THE MORMON SETTLEMENT AT NASHVlLLE, LEE, IOWA: ONE OF THE SATELLITE SETTLEMENTS OF NAWOO Maurine Carr Ward The Missouri expulsion in 1838-39 found most of Des Moines. WhenIsrael Barlow met Galland, the owner the Mormon refugees heading for Quincy, Illinois. Israel of the army barracks, Galland began negotiations to buy Barlow and others, however, traveled northfromDaviess not only land in Iowa in the Half Breed Tract but also the County and then followed along the southern tier of Iowa land and buildings in Commerce. until they arrived at the abandoned barracks of Fort Des Moines, now Montrose, Iowa This area was located in The weaq Mormons flocked to Commerce where the "Half Breed Tract," 119,000 acres set apart on 4 they began the task of draining the swampy land and August 1824 for the mixed-blood natives belonging to building their city, shortly thereafter renamed Nawoo. the Sacs and Foxes but later sold to the whites for home- Soon, other Saints moved into the newly purchased land steading.1 in Iowa4 where the Church had bought the town site of Nashville and 20,000 surrounding acres, 30,000 acres One of the first settlers is a man named Isaac near and including Montrose, and other lands-some Galland, who not only purchased land in Iowa but also 120,000 in all. Individuals also purchased land in bought land across the Mississippi River in Commerce, Ambrosia, Keokuk, and additional areas in Iowa Illinois. Galland's property, about three miles below pre- sent-day Monmse, was procured in 1829. Dr. Galland The settlement of Montrose was resurveyed about had brought his family across from Illinois and settled at tbat time and renamed Zarahernla The newly plotted Ah-wi-pe-tuck, an Indian name meaning "the beginning streets were designed to line up with the streets of of the cascades." The village was renamed Nashville.2 Nawoo, across the river. Even a temple site was chosen Later, when mail service was made available, the town for this sister city of Nauvoo. became known as Galland, honoring Dr. Galland. Eventually, so many Church members lived in the Soon after Galland moved to Nashville, he was fol- Iowa branches that a stake was organized, called the lowed by other families; an4 in the early thirties, a thriv- Zademla Stake, on 5 October 1839. Joseph Smith's ing settlement existed. As neighbors joined him, Galland uncle, John Smith, was ordained as president of the saw the need for education for the children; therefore, in stake, with Reynolds Cahoon and Lyman Wight as coun- 1830, he built a log school on his property, the first such selors. The high council included Erastus Snow, Elijah building in Iowa or, for that matter, west of the Fordham, Asahel Smith, and William Clayton Alanson Mississippi River. He hired a young man named Ripley was the bishop. By August of 1841, the stake Berryman Jennings to move from Commerce to comprised 683 members in eight branches. Nashville to be the teacher in the log school. Jennings was compensated by being allowed free room and board The History of the am6 details the purchase of in Galland's home and by having the use of Dr. Galland's the land for Nashville as well as other Church activities limited medical libmy to peruse.3 in the settlements On 24 June 1839, the Church pur- chased the town of Nashville with the adjoining acreage. In 1835, the government acquired the claim of a Mr. A year later, A meeting was held in Nashville on 23 Tesson, called Tesson Settlement, and established Fort August 1840, at which time Joseph and Hyrum Smith MAURWE CARR WARD is the editor of EieNauvoo Joumal. She is also the editor of Winter Quarten: Eie 1846- 1848Life Wn'tiigs ofMaryHaskin ParkerRicharh, the first in a series of writings by frontier women, published by Utah State University Press. and a large assembly of the Saints voted to begin build- be purchased on very liberal terms in almost all ing a city at Nashville; and they began building a place parts of the county: but in Nashville and vicini- of worship as well.6 On 30 August, the Prophet Joseph ty, the greatest facilities are now offered: Town was again in Nashville where he preached on "Eternal lots, as well as farming lands adjacent to the Judgment and the Eternal Duration of Matter." town can be purchased on very liberal terms, also a very large stone building designed as a At one time, the little town of Nashville boasted place of public worship; and a Seminary of ninety members. An article appeared in 23e Tlesand learning is in contemplation Seasons in September 1840 