\‘ '■'i i -amLe M ■// t >, '• t - ,yl ' V. - y ~^ • , . \ X v ' - " ■ , ■ ■ ■ ^ ,'v ' ' ' - , r X ■J: ■)f PAGE TWENTY-Eii^ ,V":- )NESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1984 Stt^nins H^ralb ATflraga Dally Net Ptmb Run Far the Week Mnded The Covenant Laagua, young Nav. lli IfM rw w aet a? 0 & ^ a ^ m ■nstoM people of the Covenant Congrega­ About Town tional Church,' will held a rum­ mage sale'Saturday, Nov. 30, be­ 11,523 OeirtbHMd m ad. a w a la m l MgM U rt Sacred Haart Mothere Clr- tween the houn of •' a. m. and 2 Meaabair a( th a Audit rala toalght aa4 aariy Fldlijr. Laer Cl* win MMt tomorrow at 8 p. m. p. m. In the vacant store on Main Bureau a( Ofeuiatlaa .tauJghi near M. Bhawrare agate y ^ lIlh h lira. Jiamph J. Sylvester, 43 Street between ^ p le « a n d Eld- t b L Manchester-—‘A City of VUlage Charm Friday nigkt. Hlg« 8S-id. Scatborough Rd. ridge Streets. Miss Elsie C. John­ — "II................■------ son. ,123 Maple St., is chalrmi of the committee. VOL. LXXIV, NO. 42 -4— (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES IN TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER W, 1J54 (Ctoealfled aa Pugu N ) PRICE FIVE CENTS Temple Chapter No. 68^ Order of the Eastern Star, wtn open its HATS amiual fair tomorrow at 2 p. m. in the Masonic Tesriple. 'They will Reds, West Pair Cleared offer for sale a/Cholca selection of Seen aprons and irther gift articles, Of Charge in home made foods and candy, with ■/. Weigh New many bargains to be found on the '0 AEG "white elephant" table. Tea will be served from 2:30 to 4:30 and Tanker Deajts twWt tea. an appetising supper at a mod­ \ A-pool Plan lihation STrMwTtwv" erate fee, S to 7 p. m. Washington, Nov. 18 (IP)— |kM m CM The government today TJnited Nations, N. Y., .ftmUfe. ___ -9-MiswGrBre -RoTreitsonT WOaR:^ dropped an indictment' ac­ WBshington, Nov. 18 {IP)— land St., left yesterday for her Nov. 18 (AVr-U.N. debate on cusing Brig. Gen. Julius <j. Sen. Kefauver (D, - Tenn) winter home in St. Petersburg, President Eisenhower’s setved notice today he will Fla. She was accompanied by Holmes, a State Dept, career atoms-for-peace plan was officer, and E. Stanley' Klein fisht against Senate confir­ Blast at Mrs. Maude Shearer and Miss Dora Foster. suspended again today to per- of conspiring to violate the mation of Willard F. Libby 'mit more'East-West negotia­ shipping act 'in connection as a member of the Atomic • >< The Mary McClure Group of the tions on a compromise pro­ with postwar tanker deals. Energy Commission (AEC). Second Congregational Women's posal. U.S. Dist. Judge William Morris Kefauver took this position Prcgident Congratulateg Speed Fli^r League will meet tomorrow eve­ , Russia Joined Britain and dismissed the Indictment Sgainat ning at 8 o'clock with Mre.‘Stuart France in prppoeing that the Gen- Holmea and Klein, a New York after Libby said he favored R. Wolcott, 180,Main St, i ei sl Assembly's 60-nation Political financier, a t tha request'of Allen the controversial Dixon- Sen. M cCart committee adjourn its morning J. Krause, a apeciai asslsUnt to Yates power contract. ,' a' The Mispah Group of the South session and resume debate this* af­ tha attorney general. The Dixon-Yates dispute flared Methodist WSC8 will meet to­ ternoon. The action marked,the conclU' anew when the University of Chi­ morrow night at 8 o'clock at the Meanwhile,. C3tief U. B. Dele­ aion of one of two big postwar cago scientist went before the home of Mrsf Ralph Pierce, 89 gate Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., and shipping caaea here. ' Senate-House Atomic Energy corn- Cambridge St. Soviet Deputy. Foreign Minister Holmes' attorney. Hazard Gil­ niittee. which is considering Prei'i- H u r t o n E Andrei T; Vlehlnsky m^t again lespie of'N ew York, told Judge dent Eisenhower’s appointment of Morris that Hol'mea had never A meeting of the GFS Sponsors outside the committee chamber Libby and John von Neumann of to discuss a reviaed prsposal asked the government, to drop the Princeton, N. J,, to All vacancies of St. Mary's Episcopal Church indictment against him but had on the AEC. Washington. Nov. 18 (A*)—S«n. Edwjh C. Johnson (D-Colo) will be held in the parish hoUse ^ agreed upon yesterday by the S h jo f i' d io d sL L western powers. urged a speedy trial of the case on Libby said under questioning today Mked that the Senate add Uf the McCarthy censure Friday evening at 7:30. A demon­ its merits. stration of ties and wrappings fdr X* , The new draft was intended to that in the few weeks he haa had resolution a new section condemning the (Communist party meet some of the criticisms from Holmes is