The Ucsd Ari)

The Ucsd Ari)

SPORTS HIATUS A.S. Council at a Glance 1 Opinion 4 Kills for kids letters to the Editor 5 Women's Wilde at heart Hiatus Calendar 10 volleyball donates a court at a Sex, intrigue and society highlight "Gross Indecency; The 3 Trials of Thursday Coupons 11 Mexico school. Oscar Wilde" at San Diego's Diversionary Theatre. page 9 C1assifieds 16 page 20 1iversity Archivist (2) Attn : Sandy 0175-S THE UCSD ARI) THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 2003 A.S. considers Price UCSD facilities fail Kaplan survey Cener ice cream parlor MeAT conditions ranked fourth to la t l1ext to hear plan By MATT SCHRADER 1ll.lke ... urc our chance .. of g-eltlllg' trrhulcd to L'C~ f)'" poor I.lnklll:!, UCAB Sen ior Staff Wr iter IntO med ,chool ,Iren't hIgher" "\ \ 'c s[.lrted 1l1lILh lOll I.ltc, ,III ()ther~ have compl.lIn~d lhat the extr.1 lc,t \la, p,l.,.,ed OU[ Inti By CLAYTON WORFOLK \ til Isorr Board "'"ppons Ice Kaplan -Ih t Prcp Jnnounced on f.lcrlllles are lI1adequ,lle due to the hlamed on ,I student II ho h.lll 1\111 ,I> 2 1 wa~ If It wcre her fJult," ,.1Id ,I ,tudent Senior Staff Writer ere.11ll ule.l'" III lhe g.lIl1C roo III \, Jan. IhH UCSD amongst out"de dl<,trJCllOllS of t.lkll1g the lCM rello\'atlOIl .Il1d lh.1l the COlll l1l1tl ee lhe fll'c-worst location, In the 111 .1 \'cry puhlrt hUlldll1g on campu,. who filed ,I l'I)lllplJlI1t .Igalll'>[ the In .1 Spl,tI,11 pre,clll.HulIl to lhl' \\111 Sllhlllll .1 for II l.I I propo,.d to country for ,tudents 10 [Jkc the "l'eter.. on I!all II .1' hOrrlhle." L'CSl) lC.,nng f.ln"ly wllh r,:,11'1.111 \" Coullul. fill' nlcl11her\ of ,\11 LI( : \ B ,horth·. \ ugu~l sitt ll1 g of the ,\1 C,\T. s.lId .,el1lm .\ brll Knedl:!, who .1I~o "Thc\ hJd to recount lhe ex,tIll'> \ , ~ , In: Cre.ull COll1l11lltee repon­ ,\ccordllli 10 lhe lill ~l) pre­ The rJlIngs arc puhllShed In took the .\Ie \1 on C.lI11pU', "' IHI and (hcllc,c clu'>ed .1 lilt 01 .II1\1el\ ed Oil lhe prmpect 0 1 ,111 A,S,-fund­ Sl·nl.llIOIl. lhe CO lllmlltec has Kaplan\' "2002 ' Iest Sile R,lIer," could hear people t.tlkrng oUl'lde 111 test-laker" The pnx.lor, \I 1111 re' cd It'e LTe<l ln P,lrlOI to he locatcd 111 been looklllg .II ICC cre.11Il hr.1I1d, which r.lled 192 .\leAT l e~lll1!.( sites .Ind the desks were .III crJmped. I pa,>,ed out the eX,III1'> repeJtedl: lhe ,oon-to-he-rello\ ,Ilcd gallle lh.1t cOllld he used III ,I pJllor. h}' 2,124 Kapl.lIl .