Korandruiis said he is examin- ing whether dining halls andcash halls are open too inany hours and c‘anbeclosedearlierwithout “cut- ting service,” for example. He added he does not believe a re- duction in open hours in dining plaices will lead to overcrowding, asserting that the numbers ofmeals served io students this fall is lower than the nuinber served in Fall 1990. While the financial review is also looking at employee posi- tions and benefits. Korandanis stressed that TUDS is not cur- rently considering cutting posi- tions. “We are reviewing operations sothat inthefuturewecanlookat photo by K~~/schau ;~ntlGr~~uiids,~thcTuftsPoliccaridsaving some positions through Students slam at Saturday’s Fishbone concert in MacPhie Pub; despite the violent dancing, no thc Nurses Association. attrition. Wecanask the question, serious injuries were reported. “It is incuinbent on us to see if do we need to replace a job open- ing once n person retires?‘‘ he said. B&(; eliminates positions Buildings and Grounds Direc- tor Ed Gilbert said his organiza- tion is also reviewing costs .and ries, fwd costs ‘and efficiency.” areas of possible reductions, ex- by CHRISTOPHER BODEEN University’s endownienl had in- rector David McDonald. Art Koratidanis, director of plaining B&G is currently “pri- Daily Editorial Board creased 16 percent ovcr fiscal Feiner said last week that each TUDS,saidia a~lnillistr~ltorscur- oritizing” services while reduc- With the draft of the 199I .growing to !i 156.6 million. panelist is to present a short pre- rclltly budget the Ulljvcrsily for ing the service‘s operations ac- University’s fiscal 1993 budget In a meinoriinduin distributed sentation prior to the question- fiscal 1993, Tufts like count. deadline thin month. the Tufts by the Senate. the range of topics aid-answer session. TUDS have to“closcly exaniiie” “There are areas where sav- Coininunity Union Senate has to bediscussed Tuesday was bro- Her mcrtion of the declara- expenditures to identify ally pos- ings can be found,“ Gilbert said. organized a forum Tuesday night ken down to include cuts in peri- tiori that the University is“kindof sible savblgs or cutb..cks while “We have released a few project in Hotung Cali. ;it which students odicals aid deficiencies in the in a budget crisis“ conirasts ma~llt;l~,,~ngservices. managcinent people, aid four c;ui discuss their concerns rcgard- library. Tufts‘ “paltry“ athletic sharply with statcinents from the “We are a line-item re- mion pcoplc were let go last year.” iiig Tufts’ fimuicial priorities with facilities. cuts in club sports and Tufts BoXd Of Trustees. At the vicw in with the Ad- He added, however, he would like a panel of adininistrattors. participation fees. financial aid, Board of Trustees meeting earlier millistration.- Koraldrulis said, to have workers who are not as- The budget foruin is the prod- and the availability of on-canpus this month Lambert Stilted Tufts ackIlowledging he is exanhli,,g signed to specific duties so these uct of semester-long ellbrts by work study jobs. wasdoing “very well in economic the liulnbcr of ~u~selnpjoyecs individuals “can fill in for people the Senate‘s Administration and Scheduledpanelists arc Direc- ureas.’’ as well as purchasing of food and who are out.“ Budget Committee. whose chair. tor of Athletics Rocco Cwzo. Di- On Oct. 1. Academic Vice Gilbert said B&G is undergo- Allison Feiner, has called for stu- rector of Financial Aid Bill President Melvin Bernstein. in ‘$1 wmt to Sure we’rc ing a similar review to TUDS, dents “to bring the casual discus- Eastwood, Dean of Administra- charge of budgeting Arts and Sci- looking at the th;,t itre Our explaining B&G is assessing “the sions out of the dining halls and tion Larry Ladd and Wesscll Di- ences for fiscal 1993, expressed core busillcss,” ~~~~~,~.~~i~ kinds of things we buy, services into a constructive educational his preference for what he called plailled. H~ soid TUDS scr- we obtain from others aid work- forum.” a“fairly conservative budget” that vice priorities -first feeding ing with unions to hold down Feiner. in a letter to the editor would not inaridate the elimina- in boNd halls. iuld see- costs of outside services.” He in the Nov. 14 Doily, asked tiori of any academic departmiit like the cash hiIjls in added B&G has reduced the num- whether Tufts w<)uldb‘hilveto SX- see FORUM, page 2 the Cainpus Center itlid faculty see SERVICES, page 2 rifice economic diversity and al- centers.” together abandon the ‘need blind’ admissions policy in order to alle- viate financial pressure on the Edwards defeats Duke in landslide University.” While the state ofTufts’finan- cia1 situation has not been de- Lousiana gubernatorial election tailed. the University has lost one NEW ORLEANS (AP) -- Louisiana became first. first to lives.” million dollars in state funding Detncurat