Center for Nanoscale Materials Tools and Capabilities

Center for Nanoscale Materials Tools and Capabilities

CENTER FOR NANOSCALE MATERIALS TOOLS AND CAPABILITIES Nanofabrication ¨ Lambda Microwave Plasma CVD System: ¨ Other specialized analysis and Devices Nanocrystalline Diamond Deposition software or modeling expertise ¨ Oxford Plasmalab 100 Inductively Lithography Coupled Plasma Enhanced Chemical Nanophotonics and ¨ Electron Beam Lithography: JEOL 8100FS Vapor Deposition Biofunctional Structures ¨ Electron Beam Lithography: Raith 150 ¨ Thermal/PECVD System for CNT and Graphene Synthesis Bench-Top Spectroscopy ¨ Focused Ion Beam: FEI Nova 600 NanoLab ¨ AJA Dielectric Sputtering System ¨ UV-Visible Absorption ¨ ¨ Heidelberg MLA 150 Maskless Lithography ¨ AJA Metal Sputtering System Emission (uv-vis, NIR, MIR) ¨ ¨ Interferometric Lithography System ¨ Atomic Layer Deposition FTIR Absorption (Arradiance Gemstar) ¨ ¨ Laser Pattern Generator (Microtech Circular Dichroism LW405, Direct Write Optical Lithography) ¨ Integrated UV-Ozone Cleaner and ¨ Cryostat/Temperature Control ¨ SUSS MA6/BA6: Contact aligner for front Molecular Vapor Coater (NanoneX Magneto-optical Microscope (MOM) side and front-to-back side alignment Ultra-100) Magneto-Electro-Optical Spectrometer ¨ Wafer Priming Oven: YES-TA Series Piezo-Optomechanical Spectrometer (MEOS) ¨ Stepper: ASML PAS 5000 Wafer Stepper (POMS) Raman Spectroscopy Post-Processing Ultralow Temperature/Strong Magnetic ¨ Temperature-Controlled Stage ¨ AS-One 150 Rapid Thermal Processor Field Measurements ¨ Cleaving Machine: LatticeGear AX 420 Electron Paramagnetic Resonance ¨ BlueFors LD400 Dilution Refrigerator Spectroscopy (EPR: CW and Pulsed) ¨ Critical Point Dryer (Leica CPD030) System: <10mK base temp, free-space ¨ ADT Dicing Saw Electrochemical Workstation optical access, dc wires, microwave (BASi Epsilon) Wet Chemistry cables, high-pressure fill lines, expedited GC-MS (Agilent 5975C Series GC/MSD) ¨ Electroplating (Au, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pt) top-loading sample mechanism, low-noise ¨ Selective Wet Chemical Etching amplifiers for qubit research HPLC (LabAlliance) ¨ Dry Etching AMI Superconducting Vector magnet: 5T in Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC) Z axis, 1T in Y axis, 10mG field stability, ¨ Hydrofluoric Acid Vapor Etcher integrated persistent switches ZetaSizer Nano, Malvern (particle size ¨ PlasmaTherm Deep Reactive Ion Etcher potential) for Silicon (DRIE) Wear/Friction Measurements Time-ResolVed Emission Spectroscopy ¨ RIE Oxford ICP Etcher (6-inch) ¨ Multifunctional Tribometer with controlled ¨ Time-Correlated Single Photon Counting ¨ RIE March CS-1701, Chlorine Chamber environments (TCSPC) Spectroscopy (uv-vis, NIR) ¨ RIE March CS-1701, Fluorine Chamber ¨ Sonotek Ultrasonic Spray Coating System ¨ TCSPC Microscopy (400 – 800 nm) ¨ RIE Oxford PlasmaLab 100, ¨ Visible and Near-IR TCSPC with Chlorine and Fluorine Chambers Streak Camera ¨ XactiX X4 Xenon Difluoride Etcher ¨ Near-IR TCSPC with Superconducting Inspection and Metrology Theory and Modeling Nanowire Single Photon Detector ¨ Bruker FastScan Atomic Force Microscope CNM High-Performance Computing Transient Absorption Spectroscopy ¨ Filmetrics f40 Thin Film Analyzer Cluster (Carbon) ¨ Visible Probe ¨ Four Point