ubHstwd ^)у iftr tftramian National Association tnc. a f rattrnai non-prof it associiti rainianWee Vol. LVII No, 33 THE UKRAINIAN ЩЩ l^^DW/AUfl^ 50 cents \ . sggggggag -,,,i-,,i . Bs^gggg Lviv mass rally protests provocations Ohio congressman calls for review of inter-ethnic enmity by authorities of OSi activity In Demjanjuk case JERSEY CITY, N.J. - The Popu­ and the secretary of the city party WASHINGTON - An Ohio con­ indicated that it certainly, resembled the lar Movement of Ukraine for Perebu- committee Volkov, who both told the gressman has charged that the U.S. man that he had known as 4van,' dova organized a mass rally on Thurs­ meeting that they were distressed by the Justice Department might have deli­ although he stated that 'Ivan' had day evening, August 3, in Lviv to creation of national tensions. They berately withheld information that somewhat more hair," Mr. Dougherty counter recent charges against them and vowed that they were prepared to use all shows a key witness for the prosecution had written. the Ukrainian Helsinki Union by autho­ available means to investigate on what of John Demjanjuk lied. Nonetheless, during denaturalization rities of inciting hostility among na­ basis Colonel Shabayev and others were Rep. James Traficant Jr. (D) said proceedings against Mr. Demjanjuk, tional groups in that western Ukrai­ spreading such "extremist rumors." exculpatory information turned up Mr. Horn testified that he had identi- nian city, reported the press service of A resolution was adopted during the among discarded documents found in (Continiied on page 3) the Ukrainian Helsinki Union last meeting which stated that the people the trash, and he called on the Justice week. demanded that Col. Shabayev and all Department to reopen the denaturali- INSIDB: A recent series of attacks against the others be brought to justice for their zation case against Mr. Demjanjuk, a U H U and the Rukh, including an article slanderous attacks against the informal former autoworker from the Cleveland in the Lviv newspaper Vilna Ukraina by associations and for inciting national area, who is appealing his conviction of a militia colonel Shabayev that claimed hostilities, the UHU press service Nazi war crimes to the Israeli Supreme the UHU was distributing leaflets reported. Court. inciting people to violence against non- Among the speakers at the meeting Ukrainians in the city, prompted the was a 32-year-old resident of Sambir, The Washington Times reported that mass rally as a protest. western Ukraine, named Urushchak, two internal Justice Department memos Speakers also called on the public to who had just recently been released from November 1979 note that Otto ignore such "provocations" by "em­ from a hospital after he was reportedly Horn, a Nazi guard at the Treblinka ployees of the militia and KGB, who beaten by militia late at night as he death camp, had trouble identifying disguised as members of the UHU or walked by a recently erected cross in Mr. Demjanjuk as the notorious "Ivan other informal associations, delibera­ memory of the victims of Stalin's the Terrible." tely try to create conflict among repre­ repressions in a local cemetery. Accord­ The memos — one written by crimi­ sentatives of various nationalities in ing to Mr. Urushchak, a group of nal investigator Bernard Dougherty Ukraine, so that they would be able to militiamen beat him so brutally that he and the other by historian George get even with the informals," said the lay in a hospital for a month. The Garand - note that the witness was UHU press release. memorial cross to the victims of Stali­ unable to identify Mr. Demjanjuk from Bohdan Horyn, head of the UHU's nism disappeared from the Sambir ce­ the first set of photos shown him and Lviv branch, as well as representatives metery that same night, he said. that it was only after a second set of of Russian, Jewish and Armenian Among the series of accusations photos was placed next to the first set — national groups addressed the rally. All against the informal organizations was with Mr. Demjanjuk's photo lying face of these condemned "these extremist a charge by a KGB lieutenant-colonel up on top of the stack — that Mr. Horn fabrications and the spread of these Kovtun of Lviv's Zaliznychyi district identified two photos as being of the false provocative rumors." that he had personally discovered a same person. "As he continued to study The local authorities were represent­ bunker of weapons that he alleged was the picture from the second set (a more ed by the head of the city council Kotyk (Continued on page 12) recent photo of the defendant), Horn Ivano-Frankivske residents display national symbols Seen in the photo on the left is a recent march through the streets of Ivano-Frankivske in west­ ern Ukraine, during which residents of that city car­ ried numerous blue-and- Ш Report on Ohio Boychoir's (pic­ yellow Ukrainian national