G N L DRDQ U HB D % S Q @ M RON Q S C HQ DB S N Q X Centacare St Mary‘s Community Service Prepared for frail aged persons, PO Box 218 Beaudesert younger people with disabilities and QLD, 4285 their carers to access Businesses and Phone: (07) 5541 1653 Fax: (07) 5541 1143 Services in the Beaudesert Shire. Thinking About Relocating? ... Beaudesert Shire Home Acreage/country living might sound appealing when purchasing a home b ut have you considered the location and how this may impact on you Service and Transport Directory should your health conditions could change or decline… F or ex ample... H ow many steps you will b e climb ing up and down every day in your This Home Services and transport Directory has been new home? W ill your b athroom b e suitab le? developed by Centacare St Mary’s Community C an you access the shower easily? Services with the generous support of volunteers from ñ Is the flooring slip-proof? Jimboomba Community Care Inc. Beaudesert Shire ñ C an grab rails b e easily installed? council provided funding through the Community ñ C an modifications happen easily or will they b e costly? C an you maintain a large lawn area? W ill family b e availab le to help Wellbeing Grants program. weed/maintain garden b eds? H ow close to necessary services will your new home b e? H ow far away This guide has been complied to offer people are: information about transport options and subsidies ñ M edical services? (D octors, pharmacies, hospitals) within the Beaudesert Shire and access to regional ñ Y our b ank ? ñ G rocery stores and other shops? (N ewsagent, fruit and and metropolitan centres. veges) ñ A post office? The information in the directory has been supplied in ñ C ommunity C are services? good faith and was correct to the best of our knowl- S hould you b e unab le to drive, how will you get to these amenities? edge at the time of printing. We suggest contacting Is the home reliant entirely on tank water? the agency/business supplying the service to ensure W ill you b e prepared to maintain the necessary pumps? D oes the home have a septic system that may need maintaining? Is the information is still correct. Some information in this home ”high maintenance‘ e.g. needing to b e painted, renovated, etc? publication may be subject to change without notice D oes the home have a septic system that may need maintaining? Are you aware of the costs involved with such a system? (Annual costs of maintenance, licensing, C ouncil fees). We wish to thank everyone for their kind REMEMBER...A LITTLE PLANNING BEFOREHAND MAY SAVE support in creating this booklet. YOU A LOT OF STRESS LATER! Table of Contents Notes _________________________________________ Home Services _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Transport Services _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Hospital, Medical and Day Respite _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Emergency Services _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Recreational _________________________________________ Animals _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Other Useful Numbers Notes _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Home _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Services _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Business Name Contact Service Area Service Details Business Name Contact Service Area Service Details details details Jimboomba Junction Shop 16, 571 Home delivers of Mon-Fri: 6.30am–6pm Queensland Aged Ph: 1800 818 338 State wide Please call for further details news Cusack Lane, Newspapers and Sat: 6.30am–5pm and Disability Jimboomba, 4280 magazines to Sun: 7am–1pm Advocacy Ph: Cedar Grove and Payment details: all major (07) 5547 7755 the Shopping credit cards, eftpos, cash, Queensland Council Ph: 1800 242 636 State wide Operating hrs: Fax: Centre side of Mt cheque. of Carers Monday-Friday 8.30am-5pm (07) 5546 9130 Lindsay Westpac In-Store branch Information and Highway hours: Support Line Mon-Fri: 8am–5pm RSL Community Ph: 1300 796 111 State wide Please call for further details Sat: 8am–1pm Services Ph: (07)5547 86140 Seniors Enquiry Ph: 1300 135 500 State wide Please call for further details Eagle Boys Pizza Shop 10 Delivery to most We offer Seniors Card Line Jimboomba Jimboomba area, Discount. Veterans Home Care Ph: 1300 550 450 State wide Please call for further details Shopping Centre please contact Cash and Eftpos available in Service Jimboomba, QLD, store for delivery store. 