\ICr\T 'lUd;nt,. can'[ beltel'c that San DIego ~lJte p.l"cd thelllllilt In the II ron~ dlrel'­ rOllll1 .1IC.I of the Pnce CC llt cr Illcllldll1g Bl'll ,llId jerr}"'. ( :"Id Falh s[udc l1I rated thc proctor.. , gll'cs theIr .,ttldent, e,reh ,I t.lhle ,1I1d non. gil 1IlL: peoplc lhc \I r< 1I1~ tl',t, ('OI11I11I'''Of1lT of Ser\'lt'e, .Ind '>lolle Cn:al l1l:rr. I I.IJ(!CIl \),10,. lhe LOll1forl ,1I1d the qUIClI1es, of wc only got .1 mllculou, de .. k lor .111 "I"he\' lert the roOI11 nUlIlcnllh Flllnpl "co, .krCl1l1 (,.tll.lghcr. ,\I ,lrhlc (:re.lll1e·l'\ ..\1 00 the rOOl11, .lI1d rated lhe ()\'eLIII eIght-hour exam, \ \ 1,.1t ,I Joke'" lIIIIC., dUrin!! the teSl. ,1110\\ 1Il(! the \ 1I11r <;()phoI1I01'e SCI1.ltor .It:rcll1}' ' 11111C 'lIld g,l,klll R ohl)lll~ expenence on .1 five -polilt ,cJle to Fxecutl\C Director of f..:.1pIJn door [0 ,IJI1~ ,hut, "tudel1h ,tt,;) left Cll~.IIl. Flul1<Jr RoO\cldt Colle(!c The CO 111 111 Itt ee lllel1lbers dC lerllllnc ,I l1<1l10n\\ ale rankln~ or ' Ic,t Prep jU>tlll SerrJIlO feci., Jnd ulIle dunn!,! lhe lc,t, II hleh I SOllllllllHlIT SCI1,nor !) e"r~e leporled. howen:r. lh ,1l lhey ,11'<: c.lch of th e .. chools. L'CSD ran\,cd 111.111\' olthe problem, \\!th the tc .. t­ thll1k. "hen vou' ,Ire "mil!! III rOil' 1,11,,"11 , I· ,Irl \ \ ',m ell Collel!c le.lllln(! lOw'lnl the Freshells IS!) Oll: of 1(}2.llukln!!1l olle or the In!,! f.tcrlrtres l1l1 e.I,,1I hc rellledled Jnd hJ\C 101;\1)\ e 10 Jllcl\I '.1 ,tlllkl1l '''ol'holl1ort, ~cn,llor r,:lr't ~'1l hr'llld,' II hlch l'llrrelllh 'l'nl~'C, \(J\\e,t-r.lled te,lIll!,! r.;nlruc, III thc II ;lh the help 01 the l;nll erslty ,up­ to pJ.,., hy. " rrd,culou,. It \\,1' Ilot BUllen 'Illd FRC I reshlll.11l johll .\1 1111 College\ SlcrLI rOUl1lrv l 'C Berk~lev r.lI1ked one plpng sm,llIer Jnd qUlell'r rooms 111 enlOIJhle experlel1ce." Scn.II01 \ \.1\ I I.1rI11l!-'11111 reportcd place higher Jt I . '. oil (.llnpu, LC~1) receIved J rut.l1 r.1Ilk1l1~ th,1l he L'lIl1n'l!) Celltcr, 'i,', ENTERPRISE, l"I~l' I .. \ 1"'1 'l hool,. \'OU gCI .t dl,k "\\-ilh ,m.tHer rllOl1h, .1 lot Il of ~,6., \\1 h J 2 II fatIng tor lhe and plcl1IY of roOIl1." ~.lId ~cnlor the .. c prohlcms II ould go .1\\.11." he proctor, ..1 .2 .• r.llll1~ I(lr the Iplle: ~te\'e Re". II ho lOok thc \ICA"!' .n ,aId, h, \lthough hal'lIlg morc dJ'i"­ ,lIld C(llllli,r l.1l'wr 01 the I.">lll. 111.1 L·CSD. "BU I we took the tcst 111 room, would require more proc­ J 2,6 lor mer.11I c\penelll'e. ,Iu:onl· Pelcrson, II here there "n't evcn lOr" II " JIIIJr' .1\ JrI,lhle ., lilt!' to the "',lpIJI1 te,[ \I[e. 111 ,1IIdl­ Cyber terrorism growing cnough roOIl1 for .111 \,our p.lper ... 