DECISION NO. CABINET MINUTE BRISBANE, ,p('f I // / 19 ?'/ Report by Committee to Investigate the Development of Lower River Terrace, South Brisbane. ------------------------(Submission No. Copies Received at /,L ·Oo J I ~p.m. Jpies Made CIRCULATION DETAILS GOVERNOR Decision :~ile 1 21 - 2 MR. AHERN 22 /a.___~ 3 _ I I MR. GUNN 23 _,(:_) .. uµ1 ·~t..:: V h . - ~uom1ss1ori al ldl-ht 4 MR. GIBBS 24 ~ 1""\m i c.-c.- i "",,.., - - - - • 5 MR. GLASS< N 25 , -GV6._L . H . " MR. AUST I~ 6 26 c .--- C-, "' / """" .__ ~ ~ I • • - MR. LEST EI - 7 27 l-1 r?' 0 MR. Tt;NNI 8 28 ~-b-r- 9 MR. HARPE!. 29 10 MR. MUNTZ 30 1 1 MR. MCKECI NIE 31 12 MR. KATTE:, 32 13 MR. HEAL 33 14 MR. CLAUS( N 34 MR. BORBil GE 15 35 16 MR. RAN DE' ,L 36 17 MR. COOPEl, 37 18 MR. HARVE~· 38 MR. LITT LI PROUD 19 39 Master F1 . e 20 40 \ . : . ' ' , ! (_ .... i . • I . \ ' Copy Noa ---2-0- C 0 N F I D E N T I A L C A B I N E T M I N U T E Brisbane, 28th November, 1988 Decision Noa 55615 ~ubmission No. 50128 TITLE : Report by Committee to Investigae the Development of Lower River Terrace, South Brisbane. CABINET decided:- ... 5· 3 ... 1. That the Land Administration Commission continue to process ...::I" CD "' the application for road closure in the Lower River Terrace area -c: in the usual manner. CD ~ Q. ~@ That the appropriate sections of the report attached to the Submission dealing with the redc~elopment of the Naval Stores and GI adjacent lands be conveyed to the Kangaroo Point Association with (') ~ a request for its views and comments. ~ () :::J 0 3. That the Honourable the Minister for Land Management furnish a 0- further report to Cabinet on 12th December, 1988. .., G> (il n CD Q ;:, ::J CIRCULATION: Department of Lands and copy to Minister. Premier's Department and copy to Premier and Treasurer o Treasury Department and copy to Minister. Department of Works and copy to Minister. Department of Environmentv Conservation and Tourism and copy to Minister. Department of Harbours and Marine and copy to Minister o Department of Local Government and copy to Minister. All other Ministers,. for perusal and return. CJv~~ Certified -'.I.:r;ue Copy Sec SECURI TY CLASS I FI CATI ON "C" DE PARTMENT OF LANDS BRI SBANE SUBMISSION NO. -: COPY NO.: FOR CABINET C 0 N F I D E N T I A L RE: Report by Committee t o i nvesti gat e the devel opment of Lower River Terrace, South Brisbane 1. On 22 February, 1988 (Decision No. 53590) Cabinet decided amongst 0 :;· other things that : - 3 .., ~ OJ .,CD c "That the Land Administration Commission give CD consideration to a further submission to be made by ~ Brisbane City Council and continue to liaise with the Q. Department of Harbours and Marine and the Port of QI Brisbane Authority regarding any proposed development 0 ~ of the Lower River Terrace area by a tenderer chosen D1 n by Brisbane City Council to develop the Naval Stores :::J 0 and that a further report then be submitted to 0- Cabinet by the Honourable the Minister for Land ~ Management" . ;G> n CD 0 2. The Committee has now prepared its report and a copy of that is :s attached as Annexure 1 . a 3 . The recommendations of the Committee are as follows : - - .... 1 . That the preferred tender (J . L. Holdings) selected by Brisbane City Council for restoration of the old Naval Stores be deemed an "adjoining owner " to the subject Crown land and the Company's design be considered in priority . 2. That the modified design plan submitted by J . L. Holdings over Park and Recreation Reserves R. 2713 and R. 27 21 be accepted as suitable . .. I 2 Page 2 3. That the Minister for Land Management give approval to the Br is bane City Counc i 1 to lease the Crown Reserves under Sections 343 t o 350 of the Land Act as shown in the J.L. Holdings' design plan. 4. That the application for permanent road closure over part of River Terrace by Mr. P.V. Harburg be refused . 5. That the Minister for Land Management give approval to an application from Brisbane City Council to close most of the unformed sections of River Terrace and include it in the adjoining Park and Recreation Reserve R. 2713. 4. The Committee comprised representatives of the:- Department of Lands Department of Harbours and Marine Department of Local Government ... 5· 3 0 Queensland Tourist and Travel Corporation ::r Landscape Advisory Committee CD "' c: .... Brisbane River Committee CD Port of Brisbane Authority ~ Brisbane City Council Q. Qi 5. The report focuses on the proposed redevelopment of the old Naval 0 ~ Stores site in respect of which the preferred developer was J.L. ~ n Holdings . An integral part of the tender submitted by J.L. Holdings :::> 0 was the utilisation of adjoining public land, being Park and -0 Recreation Reserves R. 2713 and R. 2721. '"""'C G> n 6. The report also addresses an application for permanent road closure io in respect of part of River Terrace in the vie ini ty of Leopard ~ ::s Street (refer to pages 15 and 16 of the report) and the recommendation in respect to that application is that it be refused . 