List of Seed Producing Firms registered for period 2020-23 Sr. No. Name of the Firm Address Properiter/ Mobile No. Certificate No. Logo Gender Owner 1 C.R. Seeds Company Shop No. 175, V.P.O.- Smt. Savita 9813868600 1 F Chamaria, Near Bank of India, Rohtak. 2 Janak Seeds Shop No. 89B, New Anaj Sh. Krishan 9416035542 2 M Mandi, Indri, Distt.-Karnal. Lal 3 Hari Seeds Trader Ladwa Road, Pipli, Sh. Amit 9812032226 3 M Kurukshetra. Kumar 4 Onkar Seed Near H.P. Wadhwa Oil Sh. Mahinder 9896551280 4 M Company, V.P.O.-Gheer, Singh Karnal. 5 R.K. Seeds Co. Village-Chorpura, Distt- Sh. Munish 9017335660 5 M Karnal. Kumar 6 Semenis Seeds Co. Hansi Road, Dharamgarh, Sh. Sukhbir 9416662790 6 M Distt-Panipat. Singh 1/32 Sr. No. Name of the Firm Address Properiter/ Mobile No. Certificate No. Logo Gender Owner 7 Hare Krishna Seeds Jhansa Road, Dhurala, Distt- Sh. Hari Charan 9812572622 7 M Kurukshetra. Bansal 8 Nilokheri Farmers Mannat Palace, Indri Road Sh. Sardar 9416483198 8 M Producer Company Ltd. Ramba, Distt- Singh Karnal. 9 Amar Seeds Jind Road, Distt-Kaithal. Sh. Sahil Vij 9896371234 9 M 10 Gayatri Seeds Baragaon, Newal Raod, Sh. Suresh 9354108053 10 M Distt-Karnal. Chand Poswal 11 Haryali Seeds 49-50, Industrial Area, Sector- Sh. Rippu 9416002684 11 M 2, Distt- Daman Kalra Kurukshetra. 12 PCS Sales Corporation Vill. Hasmabad, Sector-29, Sh. Gagan Deep 9813065346 12 M Distt-Sonepat. Bansal 13 Nirmal Seeds Vill. Makhu Majra, Sh. Moni 9813189909 13 M Corporation Distt-Karnal. Nirmal 2/32 Sr. No. Name of the Firm Address Properiter/ Mobile No. Certificate No. Logo Gender Owner 14 National Horticultural Village-Salaru, P.O.-Darar, Sh. B.K. Dubey 9466575409 14 M Research and Distt-Karnal. Development Foundation 15 Govardhan Seeds Jakhwala Road, Ismailabad, Sh. Sunny 9996735333 15 M Distt-Kurukshetra. Singla 16 Shri Bala Ji Seed Main Road Siwan, Sh. Bimal 9416243719 16 M Distt.-Kaithal. Kumar 17 Uttam Seeds GT Road Near Telephone Sh. Pritam Dass 9896370546 17 M Corporation Exchange, Samalka, Distt- Panipat. 18 Raj Enterprises Near Hillman Restaurant, G.T. Sh. Raj Pal 9466242326 18 M Road, Nilokheri, Singh Distt-Karnal. 19 Surinder Seeds Farm Shop No. 247, New Sabji Sh. Surinder 9729800000 19 M Mandi, Sonali Road, Distt.- Kumar Tebak Panipat. 3/32 Sr. No. Name of the Firm Address Properiter/ Mobile No. Certificate No. Logo Gender Owner 20 Sanchit Seeds Farm Dada Khera Chowk, Village- Sh. Sanchit 9896477777 20 M Hartari, Tebak Distt.- Panipat. 21 Indo Seeds Farm Shop No. 307, Gaushala Sh. Sushma 9896477777 21 F Mandir Marg, Near Sabji Tebak Mandi, Sanoli Road, Distt.- Panipat. 22 Kadiyan Seeds Village-Taraori, Distt.- Karnal. Sh. Ramesh 9370020000 22 M Corporation Kadiyan 23 Haryana Seeds SCO 40, Behind Bus Sh. Jagarnath 9315525102 23 M Company Stand,Distt.- Karnal. Narwal 24 New Punjab Seed Village-Darar, Sh. Davinder 9050360008 24 M Distt.-Karnal. Singh 25 Hissar Seeds Village- Gorota, Banchari Sh. Prahlad 9467735800 25 M Corporation Road, Singh Tehsil-Hodal, Distt.-Palwal. 26 Kalash Agro Seeds 58, IIIrd, Industrial Area, Sirsa. Sh. Sudhir 9050676310 26 M Hudda 4/32 Sr. No. Name of the Firm Address Properiter/ Mobile No. Certificate No. Logo Gender Owner 27 Haryana Beej Company Opposite Air Force Station Sh. Parveen 9416048178 27 M Dabwali Road, Village-Mirpur, Kumar Sirsa. 