The American BIOLOGY FEBRUARY 1976 * VOLUME 38, NUMBER 2 Downloaded from http://online.ucpress.edu/abt/article-pdf/38/2/96/33480/4445472.pdf by guest on 02 October 2021 ?;afThe i tI Human Torso Ifr, \ Downloaded from http://online.ucpress.edu/abt/article-pdf/38/2/96/33480/4445472.pdf by guest on 02 October 2021 f si *U We hae acml te lin of; Caoln Bilgia SuPl Cm n Bulntn Not Caoln 271 Gldtoe Oregon97027 shown here. Request our new full-color catalog on Bobbitt Models. I Downloaded from http://online.ucpress.edu/abt/article-pdf/38/2/96/33480/4445472.pdf by guest on 02 October 2021 1% 4,-N I I Iz I Or I SUSTAININGMEMBERS THE NATIONALASSOCIATION OF BIOLOGYTEACHERS ViePeiet Pr ABBOTTLABORATORIES ajre ofNorthDakota,G North Chicago, Illinois60064 AMERICANOPTICAL CORPORATION Buffalo, New York 14215 BAUSCHAND LOMB B AR OF DIETR,Ntoaasoito ofigog Tachar Rochester, New York 14602 R.F. CARLECOMPANY Box 31 55, Chico, California95926 Downloaded from http://online.ucpress.edu/abt/article-pdf/38/2/96/33480/4445472.pdf by guest on 02 October 2021 Prsiet-let Jack L. Catr Colrad College Coord Spig a DIFCOLABORATORIES ReIon a.sLR V: .0nt Public Schools, R Detroit, Michigan 48201 * . 0 THEDOW CHEMICAL COMPANY 0L1 -fi *S . e .aD *0.-i i* Midland,Michigan 48640 . 00 RTresurr: err0l W. Mare, 0g Victoriaoyl Acaey.x) College Wilete, *9 EDUQUIP-MACALESTERCORPORATION -ufi - i . - 0 0 - ii^afJ i Boston, Massachusetts 02215 ELILILLY AND COMPANY Indianapolis,Indiana 46206 BOARD OF DIRECTORS, National Association of Biology Teachers ROBERTFRIEDMAN ASSOCIATES President: Haven Kolb, Hereford High School, Parkton, Md. Cleveland, Ohio 44122 President-Elect: Jack L. Carter, Colorado College, Colorado Springs Past President: Thomas J. of Texas, San Antonio Regio V SI:Jimm R. StothartCleaver.,University Notwetr State U iversity Naci HARVARDAPPARATUS COMPANY, INC. Vice-President: Marjorie P. Behringer, University of North Dakota, Grand Millis,Massachusetts 02054 Forks KEWAUNEESCIENTIFIC EQUIPMENT CORPORATION Treasurer: Jerry W. Maurer, Loyola Academy, Wilmette, Ill. Statesville, North Carolina 28677 Directors LAMOTTE CHEMICAL PRODUCTS COMPANY Region I: Harold Wiper, Newton High School, Newtonville, Mass. 21620 Chestertown, Maryland Region II: Ralph D. Heister, Jr., Conestoga High School, Berwyn, Pa. LANESCIENCE EQUIPMENT COMPANY Region III: J. Mark McCleary, Proviso West High School, Hillside, Ill. New York, New York 10007 Region IV: H. Dean Jernigan, Shawnee Mission (Kans.) South High School Region V: Charles J. LaRue, Montgomery County Public Schools, Rock- MILLIPORECORPORATION Bedford, Massachusetts 01 730 ville, Md. Region VI: Jimmy R. Stothart, Northwestern State University, Natchi- NASCO,INC. toches, La. Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin 53538 Region VII: Julia R. Riggs, Victoria (Tex.) College Region VIII: Daniel Van Gorp, Cherry Creek Schools, Englewood, Colo. ORTHODIAGNOSTICS Raritan,New Jersey 08869 Region IX: Garland B. Johnson, Hoover High School, Fresno, Calif. Directors-at-large: Garrett Hardin, University of California, Santa SARGENT-WELCHSCIENTIFIC COMPANY Barbara, Calif.; Willis H. Hertig, Jr., West Virginia University, Morgan- Skokie, Illinois60076 town; James L. Mariner, Fountain Valley School, Colorado Springs, STANSISCIENTIFIC DIVISION, RSHER SCIENTIFIC COMPANY Colo.; Stanley D. Roth, Jr., Lawrence (Kans.) High School Chicago, Illinois60622 Committee Chairmen TRIARCHPREPARED MICROSCOPE SLIDES Biology-and-Society Committee: Bruce Wallace, Cornell University, Ripon, Wisconsin 54971 Ithaca, N.Y. Financial Advisory Committee: Jerry W. Maurer, Loyola TURTOX/CAMBOSCO,MACMILLIAN SCIENCE COMPANY Academy, Chicago, Illinois60620 Wilmette, Ill. Publications Advisory Committee: David H. Ost., California State Col- UNITRONINSTRUMENT COMPANY lege, Bakersfield Newton Heights, Massachusetts 02161 Excellence-in-Biology-Education Committee: Gabrielle I. Edwards, WARD'SNATURAL SCIENCE ESTABLISHMENT, INC. Franklin D. Roosevelt High School, Brooklyn, N.Y. Rochester, New York 14603 Policy Committee: Jack L. Carter, Colorado College, Colorado Springs Volume 38, No. 2: February 1976 AN OVERTURE Joan G. Creager 75 Teachingfor the Future ARTICLES Jon M. Lindbergh 76 Aquaculture:Its Promiseand Problems Paul DeHart Hurd 79 An ExploratoryStudy of the Impactof BSCS SecondarySchool CurriculumMaterials IngrithD. Olsen 86 Project-OrientedWork for PreserviceBiology Teachers SigurdOlsen and IngrithD. Olsen 88 Photographyfor the PreserviceBiology Teacher James V. Bradley 91 An AmericanExchange Teacher in England Alan Jones 93 A BritishTeacher in America EdwardJ. Kormondy 94 The CollegeTeacher and Social Responsibility Sister Kathryn Palas, S. C. 98 Construction and Use of Equipment Downloaded from http://online.ucpress.edu/abt/article-pdf/38/2/96/33480/4445472.pdf by guest on 02 October 2021 to Study a Lake Ecosystem LaurenceE. Slavin 102 MicrobiologyLaboratories and the Use of a BacteriaBank J. A. Hawk and L. V. Crowder 105 DemonstratingMitosis and Meiosis JosephA. Cavese 108 An Analoguefor the Cell PERSPECTIVES ThomasJ. Cleaver 110 Scienceand Education:a ShakyPartnership TEACHER TO TEACHER ChristineL. Case 112 EnvironmentalEducation through Independent Study Ralph Postiglione 113 Anatomy of a Green Pea StanleyD. Whelchel 114 InexpensiveOcular Micrometers LETTERS Jeffrey J. W. Baker 116 Mixed Feelings ElmerR. Seevers 117 NSF Funding:Who Is Accountable? 