• ,, • rfr' l • Arl~ ... .... ....... ' f ,_~7( 75~ R55'2- v. 2Z • Y)O.?. I I c . '2,.. I .. tum t I •• I I " I VOLUME 88 , NO. 21 WASHINGTON ANO LEE UNIVERSITY LEXINGTON. VIRGINIA APRIL 20, 1989 I I '' I '' I I Search continues I I " I Uy Elizabeth Parkins Alpha fraternity. The police investigator I Tri-Ed it or I concluded Lhat a car had been I Lexington police are still trnvel ing west on Washington I " Street when it struck Scarborough ' ' searching for lhe hit-and-run dri ver I who killed W&L freshman Mary from Lhe rear. 11lc car then I ,. Ashley Scarborough last month, swerved into the east-bound lane Police Chief Bruce Beard said and up a small hill. Polke were investigators have completed a unable to get tire marks from the check on all blue cars registered grassy hill , Beard said. I at nearby colleges. He said In another development, Beard I Virginia Tech was the last to be said invcsligatoo found the blue I •' checked . He said they looked at '87 Accord had been assembled in I a Merrysv ille, Ohio, plant. I .. almost 100 blue cars. Beard said investigators have not entirely According to Don Cobble, the I ,. ruled out area schools aod sa les manager at the Honda I dealership in Staunton, American •' continue to follow up on leads. I Honda Corporation has only one I He said the investigators are •• now using a printout of all assembly plant in the United I States. Cobble said American I ·' Hondas reg istered in a five county I .. area supplied by the Virginia Honda keeps computerized I Division of Motor Vehicles. infonnation of all shipments of its I • Rockbridge, Augusta, Botetourt, cars throughout the U.S. He added that they also keep records I •• Rockingham and Roanoke I Counties arc included, Beard said. of car sales for wammty purposes. I The Virginia State Police Cobble could not estimate how invesligalOI', called in to help the many '87 Hondas were sold in the lexington Police investigation, has U.S., but said that his dealership finished a repon that reconstrurted dealt with roughly 200 cars. the hit and run. Beard said the Beard asks that anyone wilh investigators are 100 percent any type of infonnation should I positive Scarborough was crossing contact lhe police department at I Washington Sueet toward Kappa 463-2 112. I I I Four fraternities named for the I renaissance renovation program I • the performing ans continues as scheduled. The center's I Dirt Is being stirred up while machines are working on • West Nelson Street. Construction on the Lenfest Center for projected opening time Is September 1990. I By Heidi Read any major changes since they I Tri-Editor were built in the 1920's and 30's. I Alk..ins said the renovation pro­ I Four frat.emities have been ac­ jects will not begin until about I New performing arts center builds on cepted into the Fraternity Renais­ March or April of next year and it I sance renovation program , accord­ is not known how many houses I Jo' rom Staff Reports program for the university and the dance troupes, and traveling have "named a seat" for their ing to Dean of StudeniS Leroy C. will be renovated at one time. community. Approximat.ely $11.2 theaLie companies of national rank. children. " Buddy" Atkins. The restorations are part of a Construction on W&L's new million or the $11 .8 million goal The new center will provide the A commiuee is planning a gala Atkins said the Fraternity Ren­ S10 million program to renovat.e home for the performing arts, the has been met thus far. As university, and the entire weekend celebration in January ovation Steering Committee, made W&L's 17 fraternity houses. Lcnfcst Center, is continuing on university officiaJs near the Lexington and Rockbridge County 1991, after the cenler opens the up of students and alumni, ~ The goal of the program is to schedule, with the cornplelion date completion of their campaign, they community, with an outstanding preceding fa11 . Included in the pted applications from Sigma Al­ set uniform standards in all the set for September 1990. arc asking alumni and friends of facility that will enrich the cultural plans are a dinner recogniz.ing all pha Epsilon, Pi Kappa Alpha. Be­ local chapterS and strengthen the Construction of the $9.8 million W&L, as well as local patrons or life of lhe whole area. donors and a series of eveniJ la Theta Pi aOO Sigma Nu. He fraternity system overall. The stan­ prOJCC I begat\ last summer after the nrts, to help bridge the final AIOOrt C. Gordon, head of the fea turing W&L groups and guC:st said the estimated cost of renova­ dards are mandatory and n<i op­ the university received a