Specimen Trees Price & Availability List

Specimen Trees Price & Availability List

Specimen Trees Price & Availability List Nursery Address: Postal Address: 102 Omaha Flats Road, 51 Sylvan Ave, Matakana, Northcote, Auckland 0986 Auckland 0627 New Zealand New Zealand Telephone: 0800 TAKANA E-Mail Address: [email protected] Welcome to takana We sell native trees…at big tree stage! takana grows almost every New Zealand native tree, at heights of 2m-5m in 45 Litre carry bags or bigger, up to 450 Litres, plus field trees. So, more than 75 species of beautiful native trees at big tree stage to enhance your landscape spaces, because…if you need instant impact, life’s too short to wait for small plants to become specimen trees. takana has a policy of stocking all the native trees which will grow in the North (i.e. from Waikato/Bay of Plenty north). takana grows more than 75 species, as well as intra-species variations. Half of these species are not commonly available from NZ nurserymen, but all have their own beauty and place within our unique ecology. And surprisingly, many of us have little or no knowledge of these – how they grow and what conditions they suit. Please Note: I. All prices are exclusive of GST - correct as at January 2019 and subject to change without notice. II. Generally the minimum height of our 25L bags will be 1.0m of our 35L bags 1.5m of our 45L bags 2.0m of our 160L bags 3.0m III. Field trees…etc …at $250 per metre of height IV. Our listed prices are for single bags. For quantity, always request a Quote. Please Note: All prices are exclusive of GST. 3 TREE NAME LATIN/MAORI NAME PRICE Akapuka (Griselinia lucida) Griselinia lucida, Akapuka $60 (25L) Akapuka (Griselinia lucida) Griselinia lucida, Akapuka $95 (45L) Ake Ake Green (Didonaea viscosa) Didonaea viscosa, Ake Ake green $55 (25L) Ake Ake Green (Didonaea viscosa) Didonaea viscosa, Ake Ake green $85 (45L) Ake Ake Red (Didonaea viscosa) Didonaea viscosa, Ake Ake red $55 (25L) Ake Ake Red (Didonaea viscosa) Didonaea viscosa, Ake Ake red $90 (45L) Baylisiana (Pennantia baylisiana) Pennantia baylisiana, Baylisiana $95 (45L) Baylisiana (Pennantia baylisiana) Pennantia baylisiana, Baylisiana $800 (300L) Baylisiana (Pennantia baylisiana) Pennantia baylisiana, Baylisiana $950 (400L) Baylisiana (Pennantia baylisiana) Pennantia baylisiana, Baylisiana $2000 (1000L ) Black Maire (Nestegis Nestegis cunninghamii, Black Maire $95 cunninghamii) (45L) Black Maire (Nestegis Nestegis cunninghamii, Black Maire $400 cunninghamii) (160L) Bog Pine (Halocarpus bidwillii) Halocarpus bidwillii, Bog Pine $100 (45L) Bog Pine (Halocarpus bidwillii) Halocarpus bidwillii, Bog Pine $800 (300L) Chatham Island Ake Ake (Olearia Olearia traversii $55 traversiorum) (25L) Chatham Island Ake Ake (Olearia Olearia traversii $95 traversiorum) (45L) Coastal Maire (Nestegis apetala) Nestegis apetala, Coastal Maire $60 (25L) Nursery Address: 102 Omaha Flats Road, Matakana, Auckland 0986 NZ Telephone: 0800 TAKANA Please Note: All prices are exclusive of GST. 4 TREE NAME LATIN/MAORI NAME PRICE Coastal Maire (Nestegis apetala) Nestegis apetala, Coastal Maire $95 (45L) Coastal Maire (Nestegis apetala) Nestegis apetala, Coastal Maire $400 (160L) Elingamita (Elingamita