1698 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. JUNE 14, There is exempt from the operation of this act all the profits realized or Mr. SPOONER presented petitions of Dorton Mihills and 103 accrued on the purchase or sales of stocks or bonds that have been held and owned iu good faith by the same person or corporation for a continuous other citizens of Evansville, of Benjamin P. Hill and 31 other citi­ period of six months or more prior to such sale. It is the duty of every per­ zens of Bayfield, of D. S. Conger and 44 other citizens of Prairie du son and corporation, within ten days o.fter a profit is realized or has accrued Sac, of C. C. Pratt and 11 other citizens of Deerfield, of Frank B. on a.ny purchase or sale of stoc.ks or bonds subject to taxation under this Bacon and 106 other citizens of Sparta, of E. T. Buxton and 30 act, either for present or for future delivery, to report the same under oath to the collector of internal revenue of the district m which the purchase or other citizens of Superior, and of John B. Stickney and 103 other sale is made, stating the date of such purchase or sale, the amount thereof citizens of Mazomanie, all in the State of Wisconsin, praying for the description of the stocks or bonds so purchased or sold, and the name and the early passage of the pending tariff bill; which were ordered to residence of the person or corporation with whom such dealings of purchase or sale were had, and the s.mount of the profit r.ealized on such transactions, lie on the table. each separately; aml the Secretary of the Treasurr is authorized to make all needful regulati<mS for the assessment and collection of the taxes imposed SALE OF ALCOHOLIC LIQUORS IN SOUTH OA.ROLINA. by this act. Mr. TILLMAN. From the Committee on Interstate Commerce Any person, and the agents or officers of any corporation, who shall omit or refuse to make due report and return of any profits realized or accrued I submit a rflport giving the judicial decisions on the regulation on the purchase or sale of bonds or stocks that are taxable under this a ct, of commerce between the sever:d States and with foreign coun­ according to law and the regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the tries in reference to the South Carolina liquor law. I move that Treasury, is guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by any court having juri::;diction of such offenses by a fine not exceeding $j()() and by im­ the report be printed for the information of the Senate, to accom­ pri onment for a term not less than thirty days nor exceeding one year, at pany the bill (S. 224) to limit the effect of the re~ulation of com­ the discretion of the court. merce between the several States and with fOl"eign countries in Mr. ALLISON. Mr. President-- certain cases. Mr; ALLEN. With the consent of the Senator from Iowa. I The motion was agreed to. rise for the purpose of receiving recognition, that I may proceed BILLS INTRODUCED. with some remarks .Monday morning. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator from Nebraska Mr. PETTIGREW introduced a bill (S. 2138) to give the con­ will be rec.o_stnized as entitled to the floor. sent of Congress to a compact entered into between the States of Mr. ALL.u:>ON. I move that the Senate adjourn. South Dakota and Nebraska respecting the boundary between The motion was agTeed to; and (at 4 o'clock and 30 minutes said States; which was read twice by its title, and referred to the p.m.) the Senate adjourned until Monday, June 14, 1897, at 12 Committee on the Judiciary. o'clock meridian. Mr. ALLEN introduced a. bill (S. 2139) granting a pension to Richard Barnes, of Madison County, Nebr.; which was read twice by its title, and, with the accompanying papers, referred to the SENATE. Committee on Pensions. • Mr. DANIEL (byrequest) introduced the following bills; which MONDAY, June 14, 1897. were severally read twice by their titles, and referred to the Com­ The Senate met at 12 o'clock m. mittee on Claims: Prayer by Rev. L. B. WILSON, D. D., of the city of Washington. A bill (S. 2140) for the relief of the legal representatives of Paul The Journal of the proceedings of Saturday last was read and McNeel, deceased, of Pocahontas County, W.Va.; approved. A bill (S. 2141) for the relief of W . E. Judkins, executor of PETITIONS AND :MEMORliLS. Lewis McKenzie; and A bill (S. 2142) for the relief of Alexander Stodcl:ut, of New The VICE-PRESIDENT presented memorials of the Oswego York. Lumbermen's Exchange, of Oswego; of E. W. Rathbun & Co., AMENDMENT