INDEX TO FRIENDS JOURNAL 1965-VOLUME 11 A Theology, 87; Gorer, Geoffrey, Death, Grief, and Mourning, 592; Gottwald, Norman K., All the Kingdoms of the Earth, 85; Adult Literary "York in Tanzania-Thomas D. Elkinton 60~ Hackett, Allen, For the Open Door, 35; Haselden, Kyle, and Adventure at Gnndstone Island-Robert E. Fatherley, JI. 61:.> Martin E. Marty, eds., What's Ahead for the Churches? 230; "Amongst Friendly Folk"-A. Margaret Worsdell 109 Hedgeman, Ann Arnold, The Trumpet Sounds: A Memoir of A You a Mystic?-Wilberta Hardy 524 Negro Leadership, 486; Herber, Lewis, Crisis in Our Cities, A:gnment: Thirteen Countries in Ferment:-Richard Dickinson 30 509; Holt, Len, An Act of Conscience, 510; Hodges, Graham R., Attached Americans, The-Dudley M. Pruitt 387 , Talks for Childl'en on Science and God, 35; Hughes, William Australia Yearly Meeting-William T. Cooper 85 R., Indomitable Friend: Cm'def Catchpool, 1883-1952, 112; B Hulme, William, Youth Considers Sex, 365; Iglehart, Charles Baltimore Ecumenicity-Emerson Lamb 587 W., International Christian University: An Adventure in Chris• Baltimore Yearly Meetings-Emerson Lamb, Bertha Buckman, tian Higher Education in Japan, 289; Jarman, W. Maxey, A and Margaret L. Matthews 458 Businessman Looks at the Bible, 390; Johnson, Philip A., Call "Bang, Bang, You'J'e Dead!"-Edith Lovejoy Pierce., 162 Me Neighbor, Call Me Friend, 534; Jones, Mary Hoxie, Beyond Basis of Our Fellowship, The-New York Yearly Meeting Min- This Stone, 340; Joy, Charles R., Albert Schweitzer, An Anthol• istry and Counsel , 478 ogy, 317; Kauper, Paul G., Religion and the Constitution, 85; Bogota's Cosmopolitan. quakers---:John and Esther Delaplaine .. 334 Keats, John, The Sheepskin Psychosis, 412; Kennedy, John F., Bombing and Our RelIgIOus Hentage-Charles A. Wells 332 A Nation of Immigrants, 112; Kenworthy, Leonard S., Three Billion Neighbors, 366; Knight, James A., A Psychiatrist Looks Books Reviewed: at Religion and Health, 87; Krishnamurti, J., Think on These Agle, Nan Hayden, Kate and the ApPle Tree, 438; Allegro, John Things, 113; Lafore, Laurence,' and Sara Lee Lippincott, Phila• Marco, The Treasure of the Copper Scroll, 59; American delPhia: The Unexpected City, 486; Leibert, Julius A., with Friends Service Committee, Let's Talk About China Today, 438; Emily Kingsbery, Behind Bars: What a Chaplain Saw in Alca• American Friends Service Committee, A New China Policy: tmz, Folsom, and· San Quentin, 413; Levenstein, Aaron, and Some Quaker Proposals, 340; Armstrong,' O. K., and Marjorie, William Agar, Freedom's Advocate: A Twenty-Five Year Chro• Religion Can Conquer Communism, 317; Arnold, Eberhard, nicle, 340; Lohaus, Adam, Survival and Caesar at the Grass• Love and Marriage in the Spirit, 318; Appleman, Philip, The roots, 168; Lonsdale, Kathleen, I Believe ... 86; Loukes, Harold, Silent Explosion, 167; Ausubel, Nathan, The Book of Jewish The Quaker Contribution, 411; McNeill, Robert, God Wills Us Knowledge, 168; Bahm, Archie J., The World's Living Re• Free: The Ordeal of a Southern Minister, 463; Mackay, John A., ligions, 231; Baltzell, E. Digby, The Protestant Establish• ECltmenics-The Science of the Church Universal, 535; Mac• ment, 230; Beaty, Jerome, and William H. Matchett, Poetry: Lean, Angus H., The Wind In Both EaF, 535; MacMurray, From Statement to Meanin.g, 365; Benton, Josephine Moffett, John, Search for Reality in Religion, 