
Library List Printed: 02/04/2018 Ref. Cutter # Title Author Published Notes 8.17 T237 1745 and After Tayler, Allistair & Henrietta 1938 17.7 C561 1881 British Census and National Index 11.12 R358 18th Century Highlanders Reid, Stuart 1993 2.3 M172di 1970 Editorial Cartoons Macpherson, Duncan 1970 21.1 CMA587t 1991 Macpherson Clan Gathering 1991 2.11 M172j g190 2 Poems of Ossian Macpherson, James (translator) 1902 2.11 M172j c.1 19 2 Poems of Ossian, The Macpherson, James (translator) 1926 2.11 M172j c.2 19 2 Poems of Ossian, The Macpherson, James 1926 2.11 M172j g185 9 Poems of Ossian Macpherson, James (translator) 1859 2.11 M130g A'Phrionnsa Mac-Choinnich, Iain 9.51 M172ja Abolitionist Legacy, The McPherson, James M 1975 8.0 G127 Active Gael, The Various 1934 2.22 M172 Adventures of Sir Gobbledy Grumff, The McPherson, W. Gordon 21.0 M172 Agates Macpherson, Harry 7.2 M172 do Album of Newspaper Cuttings Macpherson, Donald 1895 9.4 W771 Alexandria, Kassassin, Tel-El-Kebir Wingfield, Lewis 2.11 C199 Am Bard Camshron, Alasdair 1926 2.11 M154d Am Fear-Ciuil Mackechnie, Donald 1908 16.3 Hopp Amazing Grace (RADM Grace Hopper, USN) in Military Officer MOAA 2011 17.2 B367 American Scottish Chief, An Bean, Bernie 1976 12.5 F841 Amid the High Hills Fraser, Sir Hugh 1923 5.11 M160g An Gaidheal McLaughlin, Dr 1887 5.15 an An Laoidheadair various 1935 16.4 C289 Andrew Carnegie's Own Story Carnegie, Andrew 1920 15.2 C353 Angling Holidays in Scotland Castle, P. 1937 8.0 D151 v.1 Annals of Scotland-Vol. 1 Dalrymple, Sir David 1797 8.0 D151 v.2 Annals of Scotland-Vol. 2 Dalrymple, Sir David 1797 8.0 D151 v.3 Annals of Scotland-Vol. 3 Dalrymple, Sir David 1797 15.0 M172 Antiquities of Kertch McPherson, Duncan 1857 12.12 M172 Antrin Thochts on Aulden Days McPherson, W. Gordon 1995 12.12 M172 Antrin Thochts on Aulden Days McPherson, W. Gordon 1996 2.24 M172wi Apples of Gold in Pictures of Silver Macpherson, William Stewart 19?? 8.16 F352 Argyll in The Forty-Five Fergusson, Sir James 1921 17.3 R318 Argyll Macphersons Redman, John ? 17.1 F168 Argyll People Fairie, J. Scott 1999 17.3 W624 Argyll to Westminster Whitten, M. Jean 1998 17.5 M172r Armorial Bookplates Macpherson, Rodrick Gordon M 2006 16.3 R179 Arrow of Glenlyon, The Ramsay, A.A. W. 1930 Ref. Cutter # Title Author Published Notes 8.5 asc Ascanius or The Young Adventurer ?? 1843 5.1 R651 v.1 Athole Collection of the Dance Music of Scotland-vol 1 Robertson, James Stewart (arranger) 1883 5.1 R651 v.2 Athole Collection of the Dance Music of Scotland-vol 2 Robertson, James Stewart (arranger) 1883 2.2 B259 Autumns in Skye, Ross and Sutherland Barnett, T. Ratcliffe 1930 8.5 K55 Badenoch - an Historical Guide Kingussie High School students 1975 16.3 L234 Badenoch and Seamus Ban Lamont, George A. 2003 5.13 C713 Bagpipe, The Collinson, Francis 1975 8.71 R122 Bail Up Rackemann, Neville 1990 5.11 B162 Bain's Directory of Bag-Pipe Tunes Bain, Harry 8.71 G761 Ballad of Jamie McPherson, The Grant, Ann 1994 12.33 F677 Banjo & Christina : the true story of Waltzing