Bucks county community college The week of November 18, 2011 Bucks-news.com Volume: 48 Issue: 7 president James linksz to step down next year By: Melissa FleishMan, large accomplishments during Michael BercheM and his time at the college, includ- dan perez ing the addition of the Lower Centurion Staff and upper bucks campuses, on nov. 11, bucks President and the renovation of the Dr. James Linksz announced newtown campus. that he will retire in 2012 after before coming to bucks, Dr. James J. Linksz in his office on campus. Photo by Joshua m. rosenau serving the college for nearly Linksz held positions at other “there were lots of exciting over $10 million. these tech- sure on the students,” he said. 20 years. schools. he was the founding things that these community nology advancements include “We go out to the community Linksz, who has been at the dean at rappahannock college organizations were updating campus infrastruc- to try and raise money for school since July of 1992, Community College before doing in terms of working ture and buildings like the these scholarships while oth- made the announcement at the serving as a dean and profes- with people in their commu- 1996 opening of a new music ers are asking for those same school’s board of trustees sor of art at Catonsville nities and people in various building, the Gateway dollars.” meeting at the Lower bucks Community College in stages of their lives,” he said. Center’s creation in 1999 and Following his retirement Campus in bristol. maryland. the journey at bucks has the opening of the Wellness announcement, Linksz indi- “When I came to bCCC, I Linksz also was the been one filled with accom- Center in 2002. cated that he is unsure of his didn’t anticipate a 20-year President of the Pennsylvania plishments and progress, the With bucks now facing next step in life. presidency with as many Commission for Community president said. budget and funding problems, “I haven’t the slightest opportunities as we have been Colleges, and chair of the “When I came to the college Linksz said the biggest prob- idea,” he said. “I don’t really fortunate to enjoy,” he said. “I Council of Community in 1992, the faculty was lem is how these issues will have a specific plan, but I will am pleased to have had the College Presidents, and threatening to strike, the board continue to affect students in not be sitting home watching active support of the board of founding chairman of the of trustees was in disarray, the the coming years. soap operas. no Jerry trustees during this period.” Pennsylvania Virtual college was in a financial “the biggest worry I have is springer.” When asked why he was Community College deficit, it hadn’t built a build- not the tuition increases, but his wife, Donna, recently retiring next year Linksz said Coordinating board. ing in 20 years, and I think a that other sources of revenue retired as the dean of mathe- he thinks it’s the appropriate he received his bachelor’s majority of those things have are going to climb and there matics, science, engineering time. degree at Dartmouth College been attended to,” Linksz will be more pressure put on and computer science at “It just seems like a good before attaining his master’s said. “I think we were also students,” Linksz told the Catonsville. they have three time,” he said. “the college is and doctoral degrees at able to start efforts in utilizing Centurion. children who are in graduate in good shape and I knew I Columbia university. he also technology in teaching and the amount of money that school or working in the wasn’t going to be here forev- completed harvard learning and support learning the school will have to give to Washington D.C.-metro area. er when I took the job. you university’s Institute for environments, as well as, dis- students may take a cut as “I’d like to see my grand- have to think about the institu- educational management. tant learning environments.” well. kids a little more often. I used tion as a whole and when it is With degrees from Ivy since the beginning of his “With all of the financial to draw and paint so I’m hop- ready, not just when you’re League colleges, Linksz presidency, Linksz has helped cutbacks, I am worried about ing to get back and practice a ready.” decided to work at community the school to increase its raising money for scholar- Linksz has overseen several colleges in his career. investments in technology by ships which puts more pres- ▷ continued on page 2 alsO inside neWs neWs entertainment spOrTs penn state scandal Bennett aniloff Bucks improv Group Mens Basketball billy Kerins finds out what bucks Christopher Wirth profiles Deleted scenes is an award- rocco Disangro previews this students think the scandal that has bennett aniloff, a blind student winning comedy troupe that season of men’s basketball. rocked state College. with a unique story. has performe on campus. ▷3 ▷7 manuel rodriguez finds why ▷13 ▷20 they’re a hit. Bucks-news.com [email protected] | Our pictures: flickr.com/buckscenturion Weather on back page 2 neWs Bucks-news.com The week of November 18, 2011 linksz announces retirement ▷ continued from page 1 Dominick expressed his “deep regret” at Linksz’s decision, little more. I’d like to be able reflecting on the contributions to find time to work out in the the president has made to the middle of the day,” he said. “It college and community during will also give me a chance to his career at the school. volunteer, join a university Dominick was part of the faculty part-time, or be an committee that hired Linksz in interim president for a univer- 1992. sity.” the chairman said the board bucks will have a large gap will work with a national to fill when Linksz departs. search company to find poten- this could mean changes. tial candidates. “We need to keep growing “the selection of the new in the way we serve our stu- president will ultimately be dents and as an institution,” he made by the trustees and the explained. “We have to be search will include both the adept and agile in using tech- campus community and the nology to facilitate the learn- community at large,” ing process.” Dominick said. board Chairman J. Peter students and faculty react to president’s pending retirement By: cenTuriOn sTaFF lot of ways.” professor of art at Catonsville things for the college and the 22-year-old journalism major. Centurion Staff Cipriano and Linksz have Community College, now community that it’s going to be “It makes me wonder if the Dr. James J. Linksz, the col- worked together on com- known as the Community tough to raise that bar.” next person to fill his role will lege’s president, announced mencement planning, commit- College of baltimore County, assistant academic Dean of bring bucks in the right direc- last week that he will be step- tee work, policy procedures, would draw out ideas and blue- the Department of the arts at tion as Linksz did during his ping down and retire after 19 and helping student leaders prints to better visualize their bucks, John matthews, said he time here.” years of service. his col- who wanted to meet with concepts. is confident that the school’s Lewandowski said she leagues and students from Linksz. “I would say that in a lot of board of trustees will select thought the president has done bucks said that Linksz’s inge- “I’ve also worked with him the renovations of the facilities an apt leader to replace Linksz. a good job during his time at nuity and dedication will be on planning for facilities,” he adds his own flavor to it,” “his encouragement of the the college. sorely missed. Cipriano said. “[Dr. Linksz] is Cipriano said. arts has given me enthusiasm Dan shields wasn’t aware of Director of student Life very open-minded and cre- as for Linksz’s replacement, to lead the department in inno- the pending retirement either. Programs matt Cipriano has ative.” Cipriano said that it will most vative and advanced direc- “I didn’t know that the presi- worked alongside Linksz for Cipriano and Linksz have likely come down to the board tions,” he said. dent is leaving,” the 28-year- the last 10 years. Cipriano said also worked together on gener- of trustees looking for some- matthews said he remem- old engineering major said. “I that it’s going to be a challenge ating ideas for renovations at one who possesses what they bered working with him on the can imagine the school will to find someone as good as the upper bucks and Lower want in a Ceo. renovation of the artmobile, undergo some new changes. a Linksz. bucks campuses over the “you always want to take the bucks’ traveling museum. position this big usually means “It has been great to work years. qualities of what a person had students were surprised to big changes as well.” with him,” Cipriano said. “I’ve “We try to get as creative as and raise that bar further,” hear of Linksz’s upcoming always felt that he gave the possible and bounce ideas off Cipriano said. “Linksz has departure. college staff as a whole, the each other,” Cipriano said. worked here for such a long “I didn’t know he is retiring,” flexibility to work together in a Linksz, who has served as a time and has done so many said alejandra Lewandowski, a editor-in-chief To receive the centurion’s email edition: send letters to: Dan Perez register at www.bucks-news.com and a .PDF version the Centurion Michael T.
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