tured above in front of the Shevchenko flags and tridents (try- monument in Kiev) tour of Ukraine — zuby), the national em­ page 4. blem of Ukraine. m Interview with editor of Vechirniy Kyiv — page 2. The placard reads "U- Ф Vyacheslav Chornovil on 'Veunifi- kraini nezalezhnist" (in­ cation" of Ukrainian lands in 1939 -- dependence for Ukraine). page 6. m Nelli Kornienko speaks about Also spotted at that perebudova in Ukraine — page 8. same public manifesta­ ' Ф Photos of Kiev protest by mem­ tion were signs calling for bers of the Ukrainian National-Demo­ freedom for the Ukrainian cratic League — page 9. Catholic Church. The de­ Ф U.S. Air Force's Flying Cossacks monstration took place hold reunion — page 10. some time in July. THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 13,1989 No. 33 A GLIMPSE OF SOVIET REALITY Authorities disband Plast camp JERSEY CITY. N.J.- On Friday, the farmstead, jumped out of their August 4, some 185 militiamen and vehicles and attacked the participants of Vechirniy Kyiv: capital newspaper KGB agents brutally disrupted a Plast this Plast camp. camp, which had been set up on the A number of youngsters were re­ is the voice of perestroika Palanyky farmstead, Horodok raion, in portedly beaten, including 17-year-old the Lviv region of western Ukraine, by a Roman Tlustiak, who was knocked to by Dr. David Marples We are experiencing how difficult it is group seeking to renew the youth the ground and kicked repeatedly. to work under these conditions. First, organization in Ukraine, reported the Bohdan Tarnavsky, 16, was beaten for This is the last in a series of interviews many are opposed to critical articles if press service of the Ukrainian Helsinki photographing the incident through a that were conducted in June in Ukraine, they affect the higher echelons of power, Union last week. window, the UHU reported. The following is an abbreviated version high officials. No one talks about this Two youngsters, who reportedly Eight children were taken into cus­ of a meeting at the editorial offices of openly, but we can feel it in indirect rnanaged to escape, described to the tody in minibuses with bars on the the newspaper Vechirniy Kyiv, which ways. I am reluctant to give the names UHU press service how on Friday windows, marked "UAZ" and their has been in the forefront of the reform of the newspapers that are in opposition morning three buses, two mini-buses whereabouts were unknown. movement in Ukraine, In attendance because it would not be fair for me just to and three cars full of militiamen and The militia knocked down all the were Vitally Karpenko, chief editor, label these newspapers as conservative. agents in civilian clothing pulled into (Continued on page 12) and Oleksander Bilyk, deputy chief I would like to say that different editor. All the questions were answered newspapers have different levels of by Mr, Karpenko, openness. Some are rather cowardly. I would also add that all the criticism FOR THE RECORD: Lev Lukianenko My first question is a personal one to directed at Vechirniy Kyiv and me Mr. Karpenlco. We read in the West personally was carried out by the on Helsinki Accords' implementation about some accusations that were made opponents of perestroika. Following is the full text of an appeal USSR Supreme Soviet dated July 28, against you during the election cam­ To sum up, the topics that our paign in the newspaper Robitnycha to the Soviet government regarding the 1988, which subjects the right to these newspaper brings to light are unique. realization of the Helsinki Accords freedoms to the whims of local authori­ Hazeta? Do you feel that they had a No other newspaper has touched upon significant impact on the results? written by Lev Lukianenko, chairman ties. The Ukrainian Catholic Church them. For example, we covered the of the executive committee of the and the Ukrainian Autocephalous burning problems of so-called special Ukrainian Helsinki Union, on June 26 Orthodox Church are still illegal and do It is not easy to respond to this stores for party officials, special hos­ question because we did not conduct a in Brussels, Belgium, The English not have the right to function in a legal pitals and spheres for services. These translation was provided by the Ukrai­ framework. sociological investigation. The criticism questions were discussed and were in that w^s directed at me, in my view, was nian Press Agency based in London. The decree of the Presidium of the the limelight during the election and USSR Supreme Soviet dated April 8, unjust and biased. It was made delibe­ also during the congress. We also have rately on the eve of the election AH 35 countries that signed the Final 1989, places restrictions on freedom of touched upon questions of social justice Act of the Helsinki Conference agreed speech, stating that it is a crime to campaign.
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