388; Marijnen, P. A., ed., A Door Ajar, 388; Biezanek, Anne, All Things New, 167; Black• The Encyclopedia of the Bible, 486; Marty, Martin, Youth Con• mar, Mary K., Conversations on the Edge of Eternity, 198; Blake, siders "Do It Yourself" Religion, 365; Matson, Wallace I, The William, Jerusalem, 229; Bless, Robert A., Counseling with Existence of God, 341; Mead, Frank S., Rebels with a Cause, Teen-Agers, 565; Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, No Rusty Swords: Vol. 1, 113; Mendelsohn, Jack, God, Allah, and Iu Ju: Religion in 485; Boulding, Kenneth, The Meaning of the Twentieth Cen• Africa Today, 389; Meyer, Donald, The Positive Thinkers, 463; tury: The Great Transition, 141; Brinton, Anna Cox, Quaker MilIer, D. M., ed., The ToPical Bible Concordance, 593; Moore, Profiles, 14; Brittain, Vera, The Rebel Passion (A Short History Paul, Jr., The Church Reclaims the City, 390; Morton, A. Q., of Some Pioneer Peacemakers), 168; Brookes, Edgar H., Three and J. McLeman, Christianity in the Computer Age, 198; Myr• Letters from Africa, 168; Brown, D. Mackenzie, Ultimate Con• dal, Jan, Report From a Chinese Village, 463; O'Brien, John, cern: Tillich in Dialogue, 592; Cady, Edwin H., John Woolman, cd., Steps to Christian Unity, 169; Oppenheimer, Martin, and 289; Cassels, Louis, What's the Difference? A Comparison of the George Lakey, A Manual for Direct Action, 413; Palmer, Can• Faiths Men Live By, 535; Caudill, Rebecca, The Far-Off Land, dida, Snow Stann before Christmas, 565; Palmer, Geoffrey, The 36; Chevigny, Hector, Russian America, the Great Alaskan Junior Bible Encyclopedia, 413; Perry, Marden L., ed., Revell's Venture-1741-1867, 412; Coate, Morag, Beyond All Reason, 167; Guide to Christian Colleges, 1965-1966, 87; Picht, Werner, The Corbett, J. Elliott, The ProPhets on Main Street, 169; Crook, Life llnd Thought of Albert Schweitzer, 142; Randel, William Margaret Brackenbury, Women and Religion, 142; Curry, James Pierce, The Ku Klux Klan, a Century of Infamy, 198; Reiss, E., Public Regulation of the Religious Use of Land: A Detailed Elizabeth Clark, and Eileen Egan, Transfigured Night: The Analysis of a Hundred Court Cases, HI; Dabbs, James McBride, CRALOG Experience, 59; Rhymes, Douglas, No New Moralit~: Who Speaks for the SoutM 340; Davis, Jerome, ed., Disarma• Christian Personal Values and Sexual Morality, 86; Richardson, ment: A World View, 36; de la Bedoyere, Michael, ed., Objec• Frank Howard, GrandPm'ents and Their Families, 289; Rogers, tions to Roman Catholicism, 341; de Terra, Helmut, Memories Edward, Poverty on a Small Planet, 113; Rogness, Alvin, Youth of Teilhard de Chardin, 198; Duncan, Tommie L., Understand• Asks "Why Bother About Godt" 365; Rose, Willie Lee, Rehears• ing and Helping the Narcotic Addict, 413; Duberman, Martin, al for Reconstruction, 35; Seifert, Harvey, Conquest by Suffer• ed., The Antislavery Vanguard, 534; Egan, Eileen, and Elizabeth illg:The Process and Prospects of Nonviolent Resistance, 593; Clark Reiss, Transfigured Night: The CRALOG Experience, 59; Seiferth, Wolfgang, S)'lIagogue and Church in the Middle Ages, Engler, E. Richard, The Challenge of Diversity, 231; Enslin, 15; Sergio, Lisa, ed., Pmyers of Women, 565; Shinn, Roger L., Morton S., From Jesus to Christianity, 15; Thompson, Craig R., Tangled World, 412; Shinn, Roger L., ed., The Search for Iden• E;asmus, The Colloquies of, 364; Fahs, Sophia