shaker artists warm up the winter with hot new work plus How to Choose a Day Camp january | february 2006 www.shakeronline.com J`Yc]jÛ?]a_`lkÛ:alqÛJ[`ggdkÛYj]Ûo]dd¤cfgofÛ^gjÛl`]ajÛ]p[]dd]f[]ÛK`]Û[geemfalq¿kÛj]hmlYlagfÛ^gjÛ hjgna\af_Ûl`]Ûxf]klÛafÛY[Y\]ea[Ûja_gjÛlgÛklm\]flkÛafÛl`]Ûk[`ggdÛkqkl]eÛakÛgf]Ûg^Ûl`]ÛeYfqÛj]YkgfkÛ J`Yc]jÛakÛj][g_far]\Ûl`jgm_`gmlÛl`]ÛfYlagfÛYkÛYfÛgmlklYf\af_ÛhdY[]ÛlgÛdan] K`]Û^Y[lkÛkh]YcÛngdme]kÛYZgmlÛl`]ÛimYdalqÛg^Û]\m[YlagfÛklm\]flkÛ[YfÛj][]an]ÛafÛl`]ÛJ`Yc]jÛ:alqÛ J[`ggdk Û ÝÛ ÉÛg^ÛgmjÛl]Y[`]jkÛ`Yn]Ûhgkl¤_jY\mYl]Û\]_j]]k Û ÝÛÉÛg^ÛgmjÛ_jY\mYlaf_Û[dYkkÛ_g]kÛ\aj][ldqÛlgÛ[gdd]_]ÛgjÛmfan]jkalq Û ÝÛK`]ÛYn]jY_]ÛJ`Yc]jÛklm\]flÛk[gj]kÛ~ÛhgaflkÛYZgn]ÛfYlagfYdÛYn]jY_]ÛgfÛl`]ÛJ8KÛ Û ÛÛÛÛ]pYe Û ÝÛ~~ÉÛg^ÛgmjÛ_jY\mYlaf_Û[dYkkÛakÛEYlagfYdÛD]jalÛgjÛEYlagfYdÛ8[`a]n]e]flÛJ[`gdYj Û ÝÛÉÛg^ÛJ`Yc]jÛklm\]flkÛYj]Ûafngdn]\ÛafÛYlÛd]YklÛgf]Û]pljY[mjja[mdYjÛY[lanalq If you are looking for real estate service that is both conscientious and creative, the search ends here — at the Howard Hanna Smythe Cramer office in the heart of Shaker Heights. I]YdÛ<klYl]ÛJYd]kÛ8fÛ<p[alaf_Û:Yj]]jÛFhlagf Considering a full-time career? Do you think like an entrepreneur? Please contact Myra White, VP and Branch Manager, at 216.751.8550 or [email protected] ?goYj\Û?YffYÛJeql`]Û:jYe]jÛÛÝÛÛÛ~Û:`Y_jafÛ9dn\ÛÝÛÛÛÛJ`Yc]jÛ?]a_`lkÛF?Û~ÛÛÛÝÛÛÛ~~ NOVINDD !- VOLUME 24 NUMBER 1 JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2006 38 44 30 DEPARTMENTS FEATURES 3 City News 30 Creativity Rules The 2006 Martin Luther King, Jr., A record-breaking 600 students are enrolled in visual arts classes at Award for Human Relations. Shaker High this year. (PICTURED ABOVE: SHHS JUNIOR MARIA VAZQUEZ) BY NANCY O’CONNOR 9 Real Estate News Local hardware stores are 36 Local Legends offering discounts on security Susan Stevens Jaros Meet the woman who is waging a successful effort to lighting for residents. keep the Cleveland Museum of Art connected to the community. BY RORY O'CONNOR 2 Library News Happy 300th Birthday, Ben. 38 Photo Essay Some Notable City Artists Dancers Barbara and Sebatino Verlezza, Recreation & Leisure 54 Artist Penni Rubin, Artist Erica Weiss, Storyteller Barbara Eady Summer camps. TEXT BY LINDA SASLOW Out & About 70 44 Larchmere, the Neighborhood with a Pulse Calendar of events. Unique shopping, dining, and housing opportunities have put this lively district on the map. BY JAYNE EIBEN 84 Shaker Observer A commentary on the City’s 52 Choosing a Summer Camp infrastructure and traffic signalizationizingation...whatever. If you haven’t already picked out a summer camp for your children, get started BY JOHN R. BRANDT as soon as possible. BY JAYNE EIBEN THE COVER: MALCOLM BROWN, Marigot Shopper, II, © 2005, ACRYLIC, 24 X 36 INCHES Photograph by Green Street Studio JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2006 :EHMAN3HAKER-AG!DGWPDF!