Elena Dal Cartii* FELLOWSHIP of MAKERS and RESEARCHERS of HISTORICAL INSTRUMENTS List of Members as at 6th July 1992 Abbreviations: F in left-hand margin - Fellow. After the name: M - Maker, R - Restorer, C - Conservator, P - Player, L - Lecturer and/or Teacher; W - Writer, D - Dealer, res - Researcher (not yet W or L); coll - Collector. The group of figures, or place-name plus figures, in italics following the address and a semicolon is the member's telephone number. Data Protection Act, 1984. This list of Members is the entire contents of the HonSecretary's membership file on computer. If you wish any information to be removed from this file, please say so. NB: We make no distinction between amateur and professional, nor between beginner and expert. This is a list of members and their interests; it is neither a trade list nor a professional register. Odd Aanstad, Huser, Asmaley, N-1674 Vesteroy, Norway, 09-377976{hpschd, clavchd, grand A sq pfte, harp; R.T.coll). Richard WAbel, Beatty Run Road, RD No.3, Franklin, PA 16323, USA (814) 374-4119 (ww, R,P). Ian Abemethy, 47 Main St, Heiton, Kelso, Roxburghshire, TD5 8JR, Scotland; Roxburgh 273 (recrdr, P; keybds, M). Allan Abraham, 38 Barnsley Road, Ackworth, Pontefract, W.Yorks WF7 7NB, UK; 0977-614390. (hpschd, spnt; M). Brian Ackerman, 42 Clavering Road, Wanstead, London E12 5EX, UK; 081-989 2583 (clar, chalmx, M,P; trav, M; ww, R,L). Bernard Adams, 2023-35 St.S.W., Calgary, Alberta T3E 2X5, Canada; (403) 242-3755 (str instrs, ww, M,R). Robin Adams, 2 Tunbridge Court, Sydenham Hill, London SE26 6RR, UK. William PAdams, 56 Cobham Road, Halesowen, B63 3JZ, UK; 021-550 5250 (crnett, dbl reeds; P). Gillian Alcock A Terry McGee, 25 Woodgate Street, Farrer, ACT 2607, Australia (dulcmr, hpschd, M,P; concertina, P). Alexander Accessories, 50 Egerton Road, Streetly, W.Midlands B74 3PG, UK; 021-353 7525 (accessories for vln fam instrs; M). Giuseppe Alfonso, Savignano 5, 1-50049 Vaiano-Firenze, Italy, 0574-946173 (recrdr, M). Ian Allan, 6 Grove Road, Broughty Ferry, Dundee DD5 1JL, UK; 0382-76043 (yd, vln, via, ravanastron, kemangeh aguz, crwth, rbec, M; pfte, orgn, P). Christopher Aliworth, 36 Milsom Avenue, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3N 2B9 (med/ren str.instrs; M,P). American Musical Instrument Society:- see Shrine to Music Museum. Ross MAnderson, La Trobe University College of Northern Victoria, POBox 199, Bendigo, Vic 3550, Australia (recrdr, hpschd, P). David Armitage, Woodwind Workshop, City of London Polytechnic, 41-71 Commercial Road, London El 1LA, UK; 071-247 1953 x 268 (ww, M,R). Peter B Armitage, 52 Downs Road, Epsom, Surrey, KT18 5JN, UK; Epsom 22560 {vln fam A other str instrs). Dieter Arzt, Grabenstr.8, D-W-7257 Ditzingen-Heimerdingen, Germany, 07152/53820 (bagpp, sackbt, crnett, lute; P.coll). Australian Association of Musical Instrument Makers:- see Raymond Holliday. Boris Axelrod, POBox 627, Tiberias 14106, Israel (vln, M; soundpaint, res). Reinhard Bachofen, Auf der Burglen 34, CH-8627 Gruningen, Switzerland (keybds; R, coll). F Anthony C.Baines, 18 Bridge Square, Famharn, Surrey GU9 7QR, UK; (all instrs; R.P.W.L.coll). Rick Baines, 1 Langley Road, Prestwich, Manchester M25 5NF, UK; 061-773 1546 (ww, M.R.P.L). Nicholas Baldock, FeldstraBe 7, D-W- Katzeneinbogen, Germany, 06486-8054 (dbl