w GUIDE TO ABORIGINAL ORGANIZATIONS AND SERVICES IN ALBERTA March 2010 For additional copies of the Guide, please contact: Aboriginal Relations Communications Branch 19th Floor, Commerce Place 10155 – 102 Street Edmonton, Alberta T5J 4G8 Phone: 780-422-2462 Fax: 780-415-9548 Website: www.aboriginal.alberta.ca To call toll-free from anywhere in Alberta, dial 310-0000. To request that an organization be added or deleted or to update other information, please fill out the Guide Update Form included in the publication and send it to Aboriginal Relations. You may also complete and submit this form online. Go to www.aboriginal.alberta.ca and look under Resources for the correct link. This publication is also available online as a PDF document at www.aboriginal.alberta.ca. The Resources section of the website also provides links to other Ministry publications. ISBN 978-0-7785-9137-5 PRINT ISBN 978-0-7785-9138-2 WEB Introductory note Guide to Aboriginal Organizations and Services in Alberta is a listing of First Nation, Métis and Aboriginal organizations and services in Alberta. Also included are national and umbrella organizations with offices located elsewhere. The Guide is compiled and produced by the Ministry of Aboriginal Relations in order to provide contact information for Aboriginal organizations and services across the province. Listings are restricted to not-for-profit organizations and services. The information provided in the Guide is current at the time of printing. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information, listed organizations are encouraged to provide the Ministry with updated information as necessary. Not-for-profit organizations and service-providers that would like to be considered for listing are also encouraged to contact the Ministry. A Guide Update Form is provided for this purpose. PLEASE NOTE The print version of the Guide will be updated annually. The PDF (online) version of the Guide will be updated more frequently on an as-needed basis. page 2 t ABLe oF CONTENTS First Nations 3 Tribal/Regional Organizations 9 Métis Representative Groups 12 Métis Settlements 13 Community Associations 14 National/Umbrella Organizations 15 Provincial, Federal and Local Government 17 Agencies and Services Arts and Culture 21 Business and Economic Development 22 Communications and Media 25 Education 27 Employment Services 32 Family Services 34 Friendship Centres 36 Health, Healing and Social Services 39 Housing Services 42 Legal Services 43 Urban Organizations (also see Friendship Centres) 44 Women’s Organizations 45 Youth Organizations 46 Other Organizations 47 Alphabetical Index of Organizations 48 Guide Update Form 57 page 3 First nations Guide to Aboriginal organizations and Services ALeXAnder FIrSt nAtIon BeAVer FIrSt nAtIon P.O. Box 3419 P.O. Box 2700 Morinville, Alberta T8R 1S3 High Level, Alberta T0H 1Z0 Phone: 780-939-5887 Phone: 780-927-3544 Fax: 780-939-6166 Fax: 780-927-4064 Chief: Allan Paul Chief: Lorne Bulldog ALeXIS nAKotA SIouX nAtIon BeAVer LAKe cree nAtIon P.O. Box 7 P. O. Box 960 Glenevis, Alberta T0E 0X0 Lac La Biche, Alberta T0A 2C0 Phone: 780-967-2225 Phone: 780-623-4549 Fax: 780-967-5484 Fax: 780-623-4523 Web: www.alexisnakotasioux.com