COOLU M DONALD JAMES C O LST O N B.AppSc-Surv(with Dn) CS CPP CONSULTI N G SURVEYO R CERTIF I ED P R ACTISI N G PLAN N ER Wednesday 19 December 2007 07042 - Short D S aroochy Shire Counci l The Chief Executive Officer Maroochy Shire Council 2 1 DEC 7007 PO Box 76 NAMBOUR QLD 456 0 n c^ {4 n r ,n rl{ G Attention : Mr Tim Simo n Dear Tim RE : COMPLETION of PUBLIC NOTIFICATION NOTICE of COMPLIA NCE MSC REF M0007/0085 Lot 127 on RP8924 8 66 Cinnamon Avenue Coolum Beach We are pleased to provide below the Notice of Compliance relevant to the above Impact Assessable application . Please process the application such that a Decision Notice may be received as soon as possible . Thank you . As soon as it is received, we will provide the REC Conditions to Chris Morris MSC against Ref: OPW07/0348, to allow completion of the Decision Notice for Operational Works . NOTICE OF CO MPLIANCE I , Donald James Colston , Consulting Surveyor Town Planner , hereby give notice that notification in respect of Development Application M0007/0085 at 66 Cinnamon Avenue , Coolum Beach has been carried out in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 3 Part 4 of the Integrated Planning Act (IPA) and regulations thereunder . Page 1 of 2 ---- ~ no Yandi na Coolum Road ABN : 68 935 853 076 Phone : 07 5471 7 144 Fax : Cnr Yungar Street PO Box 500 07 5471 7133 CPP Coolum Beach Coolum Beach Mobile: 0407 76i 369 Queensland Quee nsland 4573 email: cccpl@bigpond .com Page 2 of 2 Advertising period commenced the morning of Wednesday 28 November 2007 and concluded on the afternoon of Tuesday 18 December 2007, there being 15 clear working days during the advertising period . The last day for receipt of objections was Tuesday 18 December 2007 . Advertising was carried out by: placing an advertisement in the Sunshine Coast Daily on Tuesday 27 November 2007 , copy enclose d registered mail to adjoining owners on Friday 23 November 2 0 07 , receipts enclosed sign erected on Cinnamon Avenue entrance on Tuesday 27 November 2007, photos enclosed sign dismantled on Wednesday 19 December 2007, photos enclosed . Donald James Colston Date CONSULTING SURVEYOR TOWN PLANNER ~c u C ~ o x rn o v O - 0 C 5 . ro Q O ~ a G ~ a c ~ "D V fn m b O y fl1 ❑ ❑ ❑ `~° m m m Cn y DONALD JAMES COLSTO N o CONSULTING SURVEYOR CERTIFIED PRACTISING PLANNER Friday 23 November 200 7 07042 Short - WW - m~a 3 M ~ m ~ CD Mr RD and M rs C Woods ~ z . M 64 Cinnamon Avenue °'~..G.) W q CD COOLUM BEACH QLD 4573 3 p ~y 0) CD ~ < C O ~ 0 • Dear Mr and Mrs Woods N o M 3 Q- ;• y. RE : PUBLI C NOTICE OF DEVELOPMENT APPLI ( ~ i~: :3 Q• ► DANC1 C n = Pursuant to Part 3 of the Integrated Planning Act 1997 ; ~ F which requires Impact Assessment, has been lodged i o cn o y respect of land which adjoins your land . 5. o O 0 ~ a , CD Cr (A In accordance with the provisions of Section 3 .4.4 of II ( n CL CD Public Notice . The application Notification period begins Tues day 27 w CD Tuesday 18 December 2007. Submissions may be n CD during the Notification period . ~.o ~ . o ~J o,rt, C 02. Yours sincerely 0 ~ N N o u .y v . Q ) ti's, _ - k O <D Donald James Colston B .aPPSc-su~(W itn Dn) CS cPp CONSULTING CADASTRAL SURVEYOR CERTIFIED PRACTISING PLANNE R Agent for Applican t VV AS P-ST~ -Z 1 1 -~7 Encl . Public Notice of Development Application eci 3 - - - (~oo Lu F-1 t~'o ST O F F ~ C~ f7.A 'ice S'C ' AMP ~nJcoQ,f,~cT . R i o Yandina Coolum Road ABN; 68 935 853 076 Phone: 07 5471 7144 Cnr Yunga r Street PO Bo x 500 Fax: 075471 7133 Coolum Beach Coolum Bea ch Mobile : 0407761369 Queensland Qu eensland 4573 email: cccpl @bigpand.com Tuesday, November 27, 2007 Sunshine Coast Daily PAGE 39 a O advertisers 1300 136 18 1 e m advertisers 1300 967 500 CL ARKE Form 7 Audr ey May Jam es Fre deri c k Integrated Planning Act 1997 Of Buderim formerly Eumundi . Passed away peacefully Of Wurtulla . Passed away peacefully on the 25th Cutest PUBLIC NOTICE OF November, 2007 . at home 25th November, 2007. Aged 77 Years . DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION Aged 87 Y e ars Dearly Loved Husband of Zeta, A loved Fath er, Grandfather and Great Grandfather . Planni ng Sc hem e for C al oundra C ity Co uncil Dearly beloved Wife of