bass, violone, strings; M,P). FoMRHI Members, 1992, p.2 Peter Baldry, 12 Wraylands Drive, Reigate, Surrey RH2 OLG, UK; 0737-221955 (lute, cmett; M.P). John Barnes, 3 East Castle Road, Edinburgh EH 10 5AP, Scotland; 031-229 8018 (hpschd, clavchd, early pfte; M.R.C.coll). Peter J Barnes, 1 Clay Lane, Rode, Bath, Somerset BA3 6PJ, UK; 0373-830759 (hpschd; M,R). Peter R.Barton, Thurland, Mill Lane, Hildenborough, Tonbridge, Kent TN11 9LU, UK; 0732-832254 (brass instrs; M,R). Philip Bate, 11 Halton Road, London Nl 2EN, UK; 071-226 8259 (all ww A brass; M,R,L,W,coll). Alexander Batoff, Museum of Musical Instruments, 5 St.Isaac's Square, 190000 St Petersburg, Russia; 314-53-45 (lute, M,R,res; all instrs, C). Peter Bavington, Unit 255, 27 Clerkenwell Close, London EC1R OAT, UK; 071-2512/47(hpschd, vrgnl, clavcythrm, clavchd; M,R,res). Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Erwerbungsabteilung DFG/ZS, Postfach 150, D-W-8000 Mttnchen 34, Germany. Dieter Beck, Wittenschwand 56, D-W-7821 Dachsberg, Germany (str.instrs, esp.lute etc; M). John M.Bence, 126 Shanklin Drive, Leicester LE2 3QB, UK (hpschd, M; bar.recrdr, consort dir). Biblioteca Berenson, Via di Vincigliata 26, 1-50135 Florence, Italy. Peter Berg, 46 Gt Percy Street, London WC1X 9QR, UK; 071-278 3196 (nyckelharpa; M,P, coll). Ture Bergstrom, Smidstrupvej 4, DK-4720 Praesto, Denmark; 03-792505 (ren.ww, regals; M,R,P). Ronald Best, 'Mousehole', Clearys Lane, Wildes Meadow, NSW 2577, Australia; (048) 864 215. Bolest aw Bielawski, O'srodek Dokumentaji Zabytkow [Historical Monuments Documentation Centre], ul.Brzozowa 35, 00-258 Warszawa, Poland; 31-14-91 & -92 (all instrs). Tarquin Billiet, 1056 Chaussee d'Alsemberg, B-1180 Bruxelles, Belgium; 32-3-3763502 (trav). Tony Bingham, 11 Pond Street, London NW3 2PN, UK; 071-7941596 {all instrs, books; D). Margaret Birley, 177 Stanstead Road, London SE23 1HP, UK (all inst; C). James Bisgood, The Old Nunnery, 2 Highgates, Church Rd, Gosfield, Halstead, Essex C09 1TL, UK; 0787-474794 (cittn, gittn, fidl, gtar, rebc, carving; M). Torsten Bjorling, Tappstigen 13, S-140 30 Uttran, Sweden (recrdr, M). R.Blackstone, Herenweg 91, NL-1861 PD Bergen NH, Netherlands (hpschd, clavchd; M,P). Roderick L.Blocksidge, 23 Beauchamp Avenue, Handsworth Wood, Birmingham B20 1DR, UK; 021-358 4210 (lute, early gtar, P,coll). Bodleian Library, Richard Bell, English Accessions, Department of Printed Books, Broad Street, Oxford OX1 3BG, UK; 0865-244675. Thomas C.Boehm, 100 Momingside Avenue, Madison, WI 53716, USA (608) 221-9390 (bar.trav, recrdr, M,P). Philippe Bolton, Le Grand Portail, F-84570 Villes sur Auzon, Mormoiron, France; 90 61 86 11 (recrdr, M). Tjeerd Bosklopper, Oldengaarden 9, NL-9472 PN Zuidlaren, Netherlands; 05905-95332 (hpschd; M). G.Brian Bourne, Tregantle, Kiln Way, Grayshott, Hindhead, Surrey GU26 6JF, UK (keybds, gamba). M.C.Jan Bouterse, Sandenburg 69, NL-2402 RJ Alphen a/d R, Netherlands; 1720/4595?'