Lyon, WorshiP• tity: Essays on the American Character, 86; Siegel, Ben and pmg Together With Questioning Minds, 366; Fall, Thomas, Joseph Gaer, The Puritan Heritage: America's Roots in the Edge of Manhood, 142; Flannery, Edward H., The Anguish of Bible, 142; Smith, Bradford, Men of Peace, 14; The Seasoned the Jews: Twenty-three Centuries of Anti-Semitism, 593; Forster, Mind, 364; Smith, Chard Powers, Where the Light Falls: A Arnold, and Benjamin R. Epstein, Danger on the Right, 36; Portrait of Edwin Arlington Robinson, 485; Spencer, 'Cornelia, Freemantle, Anne, ed., The Protestant Mystics, 510; Gaer, Jos• KeePing Ahead of Machines, 534; Spike, Robert W., The Free• eph, and Ben Siegel, The Puritan Heritage: America's Roots dom Revolution and the Churches, 509; Sterling, Dorothy. in the Bible, 142; George School, A Man and a School, Papers Lucretia Matt, Gentle Warrior, 36; Sterne, Richard S., Delin• about George A. Walton and Gem'ge School, 318; Goodenough, quent Conduct and Broken Homes, 113; Strunk, Orlo, Jr., Erwin R., The Psychology of Religious Experiences, 464; Good• Mature Religion, A Psychological Study, 509; Swaim, J. Carter, man, Paul, cd., Seeds of Liberation, 341; Goppelt, Leonhard, Answers to Your Questions About the Bible, 464; Sutherland, Jesus, Paul, and Judaism: An Introduction to New Testament Elizabeth, ed., Letters from Mississippi, 389; Teilhard de Char- - FRIENDS JOURNAL ~i! din, Pierre, The Future of Man, 60; Hymn of the Universe, Friends' Mississippi Project-Francis G. Brown . 317; Templin, Ralph T., Democracy and Nonviolence, 438; Friends World College-Morris Mitchell . ':1~. Thurman, Howard, The Luminous Darkness, 485; Tournier, Friends World Institute (College) Dedication . 588' Paul, To Resist or to Surrender? 15; The Healing of PeTsons, 486; The Adventure of Living, 565; Trueblood, Elton, The Lord's Prayers, 141; Tucker, Shirley, ed., MississiPPi From God of the Commonplace-Carl F. Wise 137; Within, 464; Turkle, Brinton, Obadiah the Bold, 317; United George School's "Tuto~ing Tea~he~s"-ElizabethG A. Powell '" 481 .~I Nations, Landmarks in International Cooperation, 167; U.· S. Germany Yearly Meetmg-Mar]one Wolfe 483 .~ Commission on Civil Rights, Equal Opportunity in Farm P"o• God, Man, and Contemporary Society-Robert Schultz and Dean grams, 289; Van Unnik, W. C., The New Testament: Its His• Freiday 559 tory and Message, 389; Wade, Richard C., Slavery in the Cities: Grace Street Is a State of Mind-Peg Spangenthal 555 The South, 1820-1860, 60; Wedge, Bryant M., Visitors to the H United States and How They See 'Us, 365; Weinberg, Arthur Harvest-Margaret Hoover Brigham 33 and Lila, Instead of Violence, 464; Whitney, Elizabeth D.'-The Heal My Hurt-Susan Beth Smalakis 283 Lonely Sickness, 388; Wildes, Harry Emerson, Voice of the Helping Homeward-Bound Foreign Students to Plan-Norval Lord: A Biography of George Fox, 230; Wilkinson, Winifred, D. Reece 284 Even in the Depths, 388; Williams, Walter G., Archaeology in Hidden Springs, The--Helen G. Hole - " 479 Biblical Research, 593; Wright, Dale, They Harvest Despair: Hiroshima Friendship Center-Lea Heine 433 The Migrant Farm Worker, 438; Wright, G. Ernest, ed., The Bible and the Ancient Near East, 389; Yates, Elizabeth, Howard Home to Count His Money-Richard H. Farquhar 552 How to Win Friends for the U.S.A_-James M.
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