ISSN (Print) : 0974-6846 ISSN (Online) : 0974-5645 Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 11(44), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2018/v11i44/132138, November 2018 Constraints Related to the Integration of Information and Communication Technologies in the Teaching of the Physical Sciences at the Level of the Moroccan Educational System Oussama Dardary1*, Malika Tridane1,2 and Said Belaaouad1 1Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Materials LPCM, Ben M'Sik Faculty of Sciences, P. B. 7955. Bd. Driss El Harti. Hassan II University of Casablanca. Morocco; [email protected], [email protected] 2Regional Center for Education and Training Casablanca Anfa Bd Bir Anzarane Casablanca. Morocco; [email protected] Abstract Objectives: This study allows us to examine the constraints linked to the integration of the information and communication technologies in education of physics and chemistry in public middle and high school in Casablanca (Morocco). Methods/ Statistical Analysis: To carry out this research, we used the investigation method using a questionnaire in the region of Casablanca - Settat (Morocco), exactly in the provincial direction of Moulay Rachid-Sidi Othman during 2016/2017 school year. The target population of our survey is about 97 secondary school teachers: 31 in middle school and 66 in high school. To complete our study, we asked few questions to the directors of the targeted institutions, and some to the inspectors of phys- ics and chemistry. Findings: It is clear that the different actors of education can have different opinions. The integration of for the successful integration of ICT in schools. This paper is limited to the presentation and analysis of data expressing the useICTs of in middle the education and high system school inteachers physical in andintegration chemical of is ICTs a pedagogical in the teaching priority; of physical access and and chemical flexibility sciences are two in prerequisites the region of Casablanca - Settat, collected as part of our research, by determining the obstacles and suggesting some solutions for a suc- cessful integration of ICTs. Application/Improvements: The Ministry of education must consider several obstacles before taking the next step towards a better integration of ICTs, and several levers that make this integration successful. Keywords: Challenge, Integration, ICT, Morocco, Sciences of Physics and Chemistry 1. Introduction and Problem skills through the effective use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)1. Following the accelerated pace of technological develop- The results of the “SITES M12” survey show that the ment worldwide, Morocco, like all countries, is trying major obstacle to integrate ICTs in education was the lack to renovate its education system so that it can improve of knowledge and skills of teachers in ICTs (Pelgrum and the quality of teaching and learning in order to improve Anderson, 2001). This means that if we could train teach- *Author for correspondence Constraints Related to the Integration of Information and Communication Technologies in the Teaching of the Physical Sciences at the Level of the Moroccan Educational System ers well, we can finally ensure a successful integration into Since then, according to the central management of teaching. In the context of the emergence of new tech- this program, multimedia rooms have been installed in nologies and the role they seem to play in the teaching of several schools, the main educational actors have ben- science, a new techno-pedagogical environment is being efited from many hours of planned training, and several established in the educational field, in order to integrate workshops have been conducted to facilitate the use and into the information and knowledge society. Morocco integration of the new information and communication started it in 1999, in its education system through the technologies in education. However, according to the operationalization of the national charter of education preliminary findings and the indirect interviews we were and training. This charter was devoted to the use of new able to, the implementation of these measures is very slow information and communication technologies (article and the use of ICT in the Moroccan school is still lim- 10)3. ited. For it, it seemed very important to us to question Morocco must invest more in the field of ICTs with this situation, through this study, a reflection on the dif- a budget likely to build a new infrastructure based on ferent uses of the new information and communication new information and communication technologies, and technologies actually existing in the Moroccan educa- a largely sufficient time interval allowing the different tion system as well as the obstacles that hamper these educational actors to reflect, ask themselves and evaluate uses1. each step before moving on to the next. The “GENIE” program management has launched Morocco began in Rabat on Thursday October 8th, in its emergency plan (2009-2012) a strategy to pro- 1999, in its educational system by the operationalization mote, facilitate