(recrdr, trav, M). Werkgroep Bouwerskontakt, Vereniging voor Huismuziek, Utrechtsestraat 77, Postbus 350, NL-3401 CT Ijsselstein, Netherlands; 03408-85678. George M.Bowden, Calle de Jesus 8,5e,I, 07003 Palma de Mallorca, Baleares, Spain; (gtar, M,R). Martin Bowers, 'The Volunteer Arms', 101 Wantz Road, Maldon, Essex CM9 7DD, UK; 0621-53376 (hpschd, lute, theorbo, chitme, ren/bar gtar, gmba; M,R) Maria Boxall A Niall MacCoinnich, 11 Church Street, Wiveliscombe, Somerset TA4 2IR, UK; 0984-23813 (hpschd, Maria, P,T; Niall, M). Manfred Brach, Schaffherweg 36, D-W-463 Bochum 1, Germany, 0234/432982 (trav, M). Robert W.Bramley, 10 The Green, Haddenham, Ely, Cambs, UK (lute, ww; M,R). Bernard Brauchli, 82 Oakley Rd, Belmont, MA 02178, USA (617) 489-3613 (clavchd; P). Jason Breen, POBox 368 Marlboro, VT 05344, USA (802) 257-5838 (lute, gtar, M). FoMRHI Members, 1992, p.3 Adri Breukink, Nieuwe Schoolweg 28, NL-7514 CG Enschede, Netherlands (recrdr, M,P). Geoffrey Bridges, 50 Croham Park Avenue, South Croydon, Surrey CR2 7HL, UK; 081-688 1376 {rbec, port.orgn; M.res.W). Bridgewood A Neitzert, Ilex Works, 10 Northwold Road, Stoke Newington, London N16 7HR, UK; 071-249 9398 F Howard M.Brown, Dept of Music, University of Chicago, 5845 South Ellis Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637, USA (all instrs.iconogr, L,W). Antony Brummitt, Riverside Cottage, Crippas Hill, St Just, Penzance, Cornwall TR19 7RE, UK; 0736- 788472 (hpschd, spnet, clavchd; M,C,R). Pal Bue, AMK, 0stre Strandgt 17A N-4600 Kristiansand, Norway (ww, P,R,res; clamt, P). Geoffrey Burgess, c/o Music Department, Lincoln Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA (oboe, P; reeds, res). G.N.Burton, "Mar-y-mar", Minster Drive, Minster-in-Sheppey, Kent ME 12 2NG, UK; 0795-873485 (hpschd, clvchd, lute, recrdr, crrnhn, hrdy-g; M,P,L). Rod Cameron, POBox 438, Mendocino, CA 95460, USA (707) 937-0412 (trav, recrdr, curtl, bore-meas. machine; M). Gordon ACampbell, 11 Bellevue Park Road, Bellevue Hill, NSW 2023, Australia; (02) 389-4559 (vln, recrdr, M). Canadian Conservation Institute, Library/Bibliotheque, 1030 Innes Road, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0C8, Canada. Brian Carlick, Barn Cottage, Church Lane, Charlton on Otmoor, Oxford OX5 2UA, UK; Chariton on Otmoor 493 (gemshn, recrdr, tab.pp, trav, M,R; orgn, R). Simon Carlyle, Top Flat, 23 Marchmont Road, Edinburgh EH9 1HY, UK (early ww, sackbt, cmtt; P, coll). Tord Camemar, Rbdhakevagen 5A S-633 49 Eskilstuna, Sweden. John R.Catch, 'Wreyland', Broombarn Lane, Great Missenden, Bucks HP 16 9JD, UK; Gt.Missenden 2624 (gamba; M) Celesta, Tijdschrift voor Muziekinstrumentenbouw, Guido Gezellelaan 89, B-2670 Puurs, Belgium; 03/889.49.33. Simon Chadwick, Meadow End, Meadow Lane, Dudbridge, Stroud, Glos GL5 5JR, UK; Stroud 6883 (lute, M; recrdr, bar trav, P). John A Stephanie Chambers, 11 Henwoods Crescent, Pembury, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, UK; 089282- 2397 (all instrs; recrdr, Stephanie). Eric Chapman, Paravel, 5 Cohdn Close, Exmouth, Devon EX8 2HN, UK; Exmouth 266042 (keybds; M,R). David Chatterton, 238 Pinner Road, North Harrow, Middx HA1 4JV, UK; 081-427 4304 (fag, contrafag, crooks; M). Carlo Chiesa, Viale Certosa 45, 1-20149 Milano, Italy (vln; M,R). Roy AChiverton, Churchgate House, Church Street, Eckington, Pershore, Worcs WR10 3AN, UK; 0386-750961 (trav, rbec, M; Dutch transl, wind). S.Cingolani, Via Ressi 11, 1-20125 Milano, Italy. City of London Polytechnic, The Library, 41-71 Commercial Road, London El 1LA 071-247 1953. La Biblioteca, Civico Scuola di Liuteria del Commune di Milano, 1-20141 Milano, Via Noto 4, Italy, 02/57409945.
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