University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School Penn Law: Legal Scholarship Repository Comparative Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation Select Seminar Papers Spring 2016 The Manner in Which Corporate Law and Financial Regulations Are Made Supawich Sirikanchana University of Pennsylvania Sharareh Zand Goethe University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarship.law.upenn.edu/fisch_2016 Part of the Administrative Law Commons, Business Law, Public Responsibility, and Ethics Commons, Business Organizations Law Commons, Comparative and Foreign Law Commons, and the European Law Commons Repository Citation Sirikanchana, Supawich and Zand, Sharareh, "The Manner in Which Corporate Law and Financial Regulations Are Made" (2016). Comparative Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation. 6. https://scholarship.law.upenn.edu/fisch_2016/6 This Seminar Paper is brought to you for free and open access by the Select Seminar Papers at Penn Law: Legal Scholarship Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Comparative Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation by an authorized administrator of Penn Law: Legal Scholarship Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. GLOBAL RESEARCH SEMINAR ON COMPARATIVE CORPORATE GOVERNA NC E The Manner in which Corporate Law and Financial Regulations are made present to Prof. Brigitte Haar (Goethe-University) Prof. Jill E. Fisch (Penn Law School) written by Sharareh Zand (Goethe-University) Supawich Sirikanchana (Penn Law School) TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS IV LIST OF LITERATURE VI A. Introduction 1 B. The manner in which corporate law is made in Germany 1 I. An introduction to German corporate law 2 II. Historical Development of German corporate law 3 1. The origins of German corporate law 3 2. Corporate Law in the time of German liberalism 3 3. The 20th century: dissociation from codifications 4 4. Corporate law (on its way) in the 21st century 6 III. Europeanization of German corporate law 7 1. Daily Mail 8 2. Centros 8 3. Überseering 9 4. Inspire Art 9 5. Range and meaning of the decisions of the EuGH 10 6. Further endeavours towards Europeanization: Societas Europaea 11 IV. Corporate Governance in Germany 12 1. “Legal” basis: The German Corporate Governance Codex 13 2. Section 161 of the AktG 14 3. Structure of the DCGK 14 4. Legal nature of the DCGK or “comply or explain” 15 5. The DCGK under German constitutional law 17 V. Conclusion 17 II C. The manner in which corporate law and financial regulations are made in the US 19 I. The U.S. Corporate Governance Structure 19 1. State Law 19 2. The Idea behind State Law 23 3. Federal Statute 25 a) Managerial Capitalism Era 26 b) Investor Capitalism Era 28 c) Executive Defense and the Ideology of Shareholder Value Era 29 d) The Public Company Accounting Reform and Investor Protectism Act of 2002 (The Sarbanes-Oxley Act) 30 e) The Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010 33 4. The Idea behind Federal Statute 36 5. Conclusion 38 D. Comparative Part 40 I. Legal Practice of Corporate Governance in the U.S. and Germany 40 1. How Corporate Governance is Made in the U.S. 40 2. How Corporate Governance is Made in Germany 41 3. The shareholder approach in the context of U.S. law principles 43 a) Shareholder Primacy Regime 43 b) Dispersed Share Ownership 45 c) Mandatory disclosure regime 47 4. The stakeholder approach 49 II. Harmonization 50 1. On a global level 50 2. On EU level 53 a) Approximation of national corporate laws 53 III b) New supranational legal forms 53 c) Control by the EuGH 53 III. Conclusion 54 IV LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS §(§) section(s) AEUV Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union AktG Stock Corporation Act AG Stock company AT Official section B-Corp Benefit Corporation BGB German Civil Code BGBL Federal Law Gazette CEO Chief Executive Officer Cf. compare DCGK German Corporate Governance Code DGCL Delaware General Corporation Law DNotZ German Notary Journal Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act DRC Democratic Republic of Congo CSR Corporate Social Responsibility e.g. for example eBAnz Elektronischer Bundesanzeiger EC Treaty establishing the European Economic Community ECMH Efficient Capital Market Hypothesis ESOP Employee Stock Option Plan et seq(q). and the following(s) EuGH European Court of Justice F(f). 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