RAPE,ON.THE lNCREASE * BATTLE AG~INST. MALARIA,* SUPER , S~ORif PICS * - ' Cops become STOP PRESS ••. STOPi robbers at , " Swakopmund Jail'bust-out bid SIX members of the Namibian Police at Swakopmund have AN unknown number of inmates at Windhoek's Central been implicated in theft and Prison late last night launched a bid to bust out of the jail. have been suspended follow­ The attempted jailbreak could not be officiaily conftrmed, ing an indepth investigation. but two reliable sources at the prison told The Namibian that A police spokesperson, In­ there had been an escape bid. spector Sean Geyser, said the They sald that the escape had been stopped after prisoners officers had been directly or tried to reopen "a hole" wlilch had been blocked up after a indirectly involved in a num­ previous break. ber of thefts at residences and This newspaper was alerted to the trouble after the prison's . theft of property from resi­ sirens started walling at around 23hOO. No further details dences already broken into. were available at the time of going to press. The suspended officers in­ The situation atthe prison has been tense following a daring clude three constables, a fe­ Jailbreak last week in which 12 inmates escaped. Four were male student constable with immediately recaptured, while another two were caught 15 months service and two later. protection officers. The bust-out was followed by riots and prison warders were Geyser said the Namibian forced to call in polIce reinforcements to help quell the unrest Police were . committed to and force prisoners to return to their cells. Inmates have been wiping out incidents of this SA STRIKE ••• A soldier removes a burning barricade from a road in Khayelitsha demanding a reduction in their time to be served following the nature within the police force township in Cape Town, South Africa, yesterday as residents went on strike to protest sentences imposed in the Treason Trial. and were determined to work the imposition of V alue Added Tax. They were among millions of South Africans who In the wake of the unrest, Home Affairs deputy minister for a police force in which 'voted with their feet' in what has been described as the largest strike in South Nangolo Ithete visited the prison on Friday and told prison­ Namibians could take pride. Africa's history. See report below. Photograph: Reuters ers they were in no position to be making demands. Millions Census teams , '..D ........ o.e" ~ .s".., C . ,.".abio ", ....... et.' . ~ " - ,rule.. ' .- ..... .. stay away 'caught out' the waves or does in biggest SA strike 96% and still counting THE DEADLINE for Namibia's first Population and it waive the rules? JOHANNESBURG: Mil­ Housing Census has been extended by one week to catch lions of black South Afri­ up on a backlog of counting in areas such as Windhoek. ALL FISHING quotas are decided by the Cabinet TOMMINNEY cans went on strike yes­ Census co-ordinator Piet Swart said administrative and techni­ and this could lead to political bias and impartiality terday in what anti-apart­ cal problems had led to a shortfall in the enumeration process, which was originally planned to end on October 31. a leading judge suggested yesterday. the representations he had had heid movements called the from international groups in­ Windhoek's district census coptroller Reinet Terreblanche biggest stoppage in the said her enumerating teams had been caught out by the size of the Justice Bryan 0 'Linn was commission's report. O'Lion cluding Greenpeace and the country's history and a cross-questiODing Fisheries and pointed out that there are some International Fund for Animal area they were meant to cover. Time schedules had not taken into Marine Resources Permanent 150 applications for fishing Welfare. He said a common massive vote of no confi­ account the extensions made to the city and enumerators were Secretary Calle Schlettwein quotas of which only.a few are factor was that they did not dence in the white govern- still behind despite working overtime, she said. when he asked why fisheries granted. Under the present have Nanubian offices and bad ment. Additional problems, such as resignations of census staff, were not handled like road system, inherited from jne­ already set their conditions - The two-day protest against vicious dogs, and homes left in the care of servants who were transport and other businesses independence days, there is no an end to seal culling - making the imposition ofV alue Added unable to answer for their employees, had further delayed prog- with licences awarded by an way people who feel unfairly it hard to negotiate with them. Tax (Vat) was baptised in blood. ress. independent panel of experts. treated can question the deci­ After hearing seals described An eve-of-strike battle between Continued on page 3 o 'Lion pointed out that the sions apart from through a full jokingly as "the non-conces­ rival factions on a gold' mine Cabinet is appointed from review or by appealing to the sionaire who takes 110 per cent killed 15 and woUnded 43. whichever party