representation hearing report GLA/3757a/03 31 October 2019 Kidbrooke Station Square in the Royal Borough of Greenwich planning application no. 18/4187/F Planning application Town & Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended); Greater London Authority Acts 1999 and 2007; Town & Country Planning (Mayor of London) Order 2008 (“the Order”) and Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017. The proposal A full application for a residential-led mixed use development, comprising 619 residential units, 1,073 sq.m. of office space, 366 sq.m. of retail space, 216 sq.m. of flexible retail/business space, and a 365 sq.m. nursery, within buildings of 9 to 20 storeys; a replacement bus interchange; and new public spaces. The applicant The applicant is Kidbrooke Partnership LLP (a joint venture between Notting Hill Genesis and Transport for London), and the architect is Glenn Howells. Recommendation summary The Deputy Mayor for Planning, Regeneration and Skills (acting under delegated powers), acting as Local Planning Authority for the purpose of determining this application: i. grants conditional planning permission in respect of application 18/4187/F for the reasons set out in the reasons for approval section below, and subject to the prior completion of a section 106 legal agreement; ii. delegates authority to the Chief Planner and the Executive Director of Development, Enterprise and Environment to: a. agree the final wording of the conditions and informatives as approved by the Deputy Mayor; with any material changes being referred back to the Deputy Mayor; b. negotiate and complete the section 106 legal agreement; and c. issue the planning permission. iii. delegates authority to the Chief Planner and the Executive Director of Development, Enterprise and Environment to agree any variations to the proposed section 106 legal agreement; iv. delegates authority to the Chief Planner and Executive Director of Development, Enterprise and Environment to refer it back to the Deputy Mayor in order to refuse planning permission, if by 30 November 2019, the section 106 legal agreement has not been completed; v. notes that approval of details pursuant to conditions imposed on the planning permission will be submitted to, and determined by Greenwich Council; vi. notes that Greenwich Council will be responsible for the enforcement of the conditions attached to the planning permission. page 1 Drawing numbers and documents Table 1 - drawings and associated documentation submitted by the applicant in support of the application Proposed drawings 2099-A-A/H-P-001B, 2099-A-A/H-P-002A, 2099-A-A-L-100B, 2099-A-A-L-101B, 2099-A-A-L-102B, 2099-A-A-L-103B, 2099-A-A-L-104B, 2099-A-A-L-105B, 2099-A-A-L-106B, 2099-A-A-L-107B, 2099-A-A-L-108B, 2099-A-A-L-109B, 2099-A-A-L-110B, 2099-A-A-L-111B, 2099-A-A-L-112B, 2099-A-A-L-113B, 2099-A-A-L-114B, 2099-A-A-L-115B, 2099-A-A-L-116B, 2099-A-A-L-117B, 2099-A-A-L-118B, 2099-A-A-L-119B, 2099-A-A-L-120B, 2099-A-A-L-121B, 2099-A-A-L-122B, 2099-A-A-L-123B, 2099-A-A-L-124B, 2099-A-A-L-125B, 2099-A-A-L-126B, 2099-A-A-L-127B, 2099-A-A-L-128B, 2099-A-A-L-129B, 2099-A-A-L-130B, 2099-A-A-L-131B, 2099-A-A-L-132B, 2099-A-A-L-133B, 2099-A-A-L-134B, 2099-A-A-L-135B, 2099-A-A/H-200B, 2099-A-A/H-201B, 2099-A-A/H-202B, 2099-A-A/H-203B, 2099-A-A/H-204B, 2099-A-A/H-205B, 2099-A-A/H-206B, 2099-A-A/H-207B, 2099-A-A/H-208A, 2099-A-A/H-L-300B, 2099-A-A/H-L-301B, 2099-A-A/H-L-302B, 2099-A-A/H-L-303B, 2099-A-A/H-L-304B, 2099-A-A/H-L-305B, 2099-A-A/H-L-306B, 2099-A-A/H-L-350A, 2099-A-A/H-L-351A, 2099-A-A/H-L-352A, 2099-A-A/H-A-400A, 2099-A-A/H-A-401A, 2099-A-A/H-A-402A, 2099-A-A/H-A-403A, 2099-A-A-500B, 2099-A-A-501B, 2099-A-A-502B, 2099-A-A-503B, 2099-A-A-504B, 2099-A-A-505B, 2099-A-A-506B, 2099-A-A-507B, 2099-A-A-508B, 2099-A-A-509B, 2099-A-A/H-L-600B, 2099-A-A/H-L-601B, 2099-A-A/H-L-602B, 2099-A-A/H-L-603B, 2099-A-A/H-L-604B, 2099-A-A/H-L-605B, 2099-A-A/H-L-606B, 2099-A-A/H-L-607B, 2099-A-A/H-L-608B, 2099-A-A/H-L-609B, 2099-A-A/H-L-610B, SLD-UD99-LF1-L04C, SLD-UD99-LM1C, SLD-UD99-LM2A, SLD-UD99-LP1-L09B, SLD-UD99-AS1, SLD-UD99-AS2, SLD-UD99-AS3, SLD-UD99-AS4, SLD-UD99-AS5. Supporting documents 3 Bed and Family Housing Market Report, September 2018 (Knight Frank); Arboricultural Report, November 2018 (CBA Trees); Affordable Housing Statement, November 2018 (Quod); Commercial Strategy, November 2018 (CF Commercial); Construction Logistics and Management Plan, October 2019 - Enabling Works (RPM). Design and Access Statement, November 2018 (Glenn Howells Architects); Energy Statement, October 2019 (Calford Seaden); Environmental Statement, November 2018 (SLR Consulting); Environmental Statement