major gap. W&L fine arts department, says artists. tion to those houses would be tional guidelines. AJI fraternities \ gi ft of S3 million from Marguerite Wilh a gift of $2,500, a donor the Lenfest Center will a great Frank Parsons, director of $700,000 for SAE, $673,000 fO< must comply with the slandards to and H.F. (Gerry) Lenfest of can bestow his or her name and asset to the community. " The capi tal projeciS at the university , Pika, $759,000 for Beta and be eligible to participate in the I Huntingdon Valley, Pa. Lenfest is timmcial support, or use the building is going to be available says consuuction or lhe Lenfest $409,000 for Sigma Nu. The cost Fraternity Renaissance Program. I a 1954 W&l graduate. opportun ity to honor someone for community use, especiaJiy by Cenler is going well. "We are of a new house would be about Under the program approved I As work at the site progresses, else, as we ll as suppon the FAIR (Fine Arts in Rockbridge), now in the process of bringing Sl million. by the board of trustees last Octo­ I the university is offering area construction and endowment of the The Rockbridge Coocert-Thealre utility lines toward the site, down Atkins said no other fraternities ber, the university will advance I residents and fine arts paLrOns the facility . Every name seat will be Seri es, and other local groups," Washington Street between the except Phi Kappa Sigma had sub­ financ ing for the renovation of the I opJX)rtuni ty to JOin in the identilicd with a plaque, mounted says Gordon. Warner Center and Gaines Hall," mi tted applications to be consid­ 17 fraterni ty houses, absorb cur­ I celebration of its commitment to on its back, bearing :he name of " A number of local residents Parsons said. ered for Lhe renovation program . rent mortgage balances and man­ I • the arts by "naming a scat" in the donor or someone whom the have expressed their desire to ''This summer," he added, He said their application had not age the renovations in return for I the main the.aLie of the new donor wishes to honor. comribute to the Lenfest Center. "the lines will have to cross yet been considered by the com­ the ti tle of the fraternity house. I center. The main lheatre will seat The new Lenfest Cent.er will 'Naming a seat' in the theatre Rout.e 60 (Nelson Street). We are mittee. Fraternities are not required tO I 425. allow the university to realize ilS provides the opportunity for local doing everything we can to Aikins said all the fralemity panicipate in the renaissance fi . I ' In addition to Lhe $9.89 million full pot.enlial in teaching and people to contribute to the prepare for the phase of renovation projects are ''pretty nancing program, but they must I . construction expenses, the W&L producing the performing arts. building and be recognized for construction, creating as littJe major and won't be easy jobs. still comply with lhe Wliversity's I ' Board of Trustees is seeking to The va ri ety of VIS!llng their suppon,'' Gordon said. He inconvenience as we can in the [For example,] SAE has some "Standards for Fraternities," I create a S2 million endowment to performances will be expanded to also added that a number or shortest amount of lime as structural problems.'' None of the which also call for some physical I ensure the highest quality arts include fu ll symphonies, large parents of current W&l students possible." fraternity houses have undergone renovation of the fraternity houses. I I Mercer has petty sentence though Mercer said he was guilty By James Lake of grand larceny when he frrst ap­ I' Starr Reporter I peared in court Oct. 19. Winter term GPAs released I Ronn William Mercer, lhe (During that brief appearance, I Washington and Lee alumnus who Honts asked Mercer, " How do I last October admiued he stole you pleud?'' Mercer said his plea I $10,000 worth of artifacts from w~ guilty. And, when Honts MEN'S FRATERNITIES I the university's Reeves Center, has asked Mercer if he was entering a I been given a six-month suspended guilty plea because he was in fact I jail sentence and six months of guilty, Mercer answered, "Yes, Social OrBanization Grade Poim I probation. your honor.'' Women top men I Mercer, a 1988 graduate of But Mercer's attorney, Marshall Lambda Chi Alpha 2.912 W&L from Charlotle, N.C., ap­ Mundy of Roanoke, then asked Independent Men 2.884 peared before Judge George E. Hoots to accept the plea under academically last term Kappa Alpha 2.812 ' HoniS Ill in Rockbridge County advisement until a pre-sentence re­ Sigma Nu 2.789 pon could be completed.
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