johnsonii) Elingamita johnsonii, Elingamita $65 (25L) Elingamita (Elingamita johnsonii) Elingamita johnsonii, Elingamita $100 (45L) Elingamita (Elingamita johnsonii) Elingamita johnsonii, Elingamita $450 (160L) Ewekuri (Streblus banksii) (25L) Streblus banksii, Ewekuri $60 Ewekuri (Streblus banksii) (45L) Streblus banksii, Ewekuri $95 Ewekuri (Streblus banksii) (80L) Streblus banksii, Ewekuri $190 Ewekuri (Streblus banksii) (160L) Streblus banksii, Ewekuri $350 Ferns (Cyathea dealbata NZ Fern) Cyathea dealbata, NZ Fern $130 (45L) Ferns (Cyathea dealbata NZ Fern) Cyathea dealbata, NZ Fern $250 (80L) Ferns (Cyathea dealbata NZ Fern) Cyathea dealbata, NZ Fern $450 (160L) Ferns (Cyathea medullaris Ponga) Cyathea medullaris, Ponga $130 (45) Ferns (Cyathea medullaris Ponga) Cyathea medullaris, Ponga $250 (80L) Ferns (Cyathea medullaris Ponga) Cyathea medullaris, Ponga $450 (160L) Ferns (Dicksonia fibrosa) (45L) Dicksonia fibrosa, NZ Fern $130 Ferns (Dicksonia fibrosa) (80L) Dicksonia fibrosa, NZ Fern $250 Ferns (Dicksonia fibrosa) (160L) Dicksonia fibrosa, NZ Fern $450 Ferns (Dicksonia squarrosa) (45L) Dicksonia squarrosa, NZ Silver Fern $130 Ferns (Dicksonia squarrosa) (80L) Dicksonia squarrosa, NZ Silver Fern $250 Ferns (Dicksonia squarrosa) (160L) Dicksonia squarrosa, NZ Silver Fern $450 Postal Address: 51 Sylvan Ave, Northcote, Auckland 0627 NZ E-Mail Address: [email protected] Please Note: All prices are exclusive of GST. 5 TREE NAME LATIN/MAORI NAME PRICE Ferox (Pseudopanax ferox) (25L) Pseudopanax ferox, Ferox $60 Ferox (Pseudopanax ferox) (45L) Pseudopanax ferox, Ferox $100 Ferox (Pseudopanax ferox) (160L) Pseudopanax ferox, Ferox $350 Hinau (Eleocarpus dentatus) (45L) Eleocarpus dentatus, Hinau $100 Hinau (Eleocarpus dentatus) (160L) Eleocarpus dentatus, Hinau $450 Hinau (Eleocarpus dentatus) (Field) Eleocarpus dentatus, Hinau $975 Horoeka (Pseudopanax Pseudopanax crassifolium, Horoeka $60 crassifolium) (25L) Horoeka (Pseudopanax Pseudopanax crassifolium, Horoeka $95 crassifolium) (45L) Horoeka (Pseudopanax Pseudopanax crassifolium, Horoeka $350 crassifolium) (160L) Houhere (Hoheria populnea) (35L) Hoheria populnea, Houhere $70 Houhere (Hoheria populnea) (45L) Hoheria populnea, Houhere $90 Houpara (Pseudopanax lessonii) Pseudopanax lessonii, Houpara $55 (25L) Houpara (Pseudopanax lessonii) Pseudopanax lessonii, Houpara $90 (45L) Houpara (Pseudopanax lessonii) Pseudopanax lessonii, Houpara $975 (Field) Houpara Cyril Watson Pseudopanax lessonii, Houpara Cyril $60 (Pseudopanax lessonii) (25L) Watson Houpara Cyril Watson Pseudopanax lessonii, Houpara Cyril $100 (Pseudopanax lessonii) (45L) Watson Hungere (Hoheria angustifolia) Hoheria angustifolia, Hungere $90 (45L) Hungere (Hoheria angustifolia) Hoheria angustifolia, Hungere $350 (160L) Kahikatea (Dacrycarpus Dacrycarpus dacrydioides, Kahikatea $85 dacrydioides) (45L) Kahikatea (Dacrycarpus Dacrycarpus dacrydioides, Kahikatea $375 dacrydioides) (160L) Nursery Address: 102 Omaha Flats Road, Matakana, Auckland 0986 NZ Telephone: 0800 TAKANA Please Note: All prices are exclusive of GST. 6 TREE NAME LATIN/MAORI NAME PRICE Kahikatea (Dacrycarpus Dacrycarpus dacrydioides, Kahikatea $975 dacrydioides) (Field) Kaikomako (Pennantia corymbosa) Pennantia