Probe Computational Nanoscience Software ¨ Near-IR Probe ¨ Keyence 3D Laser Scanning Confocal and Modeling Expertise ¨ Mid-IR Probe Microscope, VK-X1000 ¨ BLAST (Bridging Length/Timescales via ¨ THz Probe ¨ Laser Confocal Microscope OLS4100 Atomistic Simulation Toolkit) ¨ Cryostat ¨ Optical Microscope: Olympus MX-61 ¨ Dacapo Visible and Near-IR Microscopy ¨ Potentiostat ¨ Density-Functional-Based ¨ Lamp Illumination ¨ Scanning Vibrating Electrode: SVET M370 Tight-Binding (DFTB) ¨ Laser Illumination ¨ Three-Dimensional Contact Profilometer: ¨ FANTASTX (Fully Automated Nanoscale to Dektak 8 Atomistic Structure from Theory and ¨ Visible Detection eXperiment) ¨ UVISEL Spectroscopic Ellipsometer: ¨ Near-IR Detection Horiba Jobin Yvon ¨ GPaw, a real space, grid-based ¨ Cryostat DFT-PAW code ¨ Scanning Electron Microscope VEGA 3 ¨ MPI-Based Parallel Versions Correlation/Antibunching Measurements Deposition of Nanophotonics ¨ Visible (350 – 800 nm) Detection ¨ AJA OXide Sputtering, 3-inch targets ¨ Time-Domain Nanophotonics with APD Detectors ¨ Temescal FC2000 Electron Simulation Package ¨ NIR (800 nm – 2 μm) Detection Beam Evaporator ¨ VASP, Ab-Initio Molecular with Superconducting Nanowire Single-Photon Detectors (SNSPD) ¨ AJA Sputtering, 2-inch targets Dynamics Calculations 1 CENTER FOR NANOSCALE MATERIALS Field Emission Scanning Electron ¨ Variable Temperature Imaging ¨ EFTEM Imaging (200 kV) Microscope, JEOL JSM-7500F Spin Coater, Laurell WS-400, not for ¨ EELS (200 kV) Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope, lithography resist work ¨ XEDS Zeiss LSM 510 Meta Synthesis Lab – Inorganic Crystals ¨ Tomography (200 kV) ¨ Special Specimen Holders Optical Microscope, Zeiss Axio Thermal Analysis Imager Z1 M Upright Liquid Flow Holder (room temp) ¨ Differential Scanning Calorimetry, Gas Flow Holder (room temp or General Wet Lab Space for Sample Prep Mettler Toledo 823 100 – 500C) ¨ Surface Preparation Thermogravimetric Analysis, Single-Tilt Heating Specimen Holder Mettler Toledo 851 ¨ Harrick Plasma Cleaner (T <= 900C) ¨ UVO Surface Cleaner Tube furnaces (1-inch) FEI Tecnai F20ST (S)TEM ¨ AutoclaVes Argon, OXygen, MTI ¨ TEM Imaging and Diffraction UV-Vis-NIR spectrometers, (80, 120, & 200 kV) Centrifuges Perkin-Elmer Lambda 950 and Cary 5000 ¨ STEM Imaging (HAADF & BF; 80, 120, & 200 kV) Drop Shape Analysis Tool VT-UHV-Atomic Force Lyophilizer Microscope/Scanning Tunneling ¨ EFTEM Imaging and Diffraction (120 & 200 kV) Ossila Slot-Die Coater Microscope (AFM/STM; Omicron VT-AFM XA) ¨ EELS (120 & 200 kV) Rotary EVaporator ¨ Contact AFM ¨ XEDS Schlenk Lines ¨ Magnetic Force Microscopy ¨ Spectrum Imaging (profiles and/or maps) ¨ Lorentz Imaging (200 kV) Solar Simulator, Oriel ¨ Non-Contact AFM ¨ Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy ¨ Tomography (200 kV) Internal/External Quantum Efficiency ¨ Special Specimen Holders: Optical UHV VT STM/AFM Measurement System (Oriel IQE-200) Double-Tilt Liquid N2-Cooled (T>= 97 K) ¨ Lasers for Optical UHV VT STM/AFM GloVe Box, MBraun LabMaster 130 Double-Tilt Heating ¨ Contact and non-contact AFM, MFM Tilt-Rotate Liquid He-Cooled Integrated GloVe Box System ¨ Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy Biological Safety Cabinets, Labconco UHV Cryo SFM with 6T Magnetic Zeiss 1540XB FIB-SEM Purifier Delta Series (Class II, B2) Field, Omicron ¨ TEM Sample Preparation ¨ 3D FIB-SEM Serial Sectioning Peptide Synthesizer Low Temperature Multimode Scanning ¨ Tunneling Microscopy (LT-STM, Createc) SEI & BSE Imaging (in conjunction Synthesis with FIB cross-sectioning) ¨ Surface Modification of Nanoparticles Laser Scanning Interferometric Zeiss NVision FIB-SEM ¨ Functionalization Microscope FEI Quanta 400F (E)SEM ¨ Quantum Dots SPM Tip Etching ¨ Metal Nanoparticles ¨ SEI & BSE Imaging (2 – 30 kV) West-Bond Wire Bonder ¨ Metal OXide Nanoparticles ¨ XEDS Mapping or Spectrum Imaging X-Ray Diffractometer Bruker D2 Phaser ¨ High-Vacuum Mode (P < 10-5 torr) Post Processing ¨ Low-Vacuum Mode (P ~ 0.1 – 2 torr) ¨ External Field, Ultrasound, Dip-coating X-Ray Diffractometer Bruker D8 Discover ¨ Grazing Incidence, High-Resolution Four- ¨ ESEM Mode (P ~ 2 – 20 torr) Circle, Reciprocal Space Mapping, ¨ ESEM Mode with a gas other than Quantum and Reflectivity, Rocking Curves air or water vapor Energy Materials ¨ Peltier-Cooled Stage (T ~ 248 – 328 K) Synchrotron X-Ray Scanning Tunneling Electron and X-Ray ¨ Heating Stages (T < 1273 K or T < 1773 K) Microscopy (SX-STM) at APS Sector 4 Microscopy Hitachi S-4700-II SEM Agilent InductiVely Coupled Plasma Hard X-Ray Nanoprobe, Sector 26 ¨ SEI & BSE Imaging (0.5 – 30 kV) Optical Emission Spectroscopy ICP-OES ¨ Multimodal Chemical and Structural ¨ XEDS Mapping or Spectrum Imaging Electrical Characterization Nanoimaging Specimen Preparation Resources (not FIB) ¨ Associated High-Sensitivity Test Systems ¨ Scanning Nanodiffraction, Bragg Ptychography ¨ Cutting from bulk, Grinding/Polishing, ¨ Keithley 4200-SCS/F Semiconductor Dimpling, Ion-Milling, Vacuum-Coating with Parameter Analyzer UEM: Ultrafast Electron Microscopy gold or carbon FT-IR with Hyperion Microscope, Bruker ¨ Temporal resolution ca. 1 ps Data Analysis Vertex 70 ¨ Spatial resolution ca. 1 nm ¨ Image Processing ¨ Langmuir-Blodgett, Kibron MicroTrough X Energy resolution ca 1 eV ¨ HRTEM Image Simulation ¨ Pump laser wavelengths: 515, 325-450, ¨ Diffraction Pattern Simulation Luminescence spectrometer, 650-900, 1030, and 1200-2000 nm Perkin-Elmer LS 55 ¨ XEDS Analysis (inc. spectrum images) ¨ Repetition rate: 10-500 kHz (fs laser), 1- Magnetometry 100 kHz (ns laser) ¨ EELS Analysis (inc. spectrum images or EFTEM spectrum images) ¨ Quantum Design MPMS-XL ACAT: Argonne Chromatic ¨ Quantum Design PPMS-9 Aberration-Corrected TEM Physical Vapor Deposition, common ¨ Cc/Cs-Corrected HRTEM and EFTEM loadlock is shared Imaging and Diffraction CENTER FOR ¨ Lesker E-beam Evaporator (PVD250) Talos F200X (S)TEM NANOSCALE MATERIALS ¨ Lesker Sputtering System (CMS18) ¨ TEM Imaging and Diffraction Phone: 630-252-6952 (80, 120, & 200kV) Rheometer, AntonPaar Physica MCR301 Email: [email protected] ¨ STEM Imaging (HAADF & BF; Rheo-XPCS at APS Sector 8 DF2, DF4, DPC, 80, 120, & 200 kV) ¨ XEDS, Super-X, 4SDD EDX System Scanning Probe Microscope, Veeco MultiMode 8 ¨ EDS Mapping (profiles and/or maps) ¨ PeakForce Quantitative ¨ Lorentz Imaging (200 kV) Nanomechanical Mapping, Tapping ¨ Tomography (200 kV) ¨ Fluid Imaging Field Emission Transmission Electron ¨ Low Current STM Microscope, JEOL JEM-2100F ¨ Magnetic Force ¨ TEM Imaging and Diffraction (200 kV) 2 .

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