UNITED NATIONS _.Y SECURITY COU OFFICIAL RECORDS THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR 2221stMEETING: 8 MAY 1980 NEW YORK CONTENTS Page Provisional agenda (S/Agenda/222 1) .i......*............................ Tribute to the memory of Josip Broz Tito, President of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia . ..*............................. Expression of thanks to the retiring President . Adoption of the agenda . ..*..................................... The situation in the occupied Arab territories: Letter dated 6 May 1980 from the Permanent Representative of Tunisia to the United Nations addressed to the President of the Security Council (S/13926) . 1 ZqPV.2221 . ,.l __. I- , : . ,. ., .NOTE Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of capital letters com- bined with figures. Mention of such a symbol indicates a reference to a United Nations document. Documents of the Security Council (symbol S/ . .) are normally published in quarterly Supplements of the Official Records of the Security Council. The date of the document indicates the supplement in which it appears or in which infor- mation about it is given. The resolutions of the Security Council; numbered in accordance with a system adopted in 1964, are published in yearly volumes of Resolutions and Decisions of the Security Council. The new system, which has been applied retroactively to resolutions adopted before 1 January 1965, became fully operative on that date. 222ist MEETING Held in New York on Thursday, 8 May 1980, at 4.30 p.m. President: Mr. Id& OUMAROU (Niger). I should like at the outset to Dav a tribute, on behalf of the members of the Council; td Ambassador Porfirio Present: The representatives of the following States: Muiioz Ledo of Mexico, for the masterly way in which Bangladesh, China, France, German Democratic he conducted the proceedings of the Council in April. Republic, Jamaica, Mexico, Niger, Norway, Philip- pines, Portugal, Tunisia, Union of Soviet Socialist Adoption of the agenda Republics, United ‘Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America, Zambia. The agenda was adopted. Provisional agenda (S/Agenda/2221) The situation in the occupied Arab territories: Letter dated 6 May 1980 from the Permanent Repre- 1. Adoption of the agenda sentative of Tunisia to the United Nations addressed to the President of the Security Council (S/13926) 2. The situation in the occupied Arab territories: Letter dated 6 May 1980 from the Permanent 3. The PRESIDENT (interpretation from French): Representative of Tunisia to the United I should like to inform members of the Council that Nations addressed to the President of the I have received letters from the representatives of Security Council (S/13926) Israel and Jordan, in which they ask to be invited to participate in the discussion of the item on the agenda. The meeting was called to order at 5.10 p.m. In accordance with the usual practice, I propose, with the consent of the Council, to invite those representa- Tribute to the memory of Josip Broz Tito, President tives to participate in the discussion without the right of the SotiiaIist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia to vote, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Charter and rule 37 of the provisional rules of 1. The PRESIDENT (interpretation from French): procedure. This meeting of the Security Council is taking place at a time of great sorrow, when the world is mourning At the invitation of the President, Mr. Blum (Israel) the death of Josip Broz Tito, President of the Socialist and Mr. Nuseibeh (Jordan) took the places reserved Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. His commitment to for them at the side of the Council chamber. the work of the United Nations was a source of inspiration to the entire world community. President Tito was one of the founders of the non-aligned 4. The PRESIDENT (interpretation from French): movement, to which he brought great vision. His I should like to inform members of the Council that passing on 4 May 1980 leaves the world bereft of one I have received a letter dated 8 May from the repre- of its foremost personalities. He was a champion of sentative of Tunisia [S/13932], which reads as the cause of peace and of humanity as a whole, and his follows: great qualities will ensure that he will be remembered by future generations. On behalf of the Council, “I have the honour to request the Security Coun- I intend to send a telegram today to the Government cil to invite the representative of the Palestine of Yugoslavia conveying the Council’s sincere condo- Liberation Organization to participate in the con- lences to that Government and to the people of sideration of the item entitled ‘The situation in the Yugoslavia and our heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved occupied Arab territories’, in accordance with the family. Council’s usual practice. * * On the proposal of the President, the members of 5. The proposal of the representative of Tunisia is the Council observed a minute of silence in tribute to not made pursuant to rule 37 or rule 39 of the pro- the memory of President Tito. visional rules of procedure, but, if approved by the Council, the invitation to participate in the debate Expression of tbanks to the retiring President would confer on the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) the same rights of participation as those con- 2. The PRESIDENT (interpretation from French): ferred on a Member State when invited to participate Since this is the first meeting of the Council in May, under rule 37. 