---. ESS. E.u,ut.hea June 23,1862. Voi. 7. WEDNESDAY JULY PORTLAND,7 MORNING, 1, 1868. „ _’ _±ermsVw*y vs.uu per annum, in advance. THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS is published BUSINESS CARDS. board akd rooms. every day, at No. 1 Printers* MISCELLANEOUS. all their rights ol as (Sunday excepted.) citizenship though they wore instantly turn the Eteuange, Exchange Street. Portland. native born; ami no citizen of the United Siat. s, conversation to some othe native or naturaliz must be liable to arrest N. A. FOSTER, Peoprixi ob. CHAKLFS E. T. DAILY PRESS. d, and topic. SHAW, Boarders Wanted. imprisonment by any foreign power for acts done or [' Terms Dollars a m advance. We entered the :—Eight year oldest and well A GENT!.EM \N an! words six Ken in this and if th are so ar- hall (The only known) Dividend Paid in 1808—100 wile, or two gentlemen can PORI 'LAN D. country; y again, which extern s Single copies 4 cents eent. ^Abe accommodated with rested and it is the ol the being per board at 27 Wilmot St. imprisoned, duty govern- through the house from one BILL I Beterenccs ment to intertere in their behalf. side to the otl POSTER, exchanged. jnnt30dlw* THK MAINWS'l’Vi Q. ->uWi«he<l »t the er, and, out Corner Coneress and Market !Ms., Tenth—Of all who were faithful in the trials of going door, passed in at same place every Thur. at a another $2.00 vear, Wednesday 1868. the late war there were none entitled to more special in advance. ® PORTLAND, ME To Bet. Morning, July ), entrance, and ascended a of nvariably v, honor than the t rave soldiers aud seamen who en- flight stairs — Controls all tlie best Boards In Portland and viciu- PLEASANT which led ■?* BOOMS TO LET, with dured the hardships of camj aign aud cruise and im- to the chamber where Rates of Advkktkis & of tv, and is always to Rill the Tow*. SEVEK.tLhoard, at lAo. 38 state Washington Q space, in ready street. perilled their lives in the service of the country. died. length of column, com-titur etc faithinllvDistributed. June 29, 180s. ill! Republican Nominations. There is remarkable ^ Programmes, Circulars, The bounties and pens ous provided by law tor these nothing about it 5*1.50 per square h Orders left at this office, or at daily cents pe* ibecfftce Oftbe Daily brave efemJers are otlig-lions never to be nor week three 109 forgot- anything unlike rooms It it after; insertions, % contuiu- Press, Exchange st, or Easftrn Argus 113 Ex- i5 oar ten; the widows and of 1 he gallant dead generally. other <. change wil rereive ding-. orphans e ng every day at.er first st, prompt attention. Baweage MUTUAL are the wards of the be- qui a lean BENEFIT sacred low-posted, painted ,ll<,a ant Pr“®t people—a legacy eolor, and Hull square, three insertions s: one rucked to and tromthe Ushers and door- A,™*5-;' Boom to let. with Depots. -r*bo3rd,at56 Freest. queathed to the nation's foster ng care. contains a week, $1 00; 50 cents per week a. tendeis provide 1 when desired. june6-dtt jelttf fire-place with a cast-iron frame ^ which in the Unde head of “Ami sements, uare Eleventh—Foreign emigration, past made to on Has aided so uiucli order, the back of which are the per week ; three inserti ns or less, HOWARD <U Boarders Wanted. to the wealth, development and CLEAVES, resources, aud the increase of to this nation, initials Special Notices, $1. 5 per squ«rrr-mr the first suit of power G. W. Vet its slm- Life Insurance A p^^o^SANT rooms and single room siPt- the asylum ot the of all should notwithstanding ami 25 cents lor each oppressed nations, Insertion, per square subse- ,or families or Bent and at it will & it- a. wile No. 37 be fostered aud a liberal pli* ity, be an quent insertion. Attorneys Counsellors at Law, Company! Mlgl1 encouraged by and just always object of interest 21-dtt policy. as the Advertisements inserted in the “Maine State Newark, IV. J. bt-__may portal through which Washington Press” (which has a large circulation In every part PORTLAND, M NE. Twelilh—-Thisconvention declares itself in Wanted. syntpa- from earth to ot the Slate) lor $1.00 per Jo*- first insertion moTFi- tny with all the which are passed heaven. square rito LK-J, With«r!ar<lers snits and oppressed peoples strug- and 50 cents ior each Office Jfo. 30 hoard, single rooms, lur- gling tor their per equate subsequent iuser Exchange Street, 1845. Charter J nished and rights. The last place I visited was tfou. k Organized, Perpetual. untarnished, at 56 P ee Street. the flower- Howard, jy9’67-1y Nathan Cleaves. May 