POSTALPPOSTTAL PATRONPATRON www.westbendnews.net VOLUME 10 – ISSUE 45 Good News for Good Communities - Serving Northwest Ohio and Northeast Indiana WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2014 WILLIAMSON FINISHES IN TOP 5 AT HOME FREE MAKES VAN KICK OFF THE HOLIDAYS MR. & MRS. LOUIS TREADWAY CELEBRATE WERT A STOP ON THEIR WITH A NEW TRADITION 60th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY STATE CC CHAMPIONSHIP CRAZY LIFE TOUR! On November 13, 2014 First Federal of Van Wert at 6:30 p.m. the Paulding proudly presents the world’s Chamber of Commerce will fi rst country music a cappel- be hosting a celebration to la Vocal Band, HOME FREE, kick off the holidays and cel- at the Niswonger Performing ebrate our brand new Christ- Arts Center on January 31, mas decorations. Everyone is 2015 at 7:30 p.m. When Home invited. Free was crowned Season 4 “Th e plan is to begin at Champions of NBC’s “Th e the Herb Monroe Park that Sing-Off ” in December 2013, evening with live music and their victory was by no means honoring those who have do- the beginnings of a career for nated the funds to purchase the fi ve country stars from the new decorations,” said Peggy Emerson, Chamber (Continued to Page 2) Director. “Everyone will then ODOT IS READY FOR WIN- cross the street and begin car- oling around the Courthouse. TER KEY TO CLEAR ROADS Businesses downtown have IS BEING PREPARED been asked to decorate and Sam Williamson, junior at Antwerp High School, fi nished be open that evening, mak- 5th at the State Cross Country Finals on Saturday, Novem- Last winter broke many re- ing Paulding one Merry and ber 1 with a time of 16:13.68, achieving All Ohio and Aca- cords in the state, especially for Bright place to be!” demic All Ohio honors. Sam had stiff competition in the cold the Ohio Department of Trans- Th e Chamber intention- weather. He travelled to state aft er placing fi rst in the region- portation (ODOT): most road ally chose to have this event al competition on October 25. Shown in the picture is Coach salt used (more than 1 million on the same night that the Cord Ehrhart and Sam Williamson tons), most money spent ($119 Festival of Trees begins at million), and most snow plow the Paulding Historical So- CHRISTMAS FOR KIDS miles driven (more than 14 cepting new unopened toys million). Th is winter, ODOT ciety. “We wanted people to Louis and Helena cele- odrich-Gulf in Institute, WV. HOSTS “FILL THE BUS” from 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. is ready. Earlier this month, have a big celebration to start brated their 60th wedding Helena is a homemaker. EVENT that day. All donations given ODOT crews around the state the holiday season. Th ere is a anniversary on October 31, Th ey have two children: at this event will be given to began conducting random Turkey Dinner at the Pauld- 2014. Terri (Douglas) Batson of Ar- Mix 98.1’s Christmas For needy children in Antwerp. 150-point inspections to fi ne- ing United Methodist Church Th ey were married at lington, VA; and Randy Lou- Kids campaign is set to have Th e live drive is spon- tune snow removal equipment that aft ernoon. You could the Maplewood Methodist is (Janet) Treadway of Fort a “Fill the Bus” Live Toy Drive sored by: Vancrest, Antwerp in anticipation of the coming come, have dinner, attend the Church in West Virginia. Wayne and two grandchil- at the West Bend News park- Chamber of Commerce, and winter. Th e inspections are part lighting ceremony, and then Louis retired from BF dren: Ashley of Fort Wayne head out to the Festival of ing lot on Tuesday, November Antwerp Community Devel- of the department’s annual Goodrich aft er more than 21 and Erica from Marshfi eld, 18, 2014. Th e bus will be ac- opment Committee. (Continued to Page 2) (Continued to Page 2) years and over 12 years at Go- Wisconsin. Creative Design & Construction LLC. We Buy Old Gold - Fessel Jewelers YENSER GROSS Been doing quality work for over 20 years - Schmucker TURN YOUR OLD GOLD INTO IMMEDIATE CASH HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING,LLC. • Room Additions on the square – Paulding • 419-399-3885 Service Technicians and Installers • Garages STORE HOURS:Mon-Thurs 9-5:30; Fri 9-6; Sat 9-1:00 103 West Merrin Street • Payne, OH • Driveway Replacements Winter is Coming. 