28 Sai Krishna Seeds Shop No. 08, CC1, New Anaj Smt. Preeti 237359 28 F Mandi, Sirsa 29 Punjab Agro Seeds Shamshabad Patti, Industrial Sh. Hemant 9215967907 29 M Area, Sirsa. Goyal 30 Parag Seeds Pvt. Ltd. 4KM Stone, Sirsa Road, Sh. Krishan 220331 30 M Fatehabad. Kumar 31 Glorious Agro Seeds Village-Shahidan Wali, Distt.- Sh. Rajender 9992904848 31 M Sirsa. Kumar 32 Sikander Hybrid Seeds VPO-Rangri Khera, Sh. Jasjit Singh 9416644244 32 M Sirsa. 33 Jhabber Seeds Jiwan Nagar Road, Rania, Sh. Gurnam 9416020154 33 M Sirsa. Singh 5/32 Sr. No. Name of the Firm Address Properiter/ Mobile No. Certificate No. Logo Gender Owner 34 Star Agri Seed Village-Panihari, Sh. Arjun 9254001009 34 M Company Sirsa. Narula 35 Dhanraj Dharnia Seed Shop No. 1, VPO-Saktakhera, Sh. Mukesh 9992241525 35 M Co. Teshil-Mandi Dabwali, Distt.- Kumar Sirsa. 36 Ujjawal Biotech and Near Mela Ground, BSNL Sh. Gurpreet 9812076259 36 M Organics Pvt. Ltd. Office, Distt.-Sirsa. Singh 37 Farms Agro Seeds Old Ahmedpur Road, Sh. Virsa Singh 9541750003 37 M Shamshabaad Patti, Distt.- Sirsa. 38 Tirupati Seeds Nohar Road, Ellenabad, Distt.- Sh. Ashok Doda 9896134833 38 M Sirsa. 39 Sant Seeds Shop No. 13, around Sh. Yogesh 9278000583 39 M Additional Mandi, Distt.-Sirsa. Sardana 6/32 Sr. No. Name of the Firm Address Properiter/ Mobile No. Certificate No. Logo Gender Owner 40 Paras Seed Company Shamshabad Patti, Sh. Anil Kumar 9416045893 40 M Distt.-Sirsa. 41 Shree Ram Shamshabad Patti, Sh. Sahil 9151200001 41 M International Seeds Sirsa. Chawla 42 Dhan Luxmi Seeds Behind Chaudhary Cotton Sh. Sunil 9812032756 42 M Factory, Distt.-Sirsa. Kumar 43 Jai Shankar Seeds Shamshabad Patti, Sh. Saket 9991000083 43 M Distt.-Sirsa. Chawla 44 Vikas Industries Hanumangarh Road, Sh. Mahavir 44 M Ellenabad, Sirsa. Singh 45 Shaktiman Seeds Najadela Road, Sh. Shakti 8930200064 45 M Chattargarhpatti, Sagar Sirsa. 46 Bharat Seeds 90-A, C-Block, Sirsa. Sh. Vishwanath 9812267396 46 M 7/32 Sr. No. Name of the Firm Address Properiter/ Mobile No. Certificate No. Logo Gender Owner 47 Haryana Seeds Hisar Road, Sirsa Sh. Rahuldeep 1666243297 47 M Development Rana Corporation Ltd. 48 HAFED Sirsa I.T.I. Road, Industrial Area-III, Sh. Sandeep 1666240856 48 M Sirsa. Poonia 49 Agri Superior Seeds Block-5, Bir Chikanwas, 49 Hisar. 50 Ashoka Hybrid Seeds D N College Road, Satya Sh. Ashoka 9416169075 50 Nagar, Hisar. Hybrid Seeds 51 Bhaichara Trading Co. Mirzapur Road, Sh. Rajpal 9416587611 51 Hisar. 52 Gromore Seed 4th Mile Stone, Sh. Sandeep 9896678935 52 Back side Hisar Automobile Aggarwal Sirsa Road, Hisar. 8/32 Sr. No. Name of the Firm Address Properiter/ Mobile No. Certificate No. Logo Gender Owner 53 Director Farm Ludas Road, CCS HAU, Hisar. Sh. Surender 1662255430 53 Kumar 54 Director, RDS Seed CCS HAU, Hisar. Dr. Kamal Dutt 1662289433 54 Farm Sharma 55 Jagdish Hybrid Seeds Near Jind Chungi Chowk, Sh. Naman 9812397000 55 Co. Hansi Hisar. Mittal 56 Yunick Agro Plot No. 309, 10 Km Stone, Smt. Kiran 7015278398 56 F Tosham Road, Vill. Dabra, Khedar Hisar. 