This is a list of journals that you can submit articles to through ExpressO, Scholastica, or both services. Our ExpressO account provides institutional access to the service and does not charge for each submission made. Our institutional account through Scholastica charges for each individual submission that is made. Therefore, you may not submit articles to a journal through Scholastica if that journal also accepts submissions through ExpressO. The use of Scholastica must be restricted to those journals that only accept submissions through that service. For your convenience, the journals that you may submit to using Scholastica are highlighted in yellow. ExpressO should be utilized to submit articles to the other journals listed. Journal ExpressO Scholastica ACTEC Law Journal X X Access to Justice Journal X Acta Iuridica Olomucensia (Palacky Univ. Czech Rep.) X Adelaide Law Review X X Administrative Issues Journal: Connecting Education, Practice, & Research X Administrative Law Review (American University) X X Air Force Law Review X Akron Intellectual Property Journal X Akron Law Review X X Akron Tax Journal X Alabama Civil Rights & Civil Liberties Law Review X Alabama Law Review X Alaska Law Review (Duke University) X X Albany Government Law Review X X Albany Law Journal of Science & Technology X Albany Law Review X X Albany Law Review, New York Appeals X American Bankruptcy Institute Law Review X American Business Law Journal X X American Criminal Law Review (Georgetown University) X X American Indian Law Journal X X American Indian Law Review (Oklahoma University) X American Intellectual Property Law Association Quarterly Journal X X American Journal of Comparative Law X American Journal of Criminal Law (University of Texas) X X American Journal of Health Economics X American Journal of International Law (American Society of International X Law) American Journal of Law and Medicine X American Journal of Trial Advocacy (Samford University) X X American University Business Law Review X X American University Intellectual Property Brief X American University International Law Review X American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy, and the Law X American University Law Review X X Compiled 5/16 American University WCL – National Security Law Brief X American University Washington College of Law – Labor & Employment Law X Forum Animal Law Review (Lewis & Clark Law School) X Annals of Health Law (Loyola University Chicago) X Appalachian Journal of Law X Appalachian Natural Resources Law Journal X Appellate Advocate (State Bar of Texas) X Arizona Journal of Environmental Law & Policy X X Arizona Journal of International and Comparative Law X Arizona Law Review (and Syllabus) X Arizona State Law Journal X Arizona State Sports and Entertainment Law Journal X X Arizona Summit Law Review X Arkansas Law Notes X Arkansas Law Review X X Ars Boni et Aequi X Artemesia Journal of Experimental Arts, Science, and Humanities X Asia Pacific Journal of Health, Law, Policy, and Ethics X Asian American Bar Association of New York Law Review X Asian American Law Journal at Berkeley Law X X Asian Business Lawyer X Asian Journal of Biodiversity X Asian Journal of Business and Governance X Asian Journal of International Law X Asian Pacific American Law Journal (UCLA) X Asian Pacific Law & Policy Journal Asper Review of International Business and Trade Law (University of X Manitoba) Ave Maria International Law Journal X Ave Maria Law Review X BYU Journal of Public Law X Baku State University Law Review (Azerbaijan) X X Barry Law Review X X Barry University School of Law Environmental and Earth Law Journal X Baylor Law Review X X Belmont University Law Review X Berkeley Business Law Journal X Berkeley Journal of African American Law and Policy X Berkeley Journal of Criminal Law X Berkeley Journal of Employment and Labor Law X Berkeley Journal of Entertainment and Sports Law X Berkeley Journal of Gender, Law & Justice X Berkeley Journal of International Law (BJIL) X X Berkeley Journal of Middle Eastern & Islamic Law X Berkeley La Raza Law Journal X Compiled 5/16 Berkeley Technology Law Journal X Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Law Review X X Bocconi Legal Papers X Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review X X Boston College International and Comparative Law Review X Boston College Journal of Law & Social Justice X Boston College Law Review X Boston University International Law Journal X Boston University Journal of Science & Technology Law X X Boston University Law Review X X Boston University Public Interest Law Journal X Brazilian Journal of International Law X Brazilian Journal of Public Policy X Brigham Young University Education and Law Journal X Brigham Young University Law Review X British Journal of American Legal Studies X Brooklyn Journal of