Tom (deed) . Loved Mother of Family and Friends are invited to attend Jims Funeral ppsal : Application for reconfiguring o f Jennifer, Rosemarie and Roy (deed) . Loving Nan to Service to be held in the St Mary's Catholic Church, 2 RP1 85247 into ten (10) lots Denise, Heidi . Stewart, Michelle and Sally, and Great- common property (Impact) nan to Trinity and Sunny . King Si, Buderim on Wednesday, 28th November 2007, commencing at 1 p .m . Hica nt Mr P Erdman n Relatives and Friends of Audrey are invited to attend Critter La nd at: 37 Centenary Drive, Mal her Funeral Service, to be held in the Gregson & Weight ~siv . ataT7 described as Lot 2 RP 185247 Chapel . 5 Gregson Place, Caloundra, TOMORROW iGlroochYdo+a w ar•. 5443 N1153 X. Wednesday, 28th November, 2007, at t I :00 a .m. TER MS AND CONDITIO NS e application can be vie wed at: Caloundra No flowers by request. incll, 1 Omrah Avenue, CALOUNDRA OLD 4551 . In lieu of flowers, donations to Old Cance w • Information on h ow to enter and priz es forth part of th ese te rms and r Fund ould conditwns . • A ll prizes no t transferable or redee mabl e for cash . • Entry is be appreciated . open to at cua twn ere w ho place and p a y for a pFroto spac e for th e ir p et in the West Cnreonaz Crin er feature to ap pear in your local clilissifi ecls' I. .SC?nf h f w in g pap r 4551 . y, faakwndn ~Yi EiT 50917559 11. on Saturday 151 December 2007 in the ollo R PN daily n ews e s : :• : Mackay Daily Mercury. Rock hampt o n Morning Bulletin, Gladstone Ob serv er, Buntl aCe rg N eva -M all, Frase r Coast Chronicle . Sunshine Coa st Notthern Star. Twe e d Dai N News, Co HS Coast Advocate, Grafton Daily'Daily Ex amine r, Toowoo m Ce Chro nicl e, Qu eensland Ti mes, Warwick O BHy News; $ pymp'ie Times. • Cost to pla ce a plgt0 in the Ie ai is 520 including GST and includes photo and copy in a module approximately Szt clastifipda. Deadline for bookings and supplying photos is strictly :o Form 7 ' Gert ru de Eilee n (Ju d y) Spn Tuesday 17M December 2007 . • P hot os must be supplied a s a jpg Of Ozcare Aged Care and Elonora Street, Currimurdi . fil e vi a email. Hard copies cannot be acc e pted a t local n ewspaper sit es . Integrated Planning Act 1997 . Passed away peacefully on the 24th November, 200^ Important Notice Pho tos t a ken on "'bile phon es may not be suitable for publ wat gn PUB LIC NOTIC E OF e t can be p laced in the feature, howev er prizes are online Critter Any p DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIO N Aged 75 Year s Cottage gift wutners who stock uniquo dog and rat products only . The Dearly beloved Wife of John, much loved Mother of CHANGES TO NOTICES winners will be determined by public phon e and sms poNs One (1) winn er P la ning Sche me for Maroochy Sh ire Council Anthony, Julia and Anne. Loving Nan of Portia ri will be deter m ined for eac h of the fourteen (1 a ) da ily n ews papers . T he . d Norm entry w ith the most com bin ed phone and sms votes at each n ewspape r P ro posal: Application for reconfiguration of a DEADLIN E wlll be determined the winner for tha t newspaper A tot al of fourteen (1 4 ) lot (to create 11 additional lots and Family and Friends of Judy are invited to attend 1,u meth prizes will be awarded .- Voting lim a open Saturday 15th December common property) . Funeral Service, to be held in the Federation Chapel at 200781 12 .01 ani ASS T and close on SaWi uey 22nd December 2007 a t Appli cant : HWHG & H Rechli n Ozcare, 28 Saffron Drive, Cummundi, TOMORRONV Deadlines Monday to Thursday 11 .59pm ASST. • Phone or sons vote s cost 55 c e ach (may be hgher from On Land at : 21 Box Street, Buderim being Wednesday, 28th November, 2007, at 11 :00 a.m . „nob" and pay phones) and customers may vote as many timm as they Deadline for ads taken by phone 5 like . • Phone and 5 M5 voting lines are etlministe retl by Dialect Inte ra ctive . Property No . 6836 - Lot 3 RP27982 To be followed by a private interment . :00pm • Fourt n (1 4 1 voting can ne rs will be randomly drawn fro m all vote s for next days publicatio n ee The app lication can b e viewed o nl ine at received t o ea ch win a voting pize.
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