is in power Ombudsman. of the fish", Schlettwein said At least 19 otberpeople died and is thus likely to be swayed The Commission has already some groups had suggested seals in scattered .incidents across by political considerations. accumulated more than 1 000 actually help the fish stocks by the country on Sunday and After initial hesitation, Sch­ pages of evidence from the eating fish that eat other fish. yesterday. It could not be de· lettwein suggested that since oral hearings, as well as vol­ However, he added, the Gov­ termined if these deaths were fish are such a vital resource umes of documents. It is. set to ernment had the sole right to linked to the labour unrest or for Namibia's future, the people report to the President by the decide what to do with Na­ were the result of continuing should have a say through the end of the year, but is finding a mibia's natural resources. political fighting. government they had elected labyrinth of accusations and Commenting on disastrous The umbrella Congress of to carry out their wishes. counter-accusation, front rock lobster harvests, Sch­ South African Trade Unions Schlettwein was under ques­ companies and cross-sharehold­ lettwein also spokC of changes (Co.satu) and its political ally, tioning all day yesterday as the, ings. in the way they were caught. the ANC, hailed "the largest­ o 'Lion commission ofinquiry Among other topics discussed He is to propose that the catch­ ever general strike in the his­ into fishing resumed in central yesterday was the way differ­ ing should be more evenly tory of our country" . Windhoek. With 0 'Linri was ent companies applied . for spread across the four zones They said in a statement Canadian accountant Edward quotas. Schlettwein said it was and to support labour inten­ between 3,5 and four million Waldo Twohig who was re­ a requirement that all compa­ sive ways of catching them workers stayed at home to laxed and well-informed about nies submitted business plans including using dinghies off protest against VAT which fishing, 0 'Lion seemed con­ before their quotas could be larger boats. many label an "apartheid tax". cerned about the confrontation activated. Twohig wanted to However, the bad catches Protestors say it unfairly pe­ . as oral hearings closed on know more about the precise seem as much to do with envi­ nalizes the poor black major­ NAMIBIAN AND PROUD OF IT ... Kalahari activist October 25 when the Attor­ procedures as some companies ronmental reasons such as low ity by increasing basic food prices. Mpho Shobo (second from left) was yesterday found not ney -General made a bid for all had not submitted plans but oxygen levels as with bad fish­ guilty on a charge of giving a false statement to the Cabinet papers to be kept se­ Schlettwein said in that case ing practices such as catching "A referendum was-held in cret. no boats would be licensed to unevenly. the streets ... The result was a Ministry of Home Aft'air~. The State all~ged that Shobo It seemed.likely the sugges­ theln. devastating vote of no confi had given false information t;) the Ministry in order to tion of an independent panel of get a Namibian passport. Shobo is pictured here with his Schlettwein also talked about Continued on page 3 experts will go forward in the the controversial seal issue and parents after yesterday's acquittal. - -- -------------~--------------------------~ .' THE·.NAMIBIAN TUN looks forward DO YOU NEED MONEY TO PAY FOR FURTHER STUDIES? to new Commission We need men/boys (16 years and older) . THE TEACHERS' Union of Namibia (TUN) has given an enthusiastic welcome to Prime Minister Hage Gein­ to salvage copper, lead and aluminium gob"s recent announcement that a Unified Teachers' . from electrical cable. Service Commission is to be established in Namibia. Making the . aunouncement that a Teachers' Service Com­ Payment will be made on the basis of at a meeting of public servants mission was needed to address metal salvaged. in Katutura last week, Gein­ burning issues in the embattled gob also promised that the pay­ teaching profession. As an first, claim-later decision made independent and authoritative Contact Mr. Van Wyk at earlier this year with regard to body. the Commission would Tel: (061) 31830 medical aid schemes for pub­ be ID a good position to amend lic servants would be revised. and implement conditions of TUN said it was convinced service o~ an ongoing basis in L...-________--, close co-operation with Na- r---N-A-M-IB-I-A-D-E-V-E-L-O~P-M-E-N-T-T-R-U-S-T---' mi~~~::m~=n;i_ tus said bis union appreciated the vast task of the Public The Namibia Development Trust Is a Non Governmental Organisation which assists Service CommissIon, but that development organisations Inside Namibia to : it could not stand by and watch PRISON PAINS ••• A prisoner at the Windhoek Central its members falling further and Prison shows wounds he suffered during last week's (1) Plan development programmes to assist the most vulnerable sectors· of the further behind.
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