- :% 3HAKER-AG!D*AN0-0AGE 9OUR+EYTO ,UXURIOUS ,IVING INBEAUTIFULSURROUNDINGS # - 9 #- -9 #9 - >iÀÊi} Ìà / ÃÊÃiiVÌÊÃiÌÌ}ÊÊÌ iÊ i>ÀÌÊvÊ- >iÀ #-9 i} ÌÃÊLÀ`iÀÃÊÌ iÊ«VÌÕÀiõÕiÊ- >iÀÊ ÕÌÀÞ + ÕLÊ}vÊVÕÀÃiÊ>`ÊvviÀÃÊÌÃÊÀiÃ`iÌà `ÃÌVÌÛiÊvÀÊ«>ÃÊÕ«ÊÌÊÎ]äääÊõÕ>ÀiÊviiÌ° i>V Ü` "Ì iÀÊvi>ÌÕÀiÃÊvÊÌ ÃÊV>ÃÃV>Ê ÕÀ«i>Ê ÝVÕÃÛiÊÛ}Ê>ÌÊÌÃÊLiÃÌtÊ ÛiiÌÞÊV>Ìi` ÌiÊ>Ìë iÀi\ i>ÀÊLÌ ÊÌ iÊ6>ÊiÊ- ««}Ê iÌiÀÊ>` UÊÀ>`ÊiÌÀ>ViÊLLÞ *>ÛÊ- ««}Ê iÌiÀ] Ì iÊë>VÕÃÊÃÕÌià UÊ >ViÃÊÜÌ Ê>}vViÌÊÛiÜà >`ÊVÃViÌÕÃÊÃiÀÛViÊ>iÊÌ iÊ i6iÊ UÊ7>ÊVÃiÌà iÊvÊÌ iÊi>ÃÌÊÃ`i¿ÃÊ«ÀiiÀÊ>«>ÀÌiÌ UÊÕÀiÌÊÌV ià VÕÌið "Ì iÀÊ>iÌiÃÊVÕ`i\ UÊ ÃÌVÌÛiÊ>ÀV ÌiVÌÕÀ>Ê`iÌ>à UÊÀ>VÕÃÊLLià UÊ*>À}Ê}>À>}iÊÜÌ ÊÓ{ ÕÀÊ>ÌÌi`>Ì UÊ6>ÀiÌÞÊvÊë>VÕÃÊvÀÊ«>à UÊÀi`Þ] >ÌÌiÌÛiÊÃÌ>vv UÊ*>i`Ê>VÌÛÌià UÊÕiÃÌÊÃÕÌiÊ>Û>>Li UÊ>`Ê>`ÊV>ÀÊÜ>à ÊÃiÀÛViÊ>Û>>Li UÊÕÀiÌÊÌV ià £Èä£Ê6>ÊiÊ Û`° UÊ7>ÊVÃiÌà ­i>ÀÊ6>ÊiÊ- ««}Ê iÌiÀ® UÊ*>À}Êë>ViÊÊ i>Ìi`Ê}>À>}iÊVÕ`i` UÊÌiÃÃÊViÌiÀ ӣȣÓÎÇÎÊÀÊÓ£È{È{ää UÊÕiÃÌÊÃÕÌiÊ>Û>>Li ÓÎÎäxÊ >}ÀÊ Û`° ­ÕÃÌÊiÊiÊÜiÃÌÊvÊÓÇ£® Ó£È{È{xx£ -ANAGEMENT ,,# ÜÜÜ°âi >Üv°V CITY NEWS Shaker Night at the Cleveland Play House MLK, Jr. Award Presentation Mark your calendars and save the date! Join your friends and neighbors on Saturday The recipient of the 2006 Martin Luther evening, March 25, at the first Shaker Night at the Play House featuring the comedy King, Jr., Award for Human Relations Well. Specially priced tickets will include is the Youth Ending Hunger/Interact a pre-show party at the theater. Limited Club of Shaker Heights High School. transportation may be available. Watch for The award will be presented Monday, details at shakeronline.com, in the March issue January 23 at Shaker Heights City of Shaker Life or call City Program Coordinator Hall, 3400 Lee Road. The program will Kevin Crowe at 491-2595. take place at the beginning of the City Well is a comedy in which author Lisa Kron Council meeting at 7:30 p.m.; a dessert attempts to write a play about her mother, reception in of honor the club’s volun- Ann. Ann was one of Lansing, Michigan’s first teers and faculty advisors will precede community activists, who contributed to the the award presentation at 7 p.m. successful integration of her neighborhood. Accepting the award on behalf of Ann is also a chronically-ill, well-meaning YEH’s many volunteers will be the mother who continually interferes with group’s officers: President, Shaina Lisa’s effort to tell the story in her own words. Well is a contemporary tale of health, Pollard; VP, Leslie Johns; Treasurer, wellness, and community. Allison Tillman; Secretary, Luisana The New York Times called Well “something magical…one of the two best plays of the Rojas-Rodriguez and Representative, season” when it was produced Off Broadway two seasons ago. A new production will Kate O’Gorman. Faculty Advisors are open on Broadway in March—catch The Cleveland Play House production first! Bill Scanlon and Katherine Brown. The This special evening is co-sponsored by the City of Shaker Heights and community service group’s mission is to The Cleveland Playhouse. improve the lives of the people around them by giving their time (e.g. Cleveland Food Bank), raising money (e.g. Harvest for Hunger) and interacting with people First time Homebuyers: (e.g. visits to Judson Manor). The City’s Human Relations Be a savvy buyer in today’s market Commission sought nominees who made a significant contribution in 2005 Learn from the experts about: WHO: Prospective buyers through volunteerism and community • Open houses, working with real estate (adults only, please) service, helping others and building agents and agency representation; WHAT: First time Homebuyers Seminar community in Shaker Heights. The • The importance of loan pre-approval WHEN: Saturday, January 21, 2006 actions of the nominated individuals and reputable lenders; 10 a.m.