11 0\\ e\cr, ' .. tudent cOll1pIJll1ts UIlI1. onl) 40 per,l'm ot' ,tudellt' ,lIld \'our LlkulJtol. For .1 school were not held ,oldv lO the te,tln!! ,url,lcd belrned thel 11.Id el\llll~h danger, experts say lhH ilnde, Il'oclf on Its sCience pro­ ,IIC It~clf Other snldent' fclt lhJt roOl11' [0 t.lke the lc't ~Ol11lort.lhll' ~rall1. It'" ah,unl lhat L'eSD·t lhe and unprofe,>"on.11 ;"kcl1 evcry II(l'>Slhle step 1\ un til 111,1I11ler of the proctors I.lrgely con- S,',: TESTING, /'11., - Legisla ture calls for EYES ON THE PRIZES censure of Conn rly RClnark by U Rebo'c nt tir up Anna MacMUldo/CuurdlOfl controver y at Cyber interests: PJrtlClpdnts 111 the Jun, 2tl Pdl1 'Ilrtcluded 'rwlll ~ It (r II j from fight). chalrmJI1 dnd chid t.'~ecutlve uf QUJ\comm II c t<He capi tal P il nel strc. 'c ' coopcra tion between By KIM·MAL CUTLER Owly Caldorntan (Ue Berkeley) Feder;]l govcrnlncnt, pri atc 'cctor (LI- \\'IRE) BFR J.... FI.FY. Calif. Thlrly-four C.II"orlll,1 By THOMAS NEELEY pled () I I d"p,ll cher" ,\'1',\1 , .1I1d legl'>l.1tor, ,Ire ' ca ll1l1~ for the Anna Mat:Murdo/Guordion Intl'rnet II ,Iltlc ,IUm, lhc LIIlllcd AsSOCIa te News Editor 1111l\l'rSllV (If CJldornr.1 Btl.lrd Sl.lle" Proud founders: Preuss School student Hue Le descnbes her soence Ilf Rq("ell'!s lU tCIl~lIre RegclIl 10 tO lnh.ll lhe II ltre.ISlllg " YIlU lhlnk .Ihout the Llet lh.1! projed to UC Regent Peter Preuss and WIfe Peggy at the Jiln. 28 c€lemony \,r.tnl ConnedI' for rel11.lrk, hc thl 0 1 l'\'hcr lCI ron,llI. leder.II ,I Ilttl c 11(11111 C.1I1 .tf'fcct '0 IIluch, celebrating/the S55,CXXJ of lab eqUIpment donated to the K· 12 lIudl' ,lboUl ,cgreg.1tlOn ~rth ,lIld , go"cl nlllc III " ," \\'ell ,J'> ,lIld YCI lhdl Illtle worm \Va, ,0 charter school by FISher Intemanonal and BIOCOWSan DIego. III .1 1I1lervlcw Wllh eN. lhc prlvale ,enOl, lIeed lO benign III lenll!> of Wh.ll II could JhOU l the controversIal COIl1 - 1Ill"1 e,l~e UlUpcrulIon, ,I ccordlllg h,I\'e dune," sa id Pelcr elll11,lI1n, I1lCllt~ formcr Sen.lte IaJ orrty to p.lI1elr'ls al lhe j.lO . 2H SJIl a pnnc'IJ.lI SC lenw,1 .II SRI Leader Trent Lott (R-Mlss .) I lego Tbwll Iiall IllCCllllg of lhe Internallon:11 Computer SClen e made about segrcgaliol1, Pre"ldent', Cnllcal InfraS lrUClure LlhorJtory Jnd moderatOr of the CO I1J1 crly ~J ld , "Suppo rting seg­ WEATHER SURF Prtll eC lIOn Board. panc\. SPOKEN regation need not be racIst. One The S1I ategy IS part of an Th.1I warning was ec hoed by ca n believe in segregarron and .,,-ll.(. ".l{,.;. REPORT ovcrall effon 10 b'l,anl agalOst dlf­ Ri chard A. larke, specta l advl,er ",... believe 111 equa IIlY of the ra es," "One can believ fl'rem forms of tl'rrori,m and I. a to the president for cyber~Jl,lce .,., t, ~~I "" Dcspile vocOII OlltCry for a Jan. 30 cO ll1ponent of lhe arional seCUrllY, fornlJl apology, ConnerIy called Jilt. 30 Nn.ll in egregaticm and 'Moo N 10 to 20 kl lrHeb'Y fur I IOIl1c1and Secunty. U ur encmies Jnd our vulner­ 'Moo waves 1 10 .l It.

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