Army Developing Soldier Wearable Battery

Army Developing Soldier Wearable Battery

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E1/(/+.$%.,)V#+,(9%7)Y'%/&')) <10#%2+/%".))SKKT)W)SKKX SKKT SKKZ) P#%-+0&/9)O5)6"##%.( 2 !"#$%&'"(&)*+)!"+"(," !"#"$%"&'"!()&)*+(,(+-.)/'- 0122&3"##"/%4$&!),(%&5(657)-8&94:&;2 )/<($6+4$8&,)&&000=0.;>== January 1, 2011 !e Army is committed to building and sustaining a force equipped - with the modern gear, weapons and systems necessary to perform"scal stewardship. full-spec trum operations, while maintaining full transparency and #ort has led to the devel- !roughout 2010, the Army Modernization e !e Army continues opment and "elding of the best equipment available. to modernize its varied arsenal through procurement of new equipment and upgrades to the existing inventory. Leaders at all levels, researchers and developers have worked closely with Soldiers to update the Army’s equipping strategy—a strategy based not only on input from the "eld, but lessons learned and changes to the strategic and "scal landscapes. - As we transition to the new year, leaders are determined to provide Sol diers with the materiel they need to be successful in the current operating environments, and devoted to transforming the Army to meet the demands of the future. !is month’s issue of Soldiers magazine provides a look at some of the modernization e#orts from throughout 2010, and a glimpse at what is on the horizon. Sincerely, MaryAnn B. Cummings Director, Army Production Defense Media Activity 4PMEJFSTt"QSJM 3 4 Modernizing and equipping the force OLDIERS comprise the centerpiece of our formations. !e Army modernizes for its Soldiers so that they have the right equipment and capabilities for the mission. S!e objective of Army modernization is to develop and "eld a versatile and a#ordable mix of the best equipment available to allow Soldiers and units to succeed in both today and tomorrow’s full-spec- trum operations. As Soldiers in the "eld request new capabilities, the Army will en- sure that the systems provided are versatile, tailorable and networked, so that they will remain dominant and relevant on future battle"elds. !e following articles highlight a cross-section of the Army’s ongo- ing e#orts in achieving its modernization goals. ! 4PMEJFSTt+BOVBSZ 5 1VTIJOHMJNJUTPGTNBMMBSNT QFSGPSNBODF ODAY’S battle"elds feature an trajectory. All bullets wobble while in steel at ranges approaching 400 meters. ever-adapting breed of enemy $ight. !is is called yaw (which can be !is is far better than the M80 7.62 combatants. Soldiers are faced high or low), and pitch (left or right), mm. EPR can penetrate cinder blocks Twith many challenges deploying small causing bullets to strike targets di#er- at up to 80 meters. !e current 5.56 arms in our current theaters of opera- ently, sometimes producing di#erent mm cartridge can’t penetrate this type tion, including increased ranges, dif- e#ects. !e new EPR, however, pro- of barrier at any range. "cult terrain, and intermediate barriers. vides excellent performance every time, Further, it is more e#ective at ex- !e M855A1 Enhanced Performance regardless of yaw angle. !e Army tended ranges and more accurate than Round helps Soldiers meet those chal- Research Laboratory has veri"ed that the current M855. Accuracy testing lenges by providing more consistent the M855A1 is superior to the M80 showed that on average, 95 percent of soft-target performance, increased 7.62 mm against soft targets. bullets hit within an 8-by-8-inch target hard-target penetration, better accu- !e enemy uses cover in an engage- at 600 yards."! racy, reduced muzzle $ash and higher ment.

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