419-263-2000 • Roo ng Bring it On! • Decks www.toro.com FINANCING AVAILABLE! • ACCEPTING ALL CREDIT CARDS! Love your basement, but it’s cracking or sinking? We will replace your cracked or old foundation walls or footers! Prices Starting Power Clear GET YOUR BASEMENT INSPECTED At Water-proofi ng Sinking Foundations, $359.99 Bowed Walls & Drainage if necessary • Clears snow down to We are certified by Grip-Tite Remodelers! pavement • Easy for anyone to use Now is the time to do • Guaranteed to Start Vinyl 3-Track • Contractorso • Self propels itself through ROOM ADDITIONS, GARAGES & CONCRETE DRIVEWAYS! Storm Windows Welcomel the snow Call MerleM for Free Infon – 260-632-0207-0 FREEFRRREE ESTIMATES ESTIMATTEES - WE INSTAINSTALLAALL 260-403-8949 HECKLEY AUTO & OUTDOOR POWER Double Hung,n Sliders, Awning,g, Casements, Pictureu Windows, Licensed • Bonded • Insured 4706 ST. 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Includes: st • New Construction 419-258-2000 ConsultationCCo • 1 Adjustment • Therapy • Free Estimates Call to make an appointment at: • Insured 419-506-9010 I Cor. 10:31 - whatever you do, 410 East River Street, Antwerp, OH • Located East side of town on Old 24 do it all for the glory of God. Dr. Chris Bragg PAGE 2 – WEST BEND NEWS – NOVEMBER 5, 2014 Phone: 419-258-2000 • Email: [email protected] PAULDING COUNTY SENIOR LUTHERAN HOSPITAL Royce. well trained.” SCRIPTURE OF THE WEEK CENTER ACTIVITIES HOSTING CAREER FAIR Many payment options New this year, ODOT are available; in person, by has completed installation “For the word of God is living and active and sharper 11/5–11/11 FOR MEDICAL PROFES- than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the divi- SIONALS mail, electronically through of green, white and amber the Treasurer’s website, by lights on all 1,700 snowplow sion of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able 11/5 – “Paulding Chat & to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” Reminiscing” at 11:45 a.m.; credit card, payments can be trucks in its fl eet. Th e color Medical professionals and Hebrews 4:12 NASB Bunco & Craft s at 12:30 p.m.; new graduates interested in dropped off in the Child Sup- combination provides higher port drop box on the south visibility than the traditional Grocery shopping at 1:30 p.m. seeking a career as a regis- VANTAGE STUDENTS DONATE BLANKETS & ITEMS TO 10/6 – Blood pressure & toe end of the courthouse, on amber lights. tered nurse, surgical technol- HOSPICE nail clinic at 9:00 a.m.; Exercise ogist or monitor technician your smartphone or mobile Of course snowplows at 10:00 a.m.; Western South- are invited to attend a career device, or you can use the don’t drive themselves. ern Presentation at 11:45 a.m.; self-pay kiosk at the Trea- ODOT has more than 3,000 Turn Up at 12:15 p.m. fair at Lutheran Hospital No- vember 6 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. surer’s offi ce. Th ere are also highly-trained and certifi ed 11/7 – Craft store open, a variety of payment plans operators ready to clear ice 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Lutheran is looking for com- passionate applicants who available. and snow from the state’s 11/10 – Fingernail clinic, When mailing payments, roadways and bridges. 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.; Exer- want to provide life-changing care for patients in a team-ap- mail to: Allen County Trea- cise at 10:00 a.m.; Game Day at surer, PO Box 2540, Fort Home Free 10:00 a.m. (car races) proach culture. (Continued from Page 1) Participants are asked to Wayne, IN 46801-2540. 11/11 – Closed for Veterans Th e Treasurer’s offi ce is Day RSVP online at Lutheran- Minnesota. Rather it was a Hospital.com/careers . located in suite 104 of the satisfying culmination of Rousseau Centre, 1 E. Main PAULDING COUNTY SENIOR Th e career fair will take nearly a decade of hard work place in the Lutheran Hospi- St. in Fort Wayne. Please and commitment to a vocal CENTER DINING CENTER bring your entire statement craft growing in popularity. MENU 11/5 – 11/11 tal South Lobby. Parking is available free of charge in the when paying in person. Of- Founded by brothers south parking garage on the fi ce hours are 8:00 a.m.
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