Addendum, April 2019 (SLR Consulting); page 2 Environment Statement Non-Technical Summary, April 2019 (SLR Consulting); Estate Management Strategy, November 2018 (NHG); Health Impact Assessment, November 2018 (SLR Consulting); Internal Daylight and Sunlight Assessment, April 2019 (gia); Landscape Design Statement, November 2018 (Standerwick Land Design); Lighting LUX Strategy, April 2019; Overheating Assessment, November 2018 (Calford Seaden); Planning Statement, November 2018 (Lichfields); Planning Summary, November 2018 (Lichfields); Revised Apartment Schedule, April 2019 (Glenn Howells Architects); Revised Non-residential Uses Schedule, April 2019 (Glenn Howells Architects); Statement of Community Consultation, 2018 (Curtin & Co); Summary of Scheme Amendments and Clarifications, April 2019 (Glenn Howells Architects); Sustainable Design Construction Statement, November 2018 (Calford Seaden); Utilities Statement, November 2018 (Calford Seaden); Commercial Strategy Supplement - Commercial Cycle Parking and Showers/Storage Facilities Strategy, June 2019 (GHA). Introduction 1 Having assumed authority to determine this planning application, this report sets out the matters that the Deputy Mayor for Planning, Regeneration and Skills (acting under delegated authority) must consider in determining whether to grant or refuse planning permission and to guide his decision making at the upcoming representation hearing. This report includes a recommendation from GLA officers, as set out below. Officer recommendation - reasons for approval 2 The Deputy Mayor, acting under delegated powers and acting as the local planning authority, has considered the particular circumstances of this application against national, strategic and local planning policy, relevant supplementary planning guidance and all material planning considerations. He has also had regard to Greenwich Council’s Planning Board Report dated 16 July 2019 (as updated by Greenwich Council’s Addendum Report), the draft decision notice setting out four reasons for refusal and all consultation responses and representations made on the case both to Greenwich Council and the GLA. The below reasons set out why this application is acceptable in planning policy terms: i. The development of this accessible, brownfield, surplus public sector site; within an Intensification Area, a Regeneration Area/Strategic Area for Regeneration, Strategic Development Location, and adjacent to a transport interchange; would provide a high density residential-led mixed-use scheme, including appropriate levels of commercial and community use, and improved transport infrastructure in the form of an enhanced bus interchange. The scheme would make a significant contribution towards housing and affordable housing delivery targets, assisting in meeting local and strategic housing need, both for market and affordable housing. On this basis, the application strongly accords with London Plan Policies 1.1, 2,13, 2.14, 2.15, 3.3, 3.16, 3.18, 4.2, 4.7 and 6.2; draft London Plan Policies GG1, GG2, GG3, GG4, page 3 GG5, GG6, SD7, SD8, E1, E2, E3, S1, S3 and T3; Greenwich Council’s Core Strategy Policies H1, EA1, TC1, TC7, CH1 and IM1; and the Kidbrooke SPD. ii. The scheme would provide 619 residential units, of which 309 would be affordable (51% by habitable room). This would include a policy compliant tenure mix, made up of London Affordable Rent and London Shared Ownership units. The proposed affordable housing offer meets the requirements of the Mayor’s Affordable Housing & Viability SPG and draft London Plan and is therefore eligible for the ‘Fast Track Route’. An early implementation viability review mechanism will be triggered, should substantial implementation not be achieved within 2 year of planning permission being granted, which would allow any surplus to be used to convert London Shared Ownership units to London Affordable Rent units, or used for an off-site affordable housing contribution if exceptional circumstances are justified. The affordability levels comply with the London Plan and would be secured by legal agreement. The housing proposed is of a good quality, and an appropriate density and mix for the location, taking into account the characteristics of the site. On this basis, the application accords with the NPPF; London Plan Policies 3.6, 3.8, 3.9, 3.11, and 3.12; draft London Plan Policies H5, H6, H7 and H9(e); Greenwich Council’s Core Strategy Policies H2 and H3; the Mayor’s Affordable Housing & Viability SPG (2017); the Mayor’s Children and Young People’s Play and Informal Recreation SPG (2012) and the Kidbrooke SPD.
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