University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 4-26-1918 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 04-26-1918 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_mj_news Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 04-26-1918." (1918). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ abq_mj_news/305 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Million Mark (Attend the Flag Raising at Robinson Park Today, Then Help Boost Our Subscription Over the CITY CITY . OURNAJL EDITION EDITION ALBUQUE Carrier or Mail. "Or a Month Daily by , THIKTV-MX- Tll YF.AK. New Mexico, Friday, April 26, 1918. Single CXipU-x- SO VOL. CLY1II. No. 2. Albuquerque, V I I v- .- ARE FROM UNITS T DOUBLE SEND US U THE GERMAN DRIVE BUILD LS FIGHTING BESIDE DEVELOPS INTO WE WILL WlrJ WAR FRENCH. BRITISH AWFU L STRUGGLE E. DE BILL! TO DEFEAT HUS 'Australian and Tide of Battle Is Surging Back Deputy French High Commis- English Troops As " f;4 Have Villers- -' Decis- Back From v and Forth, With Final sioner Just it c i, Y to ion Still in Balance, Accord- France, Brings Cheering Bretonneux, According Field Marshal Haig's Report ing to Reports, , Message to America, ' ' , - . I if?" ,1 v. AT. OTHER POINTS THE AMERICAN WOUNDED ARE (FRENCH THINK HIGHLY j ALLIES RETREAT SOME BEING BROUGHT TO REAR OF AMERICAN SOLDIERS', - Between Four and Six Divis- Only Slight Advances Have; Gen. Pershing Putting Sam- ions of Germans Are Used Been Made Along Two! mies at Command ot ben, in Delivering an Attack on a Fronts; Amiens Is Center of Foch to Fight! Front Only Seven Miles, Most Vicious Attack, Touched Frenchmen's Heart j WIRS1 fRV MOHNIN JOURNAL RPCCIAL LCARCO Winil MORNINO JOURNAL SPECIAL LtASIO (V $ The CScrman in April 23. "Send 4 great double drive, Washington, MANYl4$3$44'tA.MKHKWXS WOVXD- - once us men its you can: the Somme and Armcntleres sectors, ut niiinv ED. has build as many ships us your sbip-ynrd- ii which began Wednesday morning, ran turn mil. anil wis will, into a terrific The PuriH, April J5. American developed struggle. nil together, win tint war." soldiers to fro com- wounded in the great tide of battle has surged and Edouard De Billy, deputy high butMn which miu. i halntr wntaii A during the lust two days, with tht missioner, Just back from France, suit! are nlrerulv at th rear. decision still In the balance. today was the message he brought to American wounded and sick to the American from the front the The Rritteh, having been forced people number of 128 huvo reached as well as morally, M. De 20. hock out Vlilera - Materially hospital No. ot Bretonneux, ISilly Halc'u the French army is in They are from units engaged launched a counter-attac- k and swept splendid condition and the long war, In fighting Hide by Hide with the Hermans back almost to the lines with its great losses amt trying per-iod- s, French and British In stemming I ho which were laid before the present has affected neither quality. German advance. to tell ho wild, - fighting began.. "I want, ynu." P&-n.- r , ' tC' 1 "wlia1: a liiah opinion all the lA- I'iJiC &tt The French have been driven back French officers who have seen y?'-- V' out of Hangard-Bn-Santcrr- e, but are your liovs In the trenches, have men Hospital Ko. 25 is one of the new holding their positions close by, while expressed of the Aincrlean institution on or un poldieiti. '. " established behind the the line southwest Ypre the 1'ne as it- - stood before the aHle Hrltlhh have, been compelled to with- "I heard this unanimous praise recent In s - stopped the German drive draw slightly before furious attack from the eotnminic-rr- f onr arm- ." I'icardy. along the , Continued on Page Two.) Few of the American remained at line. the hospital very ions, being taken Mini? Wounded Amcrk'anfl. further to the rear. , Wounded Americans are arriving at Sixteen girl students of Smith col-le- a hospital behind the French line in LIBERTY DAY TO are working In dajr and night the Homme sector, showing that Gen- shifts at this point and are' operating eral Pershing's men are bearing their a canteen at the rail- share of the burden of the great bat- road station for the soldtora coming tle. through on the hospital trains. BE CELEBRATED Mrs. Clark, the Mlsne Justice, Bro-gn- n Notwithstanding the frantic prep- and arations made the a Scott, and M, U RalthlB and by Germans fr K. W, Lowrey of the American Ilert continuance of their drive toward four ehildren of five four, and one and a hair, Cross "Mr and Mrs Vlnot were hi.lden In ihelr eilh.r