6. Does any member of the Security Council wish Il. The PRESIDENT (interpretation from French): to speak on this proposal? I now call on those representatives who have asked to speak after the vote. 7. Mr. vanden HEUVEL (United States of America): The delegation of the United States has repeatedly 12. Mr. vanden HEUVEL (United States of Amer- made clear its view .that it is inappropriate for the ica): Mr. President, the month of May has brought Council to couch an invitation to the Palestine Libera- the distinction of your presence as the leader of our tion Organization to participate in the debate in terms deliberations. During the membership of the Niger on that some seek to interpret as conferring rights of the Council you have been a most eloquent spokes- participation as if it were a Member State. For this man for justice and your advice and guidance have reason, the United States will once again vote against always been wise. Already you have shown the firm- the manner in which this invitation has been phrased. ness and the judgement that promise a most successful tenure. The United States welcomes your presidency. 8. The PRESIDENT (interpretation from French): If no other member of the Council wishes to speak at 13. May I also use this occasion to salute our brother this stage, I shall take it that the Council is ready to the representative of Mexico, whose energy and vote on the proposal of Tunisia. instinct for leadership and substantive acumen made his incumbency a model. These months have been A vote was taken by show of hands. endlessly difficult, complex and frequently exhausting. But, reflecting the qualities of his great country, In favour: Bangladesh, China, German Democratic Ambassador Munoz Ledo led us through the turmoil Republic, Jamaica, Mexico, Niger, Philippines, of April with a sure hand and boundless skill, courtesy Tunisia, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Zambia. and wisdom. We are grateful for that. Against: United States of America 14. I regret that it has not been possible for the United States to join in a unanimous decision of the Council Abstaining: France, Norway, Portugal, United on the question before it today. As has been made clear Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland by a spokesman for my Government, the United States holds that the deportations of Mayors Milhem and The proposal was adopted by 10 votes to I, with Qawasma and Sharia Judge Attamimi are contrary to 4 abstentions. the provisions of the Fourth Geneva Convention and that the provisions of the fourth Geneva Convention At the invitation of the President, Mr. Terzi (Pal- relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time estine Liberation Organization) took a place at the of War, of 12 August 1949,’ apply to the conduct of Council table. Israeli military authorities in the West Bank and Gaza. 9. The PRESIDENT (interpretation from French): 15. However, my Government could not support this The Security Council is meeting today following a draft resolution. We are dealing here, as we have been request submitted by the representative of Tunisia for a number of years, with a tragic cycle of violence contained in a letter dated 6 May, which was circulated in which one violent act begets another. It has been as document S/13926. and remains the position of the United States that we cannot focus on a single act in this cycle. We deeply 10. Members of the Council have before them docu- regret that the resolution does not refer to the killing ment S/13930, which contains the text of a draft resolu- in Hebron of six Israelis and the wounding of 16 others tion that was drafted in the course of consultations. -an act which preceded the deportations of the Pal- I understand that the Council is ready to vote on the estinian officials and which constitutes an obvious draft resolution before it. If I hear no objection, I shall factor in the present situation. We condemn this put the draft resolution to the vote. wanton act of violence at Hebron and the Palestine Liberation Organization’s responsibility for it. A vote was taken by show of hands. 16. It is sadly apparent that in recent weeks the In favour: Bangladesh, China, France, German Council has been unable to condemn the murder of Democratic Republic, Jamaica, Mexico, Niger, Israeli citizens, whether at Misgav Am or at Hebron.
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