Corporate, Financial, and Commercial Law X Brooklyn Journal of International Law X Brooklyn Law Review X X Brooklyn Law School Practicum X Buffalo Environmental Law Journal X Buffalo Human Rights Law Review X Buffalo Intellectual Property Law Journal X Buffalo Journal of Gender, Law & Social Policy X Buffalo Law Review X X Buffalo Public Interest Law Journal X Business & Bankruptcy Law Journal (Texas Tech University) X X Business Law Review (Florida State University) X CUNY Law Review X California Law Review X California Western International Law Journal X California Western Law Review X X Cambodia Law and Policy Journal X Campbell Law Review X X Canada-United States Law Journal X Canadian Journal for Middle East Studies X Canadian Journal of Family Law (University of British Columbia) X Canadian Journal of Human Rights: An Interdisciplinary journal of Law & X Policy Canadian Journal of Poverty Law X Capital University Law Review X Cardozo Arts & Entertainment Law Journal X Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution X X Cardozo Journal of International and Comparative Law X Cardozo Journal of Law and Gender X Cardozo Law Review X Compiled 5/16 Cardozo Public Law, Policy, and Ethics Journal X X Case Western Reserve Journal of Law, technology & the Internet X Case Western Reserve Law Review X X Catholic University Journal of Law and Technology X Catholic University Law Review X Chapman Law Review X X Charleston Law Review X X Charlotte Intellectual Property Journal X Charlotte Law Review X Charlotte School of Law Property Law Journal X Chicago Journal of International Law X X Chicago-Kent Journal of Environmental and energy Law X Chicago-Kent Journal of Intellectual Property X X Chicago-Kent Journal of International & Comparative Law X Chicano-Latino Law Review (UCLA) X Child and Family Law Journal (Barry University School of Law) X Children’s Legal Rights Journal (Loyola University Chicago) X X Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs X Cincinnati Intellectual Property and Computer Law journal X Cleveland State Law Review X X Colorado Natural resources, Energy, and Environmental Law Review X Colorado Technology Law Journal X Columbia Business Law Review X X Columbia Human Rights Law Review X Columbia Journal of Asian Law X Columbia Journal of Environmental Law X X Columbia Journal of European Law X Columbia Journal of Gender & Law X Columbia Journal of Law & the Arts X X Columbia Journal of Race and Law X Columbia Journal of Tax Law X Columbia Journal of Transnational Law X Columbia Law Review (Articles, Essays & Reviews, and Sidebar) X Columbia Science and Technology Law Review X CommLaw Conspectus: Journal of Communications Law and Policy (Catholic X University of America) Commercial Law X Common Law: Wake Forest Law Review’s Online Magazine X ConLawNOW (Akron School of Law) X X Concordia University Law Review X Connecticut Insurance Law Journal X X Connecticut Journal of International Law X Connecticut Law Review (and Online) X Connecticut Public Interest Law Journal X X Considering Disability Journal X Constitutional Law Review X Compiled 5/16 Contemporary Experiences: Journal of African Humanities X Cornell HR Review (Human Resources) X Cornell international Law Journal X Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy X X Cornell Law Review (and Online) X X Cornell Real Estate Review X Corporate Counsel Review X Corporate Governance Law Review X Corporate Transactional Law Journal X Creighton International and Comparative Law Journal X X Creighton Law Review X Criminal Law Bulletin X Criminal Law Practitioner (American University) X Criminology, Criminal Justice, Law & Society X The Crit: a critical legal studies journal X Cumberland Law Review (Samford University) X Currents International Trade Law Journal (South Texas College of Law) X Cybaris, an Intellectual Property Law Review X X Dartmouth Law Journal X DePaul Journal for Social Justice X DePaul Journal of Art, technology & intellectual Property X DePaul Journal of Health Care Law X DePaul Journal of Women, gender & the Law X DePaul Law Review X X DePaul Rule of Law Journal X DePaul University Business & Commercial Law Journal X DePaul’s Journal of Sports Law & contemporary Problems X Delaware Journal of Corporate Law (Widener) X Denver Journal of International Law & Policy X Denver University Law Review X The Digest X Drake Journal of Agricultural Law X Drake Law Review X Drexel Law Review X Duke Environmental Law & Policy Forum X X Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law X Duke Journal of Constitutional Law and Public Policy X Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy X Duke Law Journal (and Online) X Duke Law & Technology Review X Duquesne Business Law Journal X Duquesne Law Review X Duquesne University Criminal
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