vvitli nnolher w.hllei's v.lfe, and her fleven. - have rendered notable service nt Amiens and the extreme violence of iiim- thu hospital. i the fighting, their gains thus far in THROUGHOUT U.S. The iiini the that region have been very small. VII ffi..inl of Gcriiinii airiM'lllcM at SonmifllU .Meuse, Sept. , 1N.' Along the line from Albert south a.iimiit HAS 11KKV HKCAITl'itKD to Castel, except at Hangardi-En-San-terr- e, the German assaults have been Indon, April 25. Australian hurled back by the allied forces, to Reach and English troops have recaptured which are on Expect Subscriptions Aanderbllt. Villers-llretonneu- x strongly posted the high- Committee for the Ueltef of Disabled French Soldiers by Colonel Cornelius and .take more j er ground to wh.eh they retired dur- 2 Billion Mark Tonight, Spe- than 600 prisoners In that region. , ing the last days of the German drive Field Marshal Halg report from in Plcardy. cial Effort to Get Com- American Soldier headquarters tonight. f Many Divisions Used. Give Me Further to the north on a line Liberty, INDICT from Hailleul It Is unofficially reorted that four plete Returns, E ASIAN CASE Is Buried 3 to Wytschaete there ( 48,-00- have been very und to six Gorman divisions, or from 0 Or Give Me Death," Days heavy fighting to 72,000 men have been hurled Crawls to Surface the allied troops were obliged to at the British ,aV MORNINC JOURNAL SPtCIAL HAStO WIRtl Tom withdraw from their positions. and French lines near Says Mooney The stntement Ypres. April 25. Liberty day says: Washington, 1RV MOININft JOURNAL RPCCAL LlARSO WIRIt 'The and British The retirement of the British in thU will be celebrated tomorrow by the TO JURY AFTER PAT French posit loin (RY MORNtNf JOURNAL RPtCAL LIAKS W,R1 With the American In from north of Hailleul to of sector must have been small, for there nation with patriotic demonstrations Army cast' in and town to Kan Francisro, Calif.. April 25. France, April 25 (by the Asso- Wytschaete have been heavily attack- are no great gains reported by Berlin practically every city convicted of ed all was of so speed the sale of Liberty Bonds. Thomas J. Mooney, first ciated Press). Further details day. There fighting far. It was rumored, Thursday that in connection with tho on the whole of this Mont Subscriptions by tomorrow night degree murdr LYNCHING BEE received at of the great severity Kemmel, a dominating -- heudiiunrters In height are exnected to be well above $2,000, WEEK 0 TRIA L preparedness parade bomb explosion front, particularly the neighbor- north of Wulverghem, had been taken " eiiStti?cment around Seleheprev hood of Kemmel Vter- - 000,000, or two-thir- of the mini- here In 111 10, who Is to appear In court Dranoutre, and by the enemy but this has not been be to death show that the American troops straat. confirmed. mum total. tomorrow to ot In will be a from his cell were outnumbered, In some in- "In the course repeated attack big cities special efforts today issued statement counter-attack- That only slight gains have been to bo no and s the allied troops made to get banks and corporations in which he asked that there IRf MORN1MR JOURNAL SPtC'AL LIARKO W,RI stances eight to one. made anywhere along the two fronts here- JOURNAL rPECAL LIARBO WIRJ have been compelled to withdraw turn In their pledges, held back (V MORdirta commutation ut his sentence to life HI., jiS. Indict More of tho American wound- wnicn have been subjected to attack rea- HdwardiTllle, April from the position they held this tofore for a multtude of business New York, April i'Ut that he he either were returned late today were found one of is proof that the allies are East-man'an- d Imprisonment mints ed today, morning, and the fighting continue. prepared sons, and local campaign committees of the or innocence of Max a new trial. s'xtoen by the . to defend their In last guilt hanged or granted airaitist poisons grand was buried alive for three "South of the Somme several coun- positions. the sent word that the day's gales associates of complici Is be whom throe weeks the Germans have hur tonight three "I understand that, an effort jury which investigated the lynching over terattacks launched by Australian would break records for or tne - 5 at days ami bad been trampled ried up cannon to Somme undoubtedly ty to balk operations military made to have my sentence com- on April of Robert I'aul Frauer troop last night heavy the the t- t ing when be had crawl- and English against campaign.
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