and enhance a pedagogical culture that of the national charter of education and training concern- promotes ICT in teaching and learning, and pointed ing the use of the new technologies of the information out in its emergency plan (2009-2012) that according and the communication in the plan of emergence of the to the first phase of implementation of the program, an application of the NICTs and the primordial role that evaluation was made to review the inventory and espe- they can play in the teaching of the sciences, (the national cially the achievement of some objectives (training, charter of the education and the formation, lever 10)3. equipment and multimedia rooms), to promote ICTs Morocco is trying to create a techno-educational envi- in teaching and learning (GENIE Program Directorate, ronment in the field of education (ICT in the service of 2012)8. education). The World Economic Forum (WEF) recently In this sense, Morocco has felt the important role released its report on Information and Communication that the use and integration of the new information and Technologies (ICTs) globally “The Global Information communication technologies in its education system Technology Report 2016”. This report ranks of 139 coun- seems to play. For this, the Moroccan government has tries according to their level of ICTs development. For developed since 2005, a strategic program “GENIE4,5”, this year’s ranking Morocco is positioned at: serving teachers, inspectors and directors of institu- tions, aiming at the generalization of information and ↓ 121/139: The quality of educational system; communication technologies , with a view to integrat- (105/144 in 2013) ing them into the education and training system, which ↓ 50/139: The importance of ICTs in the govern- was awarded on Wednesday in Paris the UNESCO ment’s vision; King Hamad Bin Issa Al Khalifa Prize 2017 for the use (38/144 in 2013) of information and communication technologies in education6,7. ↓ 49/139: Government success in promoting ICTs; (42/144 in 2013) 2 Vol 11 (44) | November 2018 | www.indjst.org Indian Journal of Science and Technology Oussama Dardary, Malika Tridane and Said Belaaouad ↓ 110/139: Internet access at school; 2.1.1 Presentation of the Sample (95/144 in 2013) The target population of our survey is 97 secondary ↑ 65/139: ICTs use and government effectiveness. school teachers: 31 in middle school and 66 in high (77/144 in 2013) school. It is obvious that the GENIE program has brought new To complete our study, we asked some questions to initiatives, it is quite clear that Morocco has advanced 8 the directors of the targeted institutions, and some to the ranks compared to 2013 in terms of the use of the new inspectors of physics and chemistry. information and communication technologies, but we To collect information on constraints related to also find that it suffered a remarkable decline after the the successful integration of the new information and development of the GENIE program (2013). According communication technologies in the physical and chemi- to this data, it can be said that there is some use of ICTs, cal sciences, we used an anonymous questionnaire as but it still some lacks in integration into the educational an investigative tool. This questionnaire contains 45 system. questions addressed to PCS teachers, some are closed It is clear that the different actors of education can and some are opened, which are intended to pro- have different opinions. However, this paper is limited vide clear answers on the fundamental axes of the to the presentation and analysis of data expressing the survey: use of middle and high school teachers in integration of ICTs in the teaching of physical and chemical sciences in • Personal information: Age, gender, frame, uni- the region of Casablanca - Settat, collected as part of our versity level, year of recruitment, seniority in the research, by focusing on: cycle, direct hiring or not, establishment of work, provincial direction, Training Establishment... • Attitudes of middle school and high school teach- • State of the existing infrastructure; ers for the integration of the new information and • Activities of PCS teachers with their personal communication technologies into physical and computers; chemical sciences education in the Casablanca - Settat region; • Type of use of ICTs in class: • Barriers hindering this integration; • Degree of computer skills; • Levers for successful integration of ICTs. • Internet access and use of the internet; • Existing materials in target institutions 2. Concept Headings • Use of Computer Assisted Experiments (CAEx); • Training of teachers in ICTs: Duration and degree 2.1 Methodology of satisfaction; To carry out this study, a survey was conducted in public • Barriers to integration of ICTs in the classroom middle schools and high schools located in the region of Casablanca - Settat (Morocco), exactly in the provincial • The levers to allow integration of ICTs. direction of Moulay Rachid-Sidi Othman, which contains a total of 144 professors of secondary education of PCS 3.
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