who is convalescing from recent W. Pippert, district superintendent £ent ^eek end in Miles City with dan, where they will major surgery, will remain with of the Northwestern District of l Gu slster» Mrs. W. W. Porter, w enjoy a I . > week’s visit her daughter’s family for a few the Christian and Missionary Al- whose husband is seriously ill in ■ among relatives. weeks. liance. Mrs. Donald Rees, whose thLMlles, Glty Veteran’s hospital, : Ray McClean, ix: who has just Mr. and Mrs. Carl Halver and husband is associated with Hu Ml?‘ Mlldred Svendsen and returned from overseas service in Williamson as an accountant, will dauSkter Mavis were in Sidney iV* Friday- Saturday Korea, accompanied by his father, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Tuott and R li assume the position in the Rich- 1 uesday for the crippled children’s : mb m J C.
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