Web: www.beaverlakecreenation.com Chief: Cameron Alexis Chief: Alphonse Lameman AtHABAScA cHIPeWyAn BIGStone cree nAtIon FIrSt nAtIon P.O. Box 960 P.O. Box 366 Wabasca, Alberta T0G 2K0 Fort Chipewyan, Alberta T0P 1B0 Phone: 780-891-3836 Phone: 780-697-3730 Fax: 780-891-3942 Fax: 780-697-3500 Web: www.bigstone.ca Web: www.acfn.com Chief: Gordon Auger Chief: Allan Adam BLood trIBe BeArSPAW FIrSt nAtIon P.O. Box 60 P.O. Box 40 Stand Off, Alberta T0L 1Y0 Morley, Alberta T0L 1N0 Phone: 403-737-3753 Phone: 403-881-3770 Fax: 403-737-2336 Fax: 403-881-2676 Web: www.bloodtribe.org Web: www.stoneynation.com Chief: Charles Weaselhead Chief: David Bearspaw page 4 First nations (continued) Guide to Aboriginal organizations and Services cHInIKI FIrSt nAtIon drIFtPILe FIrSt nAtIon P.O. Box 40 Box 30 Morley, Alberta T0L 1N0 Driftpile, Alberta T0G 0V0 Phone: 403-881-3770 Phone: 780-355-3868 Fax: 403-881-2676 Fax: 780-355-3650 Web: www.chiniki.com Web: www.driftpilecreenation.com Chief: Bruce Labelle Chief: Rose Laboucan cHIPeWyAn PrAIrIe duncAn’S FIrSt nAtIon FIrSt nAtIon P.O. Box 148 General Delivery Brownvale, Alberta T0H 0L0 Chard, Alberta T0P 1G0 Phone: 780-597-3777 Phone: 780-559-2259 Fax: 780-597-3920 Fax: 780-559-2213 Chief: Donald Testawich Web: www.chipewyan.com Chief: Vern Janvier enocH cree nAtIon #440 P.O. Box 29 coLd LAKe FIrSt nAtIonS Enoch, Alberta T7X 3Y3 Box 1769 Phone: 780-470-4505 Cold Lake, Alberta T9M 1P4 Fax:780- 470-3380 Phone: 780-594-7183 Web: www.enochecdev.com Fax: 780-594-3577 Chief: Ronald Morin Web: www.clfns.com Chief: Walter Janvier erMIneSKIn trIBe P.O. Box 219 dene tHA’ FIrSt nAtIon Hobbema, Alberta T0C 1N0 P.O. Box 120 Phone: 780-585-3741 Chateh, Alberta T0H 0S0 Fax: 780-585-2550 Phone: 780-321-3775 Web: www.creegallery.com Fax: 780-321-3886 Chief: Gerald (Gerry) Ermineskin Web: www.denetha.ca Chief: James Ahnassay page 5 Guide to Aboriginal organizations and Services FORT McKAy FIrSt nAtIon HorSe LAKe FIrSt nAtIon P.O. Box 5360 P.O. Box 303 Fort McMurray, Alberta T9H 3G4 Hythe, Alberta T0H 2C0 Phone: 780-828-4220 Phone: 780-356-2248 Fax: 780-828-4680 Fax: 780-356-3666 Web: www.fortmckay.com Web: www.horselakefirstnation.com Chief: Jim Boucher Chief: Rick Horseman FORT McMurrAy #468 KAPAWe’no FIrSt nAtIon FIrSt nAtIon P.O. Box 10 P.O. Box 6130 Grouard, Alberta T0G 1C0 Fort McMurray, Alberta T9H 4W1 Phone: 780-751-3800 Phone: 780-334-2293 Fax: 780-751-3864 Fax: 780-334-2457 Web: www.kapaweno.homestead.com Web: www.atc97.org Chief: Frank T. Halcrow Chief: Albert Cree KeHeWIn cree nAtIon FroG LAKe FIrSt nAtIon Box 220 General Delivery Kehewin, Alberta T0A 1C0 Frog Lake, Alberta T0A 1M0 Phone: 780-826-3333 Phone: 780-943-3737 Fax: 780-826-2355 Fax: 780-943-2932 Chief: Ernest Gadwa Chief: Clifford Stanley LIttLe red rIVer cree nAtIon HeART LAKe FIrSt nAtIon P.O. Box 30 P.O. Box 447 John D’Or Prairie, Alberta T0H 3X0 Lac La Biche, Alberta T0A 2C0 Phone: 780-759-3912 Phone: 780-623-2130 Fax: 780-759-3780 Fax: 780-623-3505 Web: www.lrrcn.ab.ca Chief: Morris Monias Chief: Gus Loonskin page 6 First nations (continued) Guide to Aboriginal organizations and Services Loon rIVer FIrSt nAtIon MontAnA FIrSt nAtIon P.O. Box 189 P.O. Box 70 Red Earth Creek, Alberta T0G 1X0 Hobbema, Alberta