18. Unanimously on motion of Schurz jJoaei dll[ Argus and Mirror copy. added, Uen. garden, which is on the Resolved, That we highly commend th- spirit of right hand as we go MRS. M. A. and lorbenr nice with wuich men who out ol the front BOSWORTH, Board maguanim.ty door of the house, and but a BV8IJMBSS CARDS. nai-e sirved in the Rebellion, but who now irunkly AND good rooms can be and short distance from it. obtained for geutlemen honestly cooperate with us in the peace it is laid Assets Over ,r restoring tastefully Wlves nr single at No 57 ol the and Fashionable $15,000,000. D iniort gentlemen, country reconstructing the Southern out in an and street. oblong form, abounds in roses Millinery uiar26ilit Siate governments u)>on ilie bis s of Impartial Jus- Bonne11 -ASD- tice and and other & Pelham,. Annual Income over Equal Rights, are received back Into the flowers which were blooming and $6,000.00®. communion of the loyal people; and we lavor the re- B.MGINKEH’S AM» Dress At one end is a AHCUITECT8. Making, r*<>. ,■>. FOR PRESIDENT, moval of the disqualifications and le.-ti k-tion* impos- blushing gaily. pretty sum- ed the No* 163 Middle Street, Portland, Me* upon late Rebe s in the same measure as their mer-house, and the flower-beds are so spirit ot will as arrang- To March 9, 1868. dtt SIMILIA loyalty direct, and may be consistent Parlies about to Build. Annual Dividends 50 per ct. in Three Years. BIMIL1BCTS (JURANTUR. ULYSSES S. with the safe’v ot Die loyal people. ed, with their box edgings, as to spell the GRANT, Resolved That we the great prim-iples Plans, Spend,ations ami Estimates made, and recognize name of George I as JOSEPH CURRIER, OF ILLINOIS. laid down in the immortal Declaration ol Independ- Washington. lingered Buildings Superintended t»y Dividends Declared to over ence, as the true as Members, $7,000,000. Humphrey’s foundation ot democratic govern- long I could in the garden, but the bell of UKO. B. PELHAM. Homceopathie Specifics, ment; and we hail with gladness every effort towards Architect. BELL the steamboat was HAAGEB, This Company is STfiTCTLl MUTUAL,—It has no “Leech-like PROVED, trom the most mskiog these principles a on already calling us. Soon Offlee Canal National Bank Middle st, ei ample experi- FOR living reality every Building, No. 31S HA\Ece, a*i enure success: VICE-PRESIDENT, inch of American soil. we Portland, April 20, ISOS. dtf Congrrcsss (St., Siockholdei s”—pays no bonuses to officers, nor immoderate commissions Simple—Prompt- Etii- were on our way, aud the beautiful home ***' » Manufacturer of to Agcuts. ad “fedlcl,® andProprietor ^rect^ad'nlf,16,*per.ectiy pfced to popular use—so simple that of Washington vanished in the distance. mistake^ cmnnot be made in SCHUYLER Care in the selection ol risks, and in are the using them; so harmless A Vinit lo Mount Currier’s Patent Bell lor economy expenditure, a8 ^om COLFAX, Vernon. As we left the place, I fell to WOODMAN, TRUE & Hotels, features of its “g? danger, an so efficient ms to be al- reflecting up- CO, Where one is distinguishing management. e’ OF INDIANA. Im porters and Dealers in Bell made to answer for any number 1,ave ra1se 1 the highest com- on the objects ot our and ZT^iab r°m 1Sev Washington, June 25,18G8. visit, especially up- ot rooms. Also Shaking Tubes, Door Bells, desirable or a and WiI1 a,Wil^B reilHer satislac- Gong KF” Every advantageous feature, new or old, has either To the Editor the on the and Bells, Dining K om Bells to ring with the toot, and ionlliatlOU of Press: great venerable Washington, who Dry Goods, Bells tubed back of been introduced or adopted by this Company. Woolens, p' stering. Agent for Cts For Elector, t e Cures Yesterday I nbarked on board the steam- successtully commanded our armies in our And Small Tuylor’* Patent € rank Door Dividends can remain with the Company to accumulate and be *{?•,} Fevers, Congestion, Inflamations, 25 Wares, Bell, paid 1st District—WILLIAM HOBSON. er and took a for with a Worm,, Worn,-Fov-er, Worm 25 Arrow, trip to Mount Vernon. struggle Independence, and founded this Corner of nml Where no wires ore used. Hotels the policy. After tew years it will thus become sell i » Colic, Middle Pearl Street*, Houses, and sustaining. ryu* Colic ot 25 2<1 District—AMOS NOURSE. Steamboats fitted at short a o orTeching inlan-s, The was and as we over which he was notice. Specimens ot my »*«r,-l.«a or day delightful, steamed g'reat Republic PORTLAND. It has made Annual Dividends.
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