Edwin Edwarcds beat turn back the inerchmt of hate, Speaking of his future in poli- for financial aidover the past year forincr Ku Klux Klan Iciidcr David the inaster of deceit. tics. Duke. whose term in the as well as the entire $500.000 Duke in a IiUidslidc Saturday. rc- “Tonight is the first night of Legislatureexpiresthis year, said, allotment provided by the state claiming the governorship he had our journey to decency. to hon- “I have no plans -- no plans to run Gilbert ”nrant. However. Trustee lost in disgrace. The election riv- esty. to fairness, to justice. to rc- for myother office. But I have to Daily file phofo Overseer Joe Lambert earlier this eted nationul attention on Louisi- spcci. to honor. and to hard work. say ‘at this tiine.”’There has been month reported that the A’1ison Feiner ana. where inany voters saw the ... speculation he might run for Con- contest as a tragic choice between “I will make our people proud Winter parking regulations in effect :I racist aid a rogue. of our state, proud of our govcr- see ELECTION, page 2 With the proinisc of inclemcnt New England winter, Tufts Police With 99 percent of precincts iior.”aiddcd~dw~uds.who will be has begun enforcing winter parking regulations on weeknights and repoiling, Edwards had 1.OS(i.902 serving xi unprcccdcnied fourth weekends. votes, or 61 percent, to Duke’s tcrin. His first three tcnns were Randy Driscoll, Tufts Traffic Coordinator. ‘noted that areas 678.6.52 votes.or 39 percent.Tuin- inukcd with scandal. including Inside I marked “no parking from 1:OO a.m. to X:O0 am.” will be patrolled out set a record for a Louisiana his trial on federal corruption Features .......................... p. 3 seven days a week and .any cars parked there will be ticketed. election -- nearly 78 percent of chiugcs. Hc was acquitted. Michele Pennell wants to see you When more than two inches of snow are forecasted, no parking ihe state’s 2.2 inillion voters. Duke conceded with a call for pinned while Tufts super-heroes ask that is allowed between 6:OO p.m. and 8:OO a.m. in the following places: Duke, a Republican stale rcp- hissuppoilei’?;topray for Edwards. they and their costumes are recognized. the quad in front of Miller Hall; behind East, Packard, Bendetson, rcsentative. was repudiated by “The candidate may have lost,” aid West Halls: North Hill Road in front of Hillside Apartments, most state atidnationid GOP lead- he told disappointing but checr- Arts ................................. p. 5 anywhere on Professors Row ,and Talbot Ave. between Packard and ers. including President Bush, iiig cainpaign workers, “hut the ‘Anything Goes’ with crazy enter- College Avenues: Latin way, and Sawyer Ave. because of his white supreinacist message goes out loud and clear tainment at Tufts while Billy Bragg sur- Vchicles inay be inoved to Cousens and Stearns parking lots at background. In addition to lead- across Louisiana and iicross the prises his audience at the Wang Center. thcsc times. ing the Klan. he at one time pub- country. ... The time has coinc to In addition. Driscoll noted that parking regulations are enforced licly embraced Nazi ideology. begin to heal the liberal welfare Sports .......................... .... p. 7 on cainpus 24 hours a day. Infractions may also result in ticketing. Edwards, claiming victory be- Tufts Rugby are forced to pay their system th2t is causingcrune.caus- dues ($) to play while an NBA Visitors passes may be purchased at ihc Dcpartinent of Public sports, fore jubilant supporters at his ing poverty. causing drugs. de- trade splits up the “Run TMC” trio. Sitfcty. headquartcrs. declared: “Tonight, stroying !he very .basis of our page two THE TUFTS DAILY Monday, November 18,1991 THE TUFTSDAILJ Letters to the Editor Women’s Week, a week to discuss, cel- its editorials, while its news articles have Geoffrey W. Lepper Some civilized input ebrate and debate women’s issues spon- ignored her achievements, creating an at- Editor-in-Chief To the Editor: sored by the Women’s Collective. So far mosphere in which O’Rourke’s views can. In the coming weeks the faculty of our the week has met success. The planning flourish. Managing Editor: David Saltman University will be making a decision that Associate Editor: Mchele Pennell committee has tried to put on a week full I’ve learned to take some of O’Rourke’s Editorial Page Editor: Eric Hirsch will add a new graduation requirement, of exciting events for the entire campus,as satirewithagrainofsa1t.At thesametime, This requirement,World Civilization, will well as some to promote women’s solidar- hisusually biting critiques oftenhave some Production Managers: Michelle Frayman, be a major departure from the current ity at Tufts. truth is them. In this case I’m convinced Julie Comell philosophy of theuniversity.
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