T0C 1N0 Phone:780-649-3883 Phone: 780-585-3744 Fax: 780-649-3873 Fax: 780-585-3264 Web: www.montanafirstnation.com Chief: Arthur Noskey Chief: Carolyn Buffalo LouIS BuLL trIBe o’cHIeSe FIrSt nAtIon P.O. Box 130 Hobbema, Alberta T0C 1N0 P.O. Box 1570 Rocky Mountain House, Alberta T4T 1B2 Phone:780-585-3978 Fax: 780-585-3799 Phone: 403-989-3943 Web: www.louisbulltribe.ca Fax: 403-989-3795 Web: www.ochiese.com Chief: Rusty Threefingers Chief: Darren Whitford LuBIcon LAKe BAnd PAuL FIrSt nAtIon P.O. Box 6731 Peace River, Alberta T8S 1S5 P.O. Box 89 Duffield, Alberta T0E 0N0 Phone: 780-629-3945 Fax: 780-629-3939 Phone: 780-892-2691 Fax: 780-892-3402 Chief: Bernard A. Ominayak Web: www.paulfirstnation.com MIKISeW cree FIrSt nAtIon Chief: Daniel Paul Allison Bay Indian Reserve #219 PIIKAnI nAtIon P.O. Box 90 P.O. Box 70 Fort Chipewyan, Alberta T0P 1B0 Brocket, Alberta T0K 0H0 Phone: 780-697-3740 Phone: 403-965-3940 Fax: 780-697-3826 Web: www.mikisew.org Fax: 403-965-2214 Chief: Roxanne Marcel Chief: Reg Crowshoe page 7 Guide to Aboriginal organizations and Services SAddLe LAKe FIrSt nAtIon SMItH’S LAndInG FIrSt nAtIon P.O. Box 100 P.O. Box 1470 Saddle Lake, Alberta T0A 3T0 Fort Smith, Northwest Territories X0E 0P0 Phone: 780-726-3829 Phone: 867-872-4950 Fax: 780-726-3788 Fax: 867-872-5154 Web: www.saddlelake.com Chief: Fred Daniels Chief: Eddy Makokis SturGeon LAKe cree nAtIon SAMSon cree nAtIon P.O. Box 757 P.O. Box 159 Valleyview, Alberta T0H 3N0 Hobbema, Alberta T0C 1N0 Phone: 780-524-3307 Phone: 780-421-4926 Fax: 780-524-2711 Toll-free: 1-800-661-2579 Chief: David R. Kappo Fax: 780-585-2700 Web: www.samsoncree.com SucKer creeK FIrSt nAtIon Chief: Marvin Yellowbird P.O. Box 65 Enilda, Alberta T0G 0W0 SAWrIdGe FIrSt nAtIon Phone: 780-523-4426 P.O. Box 326 Fax: 780-523-3111 Slave Lake, Alberta T0G 2A0 Web: www.suckercreekfirstnation.ca Phone: 780-849-4331 Chief: Jim Badger Fax: 780-849-3446 Chief: Roland Twinn SuncHILd FIrSt nAtIon P.O. Box 747 SIKSIKA nAtIon Rocky Mountain House, Alberta T4T 1A5 P.O. Box 1100 Phone: 403-989-3740 Siksika, Alberta T0J 3W0 Fax: 403-989-2533 Phone: 403-264-7250 Chief: James Frencheater Fax: 403-734-5110 Web: www.siksikanation.com Chief: Leroy Good Eagle page 8 First nations (continued) Guide to Aboriginal organizations and Services SWAn rIVer FIrSt nAtIon WHIteFISH (GoodFISH) LAKe FIrSt nAtIon P.O. Box 270 Kinuso, Alberta T0G 1K0 P.O. Box 271 Goodfish Lake, Alberta T0A 1R0 Phone: 780-775-3536 Fax: 780-775-3796 Phone: 780-636-7000 Fax: 780-636-3534 Chief: Leon Chalifoux Web: www.wfl128.ca tALLcree FIrSt nAtIon Chief: James Jackson Jr. P.O. Box 100 WHIteFISH LAKe FIrSt nAtIon Fort Vermilion, Alberta T0H 1N0 General Delivery Phone: 780-927-3727 Atikameg, Alberta T0G 0C0 Fax: 780-927-4375 Phone: 780-767-3914 Chief: Rupert Meneen Fax: 780-767-3922 tSuu t’InA nAtIon Chief: Clifford Laboucan 200, 9911 Chiila Blvd WoodLAnd cree FIrSt nAtIon Tsuu T’ina, Alberta T2W 6H6 General Delivery Phone: 403-281-4455 Cadotte Lake, Alberta T0H 0N0 Fax: 403-251-6061 Web: www.tsuutina.ca Phone: 780-629-3803 Toll-free: 1-800-465-8029 Chief: Sandford Big Plume Fax: 780-629-3898 WeSLey FIrSt nAtIon Chief: Joe Whitehead Jr.
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