-noon or groups were to exemplify Dr. King’s • Title insurance, what it costs, who pays WHERE: Shaker Community Building values through their commitment to for it and navigating “Escrow”; 3450 Lee Road compassion, humility, and service. • Why working with a certified housing Admission is free of charge. inspector is a good idea. This seminar is jointly sponsored FOR MORE INFO CALL MYRA WHITE, Tree Nominations by the Shaker office of Howard Hanna HHSC MANAGER, 751-8550. Smythe Cramer (HHSC) and the City of Nominate trees for the Tree Advisory Shaker Heights. Board’s 2005 Heritage Tree awards. It is the first in a series with Shaker The awards will be part of the City’s an- realty offices. Watch for more work- nual Arbor Day observance in April. shops later this spring. Forms are available until March 8 at shakeronline.com, or call Pat Neville at 491-3285. JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2006 3 CITY NEWS CONTINUED... Friends don’t let Council Considering friends make a move Gun Control Legislation without calling us first. When a federal ban on assault weapons expired in 2004, it became the respon- Shaker’S RELOCATION EXPERTS HAVE: sibility of state and local governments to enact their own bans. Cleveland, Co- • Shaker information packets lumbus, and Cincinnati have all done • School & neighborhood so. Council is considering legislation that would create such a ban in Shaker contacts Heights. • Certified Shaker rental updates Gun sales of any type may be prohib- ited in the City as well. Existing legisla- • Details on financial incentives tion provides only for the regulation of for eligible home buyers gun dealers. There are no guns for sale in Shaker at present. The proposed change would prevent any in the future. The new Call (216) 491-1332 or visit law would prohibit gun shops and the sale of guns in any retail establishment. shakeronline.com East Cleveland and Cuyahoga Heights both have similar bans. City of Shaker Heights Council agendas and minutes are 3400 Lee Road posted on the City website, shakeronline. Shaker Heights, OH 44120 (216) 491-1400 com. To track the progress of this legisla- Affirmatively furthering fair housing for over 30 years tion, click on Inside City Hall, then Agendas & Minutes, and scroll to City Council list- friends final 9-05.indd 1 8/16/2005 9:46:59 AM ings. THE FUND FOR Business News THE FUTURE, in its ongoing commitment to Construction Update promote racial diversity Here’s the upside to inconvenience: in Shaker neighborhoods, progress! Demolition at Van Aken Center is offering a limited is underway. number of low-interest • Inside the parking lot, the lane of traf- fic directly in front of the Center’s shops down payment loans for will be redirected somewhat and there first-time homebuyers at will be a large gap in the façade. What Shaker’s most exciting you will see happening here is over $3 new condo and loft million in construction to accommodate a new Fresh Market grocery store sched- development, Avalon uled to open in late ’06 or early ’07.
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