![Guide Book & Atlas of Muskoka and Parry Sound Districts [Microform]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
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Viilaj;c Watt M 16 13 52 Barkway. Wood ,1 l*lruiRl I'owiiship 22 Q 53 Glen Orchard. faRlwcll Tovvnsliip 26 World 54 Dee Bank. Lancelot. CarHng 45 55 56 Rosseau. Chaffcy 21 57 Ilfracombe. CiiaiJinaii LIST OF PO«T OFFICES. 47 58 Grassmere. Christie 41 59 Claverton. Cn-ft 60 Chelmsford. 48 1 Braccbridf^e. 61 Dunchurch. Draper 5 2 Gravenhiirst. 62 Burke's Kails. I'alixcuburjj \'iiiai;c 6 3 Urfui},'ton. I'ort S\dne)-. 63 Kearney. I'cr^^uson luwiisiiip 36 4 5 Haysville. 64 Ahmic Lake. ••'"l^T " 35 6 Port Carling. 65 Parry Harbour. i'rimkliii M 25 7 I'ort C(jckbiirn. 66 Hurdvillc. Cira\riiiiiirst X'iilagc ly 8 South l''alls. 67 Edgington. 6i'i l'"etherstop. I la;;enii.m 1 ownsliip ^y 9 VVindcrihei;-. Bordeau. M 10 Urackeiirigg. 69 I linisuurtii 59 IJ Juddhavon. 70 Katrine. I I uMiphrey if 32 13 Washago. 71 North Seguin, Macauiav n 17 14 Seely. 72 Lmsilale. Mci)uii;^all ., 34 15 lluiitsvil'.c. 73 Cyprus. :\h;K^:liar 40 16 Ziska. 74 Star Lake. Dufferin .Mcl-cllar Village 36 17 Alport. 75 Bridge. P'airholm. ;\icl.ean Township 20 18 Trout Lake. y6 Beatrice. 2/ Cripplcgate. McMurrich m 46 19 20 Bala. 78 Mocanoma. Machar . 54 21 Utterson. 100 P'alding. Maganetawan Villaj;e 49 22 Falkcnbury. 101 Turtle Lake. Mediira I'ounship 102 Grassmere. 10 23 Ufford. 1 limberson. Monck 12 24 Raymond. 13 1 14 Cartarct. .Moiiteitli 43 25 l\)iiit Kaye. ; 1 Walker's Point. 26 Ullswater. 1 .Morrison I j Ashdowii. 1 16 Vankoughnet. Aliiskoka 22 2S Be<.ygsboro'. 117 Barkway. Nipissiiig 56 Sequin. 118 Housey's Rapids. j 29 ^ Oakley I Malta. 8 30 Parry Sound. 19 ( 120 Reay. )nlario Sijcct 1 14 31 Midlothian. - 30 32 Spence. Maganetawan. 3 iS 33 34 McKcllar. 4 50 EX:i»L,A.N"jA.TI01SrS- 35 Waubamik. I'arry I larbour Villat,^' 44 ^6 Starratls. I'arry Sound Villajre 33 37 Doe Lake. School House 1^ i'erry Township Scotia. 29 38 Church Jilll I'ort Carlinj; Villay;e 18 39 Hoodstown. Saw Mill , )f 40 Ravcn.sclifir I'ori Sydney Villaj^e 42 Stanley Grist Mill if* I'ringie 41 Dale. Township 57 42 Aspdin. House I Ridout Township 27 43 Torrance. Rosscau Village Hotel Ham 42 44 Severn Bridge. Ryde Township Melissa. 4 45 Store f ri I'rfl il 'J - ^^^'^^..^5 a>^^^» » rj".'-.-ni».».»j.»j'^"^---'g-'-v.-»L----^--n.^^^ MUSKOKA AND PARRY SOUND DISTRICTS, By W. E. HAMILTON, Es<j. INTRODUCTORY. ment tov.n^hiii maps were of fir less use to the i;ind seekei than they might have i)cen, because the roads The free ;,'i;uit di^iricts of Muskukii and r,my Soiiiui were not pl'^teil on them, and therefore as an itinerary are, yi'.u l>y fxcitiii,.; to tlie settler ihi scar, fiilln and dfi-piT interest , nm y weii useless. onh- in tiie i)lder settlements of Ontario hut tliroii^liont This delicieiicy has been h(,'ri' siipplicMi, and the land tlie sisicji |)ro\iM(;os of ilie Dominion, tlie UnitctI Mates 1, Milter ran map out his journey before leaving Hrace- and i;inii|n'. biidge, Ros.ncau oi I'aiiy Soimd. as the ease may be, to In addition to wliat inav lu' called the eniii^'ratin;,'- class his future iiome. In a'ldition to the government roads. (( inhraiiii;; all ranks and ,L;rades of soc iet\-, from tin' ;he statute labor load;, aic also gi\on. Dr.iwings from riehe:-.t lo the |iooiest, and finm llu; most hi dd_\ <-nlti- liie pencil (^f Mi. S. I'mson, an arcomjilislii'd artist, are \aled down to the illiterate peasant) another \( r\ ini- .A>n presented, of the places of interest in the districts, poitanl ami incrcasin;,' multitude make Muskoka liieii OI' latliei let lis say, of the conjoint district, which in temporary home—we mean the tourists, tliost' biids of this iiitro liiction we shall iicnceforth, for shortness and passage, who, like the swallows, annually cool them- to avoid I'umbrous phraseology, call Mi'skok.x —a name selves by a mi;^ration to our northern fastnesses, and already so ajiplied for electoral purposes, with the same depart refreshed.
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