Matilda Forrest, Peter and Sheila Forrest 2008 8.12 N975 Bannockburn, The Battle of Nusbacher, Aryeh 2000 9.51 M172jb Battle Cry of Freedom McPherson, James M 1988 8.16 T655 Battles of the '45 Tomasson, Katherine & Buist, Francis 1962 2.11 M156 Beauties of Gaelic Poetry and Lives of the Highland Bards, The Mackenzie, John 1907 2.11 M156 Beauties of Gaelic Poetry, The Mackenzie, John 1882 12.15 C826 Beyond the Great Glen Corson, F. Reid 1934 3.25 G778 Big Grey Man of Ben Macdhui, The Gray, Affleck 1989 5.13 R284 v.5 Binneas Is Bdoreraig, Vol V Ross, Roderick 11.11 B183 Black Watch, A brief Story of the Regiment Brigadier the Lord Ballantrae 1974 11.11 F692 Black Watch, The Forbes, Archibald 1896 2.8 O35 Bog of Stars, The O'Grady, Standish 1893 8.16 F997 Bonnie Prince Charlie Fyfe, W.T. ? 10.7 C325 Book of Common Order Carswell, John 1873 10.7 Book of Common Prayer, The various 1855 10.7 Book of Common Prayer, The various 1861 10.7 Book of Common Prayer, The various 10.7 D240 Book of Psalms, The - Scottish version Various 1871 2.2 1876 Book of Scottish Story, The various 1876 17.2 N864 Book of the Club of True Highlanders-Vol 1 North, C.N McIntyre 1881 12.11 B277ci Book of the County of Inverness, The Barron, Evan M. editor 1908 4.2 M879 Bowl O' Brose, A Morrison, John 1947 16.4 B636 Boy in the Peninsular War, A Blakeney, Robert 1899 3.32 G5376 Boys of the Eilan, The Gibson, Rosemary M. 2015 Serial Bratach Uaine 1991-96, The Serial Bratach Uaine The Green Banner of the Clan Macpherson Canadian Branch Newsletter Assorted 2.33 D858 Breast Cancer Treatment…. The Decisions are YOURS Duffy, Jean Macpherson 2003 2.24 M172e Bridge of Moonlight, The Macpherson, Ewan A. 2000 12.14 M975 Brig of Ayr and Something of its Story, The Morris, James A. 1910 12.11 M135 Burgh of Kingusse Macdonald, J.A. 1966 2.24 K56 Burns Poems and Songs Kinsley, James, editor 1969 12.5 J33 V.1 Burt's Letters from the North of Scotland-Vol. 1 Janieson, R. 1876 12.5 J33 V.2 Burt's Letters from the North of Scotland-Vol. 2 Janieson, R. 1876 Ref. Cutter # Title Author Published Notes 2.2 S618bl By Loch and River Sinton, Rev. Thomas 1910 7.2 M172e Cairn History, The MacPherson, Ewen S.L 1995 2.23 W334 Cairn of Small Stones, A Watts, John 1994 17.33 W557 Caledonia Australis : Scottish highlanders on the frontier of Australia Watson, Don 1984 2.3 M172di Cartoons by Duncan Macpherson Macpherson, Duncan Ian 1992 17.1 S717cel Catalogue of celebrated Stuart relics Sotheby & Co 1928 7.2 cat Catalogue of Relics, Curiosities, & c at Cluny Castle 1827 17.1 S717val Catalogue of valuable printed books, music, autograph letters and Sotheby & Co 1967 historical documents 7.2 M165 Celtic Annual, The Macleod, Malcolm C. 1916 12.11 M153 Celtic Element in Old Inverness, The Mackay, W. 1913 6.34 M118 Celtic Mythology and Religion Macbain, Alexander 1917 8.0 Celtic Review, The- vol. 6, July 1909-April 1910 various 1910 7.2 S847i Celtic SocietyThe - Statement in explanation of the objects of 1836 8.0 N532 Celtic Warriors 400BC-AD1600 Newark, Tim 1988 