Urm twr MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1963 M«mbnr 84th YEAR — 36th WEEK National Editorial Au o c IqUom New Jtrte y I*rca»a Association Single Copy Tea Cent* Cliffwood Beach Man Killed hi Houle 35 rl. ruck-Car Accident Ifr ) w ; r Smoky Blaze lakes Three Lives In Keyport M m m i lyes Candidates Kowalski, Devino i Seek Nominations ^ , Frank Devmo-und bi^numd Ko- i walskt ihis week announced they i ! will seek the Republican nominii-! Peter C. Olson, 71, ot Cliffwood Beach was fatally injured Friday i highway.' The (ruck driver, Richard Watkins, Brooklyn, Juckkmfed his evening <vlu>n his car collided with a ttiictor-traller on Route 33, mirth, vehicle an ho attempted to avoid tlie crash. The Olsen car is shown m of lluilet Ave-, Rarltun Township. The accident occurred when Mr.: Ihe background. Olsen was leaving a parking lot, attempting to enter the snow-sllckcd • j . _ ‘ FRANK DEVINO At School R e g io n a l Bill M e e t lion m next month s pi unary elec­ Applegate, H yrne tion as candidates tor two seats Beginning next month, ull reg- 1 on the M aiaw an low nship u>mm>i. Assemblyman Clifton T. Barka- i irst aid oTuirts to save the lives of three persons t men and-M r. Klelnschnm ll was found in an upstair* uiarly scheduled meetings of (lie i let? to be idled this year. 1 lnw, Monmouth. and Joseph Min- • faded last night when a smoky wall fire charred and; bedroom. All apparently had h:en aUemotlng Matawan Township Committee ! lh e term s o! two D e m o cra t. (9 otty, (ilou center, have Inlioduceri v/ill be held in the auditorium { blackened the Interior of a house ut 10 Oak St., Key*} escajic when they were overcome by smoke. TIiq a BilS in the legislature which Norman Wood and M ayor John H ead P arty Slates of I ho new Matawan Regional i 1 port. Asphyxiated iu the fire were William Kutan, j fire is believed tf» have startl'd In a rear corner ot would change the method uf fix­ M ar/ jr .. e.\o>re this y e jr Bo!h High School, Atlantic Ave., it j . 01, Ins wife. Alice, 3!i, und a roomer, Frank Kloin- lhe kitchen und spread aloii£ (he walls. l ire l)nri.ar« ing the share o ' school operating have indicated they will svek the Complete slates Are beinii filed by . ami work;, Tor Western hleUiie Co, was decided Monduv night. i nomination in the Democratic |>n-,! schmidt,.— . • tiiC Mr. —Rutan .— was found... -near the- front! writers were at the .scene today ia an attempt tv costs among municipalities com­ both parties in the boiuntil' for | as mi. attountant. He i» a vice ‘ ‘ ' liis j determine the cause of the blaze. prising a regional school district. Ihis year, a number uf rest- . marv. Others who have announced !d“',r b>' wh? i»t.» the bulldins , mayor, two three-year tenns on the i piCMdent of Midway llo.su Cd. dents who com prise the usual | The Bill, A-97, changes the they will run <or tlie Democratic j Wi,s discovered <m an upstairs landing hy fire-, borough couucil and for the col- M i. Smith moved to the borough blandmg-room-only audience at j standard for apportionment of ap­ nominations art! James Btnlrw.i lector and assessoi posts open. in 1956 from Brockton, Mass lie is township committee meetings, I .!uhn Savitsky and Samuel Di!k*j. 1 propriations to be raised for the a graduate of the Bryant and Strat­ Republican ori>,mization slate in complained thu facilities in thu '1'he deadline for filing is 4 p.m .' Holmdel Dems Endorse {G arrison Kllds regional district from that based ton business school in Boston and Seven Madison Maiawan Borough for 11)0.1 was'an­ township hall were, not sufficient today. I on "average dally enrollment" to was employed as an accountant by At the regular March meeting nounced by Lawrence W. Hucco, und suggested the committee con­ M r. D cvino. a lifelong rcsidLMd ! “the number ot pupils enrolled tlie Texaco Co. in the Canal Zone of the Holmdel Township Deni’ GOP municipal chairman, last sider another meeting place. of the lownship, resides with his j M tin last day of September of before being moved to Houston us Council Posls ocrailc Ciuh petitions were sign­ tilflht. The slate will be'headed by Regional Board Secretary Kd­ wife, the form er M iss Connie Moc- Board Deadlwk Ihe current school year." u traveling auditor. The ol! com­ ed lor three candidates for the Edward E. Hyrne, a member of ward J. Scullion