Redhorn A magazine forthecommunities of Chirton, Conock,Lydeway, Marden, Patney, Stert,Urchfont, Wedhampton July 2020 and Wilsford £1 1 Redhorn Cover Picture Dear Readers, “God who is our rock, In these �mes of confinement our fortress and our hope.” to the house I looked around I write on behalf of the Management Commi�ee to welcome everyone to the garden for inspira�on the July edi�on of Redhorn News. We wish to apologise to any of our ......... many loyal supporters who have been unable to access the online edi�ons I no�ced that on most produced in May and June. We now feel that the current improving Have you ever read the ‘The Hiding In May 2020 ‘The UK Blessing’ song evenings a wood pigeon would situa�on regarding the control of the virus means that we can now return land on the top of the remains to having the usual printed copies. Place’ by Corrie ten Boom? She was was released on Youtube it has people of our eight feet tall Mountain born into a Chris�an family who were from 65 churches across the na�on Ash tree which had to be cut We wish to thank all of you who have con�nued to support the magazine down last year due to honey clock and watch makers in Amsterdam. singing the blessing found in Numbers in any way. It was been very good to have s�ll received such quality fungus. photographs and interes�ng copy for inclusion in the magazine. It has also During World War Two their home 6: 24 -26: The Lord bless you and keep This would been very encouraging for us to have received so many kind comments sheltered Jews and resistance fighters you; The Lord make his face shine on make a nice rela�ng to the May and June issues. It is also very pleasing that so many of who sought protec�on. In their home you and be gracious to you; The Lord cover picture you have told us that you are willing to resume delivering printed copies. I thought if We thank you for your effort and commitment, whilst also being very they built a room to shelter them and turn his face towards you and give you the ligh�ng grateful to all new volunteers who have agreed to stand in and deliver for they called it the hiding place. peace. What a beau�ful prayer of was right, so those who are more vulnerable and unable to deliver, at present. facing a new challenge. We have a�er a few Eventually a Dutch informer led the blessing to be prayed across the UK at days at Gestapo to their home and they were this �me of con�nued crisis. It has had quickly learnt the norms of social a�emp�ng I Financing our monthly publica�on not only relies on individual distancing whilst helping each other. managed it. subscribers. We also acknowledge the tremendous long-standing support arrested and Corrie and her sister were enormous impact it’s been viewed over that Redhorn News has received from Urchfont, Wedhampton and sent to Ravensbrook concentra�on 3.2 million �mes in just a short few It’s been very heartening to see the Pigeons are Lydeway Parish Council, Chirton & Conock Parish Council, Urchfont not the camp. Despite the hideous condi�ons weeks. Even our Prime Minster has growth in neighbourliness during this Scarecrows Fes�val and Urchfont Community Bus, as well as the other easiest as clubs, groups and individuals who send in dona�ons to help with in the camp Corrie and Betsie led wri�en a le�er of thanks to Tim �me. they don’t stay s�ll, and produc�on costs. worship and bible study with the Hughes the Worship leader who As more changes are happening and fly off if they women who they were incarcerated organised and arranged it. Boris see any Equally deserving a men�on are our adver�sers. The adver�sing year uncertainty grows around the best with. Such was their faith that Betsie Johnson said: "At a �me when our movement. begins each July and, in spite of the many difficul�es caused by the ways forward, whichever way forward The picture pandemic, many adver�sers have already paid to renew for 2020/21. We even thanked God for the flea churches are closed, I am filled with was taken through the window using a we go, we can go in the strength of thank them for their support and request that any who have not yet infesta�on as it meant the guards kept admira�on to hear how you have used telephoto lens. Brian Taylor indicated whether they wish to con�nue get in touch to make us aware of God who is our rock, our fortress and well away. Betsie sadly never le� the power of music to bring together their inten�ons. We do realise that many local businesses will have our hope. suffered in recent �mes and some may have made the difficult decision to Ravensbrook, but Corrie was released, Chris�ans of all denomina�ons from cease trading. If this is the case for any of our adver�sers, we wish to take though only due to an administra�ve across our United Kingdom. Your As we mourn those who have died, let From the Parish Records....................... this opportunity to express our regret that you have found yourselves in error. sensa�onal singing masterpiece 'The us con�nue to work together to this unfortunate situa�on. Please know that we very grateful for the UK Blessing' is truly upli�ing and has Funerals – we pray for the families of: support that you have given Redhorn News and wish you well in these con�nue to minimize the risk. Some of difficult �mes for so many people. Corrie’s incredible steadfast faith facing st touched millions around the world with us are experiencing the biggest break Margaret Ann Stone Chirton 21 May such huge adversity has always had a th its message of hope and its beauty. from normal rou�ne in living memory. Mary Margaret Oliver Urchfont 9 June Producing is very much a team effort and we are proud to serve our local significant impact upon me. She th communi�es. We end by thanking everyone who contributes and request Let us all con�nue to encourage one Eric George Gay All Cannings 18 June ques�oned angrily at �mes, but her As churches we have been finding new that our readers consider using the services of the many local businesses another as we con�nue to face levels who adver�se in the pages of Redhorn News. They all help to make our faith in God remained absolute. She and crea�ve ways of keeping of social distancing unheard of un�l area the kind of special place it is and that we hope it will remain in �mes wrote ‘When a train goes through a connected, keeping our faith strong this year. Let us look forward to those to come. tunnel and it gets dark, you don’t and steadfast. We should never days when we once again can meet THANK YOU throw away the �cket and jump off. underes�mate the power of prayer and freely with our friends and family and Paul Scarffe, Treasurer you sit s�ll and trust the engineer.’ music; it can be a very emo�ve and worship in our churches once more. Such was her trust in God. Corrie spent potent way of enabling God’s words to the rest of her life talking of forgiveness enter the depth of our hearts and St. Paul through all his troubles in life and her trust in the love of God to all minds. It can help us to remember the said ‘ I am convinced that neither she met, even to her prison guard. faithfulness of God. death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, Her book is inspira�onal and deeply At this �me of year, we o�en hear of nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor challenging. If you’ve not read it, I people expressing their hopes for a anything else in all crea�on, will be commend it to you. When life throws summer holiday, a break from normal able to separate us from the love of us something unexpected and hard rou�ne and travelling to places near God in Christ Jesus our Lord’ Romans 8: where do we find our strength and our and far. Our plans for this year may be 38 -39. hope? Corrie concludes ‘Never be in shreds, travel to far flung places on afraid to trust an unknown future to a hold, churches are in the early stages of May you receive comfort of knowing known God’. Those words could be considering how to reopen, public that you are loved and treasured by wri�en today as we face much worship is currently online in various our Lord today and every day. uncertainty about our futures and how ways. But we are seeing and have our world will look when we emerge witnessed how crea�ve people can be from this pandemic. Revd Joanna Porter 2 3 Poetry please MARDENMARDEN VILL VILLAGEAGE NEWS NEWS Katherine Wale and Bob Pirie have sent in a poem for us this month. Bob con�nues........”No disrespect intended to the author of ‘High Co-incidentally they have chosen the same poem!“High Flight”, by Flight’, but on a lighter note here is a Limerick I wrote early in the Pilot Officer John Gillespie Magee.
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