8.0 K39 Centuries of Scotland Kermack, W. R. 1944 8.0 C887 Century of Scottish History, A Craik, Sir Henry 1911 17.3 C531 Chiefs of Clan Macpherson, The Cheyne-Macpherson, W 1947 17.12 D922 Clan Chisholm Dunlop, Jean 1968 17.3 M145 Clan MacGillivray, The Robert McGillivray 2004 21.1 CMAP10 Clan Macperson Association 26 October 2002 17.3 M17js Clan Macpherson Macpherson, John Stuart FSA Compiler 2004 17.5 M172 Clan Macpherson Armorial Macpherson, R.G. M. 1960 21.1 Clan Macpherson Burns Supper 7th Oct 2004 Clan Macpherson 21.3 Clan Macpherson Clan Gathering Taylor, Jim 21.2 CMAP7 Clan Macpherson Museum Golden Jubilee 17.3 Clan Macpherson Past and Present, The Macdonald, Capt James 1966 17.3 CMA587s Clan Macpherson, A Short Note on a Long History Clan Macpherson 17.3 CMA587s Clan Macpherson, A Short Note on a Long History Clan Macpherson 17.3 Clan Macpherson, A Short Note on a Long History Clan Macpherson 21.1 CMAP6 Clan Macphersosn BBQ 14 June 2003 14.0 M739 Clan Map Moncreiffe, Sir Iain et al 17.3 M158 Clan Phail, The History of a People Mackfall, John E. 17.2 L831 Clans of the Scottish Highlands, The McIan, R.R. 1845 17.2 L831 Clans of the Scottish Highlands, The vol 1 McIan, R.R. 1983 12.11 A193 Clans, Septs, and Regiments of the Scottish Highlands, The Adam, Frank 1952 5.14 M165 Clarsach an Doire MacLeod, Neil 1883 2.31 M128 Classic New Zealand Mountain Hunts McClunie, Dave 2001 2.2 M172j Cluny's Land and Other Poems Macpherson, J.H. 1963 20.0 C35A 2000 CMA Listserv Archives, Nov1998-Dec2000 Clan Macpherson Association 2002 20.0 C35A 2003 CMA Listserve Archives 2001-2003 Clan Macpherson 2003 2.42 S779f Cointext of Scotland in the 1750's and 1760's Stafford, Fiona 1986 Serial Collection of Gaelic Proverbs and Familiar Phrases, A Nicolson, Alexander, editor 1882 Ref. Cutter # Title Author Published Notes 5.13 7454c Collection of Piobaireachd- Ceol Mor, A Thomason, C.S. 1900 7.1 T482 Companion to Gaelic Scotland, The Thomson, Derick S 1983 Concise Bibliography of the printed and ms material on the History, Topography & Institutions of the Burgh 8.5 R651 Concise Historical Proofs respecting The Gael of Alban or Highlanders of Robertson, James A. 1845 Scotland 12.11 C649 Correspondence to Cluny 1896-1903 8.0 K77 Corrour Koerner, Lisbet & Dick, David Brian 1998 4.3 D898 Costume of Scotland, The Dunbar, John Telfer 1989 Serial Creag Dhubh- 1949-1959 Serial Creag Dhubh- 1949-1960 Serial Creag Dhubh- 1961-1973 Serial Creag Dhubh- 1972-1983 Serial Creag Dhubh- 1984-1995 Serial Creag Dhubh- 1996-2000 (inc) Serial Creag Dhubh-1946-64 Serial Creag Dhubh-1960-1971 12.2 B635c Croft and Creel Blair, Anna 1997 8.15 T329 Cromwellian Union, The 1902 17.3 S854 Cullin Hills Calling-McPherson Family History Stickland, Margaret 1987 11.14 P922jc Culloden Prebble, John 1961 2.11 N582 Dain Agus Orain Ghaidhlig Nic-A-Phearsoin, Mairi 1891 8.17 M172 Day's March to Ruin, A Macpherson, Alan Gibson 1996 12.11 K35 Days of the Fathers in Ross-shire, The Kennedy, Rev.
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