4280 details. Cash for delivery Beaudesert Shire Ph: 5540 5111 Beaudesert Shire Please call for further details Ph: (07) 5547 8555 Wheelchair access to store. Council Beaudesert 24-26 William St Beaudesert Operating hrs: Beaudesert Library Ph: 5540 5142 Beaudesert Shire Please call for further details Hardware–Mitre Beaudesert, QLD, Mon-Fri 8.15am-5.15pm Jimboomba Library Ph: 5540 5463 Jimboomba Please call for further details 10 4285 Sat 8.30am-1pm Ph: (07) 5541 1888 Sun 9am-12pm Tamborine Library Ph: 5540 5473 Tamborine Please call for further details Payment via credit card, cash or COD. SES Ph: 5540 5131 Beaudesert Shire Please call for further details Retail hardware ñ Garden supplies Tamborine Fire Ph: 5541 4827 Tamborine Please call for further details ñ Builders supplies Station Beaudesert Fire Ph: 5541 4827 Beaudesert Please call for further details St Mary‘s 46 Anna St Beaudesert Shire Clients are accessed on an Station Community Beaudesert, QLD, individual case for eligibility. Jimboomba Fire Ph: 5546 9000 Jimboomba Please call for further details Services 4285 $5.00 per hr for domestic Station ñ Domestic Ph: (07) 5541 1653 assistance. Assistance Payment via cash or cheque Canungra Fire Ph: 5541 4827 Canungra Please call for further details Station St Mary‘s 46 Anna St Beaudesert Shire Clients are accessed on an Beaudesert Police Ph: 5541 2020 Beaudesert Please call for further details Community Beaudesert, QLD, individual case for eligibility. Services 4285 $10.00 per hr for home main- Jimboomba Police Ph: 5546 0144 Jimboomba Please call for further details ñ Home Ph: (07) 5541 1653 tenance. Tamborine Police Ph: 5545 3473 Tamborine Please call for further details Maintenance Payment via cash or cheque Canungra Police Ph: 5543 5120 Canungra Please call for further details Business Name Contact Service Area Service Details Business Name Contact Service Area Service details details Details & Eligibility Emergency St Vinnie‘s Beaudesert Please call for further details Housing Ph: (07) 3208 6759 St Mary‘s 46 Anna St Beaudesert Shire Clients are accessed on an Community Beaudesert, QLD, individual case for eligibil- Services 4285 ity. Queensland Ph: (07) 3225 2319 State Wide Please call for further details Home Ph: (07) 5541 With Home Modifications Housing Modifications 1653 you maybe required to pay for materials and we will St Mary‘s Catholic Ph: (07) 5541 1068 Beaudesert Please call for further details pay for the labour side. Church Payment via cash or cheque Aged Care Line Ph: 1800 500 853 State Wide Please call for further details St Mary‘s 46 Anna St Beaudesert Shire Eligibility: Alzheimer‘s Ph: 1800 639 331 State Wide Please call for further details Community Beaudesert, QLD, ñ People who are 60yrs and Services 4285 Association Help 24hr phone line over or any age with a Line ñ Home Assist Ph: (07) 5541 disability, who are unable Secure 1653 to make use of alternative Breast Screen Ph: 13 20 50 State Wide Please call for further details forms of assistance and booking live in their own home. ñ To receive subsidized as- Brisbane South Ph: (07) 3840 1763 State Wide Please call for further details sistance, you need to be in Allied Health receipt of a Common- Referral Line wealth Government pen- Brisbane South Ph: 1800 059 059 Nation Wide Please call for further details sion or benefit. Commonwealth We can do minor home Carer Respite maintenance around safety, health and security issues. Cancer Help Line Ph: 13 11 20 State Wide Please call for further details Blue Care 7 Duckett St Beaudesert Shire Please call for further details Commonwealth Ph: 1800 052 222 Nation Wide Please call for further details Beaudesert, QLD, Carelink 4285 Ph: (07) 5541 Council Cabs Ph: 13 62 94 Brisbane, Please call for further details 2280 Booking Line TTY: 13 36 77 Logan, Beaude- sert Disabilities Ph: 1800 177 120 State Wide Please call for further details Information and Or (07) 3224 8444 Awareness Line Elder Abuse Ph: 1300 651 192 State Wide Please call for further details Protection Help Line National Dementia Ph: 1300 366 448 State Wide Please call for further details Behaviour Advisory Service Palliative Care Ph: 1800 722 273 State Wide Please call for further details Information Ser- 24 hr for QLD vice Other Useful Numbers Business Name Contact Service Area Service Details details Veterans Support Jimboomba Park Jimboomba Area Monday and Wednesday: & Advocacy off South Street 9am–2pm Ph: (07) 5546 0011 Ex-Service men and women Service Australia After hrs: are eligible Inc 0417 643 711 We provide information to veterans
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