7. The Kangaroo Point Association (KPA) through its representative Mrs. Joy Lamb have continually opposed any priority allocation of the public space to any developer for development for anything other than car park. Oral advice is to the effect that there would be no objection to the presently untidy area located between the Naval Stores and the boat marina being utilised for parking purposes in association with the re-developed Naval Stores . 8. The Kangaroo Point Association has had an oral input into the report but would not at this stage be officially aware of the recommendations or the rationale behind the recommendations. .. I 3 Page 3 9 . The draft report is submitted at this stage for the information of Cabinet . 10. RECOMMENDATION: ( 1 ) It is recommended that the Land Administration Commission continue to process the application for road closure in the usual manner; (2) That the appropriate sections of the report dealing with the redevelopment of the Naval Stores and adjacent lands be conveyed to the Kangaroo Point Association with a request for its views and comments; (3) That I furnish a further report to Cabinet on 12th December, 1988. (W.H. Glasson) Minister for Land Management. BRISBANE. 24th November, 1988 ANNEXURE A A Report on the KANGAROO POINT CLIFFS AND RIVERBANK By An Interdepartmental Com1nittee November, 1988. Land Administration Commission Address m<.1il to: Department of Lands The Secretar) , P.O. Box 168, Land Administration Building, BRISBAl\JE NORTH QLAY, Q. 4000 130-148 George Street. Brisbane Telex: Q LANDS AA41412 . DX 229 RflS. Enqumes to: Al an Lee Chairman Telephone (07) 224 7693 Land Administration Commission George Street Your Ref.: BRISBANE. Q. 4002. Our Ref. RC . 46 251 L ~ Date: 23 Nov 1988 Dear Sir, Re: KANGAROO POINT CLIFFS I RIVERBANK I have pleasure in presenting to you the report of an Interdepartmental Committee on the appropriate use of the Kangaroo Point cliffs and riverbank area. Yours faithfully, Al an Lee (Committee Chairman) WORLD EXPO·BB·BRISBAI£ April 30-0ctober 30, 1988 CONTENTS Page SUMMARY . 2 RECOMMENDATIONS 3 TERMS OF REFERENCE . 5 COMMITTEE MEMBERS ... 5 Process of CoITTTiittee Activities . 6 STUDY AREA . 6 CURRENT APPLICATIONS FOR CROWN LAND 6 CURRENT SITUATION ............ 6 Visual Amenity of the Cliffs 6 Tourist Value of the Cliffs and Riverbank . 7 Geological Value of the Cliffs .............. 7 Rockclimbing/Abseiling 7 Boat Launching ... 9 Carparking ..........•...... 10 Walking/Cycling ................... 10 OLD NAVAL STORES PROPOSAL ......... 12 Brisbane's Opportunities for Recreational Facilities .. 12 Public Tenders Called . ............. 12 Attractions . ..... 12 Proposed Land Tenure . 12 Access • • • • • . • • • • . ••••••••• 13 Main Features.... .... ............ 13 Distinguishing Features from Previous Applications .. 14 ROAD CLOSURE APPLICATION .. 15 Objections ......... 15 Recommendation (Road Closure) . I I I I I a I I I I I I 15 PROPOSED EXTENSION OF RESERVE R.2713 17 REMAINING AREA . 17 REFERENCES . 17 MAPS 1. Locality Map 2A. Study Area East of Captain Cook Bridge 28. Study Area West of Captain Cook Bridge 3. Old Naval Stores Proposal 4. Riverbank Proposed for Old Naval Stores 5. Road Closure Application 6. Proposed Extension of Reserve R.2713 2 SUMMARY The 11 rediscovery 11 of the Brisbane River in recent years is as exciting as Oxley's original discovery must have been. As this sleeping beauty is awoken from its industrial past, it offers the opportunity to provide a haven for relaxation and recreation amid the hustle and bustle of the city. This Committee makes recommendations that will substantially improve the recreational value of the river. The result would enhance the quality of life not only for the local residents of Kangaroo Point, but also for all the citizens and visitors of the city. Financial cost of the proposal to Government would be nil. The present situation of the Kangaroo Point cliffs and adjoining riverbank is a mixture of unachieved potential and general neglect. The cliffs are widely recognised as a significant geological feature whose stark appearance provides a natural contrast to the nearby built environment of the central city. However the riverbank below the cliffs is a sorry scene of bitumen, weeds and litter. The riverbank was used for unsupervised carparking during Expo 88 but is unsuitable for recreational use because of the unkempt appearance, absence of facilities and lack of personal safety.
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