TO THE T.;\RIFF BILL. wholesale lumber dealers, of Oswego, and of C. W. Mott, of Oneida, all in the State of New York, remonstrating against the Mr. PRITCHARD submitted an amendment intended to be pro­ imposition of the proposed duty of $2 per thousand feet upon lum­ posed by him to the bill (H. R. 379) to provide revenue for the ber; which were ordered to lie on the table. Government and to encourage the industries of the United States; :Mr. PLATT of New York presented sundry memorials of citi­ which was referred to the Committee on Finance, and ordered to zens of New York City, Geneva, Albany, Waterville, Rochester, be printed. Yonkers, Callicoon, Northbranch, and Brooklyn, all in the State ENROLLED BILL SIGNED. of New York, remonstrating against the proposed increase of the A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. W. J. tax on beer; which we1·e ot·dered to lie on the table. BROWNING, its Chief Clerk, announced that the Speaker of the Mr. MORRILL presented a petition of sundry citizens of Pow­ House had signed the enrolled joint resolution (S. R. 64) relating nal, Vt., and a petition of sundry citizens of Saxtons River, Vt., to the payment of salaries in the consular service; and it was praying for the early passage of the pending tariff bill; which were thereupon signed by the Vice-President. ordered to lie on the table. Mr. PASCO presented a petition of the Chamber of Commerce THE TARIFF BILL. of Fernandina, Fla., praying that an appropriation be macle for The VICE-PRESIDENT. The morning business appears to be the purpose of keeping the entrance of Cumberland Sound open closed. to commerce; which was referred to the Committee on Commerce. Mr. ALLISON. I move that the Senate proceed to the consid­ Mr. PRITCHARD presented a petition of sundry citizens of eration of House bill 379. Burlington, N.C., and a petition of sundry citizens of Concord, There being no objection, the Senate, as in Committee of the N.C., praying for the passage, at the earliest possible date, of such Whole, resumed the consideration of the bill (H. R. 379) to pro­ protective-tariff legislation as will adequately secure American vide revenue for the Government and t.o encourage the industries industrial products against the competition offoreign labor; which of the United States. were ordered to lie on the table. The VICE-PRESIDENT. The pending question is upon the l'th-. HANSBROUGH presented a petition of sundry citizens of amendment of the Senator from Kentucky [Mr. LINDSAY], upon Milton, N.Dak., praying for the early passage of the pending tariff which the Senator from N~braska [1\.fr. ALLENl has the floor. bill; which was ordered to lie on the table. Mr. ALLISON. If the Senator from Nebraska will yield to me l'th-. HOAR presented a memorial of 61 citizens of Massachu­ for a moment, I ask that beginning on Wednesday morning the setts engaged in the manufacture of shoes, remonstrating against sessions of the Senate shall commence at 11 instead of 12 o'clock, any increase in the present rate of duty on tanned skins for as now. morocco or a duty on raw goatskins; which was ordered to lie Mr. VEST. All right. on the table. Mr. ALLISON. I think it would facilitate the business if we He also presen ted a petition of 196 business men of Lowell, Mass., should adopt that 0ourse. and a petition of 36 citizens of North Adams and Briggsville, Mass., Mr. VEST. That is with the understanding, of course, that we praying for the early passage of the pending tariff bill; which were shall adjourn at 5 o'clock. ordered to lie on the table. Mr. ALLISON. I think perhaps it would not ba wise to make He also presented a petition of the Woman's Christian Temper­ such an order as to the hour of adjom·nment. I have no doubt ance Union of Bristol County, Mass., praying for the enactment t hat we will all feel like adjourning about 5 o'clock, or, at any of legislation prohibiting the reproduction of pugilistic encounters rate, like passing from the consideration of this bill to other busi­ by means of the kinetoscope; which was ordered to lie on the table. ness that may be necessary-executive business, and so on. I Mr. TITRPIE presented a petition of sundry citizens of New assure Senators that they will have no trouble as to the hour of Albany, Ind., praying for the speedy .enactment of a protective­ a-djournment if this order is agreed to. tariff law; which was ordered to lie on the table. Mr. VEST. That is all right. I want to be entirely frank about Mr.
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