notified the com* ci, and their four .sons al 8 Cross The Matawan Borough Council pany then moved him to New York Holmdel Township Committee, the borough council ttt this time, mitleo that regularly scheduled Ave He owns and operates the Opposition To Scully President, had sought a revision of Ihe cur- where lie is an accountant in the who is the choice of the GOP sleer meetings could be held ut the Matawan-Keyporl Recreation Ceti as follows: Incumbent James 11. banking and discounts division. Both Party Slates Holmes Declines VP school. The committee already ter, Lo w er Main St and the D evinoi Ackerson, Archie R. Price and Mr. Adler came to Nviluwau from has arranged to hold its public Mrs. Fthel .Smale. Mr, Ackerson enrollment figures which aro a |5 ....... ('onstruciion Co. } Filings tor the new sevcMi-man j i Fnrl IL Garrison, Monmouth Belleville in 1941. He is a graduate hearing on the municipal budget slated he was pleased wilh tlie yoar behind actual enrollment. Tho ic n n of M r. Hyrne on the Buildingr iMumbing Inspector \ township council to take office in; j County SupCi inlcndenl of Schools, council will expire next Dec. 31, of the American Institute of Bank­ at the high school next Thursday lie served as huildinj' and plntnb ; selection of M rs. Sm ale as a can* The new Bill will brlnn the ap­ Madison Township next Jan. 1, su* j I designated Le<i J. Scully prjsidont so this necessitated a deslgnation ing and Is in the payroll division at 8 p.m. ing inspector for the township for J didate, not only because of her portionment ratio somewhat clos­ perceding the present township ] ability, but because she was a of iwo new councllmanic candidates nf the National Newark and Essex the past thiee years and is a for-' committee, have btien completed by j and Harry V. Holmes vice presb er to reality, k waa noted. capable woman in every wav hy the Republicans. Frank J. Fer­ Banking Co. He has been secretary- i met* member of the planning board, j both the m ajor political organi/.a- j dent of the Marlboro I nwur.hip rano, a loeul business man, is one treasurer of the Maiawan Fire De- 1 A past president of the Matawan 1 who would he an asset to the lions. ! com m iliee. ftoard of Fducation m a le'tef and George \V. Connor, a county partment since 1948, of the Mata­ Injuries Fatal 'lownship Ho>e and Chemical Co., wan Borough Firemen’s Relief As­ But i.? is expected there will be i fc'ndnrscd for county com m it­ dated Mar. 1 and f'*ad at the Ixurd Move Ban For executive committee member for he recently wa* re-elected as a, opposition in the prinuu v and by j the. .past two years, Is the other. sociation since 1947, and was bor­ member of the board of fire com-! tee were James Ilarinett and j meeling last night. 1 lie action of ough fire chief in 111511. Mr. Adler fn Accident independent candidates in the No-, Mrs. Diane Mumloul, Iirst dis­ Mr.. Bucco declared that the Re­ missioners of Fire District No. 1. vember election Parly leaders! j the county Mipcnniondent was foro* Industry Types publican Party considered the long­ also is a member of the N..T. Fire­ M :. Ut^vmo is chainr.t.n ol the ; trict : John (irilfu and Mrs. An­ ' ed by three ;ie votes when th<i men's Association and of the Mon­ Truck, Two Cars were expecting William Kerr, pres-, gela N. Anderson, second dis­ time arrangement on the collector- UiiMisnip’s HOI' county eM'ciitive ! •deni of the board ot education, to j Ijoard sought lo orgunize aftef mouth County Fire Chiefs Associa­ committee, a ineniber of lhe Civil! trict; Francis and Mrs. Marie Township A d o p t s sbip and the assessor post where­ Crash On Route 35 seek nommahon on the lVmo-j .swearing in Gerald A Bauman jr., tion. He is on the suite firem en's JVbMso ()r.;ani/atn>n tuut Tov.u- ; Brcrcton, third district. Joseph L. Voij and Allied Lu by one would be held ny an unop­ cratic .side and .lohn Conover, for- \ Ban On Plants advisory board and on the hoard “ Meet Your Candidates" night Mara as new nicmber.;. 'I hree .sc*fv posed Republican and the other by Peter C. Olsen, T i, of 21 I\h :ih ship 'I'aKpayefs Association, lie a!-, mer building inspector, nn the Re-| an unopposed Democrat had expir­ of the N.,1, State F ire College. so is p t»*sid.*iH Oi Key l'.utei'|»i-i^e.si , will be held Apr.
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