119 REVIEWS COVERA sketch preparedfor the minicourse,"Leaves," developedby S. N. Postlethwait,of PurdueUniversity. The American Biology Teacher, official journal of NABT, 1 1250 Roger Bacon Dr., Reston, Va. 22090, is published monthly except June, July, and August. Institutionalsubscription is $18 a year in the United States, Canada, and Mexico; overseas subscription is $20 a year. Advertising matters, subscription orders, and changes of address should be sent to NABT's Reston office; all other communications should be addressed to the editor, at Northern VirginiaCommunity College, 3001 N. Beauregard St., Alexandria,Va. 22311. Persons intending to submit manuscripts are requested to use the following guidelines: 1. Double space all copy, including tables and references. Use one side only of standard (81/2-by-11 -inch) erasure-resistant bond paper, allowing ample margins for editor's marks. Avoid line-end division of words. 2. Photos should be glossy black-and-white prints not less than 31/2inches wide. Other illustrationsshould be drawn in black ink on heavy paper; labeling must be of suitable quality for camera-ready reproduction. Key each illustrationon the back to its caption, but place all captions on a sep- arate sheet, including credits. Marktop and bottom of illustrations.Tables, too, must be presented on separate sheets-regardless of length. Within the body of the manuscriptsimply indicate relevance at the properplace. One copy of photographsis generallysufficient. Provide 3 copies of any easily reproducedillustrations. 3. Please submitoriginal and 3 copies of your manuscript.Also submitmachine copy fromthe originalsource of any quotationsregardless of length.Enclose a signed statementthat your manuscript is not beingconsidered for publicationelsewhere. 4. In the event that your manuscriptis not accepted for publication,it will be returnedto you only if a stamped,self-addressed envelope is provided. Editorialcontents ?C1976 by the NationalAssociation of BiologyTeachers. Printed by InterstatePrinters, Danville, Ill. Typeset by NaeckerBroth- ers, Reston,Va. Second-class postage paidat Herndon,Va., and additional mailing offices; single copies, $1 .75. NABTmembership is $15 a year inthe UnitedStates, Canada,and Mexico.United States studentmembership is $7 a year.l 1. E. Glynn Byrd Kentucky Factory Representative _ 2. lack Demma New York Factory Represntative A 55 3. Ralph C. Frey,Jr. the tim to L New lersey Factory Representative 4. Janmes C. Himmeger Indiana Factory Representative 5. Frank 1. Kilemenc,Jr. South Eastern Factory Representative 6. Charles D. Leiphart Ohio Factory Representative co 7. EdtwardV. Mascio California Factory Representative 8. Frank McCrone South Eastern Factory Representative 9. FactoryDavidB. Sales Parkerr Manager 10. Douglas J. Parker Marylandd-Delaware Factory Representative Downloaded from http://online.ucpress.edu/abt/article-pdf/38/2/96/33480/4445472.pdf by guest on 02 October 2021 11. Haskell Paulding Texas Factory Representative 12. A. Jack Rumibaugh Pennsylvanta Factory Representative 13. Paul Schuller Ohio Facto Representative Not Pictured: Michael Parker Florida Factory Representative A Daniel Petrecea Pennsylvania Factory Representative - I A~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A w:~~~~~~~~~~~aktParcma, se whyh' PARCO~~~~~~~ Parco Scen ifi Co.i.47 /P. O.Bx55 ina O 1. Every Parco man is a trained exclusive 3. The motto of the Parco Pro is pre- factory representative specializing in rentive maintenance; the goal is to the sale and service of Parco micro- keep every microscope in perfect pie" 0 ~~scopes. They are professionals. working condition. This he accom- 2. AParco factory representative is able plishes by periodic checks, and minor to ojffer technical assistance before adjustments. Our factory service the sale - he'll be there after the sale, department stands ready to assist too, to take care of any problems whenever necessary. you ightex;pefpiprence.- SwiftlyU1and 4. The Parco rereetaie s eofjs Biological concepts, or social concerns, or both? BIOLOGY: PRINCIPLESAND ISSUES William C. Schef er Downloaded from http://online.ucpress.edu/abt/article-pdf/38/2/96/33480/4445472.pdf by guest on 02 October 2021 State
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