corymbosa, Kaikomako $60 (25L) Kaikomako (Pennantia corymbosa) Pennantia corymbosa, Kaikomako $95 (45L) Kamahi (Weinmannia racemosa) Weinmannia racemosa, Kamahi $600 (300L) Kanuka (Kunzea ericoides) (25L) Kunzea ericoides, Kanuka $55 Kanuka (Kunzea ericoides) (45L) Kunzea ericoides, Kanuka $85 Karaka (Corynocarpus laevigatus) Corynocarpus laevigatus, Karaka $350 (160L) Karaka (Corynocarpus laevigatus) Corynocarpus laevigatus, Karaka $975 (Field) Karaka (Corynocarpus laevigatus) Corynocarpus laevigatus, Karaka $65 (35L) Karaka (Corynocarpus laevigatus) Corynocarpus laevigatus, Karaka $85 (45L) Karaka (Corynocarpus laevigatus) Corynocarpus laevigatus, Karaka $190 (80L) Kauri (Agathis australis) (45L) Agathis australis, Kauri $90 Kauri (Agathis australis) (160L) Agathis australis, Kauri $375 Kawaka (Libocedrus plumosa) (45L) Libocedrus plumosa, Kawaka $95 Kawaka (Libocedrus plumosa) Libocedrus plumosa, Kawaka $975 (Field) Kohekohe (Dysoxylum spectabile) Dysoxylum spectabile, Kohekohe $60 (25L) Kohekohe (Dysoxylum spectabile) Dysoxylum spectabile, Kohekohe $95 (45L) Kohekohe (Dysoxylum spectabile) Dysoxylum spectabile, Kohekohe $190 (80L) Kohekohe (Dysoxylum spectabile) Dysoxylum spectabile, Kohekohe $350 (160L) Postal Address: 51 Sylvan Ave, Northcote, Auckland 0627 NZ E-Mail Address: [email protected] Please Note: All prices are exclusive of GST. 7 TREE NAME LATIN/MAORI NAME PRICE Kowhai (Sophora chathamica) Sophora chathamica $60 (25L) Kowhai Chathamica (Sophora Sophora chathamica $95 chathamica) (45L) Kowhai Chathamica (Sophora Sophora chathamica $190 chathamica) (80L) Kowhai Chathamica (Sophora Sophora chathamica $375 chathamica) (160L) Kowhai Fulvida (Sophora fulvida) Sophora fulvida $95 (45L) Kowhai Fulvida (Sophora fulvida) Sophora fulvida $375 (160L) Kowhai Longicorinata (Sophora Sophora longicarinata $95 longicarinata) (45L) Kowhai Longicorinata (Sophora Sophora longicarinata $375 longicarinata) (160L) Kowhai Microphylla (Sophora Sophora microphylla $95 microphylla) (45L) Kowhai Microphylla (Sophora Sophora microphylla $375 microphylla) (160L) Kowhai Microphylla (Sophora Sophora microphylla $975 microphylla) (Field) Kowhai Tetrapera (Sophora Sophora tetraptera $95 tetraptera) (45L) Kowhai Tetrapera (Sophora Sophora tetraptera $375 tetraptera) (160L) Mahoe (Melicytus ramiflorus) (25L) Melicytus ramiflorus, Mahoe $55 Mahoe (Melicytus ramiflorus) (45L) Melicytus ramiflorus, Mahoe $90 Maire tawhake (Syzygium maire) Syzygium maire, Maire tawhake $95 (45L) Maire tawhake (Syzygium maire) Syzygium maire, Maire tawhake $375 (160L) Makamaka (Ackama rosifolia) Ackama rosifolia, Makamaka $100 (45L) Nursery Address: 102 Omaha Flats Road, Matakana, Auckland 0986 NZ Telephone: 0800 TAKANA Please Note: All prices are exclusive of GST. 8 TREE NAME LATIN/MAORI NAME PRICE Makomako (Aristotelia serrata) Aristotelia serrata, Makomako $95 (45L) Manatu (Plagianthus regius) (25L) Plagianthus regius, Manatu $55 Manatu (Plagianthus regius) (45L) Plagianthus regius, Manatu $90 Manatu (Plagianthus regius) (80L) Plagianthus regius, Manatu $190 Manatu (Plagianthus regius) (160L) Plagianthus regius, Manatu $350 Matai (Prumnopitys taxifolia) (45L) Prumnopitys

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