describing the town to tbe European Saints and suggesting it would be a good des- There is a Ferry on the Mississippi at this tination for them when they anived in America:7 place and those emigrating to this part of the TO THE SAINTS ABROAD. country, will find it most convenient to cross here: and to this place we iwite our brethren Beloved brethren: and friends, by the unanimous vote of this branch of the church, of Jesus Christ of Latter As many of you are anxious to settle with Day Saints, convened at Nashville this 23d day the Saints, we thought best to give you a short of August 1840 And that you may be preserved description of this County, and the inducements spotless to the coming of the Lord Jesus, is the it offers to emigrants, this county (Lee county I. prayer of your brethren, in the new and ever- T.) is situated between the rivers, Desmoines lasting covenant. and Mississippi, and opposite Hancock co. Ill. there is a town called Nashville, laid out on the On 20 March 1841, Joseph Smith wrote the follow- Rapids of the Mississippi river, 5 miles below ing about Nashille and the area west of Nawoo:S Nawoo, which is in the possession of the Saints; a number of Buildings are already built, About this time I received a revelation, and others in progress; It is the only good Steam given in the City of Nawoo, in answer to the Boat landing on the Rapids, and during a con- following intenogatory-"What is the will of siderable part of the year the Boats on the upper the Lord, concerning the Saints in the Tenitory trade receive their freight and passengers at this of Iowa?" Verily, thus saith the Lord, I say unto place, which is brought from the foot of the you, if those who call themselves by my name, Rapids in Lighters. and are essaying to be my Saints, if they will do my will and keep my commandments concern- These Rapids afford facilities for hydraulic ing them; let them gather themselves together, purposes to any extent necessary; besides there unto the place which I shall appoint unto them are numerous creeks in this county on which, by my servant Joseph, and build up cities unto Machinery and Manufactories can be supplied my name, that they may be prepared for that with mcient quantity of water at all seasons which is in store for a time to come. Let them of the year: and for richness of soil, health of build up a city unto my name upon the land climate, morality, enterprise, and indumy of its opposite to the City of Nauvoo, and let the inhabitants; this county is not surpassed by any name of Zarahemla be named upon it. And let in the great valley of the Mississippi. The all those who come from the east, and the wesf prairies here have a deep rich soil, and are bor- and the north, and the south, that haye desires to dered with beautiful streams and rivulets, sup dwell therein, take up their inheritances in the plied with large quantities of excellent timber, same, as well as in the City of Nashville, of in Several hundred of the Saints have settled in the City of Nawoo, and in all the stakes which this county, and owthemselves into five I have appointed, 4ththe Lord. Merent branches of the church and all under the superintendence of a President, Bishop and One of the early Mormon families who sealed in High council. Large tracts of excellent land can Nashville was that of Asahel Smith, brother to Joseph Smith Sr., with his wife Betsey and sons Elias and Silas. tho they do not possess an abundance. Gee lost Other children included Esther, married to Amos all he was worth in Missouri and Martin fared Botsford Fuller, Mary Jane, married to George but little better. George W. is Post Master at Washington Gee; Julia Priscilla, married to Moses Ambrosia seven miles from this place and has Martm; and Emily, married to Samuel Pierce HoyL held the office of Depty County Surveyor for While in Iowa, Elias married Lucy Brown, Martha mar- the last year. Martha and Silas are living at ried Hiram B. Benneq and Silas manied Elizabeth home. Orton Samuel P. and Emily Smith Hoyt first moved to A letter written by Elias to his non-LDS mle, Jesse Nawoo after they were driven iiom Missouri, living for Smith, in New Yo* dated 31 August 1841 from one year in part of the home owned by Daniel H. Wells. Nashville, gives a description of NaslNille.9 In the spring of 1840, the Hoyts moved to Nashville. Emily was so ill at the time she could barely sit up, but As to our worldly prosperity we are in she wanted to be near her family.
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