57 Quality Hybrid Seeds Opp. Police Post, Mangali 57 Co. Jhara, Hisar. 58 A-One Agro Products Near Royal Sainik Vidya Sh. Ram Niwas 9812440773 58 Peeth, Garg Balsamand Road, Hisar. 59 Shakti Vardhak Hybrid Arya Nagar Road, Vill. Ludas, Sh. Ved 9467400307 59 Seeds Pvt. Ltd. Hisar. Parkash Arya 9/32 Sr. No. Name of the Firm Address Properiter/ Mobile No. Certificate No. Logo Gender Owner 60 Himalaya Seed Shop No. 96, New Grain Sh. Shamsher 9416951950 60 Company Market, Singh Babarpur, Panipat. 61 Anjali Seed Company Village -Dhottar, Sh. Nathu Ram 9992067177 61 M Tehsil-Rania, Distt.-Sirsa. 62 Haldhar Agri Seeds Near Veterinary Hospital, Sh. Kuldeep 9729003299 62 M Village-Bupp, Distt.-Sirsa. Singh 63 HAFED Fatehabad Bhattu Road, near HSEB, Sh. Darshan 1667297254 63 M Distt.- Fatehabad. Kumar 64 Shiv Rama Seeds Co. Near St. Francis School, Sh. Sachin Garg 1666223371 64 M Behind HSDC, Hisar Road, Distt.-Sirsa. 65 Sadbhawna Seeds SCF-17, New Grain Market Sh. Ramesh 9671900222 65 M Corporation Rania, Kumar . Distt.-Sirsa 10/32 Sr. No. Name of the Firm Address Properiter/ Mobile No. Certificate No. Logo Gender Owner 66 Navrattan Seeds Opposite Bharat Cotton Mills, Sh. Lalit Kumar 9467400130 66 M Old Ahmadpur Road, Shamshabad Patti, Distt.-Sirsa. 67 Sharda Enterprises Near Daya Ram Public School, Sh. Vinod 1667220125 67 M Sirsa Road, Kumar Distt.-Fatehabad. 68 Eureka Seeds Shop No. 05, VPO-Shahpur Sh. Chand 9992126164 68 M Begu, Parkash Distt.-Sirsa. 69 Unnat Beej Company Shop No. 1, Near Highway, Sh. Sham 9812323977 69 M Village-Khairekan, Sunder Distt.-Sirsa. 70 Krishi Vigyan Kendra Village-Tepla, P.O.-Saha, Smt. Upasana 1712822522 70 M Dsitt.-Ambala. Singh (Sr. Scientist & Head) 71 K.D. Seeds Karami Road, V.P.O.- Sh. Ram 9416568700 71 M Mathana, Parkash Distt.-Kurukshetra. 11/32 Sr. No. Name of the Firm Address Properiter/ Mobile No. Certificate No. Logo Gender Owner 72 Chetak Seeds 11 KM Barwala Road, Near Sh. Sardul 9812009568 72 M Juglan Mor, Distt.-Hisar. Singh 73 Grow Tech Seeds India Shop No. 70, 4th Mile Stone, Sh. Kulwant 9996906666 73 M Pvt. Ltd. Sirsa Road, near B.D. Cotton Rai Garg Mill, Distt.-Hisar. 74 Jai Bharat Seeds 225B, New Grain Market, Sh. Govind 9416042271 74 M Company Distt.-Hisar. Kumar 75 Krishak Bharati 7th KM Bagla Road, Sh. Om Singh 9416126004 75 M Cooperative Ltd. Distt.-Hisar. 76 Shiv Ganga Hybrid Old Ludas Road, Sh. Satish 1662232630 76 M Seeds Pvt. Ltd. Distt.-Hisar. Kumar 77 National Seeds CSF, Sirsa Road, Sh. Jogendra 7007464745 77 M Corporation Ltd. Distt.-Hisar. Singh 12/32 Sr. No. Name of the Firm Address Properiter/ Mobile No. Certificate No. Logo Gender Owner 78 Harbir Agrotech Pvt. SCF-56-57, Ist Floor, Sh. Sachbir 8950066666 78 M Ltd. Main Market, Sector-6, Singh Distt.-Karnal. 79 Skyfin Greenland Pvt. Shop No. 128, New Grain Sh. Mahender 9416274994 79 M Ltd. Market, Gharaunda, Singh Distt.-Karnal. 80 National Seeds Plot No. 425-426, Sector-3, Sh. D.P. Meena 9099056174 80 M Corporation Ltd. Industrial Area, Distt.-Karnal. 81 Haryana Seed M-5, Industrial Area, Sh. S.P. Singh 1732250391 81 M Development Distt.-Yamunanagar. Corporation Ltd. 82 Arjun Seeds V.P.O.-Padhana, Sh.
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