a former U-S. Minia to study the Dixon-Yatea contract Christmas, courtesy of Harrison's \ ter to London who haa been on m this country and urging con^Ued investigation of it. Stationers, will be given. The hos­ Russia and India, but Visliinsky since hia interim appointment to Johnson made this move as Senate leaders consulted on told a reporter this morning he leave from the State Dept, pend­ AEC Oct. 5, he haa not learned tesses are Mrs. Jeanne Chambers, ing disposition of the case. He haa whether to continue sessions while Sen. McCarthy is absent Mrs. CSiarlotte Cooke,, Mrs. Doro­ was not ready to say whether it enough about the contract to be thy Ferrell and Mrs. Mary Fraaer. was acceptable to him. denied any guilt, Oilleaple said. entirely competent-to Judge Ita and in a hospital. ' India's V. K. Krishna Menon An 11 Cleared merita. The leaders sent Dr. George W. Galver, capitol physician, S 1 .fl suggested it might be better to Four curpormtions named in the Backs DIXon Contract Assoc. Prof. J. Benjamin Bey- indictment peld fines of $5,000 to see Mct^arthy in tlje hospital and report on his condition S m i TW rASMON cancel this afternoon's meeting of But he said he had confidence rer, 38^ Princeton St., is in charge the political committee to permit each. Including Holmea and Klein, in the other members of the com­ before deciding what course the Senate should take. There MINI of the 'advisory service to students more time for private talks. charges have now been dismissed mission, and had written AEC were indications tKat a recess until Mondav might be auff- Paihien takct iba canter itega wHK thete interested in social work as a against all 11 individual defend­ Chairman Lewis Strauss that he gested. ' /' --------- ----------:----- * career set up by the University of \ l French Delegate Jiiles Moch ants. ladlla laH 100% virgin weal dip caps and Britain’s Anthony Nutting felt the contract was good. McCarthy wenr to the hospital Connfcticut School of Social Work Forme* Rep. Joseph I . Casey Libby said he had not voted on yesterday for treatment of an in­ to lop your Fell and Winter ovtfitc. at the Hotel Bond during the two 1 said., however, they-believed the (D-Mass) was a defendant in both debate could proceed in mid-after­ the contract. But Kefauver, a vig­ jury to his right elbow suffered Censure* Asked day Connecticut State Conference tanker caaes, but charges against orous foe of the transaction, said last Saturctoy when a well-wisher > Celdr^tglit ilyh Incplrotleni from the on Social Work yesterday and to- noon. him were dismissed by U.S. Dfst. world's sports carters, beautifully prec> Solid Resolution he * iptist oppose" Libby's confir­ shook hands and banked the Sen­ day. Judge Luther W. Youngdahl on mation on the Senate floor if the ator's s/m back against a glsss- llcel wbaraver yea go. Try some o n ~ Lodge described the revised Sept. 6. For McCarthy draft as a "solid reaoVution” tak­ committee insiste on sending the toppeif'table. The elbow was cut. you'll leva 'atn. In gratitude to the men and Youngdahl ruled that Casey ac­ nominations through. Thus Ke­ The hospital aaid there is a local­ women who gave their lives for ing into account auggeitions made quired immunity from prosecution fauver could block Senate ■ action ized infection. during the political committee's under the Shipping Act by testify­ In New Petitibn American freedom, the Dominican general debate. on both nomination.^ until the The Bethesda (Md.) Naval Med­ nuns and their friends will offer ing before a grand Jury investigat­ Democrats take over control of the ical Center said today an x-ray on Sunday at 3:30 p. m. at the Informed quarters sald'VIshin- ing lUleged violations in 1952. Senate Jan. 5. shows no fracture of McCarthy’s Pfflmer, Mass., Nov. 18 (ff) Monastery of Our Lady of Grace Under an agreement tentatively '(Continued on Page Twenty-three) elbow, but it still is painful and< —A Palmer housewife an- Beaded Felts in North Guilford a holy hour for (ConUnned an Pngs Two) v'.de by Republican Senate Leader • n-wsa^ ■ Annaaaw^ ivBJiJeMaJ. ^111Charle* K Yeager Rafter presentlag Harmon Into swollen. nouriced today she ia circu­ the souls of all members of the Knowlsnd of California and Sen. tioniil Trophie« to him .'and Jacquriinfi Cochran, iFft, In W’nshington,Wnahinrtoa Nov.Nov W17. Yenger won Xhe/tn - W arrant Officer C D. Shick, the armed forces in purgatory. L>’ndon Johnson of Texas, the ***^****®S world alrplnne speed record Sind Miss Cochran the trophv at left the brtna hospital's officer of the day, said lating petitions in favor .
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